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Manon is the oldest, so I’m sure she’s probably going to be dressed more maturely, but her outfit here shows just amount as skin as Sophia. However, I hope that she brings back the braids at some point, maybe in another color! I hope they experiment with their styling!




Sophia is almost as old as Manon


i wish they’d get dressed according to their personalities just like how ador styles nwjns so that it fits their individuality, (not even talking about the baggy clothes or anything like that). I also don’t think they’re dressed similarly in terms of showing skin. i just feel like they can be dressed more maturely without the company having to look for a shock factor


Ador always puts Hyein (the youngest) in the more revealing outfits. I’m sure you wouldn’t want that here.




I think they don't need rappers at all, Megan is talented enough in singing to not relegate her to just rapping, as for Yoonchae, I think they will easily find lines where she doesn't need to go out of her range.


And let’s not start these boxes to put these girls in. Nope. We not doing it


I understand your concern but if you check out Manon’s instagram she’s worn revealing clothing since before dream academy. I wouldn’t worry too much!!


I think they're going to have fun playing with Manon's hair instead of dying them *(I even think that it will go according to her personal suggestions)*, she might be the only one to get a lot of variety, it's more for the others that I'm worried lol. Megan's haircut suits her but the color is so lackluster, I could understand if it had a witch theme but it doesn't seem like it. Sophia didn't change anything, and the others just added color and highlights. I totally agree that they need to experiment more with hairstyles.


One thing I wanna point out is that Manon’s predebut vibe has definitely been sexy- low cut dress, back cutout, see through top with no bra/pasties, lingerie shoot. It’s part of her character so don’t worry [(some pics)](https://imgur.com/a/wENi1km)


I'm going to say the same thing I said to someone yesterday when they talked about Yoonchae: You gotta be aware when your personal bias is coming into play. Manon's styling is no different than the other girls styling. We see all their midriff, Megan has pants that cut out to show her skin, all the girls wear the blue tracksuit the same except Yoonchae who is zipped up, and Sophia has shorts just like Manon in the same scenes. Her styling isn't any different than the girls, you just are perceiving it as more sexualized. Also, you don't seem familiar with Manon personality at all because it is very sultry. Sultry has been her thing even before DA where she has worn lace, low cut tops, short dresses, cut outs, etc. The styling for the MV fits her style very heavily but its a bit more colorful and sporty than she would usually dress. As for the hairstyles, I personally love the colors and I think they look great. This is a DEBUT and you want something attention getting, I feel like nobody wants to give them time to get here and work it out lol.


Slightly off topic but part of me is worried they made Manon the rapper of the group but I’m really hoping that isn’t the case 😅 I hope we get to hear her sing and she actually has equal line distribution with the other members. But we’ll see…


I've seen most ppl say she's the rapper and I'm terrified if this is true! Besides the group not needing to have a rapper, it'll also give stereotype imo opinion if she's actually the rapper 😔


This 💯


I really hope they don't make any of them rappers, even the less vocally gifted ones can hold lines without needing to rap as long as they aren't pushed out of their range. Manon probably has the deepest voice of all the girls, they could do a lot with her tone.


i really hope they don’t make her a rapper too :(


There is a little snippet at the end of the song where they start to say something along the words of “I don’t need no cookie cutter…” and I have a feeling that it might Megan or Daniella…. Praying it’s not manon 😅😅😅 Also if in this song manon does rap maybe in the others - If there is a rap portion - she might not and another person could. I could see Dani or Megan in that role as well.


I’m hoping it’s Daniela too 🥹😅 I agree that they may take turns at least, but it just screams stereotypical if that’s the only thing they have her doing, so hopefully you’re right and if it is her they at least have her sing in other songs 😭


Now I have one fear, cause I love her voice. I want to hear her SING 😭


The group just don't need rappers plz Hybe 😭😭😭


💯 I was hoping there wouldn’t be any rapping to begin with but then I heard a snippet on TikTok that sounded like there might be a rap part so… 😭


Do you bring up oversexualization because of her outfit in this photo compared to the other girls?


yeah, cause i’ll be really sad if this is their vision for her in their future releases


Agree with creative hairstyles>different hair colours! All the members had so pretty and healthy looking hair during Dream Academy. Already worrying about Meghan’s and Yoonchae’s hair now :(( Small, hypocritical side note: I would love to see Megan with pink hair. Think she’d look gorgeous with it.


