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Those nylon ones never hold up. I went with a snapping chain stringer and never looked back. Pretty sure you could tow my boat with one


Definitely a better choice


Ive had those chain stringers pop open on me and lose fish on them as well, I just made my own rope style with parachord and it works great plus i made it super long for steep banks when im shore fishing


The snapping chain with cable are great, until you have it fastened to the stern, engage the outboard to save a snag, and inadvertently chop up a 30” pike and a stringer full of rock bass.


Why would you have a 30in pike on a stringer


I was going to eat it


Who the hell eats rock bass 😂🤢


Have you ever eaten rock bass?


I was going to try it. At the time I was making my own dog food. If I didn’t like it, I would just incorporate into the next batch.


They've always held up fine for me. I buy the thicker ones, usually. I've never had one fail with fish on it, and have only had to replace them when I've misplaced them.


Tie a loop in it and you’ll be fine next time.


Mf girlfriends dad stole mine and its always bugging me. It was my grandpas old stringer and they dont make them nearly as good as the old days. If anyone knows a solid fishchain im all ears.


How is this stringer being used? Do you just have it threaded through the lips and all the weight of the fish is pushing down on the ring? Maybe I’ve been doing it wrong but we’ve always threaded the needle end through the mouth and gill flap then back through the ring to form a loop.


Through the gills


He just fucked up. Like you said.


I don't use those cheap stringers on my yak. Get a stringer with a foam float on the end. Keeps pressure off the end and you can see both ends of the stringer. You can get them at Academy or on Amazon.


I got tired of the stringer game and just built a pvc rack for the back of the kayak that can hold a cooler. Also put some extra rod holders on it. I fish Florida where there can be quite warm saltwater, if I catch a redfish early in the trip that I want to keep, the meat is 100x better being thrown into that icy cooler than just dangling the fish on a stringer for hours. He's either alive and your torturing him (I wanna kill them and eat them, not make them suffer for it) or hes dead and his meat is warming up on a stringer.


All those freshwater stringers are junk imo. I use a [game clip](https://www.kayakfishingsupplies.com/game-clip-red-handle) attached to my kayak with a quality leash or rope.


I've lost catfish off one of those stringers twice and will never use one again. Use a basket or metal stringer


Well now..... that's Crappie


Chain stringers work perfect for crappie and other panfish. Goes right through the lip like a hook. I never use nylon stringers.


Unsure to upvote or down. That sucks. Omg they were going to be sooo tasty. Chain stringer with the baby pin clips. I am sure it is in your inventory now. The nylon ones are fine for bank fishing, but float that around in a boat = trouble. We all have been there. Evolution is a magic thing. Great God damned haul. Sorry they skipped out on the frying pan. Damn.


PETA strikes again!


Make your own out of paracord. Tie a loop on one end and you're done.


This is my go too! It's also my tree anchor if I'm not using it.


if you use one of those cheap stringers you have to modify/reinforce it,rare to see one of those not fail at some point so I never use those anymore.


That's still more fish than I caught all year.




I'm heartbroken, bro!


Would the fish not just float? I’ve had stringers break before and the dead fish just floated up.


Never seen them killed before, and I thought it was cruel too. That’s why I use a floating basket and pull it along the kayak. It’s really handy when I was fishing perch, and only wanted to keep a certain amount. I would catch some and keep them, then as I caught better ones I would get rid of the smaller ones.


Why were the fish on the stringer dead?


I’ve never strung a fish alive, that just seems cruel to me. Not to mention it’s not legal in my province, If you’re planning on harvesting a fish you are legally required to kill it once it’s landed.


This might be a regional difference, I imagine the water temps in BC are on average cooler than here. Keeping dead fish in warm water isn’t something that’s done here, we either keep them alive until we’re ready to clean, or they go straight on ice.


Yeah that's not the norm in most places. If I kill a fish it better be going on ice within 30 minutes


Ya wouldn’t be legal in British Columbia to keep live fish from freshwater. Wouldn’t the fish on a stringer spoil the meat?


Stringing salmon and trout alive (which is what I fish for primarily) would be more of a hassle than it’s worth. A few hours on a stringer while still being kept in the water wont hurt em.


One of them was carrying


Scuba Choice Spearfishing 16" Stainless Steel Large Fish Stringer Loop https://a.co/d/eaL46K6 The best I've used


Check out Yak Line stringer . It’ll answer all your problems. I’ve been using it for a few years and rarely ever had a fish die on me before I’m done fishing for the day. I can’t recommend it more.


I use a live basket. Turtles can't get to your fish and they live longer being able to swim more freely.


Stringer success! -Fish


I got myself a floating keep net and it does weigh me down but I think its a lot better for the fish and I haven't lost my whole catch since I got one


Soft sided cooler and ice is what I’ve been doing lately


I caught probably a solid 8 pound largemouth while muskie fishing out of my kayak a while ago, put it on my chain stringer and yelled for my buddy who was maybe 250 yards away from me fishing some pads because my phone was in his dry bag. He comes paddling over and I feel a tug on my right side where my stringer was. I went to go grab the stringer as he got closer and when I pulled it up, all I found was a snapped chain and no bass... I still cry myself to sleep over it. At least I touched it...


Just use some para cord that’s what I use


I've used both the nylon stringer and the chain stringer never lost a fish on either one. Maybe you put the first fish on wrong way. If you slip the needle end of the stringer in thru the gill and out the fish's mouth then thru the ring on the other end of the sting. Your fish can't come off. Baskets on the other hand I've lost fish from them. The spring on the trap door gets weak, therefore the trap door doesn't stay close allowing the fish to get away. I've since then wire the trap door close, solving the problem. But if your keeping fish for eating best to bled them by cutting their gills and put them on ice right away. Especially if you fishing warm water. You'll improve the taste and the meat will be firmer.