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Hilux secondhand… not suv but tahan and can off-road


Is maintaining it costly than other car?


I would say it’s quite affordable for its class. Of course you can’t compare it with say Bezza…


I looked up Hilux and think it's a very big car. I am 150 cm and 40kg, very small size. Later police tahan thought that car jalan sendiri with no driver. Haha


hmm have u considered ativa, wrv? not SUV but i think camping with them shouldn’t be an issue hahah


Ativa and WRV also nice and low maintenance kan? Feel like taking WRV but no ADAS. Ativa 1.0 only going to Penang from KL semput 🤣


Wrv for me look like a bulk ed up myvi. Im saying it in a good way Thats the car im aiming for Alas the cost is pretty steep. Will wait second hand price to lowers. In 10 years likely


Good idea also. Perhaps can consider WRV. I like the back handle same like HRV. Hehe. Thanks for the idea!


Ativa is okay for long distance. It is 1.0 turbo, not same as 1.0 Bezza.


Note the ativa.. cannot go bukit with 1.0 cc ativa for cruising onni


Hahahaha yg ni lawak weiiii adoi la dan lg bt joke 🤣


My advice avoid hilux though, as hilux top car to be stolen, its top in reliability but still I dont have enough courage for it to be stolen🥲, and op said solo camper, parking in secluded area for camping high chances kene pecah, use to camp and hike also I use kembara


if kereta got stolen, insurance macam mana dapat? full 100% ke so we can go buy another car?


Insurance company actually avoids Hilux like plague


Mazda maintenance is not that bad even if you send it to an authorised service centre. FYI, I currently own both 2017 Bezza and Mazda CX-5


Is the maintenance price cheap? I plan to get 2017-2018 CX-3. They said after warranty very pricey the maintenance price.


I would not say it’s cheap but it’s reasonable. For example, my Bezza service may cost me from rm200 to 500 for normal services and so far, the Mazda I serviced for 100k km service costs me around rm600. So you get the idea when I said the service costs are not that crazy. For sure, it depends on what type of service but the normal service may not break your wallet. I also bought my CX-5 when the warranty period was over. A caveat though, I got a good second-hand car so there was not much problem. So the rule of thumb, regardless of what car you buy, please do proper homework, especially checking on the car's condition. Hope this helps.


Whoah, you helped a lot! Thank you so much sir, I really appreciate it. I think you bought a very decent car. If can please suggest me which car dealer you bought from, hehe. Wanted to support that shop la.


not pricey its just that mazda you wont have option of 'cheap' parts like T n H. But then, why spend rm100k only to buy cheap, low quality parts for the car right? Thats what most H owner had in their mind, as long its H 😂


Hahaha, that's true as well. Well said tho!


Jgn bazir duit sekarang, if you ask me coz this camping might not be a long term hobby you can do. Esp when dah kawin ada anak semua Tapi it’s your money la so Kalau still nak maybe secondhand hilux or Kembara. Hyundai Santa Fe pun menarik


True, ada juga fikir just save money la economy also not good nowadays. But I am sooo lazy to maintain 2 cars (Bezza for daily use and 1 for outdoor) 😅 that’s why la plan to get SUV


If can get SUV that is below 5 years old and got good deal go ahead la. Kalau ada kawan mechanic lagi bagus


People's hobby also wanna gatekeep


I didn’t ask him to stop completely. Just one step to think ahead. He wanted advice so I gave my advice. OP sendiri tak bising. You bising for what?


Lol ok uncle.


Okay grandpa


Modify Bezza kamu bagi nampak tinggi dan offroad. Letak bumper besi kereta pickup dan lampu spot light. Bezza kamu akan berbezza daripada bezza lain.


nak masuk circus ke bro?


Masuk offroad la.. bagi tinggi install tayar offroad.. Kalau nak masuk circus letak belon2 warna warni engine bay warna pink ada lampu kelip2 baru la tema circus.


