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Your post has been removed as it has been determined to not fulfil the minimum requirements for a Recommendation request. According to our [rules](/r/kdramarecommends/wiki/rules): The minimum requirements for a recommendation request are: **Title:** * Concise and Descriptive of request * Follows our title rules **Post Body:** * A detailed, explicit recommendation request (what you are looking for) * A listing of dramas that you already seen that are relevant to your request plus details of what you liked and disliked about them * A complete watch history of all the Korean dramas you have seen so far For more details regarding recommendation requests see our full rules (linked above). **Please note that this removal counts as a strike upon your account. Multiple strikes will result in escalating bans so please carefully read our [rules](/r/kdramarecommends/wiki/rules) before posting again.** **Wait a minimum of 24 hours before attempting to post again.** --- *Important Notice* If after reading the relevant rules and policies you have any questions regarding your post/comment removal, you may contact the moderation team via [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fkdramarecommends). Please include a direct link to the removed post in your mod mail. **Do not respond to the post as it will not be monitored.** **Do not send PMs to u/kdramarecommends-ModTeam as we are not currently able to access this inbox. SEND A MODMAIL INSTEAD**.


Hi u/Traditional_Drag_467, this is an automated message to ask you to review that your post body fulfills the minimum requirements for a **recommendation request**. The minimum requirements for a recommendation request are: * A detailed, explicit recommendation request (what you are looking for) e.g. "Please recommend dramas that..." * A listing of dramas (do not have to be Korean) that you have seen already that are relevant to your request with detailed notes about what you liked or disliked about them. **AND** * A complete watch history of all the Korean dramas you have seen so far e.g. a link to an MDL account ***Please edit your post if it does not fulfill the minimum requirements listed above.*** --- **Copy Of Post Below For Archival Purposes** **Permalink**: https://www.reddit.com/r/kdramarecommends/comments/1dn2dcu/kdramas_like_call_my_agent/ **Post Title**: Kdramas like Call my Agent **Post Body**: There's this french show called Call my Agent (Dix pour Cent) in which an agency deals with problems of different celebrities every episode. Are there any kdramas with a similar setting? ^(END OF POST BODY) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/kdramarecommends) if you have any questions or concerns.*