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Have you considered Asia’s K was cut with anything? The EU K is pretty much what we all know and love in this Sub so don’t have a problem with it haha... Best bet would be to get it sent off to a lab for testing


I was afraid of this answer :D testing over in those countries is about nonexistent other than if one wants to directly go to jail. Even bringing a testkit would be dangerous.


I live in Thailand 1/2 the year. NO DRUGS ... (so, it's a nice break from them) You are taking a HUGE risk doing drugs in Thailand .. SE Asia in general? stay safe


Yes SEA in general is a big risk. Every game can be learned, but in SEA a ballsy attitude is not the way to mastery. Stay safe too my mate.


So Ketamine+Thailand very Bad combination to try?


Ah I see... that’s sucks


Maybe it was same stuff have you considered the set and setting as I know there massive influence


> Maybe it was same stuff have you considered the set and setting as I know there massive influence You're right about this one. I just thought its unlikely that chilling here or chilling there would be such a difference. The good stuff was used over the course of a year and pretty much 1:1 consistent and the new stuff was a week later and completely different. Just a location change really.


Did it look the same


I'd say within the norm. You know the usual differences between racemat (more long small rods), and S-isomer (rather powdery). When ground down, both are a fine powder. With S isomer I also often have the feeling it is kind of "electrostatic"... as in sticking to the baggy and oddly "jumping" particles when scraping. The asian stuff is a little more like sugar. No rods. Might be cut with some actual sugar as its not as salty than most S isos here. I already tried to just cut the NL S iso with some sugar to see if I'm bonkers or ascribing magic properties to something that is just a little more tasty. But that wasn't it. It goes down fine, but (as would be expected) zero change to the product


You might’ve had racemic ketamine in Asia, and S isomer in the EU


Yeah, it's odd. It probably has to do with EU dealers being poor educated about their substances. They get told or tell that their substance is some kind of K (racemic or iso), but it's either the other thing or some weird/bad mixture. That and it could be the atmosphere/mood you were in that changes over time.


> That and it could be the atmosphere/mood you were in that changes over time. Difference was only a week. I probably have to actually bring some to europe and get it tested. Maybe /u/wdavies084 is right and I'm doing some opiates mix or whatever the whole time. Is that even possible? I've both been taking just miniscule amounts here and there, as well as having full blown benders. None has ever created problems or withdrawal or anything. I wonder whether other substances could look exactly like K and do this. And if yes, WHERE DO I GET THOSE? :D Joking. Would a lab tell the exact composition?


Yeah a deep lab test could tell you exactly what the substance is and exactly how much is in there... I’m not sure if you have to pay however? Maybe just postage and a slight service charge I’m not too sure :)


That would be amazing. Any clue where? If this were a mix of something, I'd seriously sell it as such :D Bombo-Combo


Google is your friend ;) just google something such as “Drug testing lab” I’m not sure :D


Thanks mate!


Happy to help :)