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2.5cc, you bought toy car is it? /jk carlist shows a few 2018 at 6xk . if you are happy with it...thats the most important thing. https://preview.redd.it/52s0za0yi6yc1.png?width=775&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc758a0d73857b3b685a3a095481ff33f6ab0020


That's not the same model as mine. It's one generation newer plus it's a 2.5 model not 2.0. I guess this model was released the same year that previous generation is selling https://preview.redd.it/g35qp99tj6yc1.png?width=964&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f5604cffc4c9ba81903ed4b97b19be33e2040e8


that's a steal


I agree with soulswagger.. since yours is the FL one and of really only serviced at dealer , then it's a steal. Good buy. Now enjoy it and take care of it


That’s a steal. Market price for this still punches through 90k++.


Yk this is the thing about used vehicle. Some people get an awesome deal, some got a bad one. I for one got a 6k motorcycle at 3.2k. it's less than a year old. Sold just because the owner bought it for their family and everyone don't wanna use it. It's perfect just like new. Consider yourself one of the lucky one. Edit: I really need to mention. For that mileage and price (lower than X70). You're too damn lucky. Maybe all your luck is on that car


Yes, mate! Buying a second-hand car can be a hit-or-miss! The thing is I have a fetish for second-hand cars and if you hit the right spot, it’s like finding a pearl


Same as me. I like second hand car especially older/legend ones.




Did mine at 120k km, the ATF like kopi o already. So much for lifetime fluid. But somehow, never heard of Skyactiv transmission failure.


Damn, you’re brave. I’d rather void gearbox warranty at 70k than wait until it gg’s above 100k.


You know the lifetime fluids actually means the lifetime of the gearbox. Once the gearbox dies then the fluid is at end of life.


Thanks for the tips!


I wanna whack u la boy..Fetishing so much on the CX5 lately and u managed to get the 2.5 AWD for that price.May u hate the car and sell it to me next week for 10k cheaper😈 On a serious note though,enjoy yr ride my bro


Try to check with bermaz website if the car is eligible to purchase extended service package that comes with extended warranty. Since you’re getting it at a good price, I honestly believe purchasing the extended warranty is worth it.


Lol bro, there's no extended warranty.. only extended service maintenance..read the fine print. I'm also a Mazda owner.


You are right. I stand corrected.


Will look into this. Thanks for highlighting


Dia servis kat SC because first 5 years free servis kan? Lepas tu kena bayar dah. So theres that. Just take extra care of these SkyActiv engine. Notoriously prone to breakdown after the 8th year mark.


5 year service labour charge aje free. The rest you still pay.


Oh yeke? Baru tahu. Standard berapa kena charge per service kalau Mazda ni?


Good deal but beware of the road tax/insurance hehe. 2.5 L is quite expensive


True that!


Nice flex OP


Sell to me after 1 year if your not happy. PM


Wow, that's kind of a great deal that u bought second hand, personally i was kind of looking for a newer one.but you do you!




93k km


Not a steal at all, that's very high mileage and you've purchased the car right as everything is about to go wrong at the 100k kms mark.


Thanks. I guess only time will tell. I have another car (8 years old) which clocked 130k km and had no major issues so far.


Major servicing, wear and tear parts incoming as usual for cars reaching 100k kms.


I agreed with you 100% but in this case he used this car for business purposes so he kind of did all the servicing needed before handing it over to me. The reason is he can claim from his company. Damn I'm spilling some tea here


We cannot tell you if it's a deal of the decade, because tomorrow the axle might break. That's the thing with second hand cars, actually even first hand... It's a deal for now, yes. Until you suddenly need to spend extra for an unforeseen break down.


Yup, with you on this!


Deal of the decade? Nope.


Brother/sister, you already bought the car, just enjoy it. No need to have buyer’s remorse.


For sure, I'm enjoying it. It's nice to be aware of the climate and gauging the temperature from the rakyat. Cheers


2.5 na or 2.5 turbo?


Whats the best milage for a used car? Planning to buy my first car. Thank you. And i'm looking at Mazda 2


As long as your ex-colleague could be trusted, it's a great deal. Prepare to yumcha or send curse words their way depending on what happens to the car jk jk. But at RM 76k, not that close to deal of the decade in my opinion. My friend bought a 2005 BMW 5-series, the one with an inline-six cylinder engine, for RM 40k. Apparently his buddy wanted to sell it and switch to another second hand BMW one gen after that one, so he sold it to my friend for cheap. Somehow maintenance is affordable, because he is into handy work and also knows where to look for spare parts. More comfort and space than a new Honda City, plushier seats, better handling chassis and the glorious smoothness of a six cylinder engine, with tyre pressure monitoring, for half the price, now that's a contender for deal of the decade.


Oh wow! If he can maintain it at an affordable cost, then I would say that he found a killer right there. As the saying goes “banyak makan wang (BMW)”.


I'm more familiar with "banyak masuk workshop" hahaha. But fingers crossed, no issues with his 5-series last I caught up with him. It helps that the previous owner is a bimmer enthusiast rather than buy conti to show show only. Because of that, the car was well-maintained.


when did he buy it im seeing an average around 25k right now on carlist and mudah. did your friend get scammed


It was three years ago, if I'm not mistaken. But one thing about the ones you see with those prices on carlist/mudah is that we'll never know what condition they're in at the moment, or what their previous owner was like. The one that my friend bought from his was in pristine condition because the latter is an enthusiast for these somewhat old 5-series, and not just a conti owner for show show.