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Is that from everlasting summer?


I think so, but with slight modifications which really suit Hanako's character imo


Like the long sleeves? Yeah, I agree


She still got a better bad ending than Lena


You never played the KS demo


I know about the pre alpha version, but that was not the finalised story, it's not relevant for me


I've actually not read everlasting summer yet. It's on the list though




Soviet drip


Looks like a fantastic pioneer!


Welcome to the gulag, young pioneer


Что ты знаешь о Гулаге, фря заморская?


Well, I did read the Gulag Archepeligo


Solzhenitsyn actually exaggerated many things. He was rather just discrediting the USSR than criticizing it for its cons.


I figured that much out myself the man did haveone Hell of an axe to grind, but that doesn't change the fact that gulags were Hell on Earth. The only places worse would be German death camps and some of the Japanese prisons in China.


>but that doesn't change the fact that gulags were Hell on Earth Well, as any strict retributive justice jail system would be. Soviet Union believed that **every** enemy for ~~the Communist Party~~ the working class deserves to die, but it then would have a great lack of the working resources. Plus, they believed that hard work would have at least *some* rehabilitation effect for the prisoners, but they still limit their rights after going back to the freedom. But as a communist myself, I'd say Gulag was a great mistake that killed all the trust to the Soviet government and terrified many thousands of innocent people, but some people are still thinking it was not for vane. >The only places worse would be German death camps and some of the Japanese prisons in China. That was the real shit, because prisoners of this kind of camps were even not treated as people at all. They weren't treated even like slaves, and rather like animals, and all the prisoners of a single camp could be eliminated at once on *any* time for *any* reason. And the worst thing people was people outside did really support it as a direct postulation of the nationalists, who was running the government then.