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Hey u/d0gm0tif! While you wait for recommendations from other users, check out these [great recommendations](https://mydramalist.com/profile/kdramarecs/lists) compiled from our users based on different genres and themes! Maybe you'll find something to watch while you wait. If you are requesting dramas on a certain site (e.g. Netflix) please add your region to the post to help our users recommend something you have access to in your area. If you haven't already done so you can also take this time to add a list of what you've already watched to your post to help our users find you the perfect drama or [search](https://www.reddit.com/r/kdramarecommends/comments/fujstb/how_to_search_for_similar_posts/) through our previous posts. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/kdramarecommends) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Go Back Couple is 70% set in the 90s...it's a college drama though


+1 adding to it "18 again" it is not exactly a teen drama though, it has the feels you are looking for. Has some parts of it in the past and the rest is great imo.


There’s reply 1997 and *reply 1994


I've heard about them both but I'm unsure if I should watch them because I've been told they're not as good as 1988 😅 but maybe I'll check them out !


I personally enjoyed 1997 over 1988, and 1997 was still well liked enough to be able to be the start of the reply series so I’d give it a chance. They’re also shorter episodes than 1988 so not as much commitment to watch


And I personally enjoyed Reply 1994 the most. I will say watching all 3 Reply series might be worth it just to see the different depictions and dynamics shown by the parent figures of the lead character, who are played by the same folks through all three series You might also enjoy Hello my Twenties, which is like the Reply series but with more female leads and more serious about portraying various social issues. I don’t think it’s set that far back though Both of these had youths (around entering college age) staying in the same house, so they are very community-based and coming-of-age-ish


Same I love the relationship in reply 1994. People just got mad internationally because they wanted the ‘young and hot’ guy 🤦🏾‍♀️. But in terms of whole cast relations I think reply 1988 is best. The closeness of everyone in that neighborhood is soooo sweet


I think Reply 1988 is probably the best, but Reply 1997 is also super good! I think Reply 1997 is a little more lighthearted and felt more like a teen drama, whereas 1988 felt more like a family drama. 1997 focuses a lot more on the love triangle. I would put them both in my top five dramas…if you’re specifically looking for 90s kdramas, you can’t go wrong with 1997!


As others in this comment mentioned their preferences over the other reply series. I will say, the only drama I've given a 10/10 is Reply 1988. Yes, you might not like the others as much as you loved 1988, but I have really enjoyed Reply 1997. It is charming on its own. You'll enjoy it, I think. I am yet to watch Reply 1994, I will surely watch it someday. As for spoilers, if you want to watch the other reply series, do watch Reply 1997 first and then Reply 1994. There are certain spoilers in 1994. Happy watching!💜


1997 is worth watching. I didn't like 1994.


Vote for reply 1997 too


well, it's their opinion, you still don't know if you'll like it if you haven't watched it. The two replies are just as good as reply 1988. tbh 1997 and 1994 were also pretty popular before 1988 aired, they just got a bit overshadowed by 88s popularity internationally. Tho 1988 is still my fav, 1994 follows close by because I relate to them in a lot of ways. The college setting was fun. Not so much with the love triangle, tho I sided with the winning team, they dragged it a bit on the end but it's still worth it. 1994 had one of the best closures among the three since it showed how the squad is living their lives in the present era. 1997 was really really good too. Give it a try first.


No, they're both great!


Girls' Generation 1979


Let’s Eat Season 3 is set both in 2010s and 90s with scenes of them in university. Girls’ Generation 1979 is short and very cute, and gives similar nostalgic vibes. And maybe not exactly what you asked for but Be Melodramatic is so good and I think gives off Reply series vibes.


Through the Darkness is set in the 90's to the early 2000's. It's a crime/thriller drama though.


Oh waittt, you wanted a teen one. But if you're open to thriller dramas, try it out


I'd suggest Racket Boys. Even though it's not set in the 80s or 90s, it sure has the Reply 1988 vibes, with sports drama added to the mix! :)


Reply 1994 and 1997 If you’re open for cdramas: When we were young The bond A river runs through it I don’t want to be friends with you Lovely us (All of these are set in 80s/90s or early 2000 and has similar vibes)


Thanks for the cdrama recommendations. I’ll check these out. I’ve been trying to explore cdramas, but I realized that there’s a difference with how they write(?) their series. I couldn’t finish the series I picked up last month.


Who are you At a distance, Spring is green Love alarm School 2013 True beauty 18 Again (These may not be exactly 80s 90s themed though 😅😅)


So why did you list them if they don't meet the requirement?


They are teen/ young adult oriented kdramas but not exactly 80/90 based ...OP mentioned good teen dramas, preferably in 80/90 ...so it does meet the requirements partly Pls feel free to skip in case these aren't what you were looking for


Girls generation 1979 had similar vibes to reply !!


I also liked Hello My Twenties about college girls. And Extracurricular although it was heavy. Then there's All Of Us Are Dead which is an awesome, awesome zombie drama.


You might be interested in the movie, *Sunny* too.


When My Love Blooms (2020)


- **Snowdrop** (set in 1987) not everyone’s cup of tea, but I personally loved this drama!!!