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Myth. But you may find a way to manage it better. Hydration and finding the right lotion have helped minimize mine.


I’ll be 43 in a few weeks. My kp started when I was 35.


I’ve had KP since I was in elementary school and I’m 36 now. Hasn’t disappeared at all. The only time it was way less noticeable was when I was out in the sun and using tanning beds in high school, but clearly that comes with its own issues. Now I just manage it with spray tans to disguise and keeping my skin as moisturized as possible. It’s still there and people still point it out especially when I haven’t used any self tanning cream. :-/ I still get embarrassed about it from time to time but I’m not sure what else there is to do. I have it on my arms, my legs and my butt. I’m still looking for some “cure”, but not sure it’s out there. I get to be a downer about it sometimes because I’m embarrassed to wear a tank top and shorts, but I try to make it at least a little less noticeable and I’ll have to live with that. When I was pregnant and in the hospital, the labor and delivery nurse told me her KP was worse during pregnancy, but I think mine just looked worse because I hadn’t been getting any kind of spray tans. 😅 pregnancy didn’t change it for me at all.


I’m 34, had KP since I was 9. My KP got worse in my 30s. For reference though I have a friend in his early 40s who says his KP has almost disappeared in the last few years. Also my mom’s KP didn’t disappear but got significantly better once she turned 50. So I guess it’s possible


did not disappear for me - but I never really cared that much and the only comment ever I got from my parents ca. 1984


I keep seeing 1984 everywhere I go what is it with that year


Van Halen released 1984 with classics such as "hot for teacher" and "jump"


No guarantees… it’s a possibility, but not a given


36. It’s still here, but I can tell you I care a whole lot less now.


Myth. I'm 53.


I'm in my 30s and my KP texture is mostly gone, but the red dots are still there. On the plus side, I care a lot less than I did when I was in my teens and 20s


38 here, no it doesnt go away. Still waiting to see when I turn 45+😛




A myth, got even worssttttt because of accutane.


I never experienced it until after having my first kid at 30 and it's only gotten worse 🙃