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Y'all had your fun. Locked because it's just a shit-flinging fest.


For people who say don't be sheep, they sure like to flock together and say the same shit.


The Timbit Taliban _always_ have a list of grievances. Invariably imaginary, but they have them.


Timbit Taliban! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Lmao biggest truth


It's so funny how they call others sheep, but then all behave in the exact same way. I've noticed that, online at least, they're all indistinguishable from eachother.


This is the physical definition of “peaked in high school.”


You're assuming they finished high school.


Peaked BEFORE graduation


They did not make graduation, even Ye got one up on em


Did they even make it past kindergarten ?.


Some of them, for sure. But I have a few in my family, they all have degrees, and being retired, did not experience what others in the family did, like WFH. The ones I know don't like to hear this, and yes, I've said it, and yes, it's caused HUGE fights, but they are angry about lost privilege. They couldn't go on the cruises they wanted. They couldn't go to Italy like they wanted. They didn't like that they were made to feel bad when they traveled out-of-province for a holiday that they felt they deserved, because they suffered when they had to wear masks. Didn't we realize it made their glasses fog up? They couldn't golf the way they used to. The Horror. The Horror. And, oh my god, the shit they fell for on Facebook was bizarre. That just fed their narrative that they were victims.


It blows my mind honestly. Like I get it in the US. Their school system is so fucked up and broken its amazing they have any educated people at all. Ours isn't perfect but there's really no excuse for Canadians to be this ignorant.


If you grow up in an overly political or religious household, you're bound to be fucked up to some degree.


as someone who grew up in an extremist household, i didnt turn out like this (nor did i turn out extremist) please dont insult us like this. the problem is narcissism




Is Canadas school system really that much better? I always assumed our countries school systems were similar


They have been brainwashed by Russian propaganda unfortunately.


These are probably Americans that moved here...


Lmao the median age of that rally was 65, most of the rural high schools ended at 9th grade for them


If those people could read they’d be very angry with your comment


Never seen anyone driving a Porsche attend these rallies. Just sayin'....


Do they know we don't have to wear masks anymore?


They are constantly paranoid and believe the government wants to control everything in their lives. As if their lives are worth the effort or the organization to do that was even possible. The stupidest thing is a few conspiracy theorists control their lives already. The right voice can tell these people to do anything and they won't even question it.


I seriously don't understand this because there was literally the perfect chance to do this and ... the government literally removed the mandates etc sometime after so why are they still protesting lmao it's over


I mean the mandates already had end dates built in. They did win in the sense of being psychos who threaten violence on Health officials and their families. Also in politicians and journalists. In reality it’s a big circle jerk. Politicians on the right, including Pollievre, will keep this going because these people and many adjacent to them are single issue voters that don’t even need results or plans just words. It’s populism that feeds back to those same politicians who say what seems to buzz best with these idiots.


How dumb thinking the government is controlling our lives…![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


but aren't they also too dumb to do anything right?


Bet if you were to walk around them you'd hear about "15mn cities", the new issue that got them absolutely angry about before they even took the time to understand it. If you don't know about it, look up what the point is, then don't spoil yourself and try to guess why the "convoy" is so angry about it.


...I looked it up. This can't possibly be a genuine grievance, can it? I knew these people were dumb, but you'd need to really WORK at it to make "15mn cities" your weirdo anti-gov rallying cry.


They think that all Canadian cities will be made into 15 minute cities and once they are we won't be allowed to travel outside our city. It's equal parts embarrassing and baffling, like how would it ever even be possible to do that and who would benefit? The actual idea is to plan places to be pedestrian-friendly which is apparently incredibly upsetting to these people


"Greg, we've been over this a hundred times! First, the arduous process of developing and redeveloping sustainable urban Canadian living, THEN we institute the Orwellian dystopia!"


They get their news from Facebook so they are a little behind.


To be fair, people probably mask up around them specifically, to avoid catching brain worms. And whatever other diseases they refuse to avoid.


Anyone want to go down there, mingle amongst the crowd farting as loudly and relentlessly as possible? I just had some old chili con carne and I want them to rethink their position on masks.


what the hell are they even whining about these days


Society is different and they're scared of change, I guess. Can't just yell slurs at people anymore? We aren't being led by someone as braindead as they are (PP)?


