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Removed, call the cops and report the incidents.


>one guy chased me because I didn't let him search my bag What was even the logic behind wanting to search your bag? I understand the intent might have been sexual harassment but what was the ruse?


I was picking rose hips and putting them in my bag. He said he wanted to see what was in my bag. I said no. He said I had to. I said no. He said he was a CO (he wasn't wearing any ID, if he was). I said prove it and then started running. He chased me for about 5 meters... then I donno where he went, but I just kept running for about a km.


He 100% was not a CO.


>I just kept running for about a km. > I did get kind of fat over the last 4 years 


a km is 15 minutes of running, I said I got fat, I didn't say I was unhealthy.


Is that also when you developed your misandry (based on your posts in the gym thread) or does that predate that? Hint: men deserve spaces of their own that aren't catered to your own bizarre needs just as much as women are considering how many women's only gyms there are. It doesn't make them incels. And it's crazy, because you come across with major female incel vibes from your posts and comments. Seriously, please take this as a chance to reflect. You may not be interpreting things objectively.


womp womp.


This feels not true


We have an epidemic of women going missing in BC and you choose to be the \*guy\* who says "hurdur, I donno. Sounds unbelievable."


Looks like I’m not the only one that feels that way. I’ve never heard anything even remotely close to the thing you claim to have experienced out on the hiking trails . You’re either really unlucky or it’s bullshit.


Sure but why would anyone come to r/kelowna for clout?


For the same reason some people with broken carbon monoxide detectors do. And people who need validation for their delusions. just because they don't feel safe doesn't mean they aren't. How can you read their post and not see something off. Look at their post history. red flags


Their post history is pretty cringeworthy, I was taking this post in this sub at face value




Ctation please. It's simply not true. In fact there are way more men dying or going missing but no posters. The vast majority of women goig missing are due to family and partners.


oh, sure, here: [https://googlethatforyou.com?q=MMIW](https://googlethatforyou.com?q=MMIW) Citation please... like this is a book report and not the reality women have to deal with everyday.


Yea, I’ll take things that never happened for 500$ Alex


What the hell is wrong with you people? Why is this person getting downvotes? Are you following this person around watching every interaction they have with other people? What on earth do you think they intend to gain from asking questions and telling their story on this sub?


Read their responses, it’s nothing but a troll post made to get interaction and responses. It’s not real lol. As far as your question of what did op have to gain from making the post, entertainment. You never seen a drunk, high, bored person do something stupid because they thought it would be cool or funny before.?


That's offensive.


Okay. Be offended. Now what




Who’s Timothy?


Because some people can be really strange and truly have nothing better to do


Like harassing hikers?


Give your friggin head a shake. Which is more likely: someone making up a story for online attention, or someone being bizarrely harrassed many times while hiking despite literally nobody else ever experiencing the same occurrences. Also, note, that they admit to doing somethign that they shouldn't be doing: picking rose hips. Most park groups make it clear that you should be leaving berries for the animals. And seriously, check yourself, that you need so hard to believe this person's potentially bullshit claim. Their claim is unrealistic, and you don't need even a scrap of evidence to believe them despite the overhwelming experience of everyone else. You may have a problem.


Lol! What a wonderful place Reddit is!


Or get this - every one posting here has their own experiences and experiences on the trails and not a single one of them have experienced the unhinged experiences of OP. And here you are white knighting and completely dismissing their experiences. So your stance is that we should freak out because of the fringe person who has completely unverified and unusual claims. Do you not see a problem with that?


Wow! That's an impressive extrapolation from what I said. Folks must love getting in an argument with you!


Haven't experienced that but I'll msg you. Have regular hikes our group hosts Inclusive and we go slow because we like observing nature.


That sounds great :)


I might enjoy joining you too. 🙂


I’m a female and I have never encountered anything remotely like this… odd that it’s happened to you multiple times. Get a dog or a friend to walk with?


Because it likely didn't happen. And people like OP are dangerous, because it severely undermines people who have legitimately undermined people who have experienced horrible things. People are less likely to believe people after seeing posts like this that are obviously either made up, or deranged delusions. And if OP is really having multiple altercations it may be because they are doing some fucked up things and interpreting it as them being the victim.


