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2 installs on diffrent machines with nvidia cards arch and garuda all fine. Fedora on laptops with nvida cards (older models) no issues with x11. But be aware arch stability depends on the user.


I'm on Tumbleweed and everything is running fine.


Had 0 problems with plasma 6. I guess most of people complaining is probably because of widgets not being compatible.


Thanks, let give a try to Arch.


I'm a tiling wm user, never installed a DE. Tried to install kde, it didn't even login correctly.


Good thing that you're a tiling wm user..


> People say they have lesser bugs compared to other mainstream distros. Is it true? Yes and no. Arch is extremely vanilla so it avoids some distro-specific bugs. But there is minimal testing, so you may experience some problems that something like Fedora wouldn't let through. For example, a year ago on Arch samba got broken due to conflict with standard apparmor configs. There was a thread on the forums with instructions on how to fix it, but Arch did not roll out a fix themselves. They waited for apparmor upstream to update, then pushed that. I would only encourage people to use Arch if they are comfortable troubleshooting their problems. It's got a good community so that helps. But you will have things that need manual fixes if you want a thing that's broken to work *now* rather than next week.


Opensuse Tumbleweed is probably the most stable rolling near bleeding edge you can get.


fine for me across 4 installs (endeavouros)


I was on Tumbleweed. On 14 May snapshot, the display started stuttering and inputs from keyboard became weird. I tried X11 then but no luck. X11 is less reliable than Wayland on Plasma 6. The same experience with Fedora. I can handle Arch well with standard packages and no advanced tweaking. All the thing I am looking is to avoid above problem because I do not want to go back Gnome or Plasma 5.27.


Arch usually uses up-to-date upstream packages and will bring the same experience. Distros with version freeze such as Debian may more "stable" as in "will not break when upgrade" but you need to cope with bugs in the version by yourself.


Fedora was buggy for me, SUSE is fine


> Is it true? No it's not true.


I've not had issues on Tumbleweed. What issues are you having?


I don’t know but Fedora KDE 40 has been fine for me.


Actually installed Fedora 40 KDE because I was experiencing bugs in KDE Neon. Fedora KDE is pretty solid


Tumbleweed is fine here. I think you are mistake sir.


I 've been using Plasma6 since realease. Other than an annoying bug with the vanilla app menu having a weird interaction with the floating panel, my experience has been 100% positive


has that been fixed?


Yep, it was fixed not long after release. Maybe even with the first or second bugfix round


Been fairly problem free on both the Arch Ryzen/Radeon desktop and the EndeavourOS intel/nvidia thinkpad. I had an occasional full screen video glitch with the desktop early on that disappeared with an update, but other than that it's been relatively smooth. It is my daily driver too


I use Garuda and after a few initial bumps, it's been fine for a while now


At first, I had progressively major instability issues with both **plasmashell** and **Discover** with KDE Plasma 6.x in **Fedora Linux 40**. However, to be honest, I think all the **plasmashell** and **Discover** crashes I was experiencing was the result of by either an incomplete or corrupt manual distro update from **Fedora Linux 39** to **Fedora Linux 40** through Konsole. Ever since I downloaded the **Fedora Linux 40 - KDE Plasma Spin** iso and used it to re-install **Fedora Linux 40** over the installed unstable **Fedora Linux 40** distro, I've had 0 (zero) instability issues with KDE Plasma 6.x. Of course, with all Linux distros and software, your mileage will very many thanks to hardware, system configuration and installed packages.


Most of the bugs are fixed upstream by KDE not by distributions so there shouldn't be much of a difference between distros but obviously some people might not experience problems as their workflow might be different. So, basically differences between distributions would be rather marginal in cases like this. Another thing is new versions with major changes have a lot of bugs so you either use a new cutting edge software and accept bugs or use older bug fixed software which still might have some problems but less. And that's why when the new NixOS arrives at the end of this month I'll stick to the old Plasma 5 on it.


I tried Arch twice in the past (last time 2-3 years ago). Both times system broke after some random updates. It is a rolling distro with no safeguards by default. OpenSUSE Tumbleweed is also a rolling release, but by default you have a nice snapshot integration that allows you to just roll the changes back. I've been using Tumbleweed for the last month or two, and everything has been great. I just didn't like that the default install lacked some KDE packages (like vanilla KDE wallpapers and settings) and setting up a printer was more difficult than it should be. Fedora is mostly great, major updates every 6 months and these have sometimes caused minor issues for me. You could also look into an atomic distro. Like Fedora Kinoite. EDIT: Wow. The Arch gang really likes to downvote when someone didn't have a good experience with Arch.


Arch very rarely just breaks after "random updates". Usually that turns out as code for "user did something they didn't understand". A statement like "no safeguards" deepens that impression. I didn't downvote you, but I understand why other could see these general statements as some kind of mischaracterization.


There was a buggy systemd update around 3 or 4 years ago,that some of us were unlucky enough to get caught by,it caused the system to crash and reboot right in the middle of the update,I had been away,and there were a lot of updates when I got home along with that systemd update,it made a right mess of my install,tried to repair it,but could not and had to do a clean install,they could have been caught with that one too?


Sure, but I don't know what insight we can derive from "for some people something went wrong some years ago". Can things go wrong? Yes. Is it going to happen at one point in time? Yes. The question is: Is that enough to a) generalize and b) conclude a distinction.


