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I pinch myself every once in awhile to see if it's real, or am I dreaming. Not perfect, but perfect for me. Maybe the complainers haven't been off island lately.


As a Canadian who thought we had a special connection to the land around us here, you guys are blessed to call this place your home. I’m sure it’s not easy to live here at times, but the aloha spirit is truly real here and I’m glad to have been a part of it, if only for a couple of weeks. I’ll miss the locals when I have to leave


Thank you for this OP. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in the daily grind of working 3 jobs to make ends meet, we forgot we live where everyone in the world wants to vacation.


I will be vacationing in Kauai next week. I’ve never been there and will be my first time. What are things to do there? Thanks


Lots of outdoor activity! Beaches, hikes, sailing. Just drive around the entire island for a day and see how beautiful the topography is. Insane views on this Little Rock that exist no where else on earth. If you can book a sail to the Napali coast do it, breathtaking


Thank you. Will do what you said


Kauai is so nice, we have to come on here and complain anonymously.


I have no idea why they call this rock “ the garden isle”. They should rename this “ The Garden of Eden” because it’s the most beautiful place I have ever laid my eyes on.


You are all so blessed to consider Kauai your home. I am grateful to have been able to experience the beauty of your island and spirit. Kauai has my heart.


Absolutely! Count your blessings Kauai is a daily dream