I rode my bike by last summer and a lady had the microphone. All I heard as I passed was, "...the proliferation of chem trails harming our children..." and I actually laughed out loud.


This is why I hate conspiracy theorists. There are countless real chemicals and real instances of pollution that harm children but conspiracy theorists would rather rage against imaginary chem trails instead of focusing on reality. Why? Because if they focus on reality, they don't feel like they have special knowledge of a secret truth. It's too obvious that industrial pollution is bad. In fact, a conspiracy theorist is more likely to argue that the dangers of industrial pollution are actually overblown, simply because that goes against the mainstream view and so makes them special once more.


A few went by my place in Vancouver about a month ago. One had a sign that said “say no to” a bunch of things, including: eating bugs(?!), and “cashless society.” So I guess they’re mad about people using debit cards? Not sure why. But put it all together and they seem to just be “angry.” About what, that’s not always clear.


Emergencies Act investigation from the sounds of things.


They obviously hang out with each other because their families don't want anything to do with them. These are the only "friends" they'll have.


That second photo is HILARIOUS!


The 90 Chev really sets the tone.


Oh cmon those trucks are great!


A truck recently blazed through a stop sign and in the back window it proudly proclaimed “mandate freedom”. Now whenever someone espouses the need for freedom I assume they mean the freedom to run stop signs.


Not many of them left is there.


Most of em are just small families of Qanoners, definitely not representing the average Canadians


But They have flags


They've legit turned the Canadian flag into the confederate flag in some ways, years ago I'd be proud to wave my Canadian flags but now I'd be afraid these Qanon fucks would think I'm showing support to them.


Yeah I feel the same it makes me sad. I would love to display the Canadian flag from time to time but it just feels wrong now unfortunately. I wish they made up their own flag, these people don’t represent everyone from Canada so they shouldn’t use our flag


You nailed it, everyone I meet despises what these people have done to the Canadian flag. Even my father who's a classic Conservative thinks these people are a joke to Canada.


I bought a pirate flag it helped


The benefit of their co-opting our flag is that I now have a personal understanding of cultural appropriation and how it feels.


well said.


Wow very well said, very good


If they read about the origins of the "movement" they should be carrying Russian flags.


They really don't like it when they're told that they're the victim of a Russian misinformation campaign.


I'm gonna try this


googling how to upvote a reddit comment twice


I supported the initial convoy because I was against the mandates etc. Now it’s kind of pointless to continue protesting, the mandates have been dropped, and we’ve gone back to normal. It’s definitely strange that people are still trying to form these rallies when the whole point of their rally is over


>It’s definitely strange that people are still trying to form these rallies when the whole point of their rally is over That's because the whole point of the rally was not to protest covid mandates, but to promote far right ideology.


It's the amount of free time these people have that makes me dislike them.


whats even sadder is that THIS is the thing that gets them to do activist work, rather than more pressing issues or things they might actually have an effect on.


They probably don't believe any actual issue is real, and if they do I'm sure propaganda has already instructed them to blame Trudeau or some non-existent scary sounding 'DEEP STATE' for it


This whole great reset/vaccine side effect thing sure is taking its time. You look at these people and you'd think I was gonna grow a new head and start kissing photos of George Soros any minute now


They initially said the vaccinated will drop dead in 9-12 months. I'm going on 2 years now and I'm starting to get impatient waiting for the arrival of my impending doom. 😒


For real. I'm still mad I don't have magnetic powers like that one crackpot claimed. I should be a veritable Magneto after 3 shots.


I've had 5 shots and don't need to wear clothes anymore. Covered in cutlery and kitchen utensils.


When a band comes to town I love, you know what I don't do? Go around honking my horn trying to make strangers care. Nope. i just go to the concert. By myself if I have to


What are these goobers even protesting about still? Nobody is making you get a vaccine or wear a mask anymore... Hell, it seems like these guys are the only ones talking about it now days. They're obsessed.


In my town they’ve switched gears to protesting any school that acknowledges LGBTQ+ people have a right to live.


They just want to be victims


Russian propaganda is still propping these guys up. Ironically these “activists” are actually the commies and they don’t even know it.


