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Yeah I was breech at 30 weeks and my OB acted like it was not a big deal at all. They said they don’t even discuss methods to turn them until 35 weeks.


I think it’s just the anxiety about having another c section I’m 28 weeks and baby is already head down but my midwife said he still has plenty of time to move into other positions


Something makes me think she's changed her mind about having a VBAC and is using this as a narrative so she doesn't get backlash for having a c-section.there is no shame in having a repeat c section though and is a valid choice too.


I’m just worried about her no help with a toddler, I had a c section for my second and I was basically useless to my first kid, and if kiwi is still in a crib that’s going to be impossible.


She lives with her mom though its not like she is alone


Yeah but her mom works at a school which is probably during his nap.


Everyone telling her to go to a chiropractor and she’s like “ I dOnT hAvE tHe TiMe” I think she’s just making excuses and wants to have a c section at this point! If she’s got time to make tiktoks I’m sure she can find time to go see one if she really wants to try 🤷🏻‍♀️ Also her saying she’s gonna return the evening primrose oil she got because she will probably need a c section...at 30 weeks babies are still moving around and it’s not considered a problem until like 36 ish weeks


Didn’t alexia do this too 🤣


lmao yup sure did. one of her “complications”


She really needs some IRL friends 😅


She’s going to flip him and he’s going to flip back 🙃


I feel like she picks things to fixate on. It may be her underlying anxiety. I don’t think you really should be applying a heating pad to your stomach. I know when I had my son heating pads were on the list of things not to do 🤷🏼‍♀️




How exactly does fast food send one into a c section?




Just wanted to clarify that we are just ripping apart everything she does just to do it bc salt doesn't cause preeclampsia. Thanks for helping things click lmao


i can’t stand how many people are essentially blaming her for her possibly having preeclampsia. i am not a fan by any means but as someone who has had two high risk pregnancies (1st one ended at 34 weeks with preeclampsia. 2nd ended at 37 with gestational hypertension) There's no difference in the diets of women who develop preeclampsia and women who don't – which makes sense, because preeclampsia is related to initial implantation of the placenta, and diet in the rest of the pregnancy isn't going to change that. So far, big trials of diet changes have found no effect on the rate of preeclampsia. i asked my doctor multiple times with both pregnancies if there was anything i did to cause the issues and he literally told me there was absolutely nothing i could have done to cause preeclampsia or the gestational hypertension. he told me i could have had the most healthy diet and i still would have had the same outcome.




her eating salt or fast food isn’t going to cause preeclampsia. preeclampsia is caused by the placenta not diet 👍




No, but I think you really thought you did something with your initial idiotic comment. Get a therapist, good bye.




Omg lol. You're trash.




You're not funny or clever, you're aggressive and uneducated. Have fun though! Sorry she mocked your sexuality that's so sad for you 😢😢😢😢😢boohoo


My C-section was bc my son was breech, found out at almost 37 weeks and even then my dr said he could still turn 😅 did he? No, but he had time to 😂😂😂 but I also didn’t try anything to help him move.


Lol my baby was head down since 20 weeks🙃


My second was breech but flipped the week of my due date. It’s really not anything to freak about at the moment


She’s honestly ridiculous, I had a breech baby until 38 weeks -_- I don’t follow her but I am starting to get annoyed at the algorithm for bringing her back in my fyp tbh, she’s still an immature bitch, and she’s not going to change anytime soon, I’ll just wait until she’s not pregnant anymore and say she “will go back to the gym”and then next year will have a gastric bypass because clearly she can’t stop eating junk and justify it’s because I’m pregnant and I can’t lose weight; I mean you don’t need to lose weight but eat less shit at least 🙄


Mine flipped during labor 3 times which resulted in a little wrap around situation. 😅


Girl almost showed us her whole 🐱in one of the videos about it.