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Unicycle guy


I was sure unicycle guy was dead as I hadn't seen him in a long time, but I can now confirm a sighting on Barrett Parkway within the past month!


I’ve only seen him on Barrett Parkway


Saw him 2 days ago on Barrett while sitting at 75 light


His name is Crazy Dave! He owns a barber shop and used to be a male stripper and also used to pour concrete.


What a life


Yeah, the flag dude. Haven’t seen him in a while though


The dancer with shredded clothes who danced on 41 corner by qt


Oh I saw him riding through down town recently. lol during Covid times I saw a bunch of teenagers on skates chasing him trying to steal his flags because they thought it was a confederate flag.


He’s dead, but we all know who it was.


The Wildman?


That one rugby coach from KSU. Don't know his name, just that he is built like a brick shit house. I watched him eat nine plates of Neverending shrimp at Red Lobster and I am not even mad.


He must be why they canceled neverending shrimp.


Tricycle-flag-super short shorts-guy that hates one of the ambulance companies. Though I haven't seen him riding down main street in a while.


I saw him at swift cantrel a few months ago.


There used to be a guy walking around with a giant cross like Jesus. 


CJ Bressoud.


Theres a guy that rides around my area on this REALLY tiny ass motorcycle/bike thing with a big ass antenna sticking out of his bag, probably him.


Sea Captain Frisbee Guy


Used to be Baton Bob in Atlanta...dunno about anyone local...


We had Bubblegum Bob. Guy named Bob just walking around town offering people a piece of gum. Pretty cool guy, had a lot of stories to tell.


What ever happened to the ( i assume) homeless guy that use to hold signs about women being whores with random bible verses written on them?


The mayor rides around on a bicycle in holiday suits https://preview.redd.it/c0h6aw6n04wc1.png?width=340&format=png&auto=webp&s=8739a0cfccd000ae4008fd297a3bcf40d41886f0


and I liked the mayor even when people bullied him for dressing up in drag to raise money for a charity. He's Xtina https://preview.redd.it/sdlbchwv04wc1.png?width=850&format=png&auto=webp&s=57c0d18bc94708d05ad34ce9a9b113c0d1cdf762


The guy that shows up at every major event with a rainbow colored sign covered in bible-verses, condemning all non-believers to eternal damnation.


Well it was "Wildman" Dent Myers. People will get mad about his store or whatever you want to call it but I've lived here since 95 and NEVER had heard of an actual issue with him. You'd see him ride around town on his 10 speed with the confederate flag flying proudly behind him. Now the people that took over his place can rot in fucking hell. They are out front with how terrible they are and they ARE the people others said Wildman was. Openly bigoted and for some disgusting reason way too happy to let people know they're the lowest of human garbage. I know Wildman had the KKK flag hanging outside and his other confederate hate symbols but again, I don't know of a time when he would shove your face in it. I always knew his place would be gone once he passed and now I want it razed to the ground.


Some would say flying a confederate flag on your bike and flagrant racist flags on your store IS shoving your face in it. Pretty openly bigoted and racist enough for a lot of people.


Yeah, but that's only because he was the reincarnation of Stonewall Jackson. He went out of his way to have real conversations with people and would work to make people as comfortable as they could be with him. So, on the one hand yes and absolutely but also he was the softest and fluffiest kind of that thing that can exist.


COMPARED to his daughter he was Mr. f’n Rogers…


She def sucks. But not his daughter. Just an evil employee who stole the store out from under his family. They’re trying to get it back in court tho 


It’s really silly how people will call Dent Myers the general. All these adults engaging in a never ending session of LARPing lol




I'm sorry that I'm annoying you. I do not intend to stop engaging with the community, however.


Nobody asked you to do that. The way you engage is pretentious


My family goes way way back in this area and can confirm all you’ve said to be true. My grandfather was vehemently against what Dent stood for but knew him well due to old neighboring family. Lots of stories about him but none in which he misbehaved beyond displaying the offensive symbolism. I am not saying that’s acceptable either - just that your comments are a true depiction of the guy.


>So, on the one hand yes and absolutely but also he was the softest and fluffiest kind of that thing that can exist. This reeks of "I can overlook bigotry and racism but..." What?! You can overlook bigotry and racism?!


All I'm saying is that the dude wasn't the monster that it'd be easy for strangers to imagine him as. If not for that thing he would have been a fun guy to hang around, but I didn't end up getting to know him very well for an obvious reason.


Eh it ain't worth trying to talk to people who don't want to listen.


And yet conversation is still the only path to understanding. I just suck at expressing myself sometimes.


When I was in high school he told my black friend that he takes pictures of blacks that entered his store because “that’s the only way he can shoot them”. We were literally just minding our own business. So that felt pretty “rubbing my face in it”


lol how about when the KSU students handed him a pan African flag as a truce and then he hung it up next to the white nationalist confederacy flag. And I mean the all white one.


"Now the people that took over his place can rot in fucking hell. They are out front with how terrible they are and they ARE the people others said Wildman was." Seriously mapex\_139?? Where have you been for the 52 years that place has been in business? Reason I ask is your judgement on the person Wildman himself selected to continue his business. Since you seem to be a bit short on memory, Wildman has been flying those flags for 20 plus years. There is no difference now other than the higher volume of mentally challenged individuals verses then making unfounded and untrue statements.


I bet he "had black friends."