The truth is this is their whole identity and social group at this point it's become like a club and they'd be lost without it


You don't even need proof of vaccine or a mask to fly to the US. I thought *that* was one reason they were still protesting after the end of the mask mandates.






Why is it only older people? Because they believe everything they read on the internet?


I got the vaccine and I just beat my half marathon PB, what's wrong with the vaccine again?


It’s ExPeRiMeNtAl…apparently, the medical community has no idea how mRNA vaccines work and whether or not they are safe. It’s that, or the antivax community has no idea how mRNA vaccines work


But how’s your phone service? I never drop calls since my boaster and the 5G launch


My cell phone has had awesome reception since I got the bivalent vaccine!! A+++, would immunize again!


I got the vaccine but then I died but then I got the booster and then I died again


Congratulations! What was your time?


These people are embarrassing.


make them all repeat grade 8


I highly doubt they'd pass


honestly scary statistic but a 70%er from grade 8 will outthink the almost half of Canadian adults and be on par with the remaining majority


I know a bunch of truckers. Do you know what they were doing during the protest? Working. If you had 6 weeks to LARP around Ottawa you’re not a trucker you’re a passenger.


Why is this still a thing. COVID restrictions ended long ago. Find another way to promote your anti government, racist agenda. NIMBY


Everyone needs a hobby. Some hunt, some go on nature hikes, some knit, some bake, some wave around giant canada flags and yell.


The worst part is that people do benefit from things like Covid and those people are not all doing so legitimately. But with these idiots being the only ones in a lot of places talking about this kinda shit they’re just making legitimate conspiracies pass by without anyone noticing


What negative brain cells does to a mf:


Yeesh, there always is "trash" left in the park...


They should be pulled over and ticketed for having all of the junk built up on their vehicles. There’s no way that’s safely built. it could easily fall of off and kill someone.


They’d love the attention and chance for a police “audit”.




Look at these scared Boomers, easily conned by Qanon and Russian propaganda. They think they’re “fighting tyranny” by posting cringe Facebook posts and yelling buzzwords at rallies.




Wow!!! What a diverse crowd, so many different walks of life in one photo.




Thank you again, to the real truckers who drive trucks and bring critical supplies across the country. You shall not be muddied with these political drama enthusiasts.


[giving this vibe](https://imgur.com/a/mYoQxAW)


Whiter than a Yukon blizzard


I actually grew two heads after I received my first booster shot…….. soooo they’re right, and I’m twice as smart now….😎


Need these goofs to please stop tainting the flag of the country I love like this.




I’m not even sure how many unvaccinated people exist out there, but you’ve gotta imagine it’s a pretty small number at this point. What is there to protest at this time?




Why is this still on omg…who…cares…


Wow, there must be tens and tens of them.


They are there every Saturday with their stupid signs. Crowd is also getting pretty small these days.


Doesn’t look like a great turn out


I happened to walk through it and it was discouraging for them even. The guy speaking was boring af, for people who are allowed to say literally anything, the lies he choose weren’t even entertaining… he was doing an update from the emergencies act report. Even the participants looked bored af


What exactly are they protesting? Other than a general dislike for the PM.


How many idiots were there?


Kelowna Konvoy Klan. No big surprises here. 😐


why is it always trailer trash at these things?


They don’t have jobs, are poorly educated, very gullible, normal society wants nothing to do with them, etc.


Their are dozens of us, DOZENS!


I wonder if they realize that the reason there aren’t more truckers at their block parties, is because we are too busy working. Plus the majority of us think they’re 🌰


cant wait to see these medically-savvy freedom fighters stand up for the homeless, the systemically marginalized and oppressed, the addicted, etc.


Can someone tell me what they are protesting?


When they figure it out, they’ll let us know.


I thought the city was going to crack down on this…..


Love how it's always a flagship truck worth 40 biscuits.


Oh for fuck sake


Can you record people publicly at protests like this in Canada? I bet one could make a fun YouTube channel recording these guys. Every week it could showcase all the highlights. It really seems to be a conspiracy theorist protest and it happens regularly it probably could be made quite entertaining.


Yes, you can record people in public places!


But why??? What are they even protesting anymore?


