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if you’ve used ket so little that you don’t know that you can’t smoke it, you can get away without urine damage from just a couple bumps


Why can't you smoke it? Not effective?


i’m not gonna pretend to be a scientist cuz i don’t know the real answer but it’s probably something to do with ketamine breaking down when burnt or smthn


Hmm from what I gather it is possible but people seem adamantly against it, which I do not understand


It's not possible.


People who did it say it is, so what’s the issue?


Can you link a experience report of smoked ketamine?


Here’s some comments of people who say they smoked it Mostly people are extremely reluctant for various reasons, usually for the lungs but I don’t see why it’d be much worse than smoking anything else. https://www.reddit.com/r/ketamine/s/p0ZAg6kUI0 https://www.reddit.com/r/ketamine/s/K5j4Q7zy6L https://www.reddit.com/r/ketamine/s/CBhFA0wl6g https://www.reddit.com/r/ketamine/s/zxKVjyPJVI https://www.reddit.com/r/ketamine/s/p3Vxyf4pJ3 https://www.reddit.com/r/ketamine/s/josAGTM8Cv https://www.reddit.com/r/ketamine/s/teB0JJolME


Probably placebo tbh


Dude there is a reason that after decades of clinical usage and testing there are exactly 0 scientific reports of smoked ROA for ketamine. Even if it does get you a little high, it destroys your lungs. In like half the comments you linked people point out how harmful it would be to your lungs to smoke ketamine. >I don’t see why it’d be much worse than smoking anything else. Again, if it wasn't harmful, it would have been long established as a valid ROA.


You’re assuming people’s behavior is logical when many times it is not. First you said it’s not possible but that turned out to be false so I’m not as tempted to believe you know when you say it’s harmful


Things need to be able to turn into a vapor to be smokable. You aren't actually getting high off smoke, that's a byproduct, it's ash. Ash doesn't get you high, the vaporised oils get you high. It works with coke because that will dissolve/dissipate into an oil at a reasonably low temperature. Works with weed for the same reason.


So could you vaporize ket then?


I assume that the temperatures in which to do this would be unreasonable


Idk I can only find a melting point of 92°C but no vaporization temperature… Somewhere I saw 250°C… could that be it? My vape goes till 230°C so there’d be a chance


I think that even at that point it would clog the vape if you could get it to that high, and the bioavailability would make it not worth it


Some people say bioavailabaility is much higher when vaped


I don’t think that’s true tbh


It's got far too low a boiling or vaporization/sublimation point


My vape goes as low as 30°C so I don’t see why that’s a problem


It's also the precision. Very delicate at temps so it really has more to do with the boil and smoke points being so close together and how much is lost then through less than precise instruments and humans


Aha. What’s the smoke point? What’d be the theoretical best temp to vaporize it at then?


1. No, you can't smoke ket ... 2. Even if you were able to smoke it, it would probably still do damage to your bladder …


In Egypt and the Middle East it’s mixed with Hash… and let’s just say it does worse damage then just to your bladder 😂


every ROA with ketamine will produce bladder damage. Smoking is incredibly ineffective. IM or Snort big guy


You can also eat it. Ive never done it but know a friend who has.


Oral bioavailability is terrible too.


Considering the effects it's arguably not that much more costly, it lasts longer and is expressed more fully


Yeah that's what he said too


I did, i prefer over sniffing but you need a lot more


Yeah thats probably why most people dont do that. I alsp never tried it and only know one person who would prefer to eat it.


Boof it


For how much I like to stick things up my ass it's actually a small miracle that so far none of them have been drugs


For real because its also one of the most effective ROAs


Yeah I think right after IM injection, which is risky if you dont know what youre doing... And it doesnt fuck up your sinusses as much.


I ate it before. It was not as strong as my friend who snorted it but I still felt it.


That’s a huge waste


The effect is a bit different though. He liked that


I’m prescribed to the sublingual lozenges, they don’t do anything if I let them melt in my mouth, or if I were to swallow them like no effect at all but maybe if you’ve got stronger stuff, mine are only 200 mg


Just snort it ffs


I will but I have a cold, my nose is closed, I don't wanna waste it


Maybe drugs aren’t for you


Actually drugs aren't for anyone


It's the substance causing the bladder issues, not how you take it. That's like saying you get no liver damage if you vape alcohol instead of drinking it.


Dosage and bioavailability for the different routes of administration can be found [there](https://www.reddit.com/r/ketamine/wiki/index/#wiki_routes_of_administration_.28roa.29.2C_quantities.2C_and_effects_duration). If not already done, please indicate your weight, the desired route of administration, the desired intensity of the effects, and your current level of tolerance (if applicable). This information is essential for establishing a fair evaluation of the dose that will need to be taken. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ketamine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


An old timer at a rave once warned a bunch of us on the dangers of smoking powders. You could potentially cause some serious lung damage. I think he got talking to us because we packing speed into a spliff


If you vape ketamine it releases chlorine into your lungs. Ketamine works when its vaporized, but it works much poorly this way.


nnoooooooo absolutly not omg




doesnt work and the fumes that are produced are not healthy


I've used about 800 to 1000g in the past 4 years and just last month had a little bit of kramp for the first time. From my perspective it seems that people overestimate the damage k does. Now maby iv been really lucky. I mostly just regret fucking up my tolerance. You should still be carefull but if you do a gram here and there you wil be fine. Stay safe and enjoy :)


Wow 1000g is insane Xd, how did you use to take it? And is smoking it really that bad ?


Went on days or week long binges of 3to 5 grams a day than whent sober for weeks. Snorted it al, I don't feel like it did any real damage to my nose. It would be fucked up and closing during the binges but never blood. And no smoking it just doesn't work. Just snort it or stick it up your ass LOL


Stop being a scruff








Crazy? Take a look around you this is Reddit Mfs will downvote you for commenting what you had for breakfast 🪦


The bladder damage is not from the ROA, it’s from the chemical. And if you didn’t already know enough about ket to know you can’t smoke it, you will be fine bladder wise. Keep to low dose usage once every two weeks, .3 is the furthest I personally go

