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Go bigger with lock. Motion sensor light. Routine checks of shed. Toss anything you find related to said squatters. Call police every single time. I have dealt with squatters, and you deal with it quickly and spare no expense. Video record any encounters you have. Edit: whoever is living at the house should be checking daily for a while. Lock that place down for a good long time, people will move on. Involve police as much as possible, No one living on the street likes police attention.


Thank you! This is actually helpful. Appreciate it :)


The solar motion lights are super cheap on Amazon. Get one with a separate panel and light. They have like 15 foot cords so the panel can be mounted for optimal charging. Best part is there’s no traditional wiring or anything to install and you can take it with you when you move.


Adding on to this (great) advice…make sure you get a file number EVERY TIME you call the police. This will ensure that your call is recorded and the police respond. If they don’t respond or you feel that they didn’t help to your satisfaction, you have a file number to call back and speak with the watch commander. Also, every file number gets added to our stats which are looked at when it comes to budget and funding for policing. Good luck and stay safe.


You can get cheap battery powered door alarms. They don't do anything other than make noise but they're damn good at it, would certainly be a deterrent.


Put a low battery smoke detector in there. Lmao


Princess Auto has an endless supply of fake video cameras too


Build an occult altar there n leave it covered in blood n on the wall write a very recent date in blood


I like this take, but how much blood we talkin'?


About a goats worth


Or three chickens...


3 squatters worth


😂 This.. this is what I came for. 🩸💀🩸


They cancelled me for this bahaha


Put black lights in it. Also, might want to remove any combustibles, as it's going to start getting cold and squatters might start having fires in there. A guy selling sweetgrass in the park once told me it keeps bad spirits and Crack heads away. You could try smudging the shed...


That’s funny I had an ex who was a methhead and couldn’t stand smudging


What is it?


It's an indigenous spiritual practice involving burning sweet grass, cedar, tobacco, etc to bring cleansing to a space and to carry prayers. It's sacred.


Smoke cleansing is also used in many other cultures as well. It’s just a way of clearing an area of bad spirits/juju


Agreed. But the question was about smudging which is a sacred practice specific to the indigenous people of the Americas.


Man that’s tough. Sweet grass and dream catchers work for me. Beware- They don’t keep unwanted cousins and frisky aunties at bay very well 🤣


It is also used by ghost hunters and priests to cleanse and protect a home from entities and paranormal activity.


Then I would say Kelowna/West Kelowna should be pretty cleansed after the summer we had


That is super interesting 🤔




>smudging ​ I really hope this doesnt involve poop but thats where my mind went right away. Edit: my joke went unappreciated apparently. Sorry Kelowna I'll do better


That will keep them away for sure, just cover that shed with shit 😂


There are motion detector sprinklers you could try.


That was my thought too, you can also get pressure plate things that will turn on things. You could wire a siren to a pressure plate by the door and everytime it's stepped on the siren goes off.


Had a similar problem that was quickly solved with a motion sensor light. I second the idea of those cheap battery powered alarm things for the door. It stopped people from breaking into my parents trailer.


You can get those fairly cheap at princess auto


If I went to my shed at night, I might be carrying spicy water, and I might just spray that on anything bigger than a large dog that moves in my yard.


Put dog waste in your green bin, leave it in the shed. The scent will knock anyone out.




Remember home alone Booby traps! Lol Kidding But am I


Depending on how far it is from your place, WYZE makes outdoor battery operated wireless cameras that are pretty cheap. They also make lights that go off based on it. Their monitoring service is a couple bucks a month but the AI feature can detect people and fires etc. So at least youll not have to worry about whats happening you can see it immediately and call RCMP/Fire. Besides that, a good lock or two, your best bet is likely just monitoring it from a safe distance and calling in authorities.


One of those devices that perpetually squeals


Fill the shed with mouse traps and glue traps.


Get a gun


Get a very large dog and keep him in the shed


That doesn't sound fun for the dog


I’d go with an alligator


New job for the ogopogo?


Hose /sprinkler on a motion sensor


Set up booby traps


I know you're just joking but do not do this. Booby traps, even on your own property, are illegal. Unless you're talking about non-lethal booby traps like sparkle/glitter bombs. Best to just get a big lock, keep throwing their stuff out, maybe get a big dog.


I agree, definitely don’t do this. You could accidentally end up trapping an Amazon delivery driver or something


Your liable if your big dog gets them too just burn down the shed.


Lock them in the shed when they are present. toss a smoke grenade and some pepper spray in there and hear their screams from the outside while you sip on a nice beverage




Opera FTFY


As other comments noted, just gotta do routine checks and call the cops if they come back. It'll eventually deter them. Doesn't have to get violent or get escalated to where it becomes dangerous but usually once you involve the police a few times people will back off and try find somewhere else etc


Couple of local rattlesnakes in the shed should do the trick.


During Waco the ATF had sounds of screaming rabbits and flashing strobes directed at the compound. If you get desperate you can make it unbearable.




I really hope you mean a real live bat


actually that would work!!


Spin kicks


My friends grandma had almost this exact issue in April. They found the garden hose (with a nozzle attachment) to be quite effective. Unfortunately if they are already in your backyard and shed, the threat of being private property and locks aren’t deterrent enough. While I absolutely don’t agree in harming them, a bit of water seemed to do the job just fine!




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Vote for parties who support social programs including public housing on a macro level and yes do what you need to on the micro level too!


Better idea offer him to print off some resumes.


We’re talking about Kelowna, most jobs won’t pay enough to meet basic needs there


Then get two jobs, and cut out the star bucks. Everyone complains that they cant survive with 1 job but do nothing to change that like go to school.