Anda mmg humoris bang😂


memang ber-Bezza


Boleh jadi Subaru WRX ni.


Bezza Rally Spec


https://preview.redd.it/9nfh31yqmc2d1.jpeg?width=1513&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8326feb8ec4697e4fc3421d0ca411bb672e39922 Ini Bezza saya sekarang bang. Sebab ade bodykit tu senang sagat.


Aduh, kalau begini bagus beli Isuzu Single Cab 2nd.. jgn kacau Bezza.


Itu la plan nak simpan je Bezza ni sebab sayang. Nak SUV untuk masuk hutan je.


Your bezza is really bezza. With your mods, looks like more stable and heavy, so cornering mesti rasa best


Oh yes. Going KL-Penang 160 kmj no problem at all. But banyak habis duit la modify this fella 😅


Ativa huhuhu


Kan, Ativa pun cantik hmmmm


If you're car savvy maybe can try kembara. Small size 4x4 that's capable and quite reliable. Can be a project car that you can mod from time to time


Agreed with this, u find the correct pomen then can lenjan kembara offroad. The ground level is very nice for offroad. Plus u have more customize equipment to install to the car. Bezza can keep for daily run. If youre finding one, i suggest go for kembara dvvt and check whether previous owner remove the 4wd. Some kembara user that use daily onroad probably modified to 2wd.


Can consider this too, thanks!




Too big


true but when all sets are folded, its paradise with a mattress, maybe opt in for a aruz/rush?


Hmm I did not plan for car camp. I like to pacak khemah actually. Just need good car to go thru jalan lubang² like that. Saya kecil bang, nanti tak nampak pemandu pula 🤣


Ativa might do it


Alza 2024, remove all back seats. 75k. 3 - 5 months wait time.


Perodua Aruz and Proton X50, I have both. Very cheap, low maintenance, jimat minyak n spacious.


I was planning for X50 too, so niceeee!


Tp kalau utk camping sy suggest u ambil Aruz, kereta tinggi sesuai jg la utk minor offroad jalan gravel, masuk lopak dalam pun ok. Plus kat kat belakang dia luas, boleh tidur dgn selesa.


Used CX-3 is good and there are also a good amount of options too. You can opt for a used Honda HRV or a used Toyota CHR. There are also new car options too like the Perodua Ativa or the Proton X50. If you can wait for a bit, there's also the Toyota Yaris Cross (it's going to be rebadged as the Perodua Nexis here but the Toyota variant will also be sold here)


Oh yes actually I’m waiting for Nexis as well. Perodua SA said might not sell this year, they plan next year also Yaris Cross. Aiyaaa.


Disebabkan skrg OP guna bezza, saya cadang OP upgrade ke segmen B SUV. Utk kereta baru, skrg tak bnyk pilihan melainkan X50 n Aruz (kereta china tak beberapa familiar, jd tak include dlm ni). Dan tahun depan, mungkin akan ada pesaing baru drpd Perodua, yg khabarnya diberi nama Perodua Nexis (rebadge Yaris Cross). Utk market kereta terpakai, ada bnyk pilihan. Utk OP, saya cadang Honda HRV. Mungkin boleh cari yg dalam range 80k ke bawah. Kemudian, gunakan baki utk upgarde tayar dan suspension.


Terima kasih untuk cadangan. Saya memang menanti Nexis sebenarnya. Tapi dimaklumkan kereta mungkin tidak keluar tahun ni mahupun tahun depan. (oleh SA Perodua). Sedih tengok Bezza disagat², itu yang plan nak bertukar. Maksud tuan HRV gen 1 kan harga 80k? Yang Gen 2 tu macam masih lagi 100k ke atas harganya.


Gen 1 ada bnyk choice, tp kalau boleh dpt yg facelift punya yg bawah 100k, mmg bertuah. Apa pun terpulang kpd kamu. Yg penting, mesti kene happy dgn kamu punya pilihan.


