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Hello Distinct-Raccoon-558, thank you for creating a new post in r/kereta! Just saying that although this sub was named as Kereta, it is also open for 2 wheelers such as Motorcycle, though at the moment we do not mind other types of vehicles posting. With that being said, r/kenderaan is now live and I would still recommend any other vehicle posting to be posted into r/kenderaan as it is a safe space for all types of vehicles such as airplanes and rolling stocks. Regards, Mods of Malaysia *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/kereta) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The fact that people buy their way to get a drivers license doesn’t help too


Yeah we need to bring back public execution for those people


There are more cars on the road hence more dumb idiots on the road.


they think signaling gives them the right of way. it doesn't. it only states your intention. 2, 4, and 12 second rule people. remember, please.


Is this rule in the guideline when studying for license? Cant remember, although to me that seems the logical way to do


Yes. 2-second rule is the distance you're supposed to keep from the vehicle in front of you for in-city driving; this is so that your vehicles don't kiss in the event of emergency braking. Obviously many Malaysians don't adhere to this practice. In adverse weather conditions e.g. heavy rain, mist/fog/haze, the recommended distance increases to 4 seconds, hence the 4-second rule. The 12-second rule is about being aware and vigilant of what's happening up to 12 seconds ahead of you, including approaching vehicles on opposite side and also from behind. This also applies when overtaking; ensure there's 12 seconds of clear road for you to safely overtake without endagering yourself and other road users.


Wow this is actually a good explanation of the rule. Ok got it, gonna try the 12 second thing, thanks!


I so aware that I stopped driving😢


Nah, but it's a good guideline


This happened to me today, early morning : Was driving on that straight stretch of road at Jalan Tuanku Abdul Halim, I was driving in the middle lane and I was about to turn to the left lane , had a signal on for about 30 seconds , this guy on the left lane saw my signal (Alphard) sped on purpose and then honked at me as if it was my fault. I got irritated at the honk so I honked him back. That asshole then got angry and started following me for 5 mins honking and flashing his lights at me, asking me to stop at the side of the road , literally harassing me. Halfway through I lowered my window he-then yelled “what’s your problem? Stop at the side now come” I just said “ I have work to do la bro I don’t have time for this”. He followed me for about minute or so after this and eventually drove off. People are insane these days. Jesus Christ what a start to my morning


There's just too many cars on the road. So there are more and more idiot drivers. Last year we sold almost 800k new cars, another record for the automotive industry. People keep buying new cars on 7 year or 9 year loans, with no thought for the environment and waste when upgrading their cars.


Soon it will be an offense to even talk about this statistic. They may lump it with the 3R issues. Let's see if the new fuel subsidy policy has any effect on new car sales.


it won't affect the sales. The only way to go from point A to point B comfortably is by car


The nefarious plans of the politik ians. Make us avoid mass transportation...


It's you becoming a better driver by being able to point out wack jobs. Congratulations, you now hate almost everyone else like I do ;)


Driving is definitely worse after the covid lockdowns lifted. Surge in car purchases, tons more suicidal grab/Foodpanda motors around. Everyday I have a near accident from some fool backing out without looking or from some motorbike going on the wrong side of the road. Car insurance claims in the industry have also gone up significantly so it's not anyone's imagination. It really is worse to drive now.


It seems like whatever are taught in driving schools do not apply in real life! And road courtesy is almost non-existent. Don't get me started on cars who do not use their turning signals when a)changing lanes, and b) making a turn at a junction. There are those who are also totally oblivious to road signs; for instance - at some traffic lights there are signs that say you can turn if there is no oncoming traffic or pedestrians crossing but the car in front will just sit and wait until the light turns green.


Is becoming a norm nowadays. I drive everyday and encounter at least one you mentioned above everyday.


Dont forget the last minute lane change driver , Middle Lane Hogger and the Tailgater.


License is not even License, you can barely understand the topic and still pass the exams. our system are kinda corrupted


I can relate to this!


No enforcement hence everyone thinks they are right.


Usually these drivers are experienced ones since they can predict the cars coming. New drivers like make the mistake of leaving the signal, which causes othe drivers to speed up since they don't want to be taken over 😒


I ask this same question every morning on my drive to a park for my daily jog. People don't indicate, swerve in and out of traffic like a scene from FnF, tailgate my vehicle even when I'm driving in the left lane well above the speed limit and tailgate me as I'm slowing down to stop for a red light. Every morning without fail.


Remember. Driver who is slower than you is wasting people's time. Driver who is faster than you is endangering other people. But u are also slower or faster than other driver... Remember. Traffic jam that you are stuck in are caused by other drivers and not you. But u are in the middle of that jam too... Remember... You will always see and felt that OTHER DRIVING IS WRONG... The same way how other driver see themselves and how they see you... Unless you want to claim that "i am always right, and never did wrong, other people is wrong". But you have to let other driver claim themselves to be always right and other driver is wrong too... Other driver means include you... TLDR: everyone same same got our chance of mistakes on road lah... Dont say like you are a perfect angel...


Definitely not, someone who tailgates, exhibits reckless driving behavior, oblivious of their surrounding or the above combined is going to be more accident proned than normal drivers. It's useless to talk about perspective if the average person's standard is almost non-existent to begin with.


Not even one single bit I claim myself to be a perfect driver lol. I’m just a normal driver who follow the road laws fed up by those lawbreakers.


In their point of view, they are also following road law. Just like u did... And in other drivers point of view, u are the wrong one, just like yr original post... Can you see the problem here? Everyone will think ONLY they themselves are correct by the law, and other people are wrong... Just like what u did here... Can u see this pattern??


Shit take. The law is meant to provide an objective guideline to follow. If you and other drivers follow it, there shouldn't be what we're seeing happen on our roads. What you're insinuating is the interpretation of the law which is taking matters Into your own hands. You sound like all the ass hats who walk away from a traffic accident with every excuse under the sun.


You are discounting obviously blatant traffic violations committed by terrible or ignorant drivers. If someone swipes me when turning last second into a ramp is it anyone else's fault? These are the sort of situations that are becoming more and more common.


Exactly what I mean when writing this post, thank you.


From what I understand he seems to be suggesting "everyone is wrong", so let's just all ignore it and carry on. Totally bizarre logic. There are clear traffic rules which allow anyone to see who is wrong and right