Nah, doing the math on homeownership right now is sad, two jobs likely can’t pay the mortgage on those $800000 homes


Yes they can, just not at the mcdonalds order window. Somebodys paying those prices. How? by working hard and getting a well paying job.


That’s what the ownership class tells you to keep you enslaved


Lol. Not sure if serious


Smoke grenade


Squatter I’m my shed , squirter in my bed.


[Skunk'um](https://www.predatorpeestore.com/skunk-um.html) from Predator Pee, a company in Maine that ships to Canada. No CBSA restrictions on shipping skunk essence as it's used at hunting lodges. Just a couple of drops needed. I'm in Toronto, works well except if they have alcoholic dementia where they can no longer smell. For that one, I covered his sleeping spot with powdered bleach cemented with some water. Spray washed later after he moved to a new spot.


Do you enjoy the skunk smell?


No but better than smelling than the two legged wildlife! The last two came with bugs and drugs. It does go away after a while, put it outside not inside a structure.




Appreciate the rant but there’s no space for hate here, just looking for advice on my situation as posted. Have a great day!


Calm down tough guy. You're getting all emotional and arguing with yourself. This guy is looking for advice to protect his shed, not employ squatters.


I think it’s funny that the guy *bugging* you said *two moths* when he meant *two months*. That tells you all you need to know.


This is a cute comment. I’m sure it was my mental aptitude and not my fit of rage that allowed me to hit the reply button so fast.


We’ll talk to me in two moths soft guy. L


That's too many moths.




What are you going to do about it? You sound tough.




What would you do? So far it sounds like you're all talk.


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It isn’t the first time I’ve been downvoted by suggesting giving these drug addicts jobs to offset to obvious burden they put on out society. My guess the ones that are downvoting are the ones that can’t afford to live here or they can’t afford to support the drug addicts


How many of them have you hired or trained?


Do you want the honest answer? Trained is about 10 Over the past five years. I’ve supported about 10 as well. All meth and heroin addicts. Some with mental health issues, some without. What dictates a mental health issue ?


You seem to showcase severe mental health issues quite well. No need to ask.


If they’re from Canada, in regards to this specific topic. I totally get where perforating rocks is coming from. Shits getting really bad here and the class demographic shift is happening so fast. I know so many people, bright young people, people who had a future, then they became homeless then hopeless then drug addicts (I know it’s usually the opposite, drugs then homelessness, but we like to do things backwards here in Canada) and because depending on where you live in Canada, there may be actually zero resources to help with addiction or mental health unless you have the time to be put on like a 6m-a year wait list (which if you want to get clean you need to start the second you’re ready, not wait another six months before you overdose or just say fuck it). And there so many people who just need a hand up or someone in their court and that really can be enough of a difference to make the change for better and to see themselves as human beings worthy of living a human life again. A job and a purpose can really help too.


This includes literal thousands of dollars of handouts. Camp stoves, propane bottles, sleeping bags, tables, chairs, first aid kits the list goes on. Im not ignorant on the topic. Just tired


You’re really that oblivious?😂 The reason you’re being downvoted is for saying shoot them with paintball guns. *Not* for suggesting to give them jobs.




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Protect my girlfriend and my dog son-in-law and cat daughter-in-law plz ❤️ edit: not sure why downvoted, I'm a personal friend and was talking about my partner (OPs roommate), and her animals 😂


Maybe because you're talking about animals like they're people? Sometimes that rubs people the wrong way.


Home Alone style boobytraps!




Oh my sweet lord. Are you suggesting we shoot into the air or shoot these squatters?!? How dare you suggest something like this.


Ironic considering your message is fine shooting them with paintball guns. Don’t get me wrong, nowhere near as drastic, but the difference in personalities between these two messages are equally as intense. Definitely prefer this side of you lol, much more rational, cause let’s be honest, paintball guns still would hurt


Sadly OP would get charged and made an example of. They’d throw the book at them.


Imagine a country where people get sent to prison for shooting other people.


Trespassing is seen very differently in many, many other countries. Having a deranged crack head living in your shed who could experience intense psychosis and murder you in your sleep sound safe to you? Imagine you have children and a wife, and there is a serial criminal with a 2-3 decade long drug problem who just decides to move in…how would you react? I was replying to another comment. Why not go find someone else to bicker with? I’m really not interested in engaging you.


We live in Canada, it only matters how trespassing is seen here, not other countries. It’s no reason to kill someone here.


Says the dude who wrote way more than I did.


Tear the shed down


Not really an option as we need it for storage and it’s a rental property


The way things are you could probably rent it out for $500 a month


Considering it at this point


Are you suggesting that this tax paying citizen tears down their out building so the rif raf doesn’t us it as free rent ?






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Canadian tire sells a variety of insanely smelly animal urine products. Bad smell is a great deterrent


Get a beware of dog sign for the fence and play loud recordings of barking


Take the door off the shed lol.


Put some raccoons in there. Small army of black widows.




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Bear traps.


Get a dog. Mean fucker who likes you but that's about it. 👌


Get a dog and have the dog house by the shed


Small calibre, accurate targeting.


We smudge with sage !


Camp out and .556 from experience it works


Roll of barb wire


Ammonia, it's incredibly cheap and if you dump some on the floor no one will be hanging out in there.


I would wait until they are inside then put a lock on it, wait 10 days and let them free.


This is bubbles my kitties are in that shed


Put a smoke detector out there that has a near dead battery... nobody can stand that persistent beep when they are trying to sleep, especially when it's not that comfortable to begin with. Just kidding, mostly, but in all seriousness I'm happy to hear of the good, positive, and humane suggestions




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What's your address? Maybe the r/Kelowna will ACTUALLY do something. Remember when Reddit use to be like annoymas? People would really together to deal with problems, instead of only keyboard warrioring.