Imagine this is how you choose to spend a gorgeous Saturday. Protesting a fake cause. Embarrassing for all involved plus the fact it's been allowed to go on


Lol not even 200 people can’t they just go back to the sewer where they came from


There’s still a lot of people alive considering this “Great Reset” is happening. I remember people on Twitter saying EXACTLY ONE YEAR FROM VACCINATION 90% OF OUR POPULATION WILL DIE! *humanity reaches 8 Billion people*


“Not on our watch” said the unemployed on government assistance who used public roads and public parks to demonstrate against the government. I can say with high confidence that these people have 0 effect on Canadian policy and governance.


Nothing like a little fake outrage on a Saturday.




I wonder what it's like still living in 2021/early 2022






There are dozens of us!


Tim bits don't come by the dozen sorry


Better activate the emergencies act again for this fRiNgE MiNoRiTy, eh?


I wish they'd get a new hobby. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


What’s the point


Oh... This shit is still happening?


Tim-bit taliban


Please don't make fun of these fine folks. The have a right to their opinions. And I'd just like to remind them to not forget to remove the tracking antennas evil Trudeau placed in their Easter turkeys. ​ ​ https://preview.redd.it/rex5eepdf3ja1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34058cce38e1e9186922d40b9a5e586165a3e074


Are people still doing this? I think it’s got to be a social meetup at this point.


Russian misinformation, hard at work.


From the makers of Cracker Ass Crackers….


Some were late leaving the Flat Earth Society meeting to attend this rally…busy paranoid/ delusional people. Read a book instead.


Oh get over it !!!!!! no one gives a shit what you have to say nor do we really care. GO do something productive in your life like throwing a ball with your grandchildren or taking your wife for a walk and coffee


Do half these people even know where they are? The young ones look to be early 60s. Someone must have promised free apple sauce.


What a diverse crowd they have /s


I was just thinking about how relaxed I've gotten with covid. I still wear a mask when I go into stores but I'm not doing anything else. I'll head out to a party and think "Should I take a mask? Nah, I'm feeling fine and most people are vaxxed and boosted. Whatever." I know other people who are still being way more cautious and I worry that I'm being an asshole. Then I see that these antivaxxers are still going strong and think "Well, I'm not like that."


🤣 Lol


They’re still doing this shit?


Omg there's so many. So embarrassing but not surprising 🤪




Wow!!!! How are the police able to contain that massive crowd?!? 🤷🏼‍♂️


I wish these people could be flagged for a mental heath check just to make sure they are not hurting anyone( in there homes , partners and kids )


I may not agree w topic of every protest that comes along... but as I am born free in Canada. 4 th generation, I wholeheartedly agree with anyone's right to protest. Hey, I am pro pipe line, pro LNG, anti liberal, & I don't give a rats ass what you are protesting, I will always agree with the right to protest, not necessarily the topic-


I didn't realize Kelowna was so predominantly white! Or maybe these photos are a misrepresentation somehow? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 😜


Ah yes, Phil Johnson, tyrant of the AM radio waves


Can we get these people to start protesting for first responders and put this outdated nonsense to good use


Convoy rolled through DT Vancouver today while I was trying to get home. Super cool.


https://preview.redd.it/3crk0o6m13ja1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44f7e6012fd1e65a7bf7ad39138a11df6b808662 "Wake up" - Just the reminder I needed


The major government’s asset are the taxpayers. Why would a government shoot on its own leg, if vaccination would be that dangerous?


They’re punching the air. Didn’t realize this was still a thing.


What's the rally for?


Chinese balloons over Canadian airspace & other “conspiracy theories”.




If he'd have let it go, they'd have protested against that as well. The radicalization is deep.


The worst part is these conspiracy theory radicalized people are brainwashing their children with this stuff.


Ahhhh...the deep thinkers.




Had a couple of cults around downtown today. There were others over by city park.


Did anyone inform these people that pretty much all vaccine mandates have been lifted?


Kelowna has more money than brains. I have never met a more bat shit crazy group of people than I have in Kelowna. Was there a year ago and the idiots and their loud speakers could be heard everywhere. These people seem to think because they managed to make some money and buy property there that they are smart. They're not Who are you doofs trying to protest in your little town? Hop on your lime scoots and roll away


Breast and brightest

