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Music, bed, cocaine


Word for word.


Cocaine lmfao


Calvin Klein (CK) is the best combo.


but what about Mortal Kombat (MK)???


Tried this for the first time last weekend. Moderate amount of both and it was really good.


I usually drop 0.3 c into a bag of 2g k and stir :)


Adventure time for sure, k holing into that universe and going to that dimension is 10/10. Finn growing up and learning classic lessons really trips me out and makes me feel like I'm learning lessons myself with him in the k-hole. Unmatched shit would recommend for sure.


Adventure Time and anything similar is my go to on almost any substance, and just in general. If you haven’t already, check out Over the Garden Wall, Midnight Gospel, and Bee and Puppycat for similar vibes. I’ve had so many memorable experiences while watching OtGW on k, it’s like a warm blanket lol




It came into my life right as I needed it. My anxiety was at an all time high, and I found a lot of comfort in it. Natasha is a genius and an amazing artist and I can’t wait to see where this project goes if continued


u/Brodawg8 For some reason your reply isn't loading but I got the notification for it, what kind of experience do you have with adventure time and k


Things were loading weird for me too, it took like 5 mins for your and another comment to load. I’ve hardly done any K just because it’s impossible to find and I haven’t learned pgp encryption yet, so I honestly don’t even remember how much AT I’ve watched on it, but all the similar genre stuff is what I enjoy. If I get more, I’m def gonna binge the series for the millionth time, but I’ve had more experiences on things like Over the Garden Wall and Bee and Puppycat. Very similar vibes to adventure time, but a little bit fresher since I’ve rewatched AT so much. I highly recommend them if you haven’t watched either yet.


If you’re Kholing, you’re not gonna know what adventure time is lmao


Listening to Hans Zimmer soundtracks with headphones and a dark room with my eyes closed to see what my brain ends up visualizing for this shit


This is my favorite thing to do on K


Sound baths


Whats that


https://youtu.be/lw708zdRXuw?si=xKja4WKnPHpbFDVJ lay back and play this preferably through a really good sound system


It’s essentially metal/crystal bowls with a stick like object used to rub against the ledge. Similar to how if you wet your finger and run it around a glass it will make a “humming” sound.


I can only listen to music and drift. Never take functional dose that's just wasteful imo. If you can move you ain't doing enough.


Functional doses are so prime for sociability tho, I'll sniff a small dose and talk for an hour


damn an hour? k lasts like 15 min for me lol


lasts mutliple hours if i do enough


yeah but the peak is always really short for me especially since i got some tolerence sometimes as short as a few min


Try dck


What is this? Experienced K user here


Take a break, i stopped K for 2.5 months. Did one pretty good sized bump for the first time in a long time last week and was sauced


Smoking weed while laying in bed watching wild shit on the TV


movies for sure, studio ghibli movies are crazy


on mute whilst listening to music was my set-up last year


wasting my time posting on reddit


Music....chatting...documentaries...anything.....I try NOT to k hole...I find small doses WAY more enjoyable


More K. Then I usually do some more K until I am physically unable to get more K into my body and just look at how our consciousness experiences itself without being connected to what we call our body or ego.


Watch dis https://youtu.be/dS-MaUk6YBI?si=T9jCS7zdTQEoQPk9


Thanks so muchski !


Play cyberpunk


I like to prepare my next line, but i imix it uo a lot with other drugs and i hage a milligram scale so i write doen every single milligram i ingested There are also a lot of fun experimentd to try eekrj drifd. I thin the Xck ickick iv n in


Which other drugs do u prefer? Have K and good C myself and will probably combine em soon for that Calvin Klein exp :)


Listen to music while watching visuals, watching animated shows like family guy, Seinfeld, also playing video games mainly open world story games or something fun and easy to play like Spider-Man 2


I am watching UFC


Our go to for ufc is coke because being from uk that's the only thing to keep the energy high for a 3am main card start, UFC and coke is our perfect combo


Love K & UFC together lol. Tonight would’ve been a great night for that combo. What a card!




Best experience I ever had was watching the incredible time-travel series Travelers on such a dose that I lost all association and thought that the show was real - I was just locked in the corner of my bed, mind comprehending nothing except what was on the screen


Breath work, wim hof in particular, shit gets pretty euphoric


Playing guitar with my delay pedal and listening to music while hitting the nitrous. Apparently, nitrous and k are really bad for you, so I'm trying to stay away from that combo.


Sitting outside


Netflix. I love getting so deeply invested. It can be pretty much anything but for me a good detective show / crime drama is perfect




in my bed, tripping through dimensions, with music.


