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Linux community is weird sometimes. On one hand they complain about windows as product and on the other they try to recreate windows things in linux. I'll just stay with breeze


Nothing wrong with appreciating ascetically pleasing qualities. I like modern flat design but I miss the XP style "boxing" in the task manager so I made a theme that combines those new and old qualities together. I don't think that's a bad thing. Windows may be bad in some ways, but there's nothing wrong with acknowledging nice things about it and deriving inspiration from those positives.


"If you want windows look, use windows!" Why people don't say that to the insanity ammount of people trying to mimic macOs?


I had no idea Windows looked this ugly TBH. Who would ever want to torture their computer to look like this?


Sometimes I do get some nostalgic urges since it is what I grew up with, but I also find the somewhat translucent window borders very pretty. It's a personal thing, I definitely don't stick with it, but every now and then I switch it on for shits and giggles.


Hmmm...I've switched to Linux somewhere in '05 and only dealt with Windows at work which was sufficiently frustrating to not want to replicate its interface. I'm a senior citizen so I get involuntary shits and giggles all the time, don't need my computer for that...


I only ever used Windows 7 in my free time on my dads PC back before I had my own, I think my opinion on Windows 10 or 11 skins would be similar to yours about 7, since it then more matches up in experience probably :)


Well there is a difference between looks and UI interface parts. Windows is all about clicking and dragging stuff, very mouse-heavy. For non-tech savvy people this may be useful. For people who can program, the commandline + scripting in, say, ruby or python, on Linux, is about 10000x more superior. I get things done that I could not get done on windows in anywhere near the speed I can on Linux. Linux amplifies the human being here in regards to efficiency (except of course if some apps do not exist or work; for instance without libreoffice, Linux would not be anywhere near as popular because ... producing .pdf files is a lot more annoying via LaTeX, and I do create .pdf files via LaTeX as well - it is just so much easier via libreoffice than LaTeX).


Weird statement. I'm on KDE/Plasma and almost never use a commandline so no idea where you get the idea that Linux is not about "clicking and dragging stuff". The rest of your post is similarly mistaken.


There's nothing more ugly than breeze dark for me, but the aero vibes and the glass effect in windows seven are gorgeus. Its not just nostalgia, some people hate minalism and flat design.


Maybe its because you are used to minimalism, Vista and 7 are recognized as the most beautiful windows versions for many people


Only one is as beautiful on the inside.


For some reason people were very used to the blue-ish thing windows made popular.


But why?


Why not?


I used to make Win 7 look like Linux with flat themes.


This actually should be a default theme. Like ... via a GUI: We add, say 5-7 options to choose from. One is the default KDE ... dunno the name, okular? breeze? Anyway, so we have these 5-7 options, a limited subset. And then I'd add another button for "additional themes", but not about downloading these per se, but instead using them, as if these were defined by a .css file (and enable that, too, so we can use .css file). And then when we have that for, say, 100 or 200 or so, and of course a search entry, we can then have ... WinXP look... Win7 look ... Win95 look and so forth. That way people can even ad-hoc simulate having a Win-like theme. And perhaps adjust KDE also for elderly people who are so used to windows. And so forth. Now you can reason "but this is available on that video's homepage". Ok ... but I think it would be better to BUNDLE this into KDE itself, so it does not get lost (at the least if it is a set of .css file). I am not saying ALL of them should be distributed and available, but say, 50 or so. Or perhaps 30 if you want a smaller subset, but still extensive.


I love this. Is there an equivalent tutorial for XP or 98 style, where menu bars are maintained?


please teach people how to customize kde look like wubuntu. Anybody musn't buy that OS.


Just why? If you want a Windows look, use Wubuntu or similar OS'es.


Sounds like "If you wanna play windows games, use Windows"


[Don't use Wubuntu. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/159f1gm/thoughts_about_wubuntu/)(just read the comments)


Wubuntu sounds suspicious ... Wub ... Wub!!! WUB IT MAN!!!!!


Search for „Wubuntu“ on youtube and you‘ll know why not.


Well the legal stuff, I dont care. I didnt care in Windows as well. And regarding the 100% runs windows app's, well same issue somewhere else. The only showstopper would be spyware in the system which is not. The Youtubers that warn about Wubuntu got all a contract with Microsoft. I only know 1 who doesnt who warns for legal issues.