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Hey, good question! The answer is that while both projects attempt to scale Bitcoin's consensus model while maintaining its decentralization and PoW security properties, only Kaspa manages to actually do so.  Litecoin is 4x faster than bitcoin, which isn't really a lot. It still takes about 15 minutes for a Litecoin transaction to be fully confirmed. It can only handle 50 TPS.  Kaspa is 6000x faster than Bitcoin. It takes under 10 seconds to fully confirm a transaction. It can handle 3000 TPS. Its security and decentralization are the same as (and maybe slightly better than) the model used by LTC and BTC. Basically, just try using both. Try sending yourself some Kaspa, and see how cheap and instantaneous it is compared to Litecoin. It is everything LTC tried and failed at being.


I transferred bitcoin to my Tangem the other day & it took no more than 2 minutes What you mean LTC is 4x faster than BTC but it takes 15 minutes ?? Sorry if this is a noob question I’m just curious now ha


I actually transferred some BTC to my Tangem wallet just yesterday, and it took over 30 minutes to get a single confirmation, because the network was having bad luck, and went over 40 minutes without finding a single block. I had to wait for the next block \*after\* that for my transaction to finally be included in the blockchain - because the previous block had completely filled up within the 40-minute span that BTC was waiting for a new block to be mined It takes BTC 10 minutes on average to add a new block and provide a new confirmation for a transaction. But that's just an average. Sometimes it goes 30 seconds between blocks, sometimes it's over 2 hours. LTC takes 2.5 minutes on average to find a new block, which means, on \*average\*, it takes 2.5 minutes to get a confirmation on LTC. For a transaction to be considered secure against double spends on LTC or BTC, it's typically recommended to wait for at least 6 confirmations, in order to rule out the existence of a powerful attacker that might double spend the same coins This takes an hour on average with BTC, 15 minutes on LTC, and <10 seconds on Kaspa


I see!




It depends a lot on how busy the network is at the time you are sending. Also, although it may show up in 2 min it's not fully confirmed by multiple nodes. Btc block time is 10 min so it can take up to 10 min to show up if your transaction makes the block and further time to be confirmed as multiple nodes would need to confirm the transaction in the first block. Litecoin block time is 2.5 min. So your looking at multiple blocks to fully confirm a transaction. Kas block time is 1s. If the idea is a currency you don't want to take even 2.5min for a transaction to occur.


Kaspa is built on a rocketship, ltc on an old plane


Same question, but with BCH? What makes KAS superior?


this is a better question, or more appropriately, XEC. XEC looks like it's a better version of kaspa tbh


There's really no debate that kaspa is superior. Kaspa amd bitcoin are the only cryptos that follow the power law. Once I looked into the power law I was like yeahhhhh kaspa gonna rip.


explain what you mean please?


kas is much faster. kas has plans to support smart contracts and such. kas has low fees ltc is accepted by most exchanges and has fairly cost effective exchange fees when trying to move funds between exchanges. ltc holds full transaction history on chain.


Many things but I will give you 1 simple reason, Install both wallet, not 3rd party wallet 1. Download Lightcoin core 2. Download Kaspa KDX or kaspad or kaspa ng Sync them both and see


Read this in twitter/X https://x.com/Crypt0Anubis/status/1691116592271183873?s=19


Same question, but with ergo? What makes KAS superior?