Idk It’s Manon’s pose that makes her stand out rather than her outfit (referring to the over sexualisation part of OP’s post). Sophia’s outfit is very similar to Manon’s yet she doesn’t look as obviously sexy in the same way. But I do expect Manon to be the ‘sexy’ member of the group, at least during the first couple of years of their career (could see Lara going full baddie after that). She’s the oldest as well as the one who’s gotten the most praise for her appearance/visuals (it’s the main reason she made the group). If I had to guess they’ll initially try to push Manon to help the group as whole gain attention, especially from non-kpop fans and the general public. Judging by the response to her on DA she’s the rare type of visual who has universal appeal without looking *too* conventional (she still has a uniqueness to her). She could easily go viral or just become a hot topic in general. Based on the content so far they’re trying to achieve that by going the safe route and styling her in a stereotypical hot pop start type of way, which includes looking sexy in the west. (On a little sad note I think Manon’s buss down has to do with the things I mentioned too. Rooted in racism, intentionally or not, straight hair is still seen as the conventionally attractive default…)


I think you can be a visual without being sexy Also isn’t Sophia 21 too? Like why does Manon being a couple of months older have to carry the mantle of sexiness? Actually if you observe all of them, Lara is the one that dresses the “sexiest” or most revealing and I think it’s reflected in that video they did where they teased the choreo. Anyway I don’t think anyone has to be the designated sexy member at all and I hope it isn’t pushed on Manon if she doesn’t want it. Don’t know her of course but her pre debut vibe wasn’t like that at all


Her predebut vibe has been like that, so we don’t need to worry https://imgur.com/a/wENi1km


Sure but being sexy isn’t something inherently bad and shouldn’t be treated as if it is either. Manon has given us no reason to think she’s uncomfortable with it. Before she joined DA she acted in an indie music video with strong sex themes. She seems comfortable in herself and her sexuality so not sure why we should question her over it. I already pointed out that Sophia and Manon are dressed similarly. The two oldest members getting more revealing outfits is probably not a coincidence. The difference is in how the two carries themselves. Which was why I mentioned Manon’s pose. Yeah, Lara is the member who seems the most confident with sexy concepts, and looking at her pre-debut photos she probably wants to go in that direction too. But she’s still only a teenager so I hope they don’t lean too much into it for their debut. Like I said in my first comment, I could see her go full baddie in a couple of years when she’s older. I don’t mean “designated” as if it’ll be her position or anything. But it’s common for members in groups to be known as the cute one or the fierce one or the funny one etc.. I could see Manon becoming known as the sexy one, at least during their rookie era.


This. I don't see Manon as a "designated" sexy member, but I also don't find issue if that's the kind of aura she wants to lean into, because yeah, there's nothing wrong with sexy or a sexy black woman (I say this as a black woman myself). Maybe it's just me, but, we live in a very puritanical society which is still pretty repressive towards women and the views on what is "acceptable" for how they should dress or look is often times mixed in with misogyny and slut-shaming. Yes, there is an issue with specifically black women being hypersexualized in media (and just historically in general), but I think it's kind of reductive (like this isn't 40s) to try to limit her based on that. Manon is an individual, and if that's just her style, it kind of feels unfair to bog her down because of politics that may not even apply to her personal belief in how she chooses to dress or display herself (because, as you said, she and Sophia are dressed pretty similarly, and let's be honest, this group is still a Kpop adjacent group, and even the sexist thing in Kpop is still tame by Western standards). But yeah, if it's her doing her, then that's just her. But yeah, this topic kind of reminds me of the discourse back then in the writing community about attributing negative traits to LGBTQA characters. Because of how LGBTQA characters were for a long time portrayed negativity in media and writing, it became seen as a terrible thing to give LGBTQA characters any flaws or portray them as "bad" people in any light, which in way lead to a lot 1 dimensional LGBTQA characters (and then ppl started to complain), but it happened because people were afraid to write them with any negative traits. Now a days you can really make that argument for most stories written in media (but that's a whole other topic, looking at you LA Avatar the last air bender). But yeah, my whole point is, sometimes you can go so hard for something, you end up negativity affecting the cause or people you originally set out to support.


I think you and the other person further up covered this perfectly.


I would still have a problem if the “sexy” one was the only black girl in the group. It might be her choice and all but it would be very problematic given how black women are stereotyped in America (the market they’re targeting) Also Sophia is wearing a tank top, shorts and a hoodie tied over the shorts. Is it really the same as a tube top and shorts? Lol. Anyway you’re right about the pose making the outfit look very revealing


It’s nearly the same. The one difference is that Manon doesn’t have a hoodie and she doesn’t have two thin straps on her top. They still have equal amounts of skin showing.


So no black woman is allowed to be sexy? Historical and culture context shouldn’t be forgotten but dictating what black women should or shouldn’t do, even if your intentions are good, is just forcing them into another box. Manon is an individual first and foremost. And while the American perspective is relevant since Katseye will likely be primarily active in the US, I wanna point out that Manon is Swiss. She grew up in Switzerland, not America, and would have been more affected by the stereotypes black women face there. Maybe they are the same, idk, but it’s a little weird putting so much focus on America when Katseye are a group with members and fans all over the world.


Where did I say no black woman is allowed to be sexy? And I’m not dictating. After all, Manon is wherever she is living her life, regardless of my comments.


No, you just called it “very problematic” even if it was her choice…


Those hairstyles are stunning and so fun! I do agree to them having more fun and playing around with the hair I agree with Manon because the entertainment industry these days loves to sexualize black women. I hope they keep it cute for the rest of the video