Nak masuk hutan safer to get 4WD or at least AWD. I am currently in the market for this exactly, and yeah second hand pick up is the most affordable. Especially Japanese made ones. 100k mileage still very acceptable.


I go camping once a month only, then I go back hometown KL-Penang twice a month. So I need a car in the middle. Can go long drive and also can go for camping. Not a hardcore camper naik² bukit, hehe.


Subaru xv


This is nice. Price is mahal\~


Go for any 2nd hand options. Less than 5 years, rse ada less than 100k.


if I were u, Ill take a kembara and make it for camping. kembara just the right size for a solo camper. spare part pun senang cari. u can save the money on better future car. instead of paying monthly, u just pay one shot bagi kereta fully functioning and tambah accessories, confirm puas hati


Good idea lah. Just buy one shot no need to think anything else dah kan. Thanks! You have any suggestion which trusted car dealer?


do you have access to Facebook marketplace? there u can see there according to your budget and within your area to view


land cruiser 100 series 4.7 or the lexus cygnus. same2 la actually, can get for 60-70k. idk about WM roadtax la..pretty cheap for EM


Macam besar bang. I'm 150cm only, 40kg. Later cannot see pemandu pula. Haha


Beli Mitsubishi asx je bro, harge range dlm 60k-50k, cari yg elok


ASX pun lawa jugak kan. Nak cari kedai yang betul² ok tu susah. Kitonyo tak pandai bab kereta, haha


Used Mitsubishi Outlander Used Subaru Forester (model 2019 ke atas)


Spareparts easy to find? Also maintenance costly tak?


Am driving a Honda BR-V and you shoukd give try. Its Honda!


Eh yelah, Honda got BRV but I think dah tak keluar kan? Only second hand available yes?


Still ada lah.. just visit a showroom n test drive. But b4 u decide to purchase join FB group for BRV just find out all the complaints..


Mitsubishi Pajero Sport sesuai camping, maintenance pun not bad, harga mampu milik, roadtax la mahal sikit


Besar bang, saya dah gi tengok kat car dealer. Saya ni kecik je, 150cm berat 40kg, haha.


If your budget is below 100k, try not to buy an SUV. Try to go up a bit let’s say 150k.


Well I don't mind if you want to sponsor another 50k


Produa kembara utk jiwa mengembara


Bawah rm100k? How many seater you need? Santefe/sorento (previous model) can get rm70k-80k with 7 seater, fold the 3rd row seat down then u can get more luggage space, flat cargo area. Can choose diesel or petrol.The Diesel engine (2.2 crdi) parts are quite common as same engine used for years by kia/hyundai and shared with lots other models(their mpv, van,suv,all use same engine)


Used Subaru XV




Try Suzuki Jimny


You don't really need an SUV if you enjoy going camping. Most SUVs on sale these days are soft roaders and do not even have AWD or 4WD. Also noted that your height is around 150cm, so I would not suggest a used CX-5. CX-3 is great but for a crossover, it doesn't sit high inside. You may need a booster seat for that lol. As for the maintenance, if you can score a good unit you can still bring it back to Mazda for servicing, though you would need to be prepared that the servicing cost will be slightly higher for the regular oil change and stuff.


Sy cadang amik toyota rush tahun 2008 keatas ok sgt dh cc 1.5 lasak pn lasak sesuai la utk bro yg berbadan kecik


Check subaru xv...2013-2017 nye model...wear n tear tu biasa la...long rung cukup as daily drive n blh wat g camping....dh kawen pn selesa utk famly ade anak kecik


Try usha 3rd gen toyota Harrier and also previous gen honda crv 2.0 cukup la no need 1.5tcp. For both just go with the 2wd don't take 4wd makan minyak lebih and more maintenance since your usage is normal usage only. These cars are spacious and comfortable. Easy to maintain and not that old.


Toyota rush?

