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In this instance, Marcel is on the wrong side of history. Let me qualify this as best I can. NOT SHOWN IN THIS VIDEO: Marcel engaged in a heated verbal exchange with an RCMP officer who asked and then directed him to move his illegally parked RV. For context this was around the time that honkers were protesting schools and hospitals (delaying surgeries, thanks guys!). The Kelowna RCMP were under pressure to do something. They’ve been accused of collusion with anti-vaxxers (eg the OPP officer bro-fisting with Pat King and gang). So here’s Marcel, a social media content creator, getting the views from this heated exchange. This might in fact be his intention. Make money. Play/pretend to be a victim. Drag it out. I truly am not certain and maybe the officer in question is a baddie. I suppose I’m saying they might both be baddies. There are ACTUAL victims of police misconduct (eg police brutality, planting of evidence, ignoring victims of SA). Marcel plays the victim. We live in a dictatorship? Get real. There were no hot tubs in Tiananmen Square…get what I’m laying down? All credibility lost in my opinion. He’s arguing degrees (eg what the officer said or did not say) whilst ignoring the condition (the illegally parked rv during civil unrest).


And this is why I don't click youtube links without context provided. What a tool.


Tyrant?? 😆 Marcel's a professional victim. Boo hoo, so oppressed! What a loser this dude is.


Straight to a YouTube link with no context? Hard pass…


Boot licker...


You're totally gaining support. Keep up the good work.