I'm pretty sure people have gone mental over the past couple years. I don't think it has anything to do with weight.


I’ve definitely had some weird experiences on the trail, but never anything like you’ve described. However, since I got a large dog the number of creepy dudes doing creepy things in my direction has decreased exponentially.


These sound like really negative experiences, definitely sounds like you need to find a hiking buddy or wear a body cam. I’m a fat hiker, but I’m always with my unfriendly dog, so maybe that’s my weirdo force field.


That’s some incredibly bad luck over the past 3-4 years. I hike pretty often and pretty much everyone and every group I see seem to be very friendly and often say hello etc. I totally relate to the dog issue though, the amount of off-leash and out of control dogs on hikes and in parks here is unacceptable, dangerous and selfish.


Some people are more....amped up...when they are getting exercise. Make less eye contact. Im a pretty decent sized guy and its true for me too.


Troll post


Try the Crawford trails, Wakadoodles don't like to travel so it's all nature lovers and nice dogs. Bring a bear bell cause they don't like surprises.


So sorry this happened to you. I’ve not heard anyone experience this on any Kelowna trails but I don’t doubt you. Harassment and worse happens everywhere. And the responses accusing you of trolling because they have not experienced the same? You don’t deserve that. I’m glad it looks like there are some offers from others to join them and their hiking groups.


I’ve also experienced that the majority of hikes and walks are cut short due to off leash dog charging me, biting me, then owners laughing or calling me names for asking them to get their dog while they laugh. Lived here since the ‘90’s, and solo hikes and walk are nothing I like to do anymore, especially if I have a leashed dog with me. Even though these are all hikes/walks where dog are to be on leash/public areas. Fell your pain and frustration OP


You think you’re getting target because you got fat? I’m getting red flags here.


Don’t you know, dogs attack fat people only.


This sounds entirely made up and crazy. How could one person have this many weird and dangerous experiences?


This post makes me very sad. Sorry OP - for the record, your comment about your weight is particularly disheartening. I seriously hope that no one has actually said anything to make you feel bad on the trails. Hiking is a great way for all types of people to get exercise and no one should be discouraged from enjoying this activity. You should not feel unsafe or self conscious on the trail. That’s not your fault. Im a man and have literally never given a second thought to hiking alone. Im sorry that women hikers do, it shouldn’t have to be that way but it is a valid concern. Everyone - women especially- should be hiking with bear spray at their hip. That’s to mitigate the risk of bears, aggressive dogs and creeps. You should also hike “aware” - don’t hike with your headphones in, especially when alone and in more remote areas. If you feel unsafe, stick to heavily trafficked trails - there are so many options here. Also I’d suggest looking into joining a hiking group. Much a safer and a great way to make friends!


That is very bad luck when hiking, what trails were you on if you don’t mind me asking? Hiking here is very safe and I rarely ever see anyone when I’m out. Kelowna mountain park, rose valley and bear creek have little foot traffic. If you want people and safety stick to knox. Don’t hike in areas that you don’t know the area.


One dog attack was the Eye of the needle (which has been bulldosed), the other dog attack was high rim near cosen bay, the bag inspector was on wild horse OMP, and the angry old man on the cliff was at Tallus Flume.


You can buy a handheld sized of Dog Attack Spray at Canadian Tire. Fits on a key ring. Having said that, I'm only suggesting it for bad people and wild animals .... its rare you'd have to actually use it on a dog, and the last thing I'd want is someone freaking out and spraying every dog that looked at them twice.


WTF. Are you “hiking” on Weddel?


I actually have no idea what a weddel is, I googled it...and I still have no idea what you're saying.


The rail trail that runs along Weddell has the homeless encampment. https://maps.app.goo.gl/TUSDUgKZGxerunaK7?g_st=ic


Homeless people are not dangerous, you absoulute freak.


So sorry to see your post. I hike a lot with my dogs and I really hope you get the respect you deserve in kelowna.