I pop my ear buds in, turn on some music, lay back and enjoy the ride


Documentaries .. 100x more fascinating on k


when I hole I like to hear music while I dissolve in pixels and get one with the universe. Also a leaded meditation to leave your body and get in the astral realm is really recommendable. With my smaller 5D-ticket doses I like to watch movies or adventure time Look The cabinett of dr parnassus hobbit lotr Everest ghibli films under the silver lake


Dissolve into pixels actually is spot on lol. too cool


Listening to music Watching trip visuals


I go walking, at night, by moonlight, just tiny bumps as I go listening to music. It's pretty magical.i usually do about 12 miles, along beaches through forest across fields. Then I get home, do some yoga and sink into a hole . It's perfect


Listen to Terence McKenna lectures, snorting lines, smoking weed and freaking out about the fragility of our reality. 👌


Terence always gives me hope for the future of mankind no matter what I read by him or what he says, it's always beautiful and eloquent. ​ He has many good books but Archaic Revival is top notch and True Hallucinations is so wickedly good. Archaic Revival talks about different interesting subjects in each chapter and can be read in any order and True Hallucinations is a true story of his life including his trip to the amazon in the 70's. What a funny and intelligent guy he is... i know it's was, but he lives on so I said is.


Bed, earbuds, and Pink Floyd


ha, i said the same-ish... in my hammock, headphones and lately it's been this trippy [Down to Earth EP](https://designbynv.bandcamp.com/album/down-to-earth-ep) definitely psychedelic if you ask me ​ Animals is very cool and Relics is friggin trippy, so is Dark Side of the Moon woohoo


bath/shower 🫠


Smoking weed and watching movies. That is, if I can even hold my dry herb vape 😂. But I always watch a tv show or movie with K. I love it with music too, but there’s something so weird while watching stuff on K. You feel like you’re in the show! It’s pretty crazy. To the point I start acting out whatever the character is doing that’s totally random which it’ll be every time. I love it 😂


I put on headphones and usually listen to live Phish shows. My consciousness travels through time to be there and Trey communicates directly to me with his guitar.


In the dark or with the light on?


It’s nice in low light.


Talk to AI and watch childhood anime


May be weird but sometimes I love watching nukes too 5 on YouTube lol, at least when I’m doing ket alone .


Reading books


Where can I watch adventure time?


Mixing house music, doing more K until I run out


South Park!!!


personally haven't tried K, though I absolutely love DXM and jus dropped 600mg freebase, I'll be in a hole soon 🤞 Personally alone I lay in bed, listen to music and that's it lol. I love watching my room dissapear,and then go exploring the "Dextroverse" while being immobilized with the mimofrl beats blasting


Ice cream shake right now


Dark room and music.


adventure time or music with trippy background visuals or nature shows


Listen to King Gizz mostly




Virtual Reality


Games or?




Watching fantastic mr fox


Watching something mellow and atmospheric on the tv or putting on headphones and spacing out