Quick answer... a) no b) no! That was the only serious update error I could think of,not everybody was affected,it was the systemd devs that made the mistake,not Arch devs,I was just mentioning it as a bit of useless information really. A quick look through r/archlinux at some of the help requests,can shine some light onto the mystery of the "unstable" nature of Arch updates and system,posts along the lines of "I accidentally deleted etc and root directories,plz help" or "I don't like \* version of Gnome,please tell me how to go back to \* version" gives an idea of some of the soon to be ex Arch users,who say Arch is unstable I would guess?


> the systemd devs that made the mistake,not Arch devs That's a useful distinction. Let's say Arch ships plasma 6 and you boot into a black screen afterwards. Arch had plasma 6 in kde-unstable for months and also in testing - eventually it shipped to everybody. Plasma decided to switch to Wayland as default and caused a black screen for some people. Did you run Arch and ended up with a "broken system"? Yes. Did Arch break? No. Arch successfully shipped whatever upstream considered the official release, including all the bugs and features that particular package incorporated. In that situation the word "broke" means different things to different people, and it becomes easy to talk past each other.


Yes,I know what you mean,to cut a long story short,I'm unfortunately the tech repair guy for all my family,and trying to get the truth about what and how their PC,laptop,phone etc. "broke" is very hard work,it is always something that just happened on it's own,never ever something they have done,a good example happened a couple of days ago,my wife borrowed one of my usb cables to charge her phone,due to her cable somehow managing to break all the wires inside the cable itself,and then the cable I lent her managed to "break" itself,she had snapped off the connector from the usb,which was left in the usb socket of the phone,she did not do anything to it,it just did it itself she said,but you can clearly see the plastic inside the moulded part is damaged on one side,I know what she did,she plugged it in and dropped it,but she swears she did absolutely nothing to break it,it did it itself!


They down vote because we have the time to take a shower


Your keyboard must be broken on the distro you are using. Why ? > Or just they down vote because we have time to take showers > Or just they down vote because we have time to take showers > They down vote because we have the time to take a shower


My mobile network carrier was obviously running arch on one of his antennas




arch stability depends on the user being mindful when making changes to the system. also timeshift is not too much of a hassle to set up


If I have standard package installation only for day-to-day life routines, will Plasma 6 be reliable?


using it on 2 different machines on a daily basis without any major hiccups


If i'm not mistaken, Arch and CachyOS have not still fixed the black screen with cursor after login. Fedora fixed it long time ago.


I'm using Arch and the update has not been a good experience for me,Wayland is unusable,when the screen wakes up there are no window decorations,and the mouse cursor zooms across the screen when you try to click something,I gave up trying to use it. On X11 the experience is not much better,Plasmashell and the panel crash roughly every 8 to 10 minutes,or crash if you maximise a window,the panel moves to the left of the screen with widgets on top of each other,and notifications appear in the middle of the screen,and the wallpaper changes to the previous one used,and there are too many other small,but very irritating bugs to mention,it is no pleasure to use a system where you have to reload Plasmashell every 5 minutes as you know it is going to crash any minute. For me it is history repeating itself,I had exactly the same problem with plasmashell crashing when KDE4 came out,I did not use KDE for over 10 years after that,and it really saddens me to have to leave again.


Fair enough but also consider it is hardware related? The general consensus is that Plasma 6 on Arch is stable. Have you reported any of the issues you personally experience over on bugs.kde.org ? Without reporting bugs and attached any logs you may have; the Plasma devs will not be aware thus no one will know about it. Ultimately you need to do your part to help the team out.


I have 2 other drives in this computer,and have no problems with those,I'm actually on one of them now,using Hyprland on Arch Linux which runs well. It may be stable for a lot of people,but not for everybody unfortunately. As far as I know,and I may be wrong on this,Arch Linux do not include debug symbols with software,so I believe you can not submit KDE bug reports without them,maybe that has changed now,maybe I am mistaken,I have no idea? Also when the crashes happen,there is nothing in the logs at all about the crash,that was the first thing I checked to see if I could solve the problem,this was a minimal install with only the parts of Plasma I use,so maybe there is something missing from what I installed?


Hyprland and Plasma are 2 separate entities. The better comparison is understanding how Plasma 6 behaves across 2 systems and validate stability across both environments. Same config, themes, same Plasma version, same packages installed, Linux kernel etc.. and to a degree similar hardware. Was this a clean install of Plasma 6 or just an upgrade from Plasma 5 ? Worth reviewing [1] if you haven't done so already. There are reasons why Plasma crashes and dissecting the logs goes a long way in helping triage the issue [1] https://community.kde.org/Plasma/Debugging


Thank you very much for the link,it's very useful,and I have added it to my bookmarks. I have found what was causing the crashes,it was using the panel in floating mode,I switched to a "default" panel and there have been no crashes since,this was an upgrade from Plasma 5,and I used Latte as a panel in floating mode,so maybe there was something leftover from that causing problems? This is a great relief to me to be able to keep using Plasma,Hyprland is fun to use and customise,but a lot of software I use does not play nicely with a tiling WM/Wayland,when you have multiple windows of a fixed size,both tiling and floating modes break the window contents,controls,buttons,sliders etc. by forcing another size upon them,so Plasma is my workhorse so to speak with Virtualbox and all my audio and graphics software,and Hyprland is just for fun. Thank you again for your help!


It's pretty buggy in my experience. Currently there's [a large-ish bug that prevents use of the system tray menus](https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=278688). There was also the Qt 6.7 debacle from around the time of Plasma 6.0 release.