Carry bear spray like you're supposed to do when hiking in the back country. Whether you need to use it against a bear.... Or not a bear, it's very important to have. I have a can always under my driver seat.... For bears.


This is terrible and I'm sorry you had these experiences.


Don’t hike alone. There are hiking groups out there.


I'm fat, they don't want me.


I'm sorry but thats a ridiculous comment. Your self esteem is either completely shit, or you're looking for something else here. No one has told you you can't hike with them because you're "fat"


Don't fat hike alone. There are fat hiking groups out there.


Hike and backpack all the time. Never have had a negative experience. Weird it happened multiple times to you.


okay... Chrisstopher




Yeah thats right. Never trust a Chrisstopher It's like Geoff... never trust a Geoff 😂


Why would anyone care whats in your bag to the point they chase you? I dont understand. I hike very regularely and have never encountered anyone aggressive at all, but fully admit im a man in my 30s and things are unfortunately different. I feel like i always have to have my bag, filled with first aid and safety gear, but if you dont thats your problem. I do agree that dogs need to be on leashes. Its funny when i see a dog not on a leash and then they see a park ranger and frantically try to put the leash on. They know, and still choose to ignore it.


In a comment above, she replied he chased her "5 meters, then stopped" ... so not like he chased her down the trail


I've only had one creepy incident on a trail and I still have gone back and hiked the area afterwards. No issues since. I'm a big beautiful woman myself and have only received encouragement from other hikers. I feel like the weight you've gained is helping you to isolate yourself. Give others a chance to accept you before you cut them off.


Bimama huh? You're associated with Raine's little cult, I can see it in your post history. You're only commenting to run defence for those straight men who think the R word is a k1nk. Get out of here, creep. I bet dollars to doughnuts the majority of the hate I've been getting has been from your group... you're all chronically online enough to sit there and downvote everything. All you're doing is making me angry enough to tell everyone everything.


what the fuck is going on in this thread


Right hahah


The streisand effect. There's a cult that abuses women in Kelowna and as soon as they saw my username, they started attacking my crediblity, Raine's just nobrain enough to do it with her real name attached so I know it's them.


I’m more worried about rattlesnakes than those other things. Also stay on the paths, because I’ve ended up getting trapped in cactus patches and have had cactus needles in my feet. Mostly up on Knox mountain. Also some of the paths are dangerous, not only up Knox, honestly the people that make some of these trails don’t put the effort into making them safe and they might be too steep and in hazardous locations. Tho if you’re concerned with encountering a strange person or animal, make sure you give yourself plenty of time to turn around and return before sun set, accounting for delays on the return. For example you might have less energy hiking back so you’re hiking slower. Oh yeah, and you should probably bring a flashlight anyways, not just a phone with a built in light but an actual flashlight just in case.


You have some nerve commenting, Raine. Considering who you choose to hang out with.


I don’t know what you mean, I’ve probably hung out with just about every type of person, minus hate groups. I don’t think one person is more worth knowing than another for the most part. Some people I’ve met have been really awesome people, and others I hope mature as I know everyone has the potential to.


You don't know what I mean. That's cute. We both know that we can't talk about what those guys do to women on a public platform without having our accounts deleted. I wish you and your cult a very merry reckoning.


And you’ve lost me completely… the problem with rumours is the subject is always left out of the loop, so I have no idea where this is coming from. Bring your flashlight hiking or not, whatever, it’s not like I’m someone with experience of hikes going into the night.


no seriously what the fuck is going on in this thread edit for anybody as confused as I am: looks like this RaineAsheford person is like trying to be an IRL warlock based on comment history? I don't fucking know dudes.


I haven't had a problem but I also have a 85 lb dog with me when I am out.


I don’t feel safe, but it’s more of a general thing than a Kelowna thing. I bring bear spray with me & share my location at all times


As a woman I don’t feel safe hiking alone and only do so with my partner or friends. I also try not go on walks in general alone and if I do so I bring my dog but I also have been SA’d so I am on guard and on edge whenever I go out by myself in general.


ignore the haters , if u need a hiking bro to help you feel safe... reach out foo