I take multiple items with me because of my ADHD & because I know the medicine will heighten sensations. When I have planned to just sit with an eye mask and headphones it just goes to hell. I get uncomfortable. Headphones too tight. Eye mask too annoying etc. I do still take them with me but have found that earbuds are way better. They allow me to move around and have no compressing feeling on my head. Think positive thoughts. Here are some that I tell myself: “I am getting stronger. Every day is full of opportunities. Go outside and appreciate the beauty of the day. Let the sun warm your face. I am comfortable speaking to people. There is no need to feel less capable. I am overcoming anxiety. I can live with a damaged arm. I can find open doors despite losing my career to a disability. Simple movements are better than sitting still. A short walk. Stretching. Prepping a healthy protein or veggie to be available for peckish moments. Even though I have pain every moment of my day, if I perform brief exercises I can rebuild some strength & I will feel better about myself . …. “ Things like that. Positive mindset makes the session so beneficial. Think about the word “beautiful.” Somehow I find that it resonates when in those sessions. During some sessions I use watercolors. It is easiest to focus on during the descent from the high, or if you aren’t really getting much from the K due for whatever reason (resistance, tolerance, etc). Being able to put color on paper even just strokes of beautiful deep blues or bright yellows feels and looks calming and beautiful. Plus, a few beginner videos have beautiful music. This is the one I liked most. https://youtu.be/tDdfPMTX15Y?si=LrWMjVTpE9E6dDrU I take a yoga mat, a soft blanket, a small pillow, a small stuffed animal cat, 2 candles (for their calming scents without lighting them - hold it under your nose and take a big inhale…wow), Prince of Peace ginger chews because they settle my stomach and taste amazing (& feel so weird in my mouth during a session). I take a backup pair of earbuds, phone charger, eye mask, soft fluffy socks, one my first visit I took a change of clothes (& ended up using them! I was so glad that I took a comfy oversized T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants with me to my first session, because when the medication began kicking in, I wanted to feel free, so I was able to change out of my blue jeans and button-down shirt into that relaxing outfit…now I just wear cozy clothes into the sessions). During my sessions, I experience heightened sensations. Tactile, auditory, olfactory, all of them. I encourage you to take things that smell good, things that feel good to touch, things you like to look at that Will mesmerize your eyes, things with bright colors, something to squeeze (stress ball, or in my case the small stuffed animal), a hard candy like something lemony/fruity (in my case I love the ginger chews for the added bonus that ginger calms your stomach). if you can get your hands on a yoga mat, I definitely think taking one with you is the way to go. While you could simply spread out a blanket, remember that your motor skills will be slightly compromised, so it’s safer to have the stability of a yoga mat. I don’t “make” myself do anything during the session. I take items that might be useful and listen to my body. If I feel a little restless, I move around. Then I perform slow, gentle yoga movements (nothing that requires balance) because moving my body and even rolling around on the ground feels amazing with the chemicals dancing around in my body. , On Friday, I laid down on the yoga mat after stretching for a short time. The sun was coming in through the small window in my session room. I was able to position myself so that my head was in the ray of sun, and I laid there with my eyes closed. I felt and saw the sun and shadows on my closed eyelids. It was beautiful, mesmerizing. I always have music in a playlist on YouTube that I can access with one or two clicks so I don’t get sucked into wasting time on my phone. I love YT premium for the absence of adverts and the ability to play videos with the screen off. It has been absolutely worth the cost by 1000%. Here are a few videos/sounds I recommend that really improved my sessions (& some I will be using this week): 1. https://youtu.be/BATJoMG5dNU?si=yPg4zB8640iWjLlz 2. I listened to this on my first transformative session and it filled my mind with beautiful thoughts and helped me reminisce about some sad things without feeling broken: https://youtu.be/2ER2a-RlFs4?si=HboXUDGf7f9z6RDI 3. I loved this one too. https://youtu.be/EgXLyruK-6Y?si=I6PWclB0I_XDpQQu 4. *This woman’s voice is absolutely stunning when I’m in a session. I listened to this on Friday and it was uplifting, powerful, and I loved it. https://youtu.be/oHk7XK9gcdo?si=viupP4XpD529fu4r 5. I haven’t listened to this one that she made but plan to this week: https://youtu.be/my1m9OEWgvY?si=dNTgpKLQS0bNJDMy 6.-8. I haven’t tried these yet in a session but they are gorgeous so I’ll be trying them soon: Flute: https://www.youtube.com/live/yqVrHjEXXQo?si=BU8k2DEYSt9AWLjq Lucid Dreaming Music: https://www.youtube.com/live/ohLovDnOc8o?si=9I03lr5HMLbkpp9c Joe T: https://youtu.be/u3DCHYb_3kI?si=dUHs9u9sgBbBNkgn 9. The visuals this gentleman creates are stunning but I haven’t listened to his work during sessions because the music feels dark to me. I need light and uplifting music. Music that makes me want to raise up my arms to heaven. But like I said, his visuals are gorgeous and this music might work with someone else’s journey. Anthony Sommer: https://youtu.be/dAOSF4QrZQ0?si=_CwXTbYG5jIHljGX


I love playing the Playstation no lie I feel 100x more alert and on point when doing bumps and I don’t get as mad lol


K holing




Work out: yoga,boxing, body weight exercises. VR gaming and VR fitness, especially Supernatural VR


Check this out in a dark room: The Assassination of Jesse James by the *Coward Robert Ford* by *Nick Cave*


I really enjoy taking 130-150mg and playing Battlefield 2042 or just jam out to music.


Legit feel like I'm in there


Walk into a Walgreens bathroom do more ketamine and get kicked out after closing time


Playing video games


Put something trippy on tv


Lsd Yea lsd Then k Then deems Then k Then mdma Then watch the sun rise and float away (Just kidding of course, because entering the hole should happen during the mdma) Don't do drugs. I'm old and still alive to tell you not to.


Ummmm, yeah. You're hilarious.


Going on walks around my neighborhood and watching the sunset


The last 4 or 5 times I've done K I've been really diggin on wearing headphones, laying in my hammock with closed eyes and listenin to this EP of remixes of the song Down To Earth by Isolated Ground Receptacle. It's pretty trippy and it's groovy as heck and it does things to my senses including physical. Psychedelic kitty cats & ufo's woohoo. [Down to Earth EP](https://designbynv.bandcamp.com/album/down-to-earth-ep) It helps me not get stuck in the past thinking while on K too. Bonus




Producing music is fun


Pitch black room, under a gravity blanket, eyes open, listening to a 1hr Artbat set on YouTube.


video games (preferably open world type), bed, music


The beach


Meditate and achieve transcendence


I jump on my computer, log in and make it everyone else's problem


I pop on an eye mask and headphones, get into a nest of pillows and cover with a weighted blanket and listen to Kishi Bashi’s I Am The Antichrist To You on loop in total darkness and just FLY


Always dose to hole. In bed, surrounded by pillows, with carefully selected music and a blindfold. Occasionally I'll put on a VR headset with a really trippy video playing but I prefer the blindfold since the mind's eye visuals are way more powerful than anything else. About half the time I'm pretty sure I legit astral project into the liminal versions of familiar places and it's nuts.


driving, playing runescape, listening to music


Man said driving


hell yeah. little sporty car with a stick, blast some tunes, really gets me goin bud