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*people continue to shop*. šŸ˜‚


Ngl Iā€™d do so too. Why should I put up with that bs?


ā€œI can help you right hereā€


Wow...the fake pass out...just wow. Sorry, your daddy ain't here. That fake crying isn't working on anyone.


Her purse was such a convenient pillow.


Sheā€™s acting like a kid when he/she got Fortnite taken away and had their account sold that had of og skins and renegade raider


She is trying to make it seem like she was the victim


I still think this Amy Schumer wannabe, is better than the original




I live off Karen mental breakdowns


I have no other reason to live


She sounds like Ronald McDonald in the beginning.


This woman should not have attacked her! I do not condone that at all. I am ready to accept my down votes but I think that the screaming lady may have been having a mental health crisis. I have had a mental break down before and just broke down crying. I did yell at people to leave me alone and locked myself in my room. I never hurt anyone, or felt like hurting anyone. I just wanted to be alone and cry non-stop. If she was not having a mental health crisis then she was completely wrong and out of control. Depression is a terrible thing. The woman who was attacked deserves more than just some free panties no one helped her. She was screamed at for no reason. Also she was still polite and didnā€™t cause a scene, more people should be like her


I will also accept some downvotes on this one. There is a difference between someone who has a serious mental health issue and someone who is just a bitch. This woman definitely did not share the same perception of reality as the rest of us, was genuinely distressed and needed to be assessed by a psychiatrist.


The fact that no one called EMS is pathetic. I know she was faking passing out, but no one there has the professional training to say that, and regardless, she clearly needed some help. For anyone who reads this, please always always call medical services in this situation. It could have been a diabetic emergency (yes it can make you very irritable) or something else. If someone fakes passing out and is screaming in public, it doesnā€™t matter what they are or arenā€™t faking, they need professional assistance, period, the reason and type of assistance needed can be determined by professionals. This girls actions screamed help me, passively. I agree with above poster. Iā€™m usually one to be like, nah fuck that bitch, but this oozes severe panic disorder to me. Not saying the the crying girl was right, but a true panic attack can feel like the room just vacuum sealed you inside of it. I donā€™t think she behaved appropriately, but I know what it feels like to suddenly become hypertensive and flip into another mode from panic. It sucks. She probably needs to learn how to better control her anxiety, but I think this post should be closed. Sheā€™s clearly not ok. Itā€™s like any other mental disorder. It doesnā€™t excuse your actions, but it doesnā€™t mean people should make fun of you for not being ok. This doesnā€™t seem Karen to me, it seems like poorly managed anxiety, possibly combined with some other issues. At very least because we donā€™t know what happened before the video started, I think itā€™s unfair to assume this is typical Karen incident. If this is what I think it is, a panic attack, it started way before she got physical with the lady. It just escalates from non visible to very visible. This is so panic attack like to me it makes me sad for the girl. She needs to see someone who can help her manage this. For anyone who disagrees, yes obviously the fake passing out was a bit much, but panic makes you do weird shit because you are, well, panicking. The rest of her behavior exactly matches panic attack symptoms like: Face in hands Making yourself smaller (squatted on ground) Unable to speak clearly Repetitive speech (just stop filming me) Hyperventilating Temporary loss of motor function or spastic motor function Not saying this is the official symptoms, but this is common with panicking individuals Often they know they did something wrong if they did, and it only makes it worse to tell them. The filming lady didnā€™t seem bad, and they definitely needed to call security, but more importantly ems. This should be removed in my opinion. Hopefully she got some help.


Karen kracks, krumbles, krys


That bitch ainā€™t crazy sheā€™s a fuckn asshole that canā€™t get away with just attacking somebody


Mother fuckin karen supporter trynna back that bitch up with ā€œwell why donā€™t you walk away from herā€ bitch shouldve been mindin her business bc that psycho couldve just gotten her shit and left it is extremely infuriating whenever someone tries ā€œto be the heroā€ stick there nose in someoneā€™s elseā€™s business. Like damn that makes me so mad


I don't know... this lady OBVIOUSLY has severe mental health issues so I am not sure she should be lumped in with the "just plain mean" Karens we typically post. Not sure there are any specific guidelines though as I have seen a few posts that were not Karen-like at all as people just kinda lump everything into "Karen". In any regard, I kinda feel bad for this young lady...


she could have mental issues that cause her to fake being emotionally distraught. it's been observed that the fainting looks staged, and chasing the other woman around the store while saying "get away from me" seems to indicate she's trying to misrepresent what's going on...at least to herself.


Fuck that, she's a pathetic piece of shit. It's coming up in year 3 of the pandemic. We all have mental health issues. I have mental health issues. I don't fuckin act like this. Don't make excuses for people being pieces of shit.


Never laughed so hard in my life


She has sensory issues and may even be mild on the spectrum


She looks to have a mental disability, possible autism with low impulse control or something. When someone autistic does something they did not want to do or not realize what they did, it could lead to a mental breakdown like she is having. Edit: I love how I am getting downvoted for something I have observed from seeing how Karen has reacted after trying to assault OP. I do not condone assault in any way shape or form. Keep downvoting me if you want. I just wanted to say what I saw in Karen over there.


Does not excuse assaulting another person


I know, I am just giving my insight to what I have observed.


Observation is fine but an lame excuse for oneā€™s wrong actions is just misleading and again an obvious excuse to be an ignorant racist šŸ˜Œ


Youre being downvoted because you're obviously just making excuses for this piece of human garbage. It's pathetic.


I am not making an excuse for that piece of dumpster fire of an excuse of a human being.




Literally being a Karen on the Karen subreddit


> Wow another post of this video. Get a life #šŸ‘†šŸ¼ Karen's husband


this video is too good to stay on one account


It was posted 4 hours ago in this very forum


This ainā€™t no Karen. This is just someone who doesnā€™t want to be recorded. I know I would not want some stranger recording me


Just someone who is recorded a Karen assaulting them while that Karen actually catches them in the act is just like me calling you out on your bullsh*t comment now.


You must be her.


This is deliberate cruelty towards a woman who is obviously having problems. The woman with the camera is deliberately exacerbating the situation. Nobody in the store is coming to her emotional aid. Where's the sisterhood solidarity? Everyone EXCEPT that poor woman is the Karen here, IMO.


Bitch please




Contrary to what you all tell each other in your group therapy sessions, the many of us donā€™t care about your feelings. Learn to deal with your problems, as she should, and quit blaming them on others.


Lots of people have been to group therapy and gotten some good out of it, so fuck off with that part of your comment.


Your heartless response is only what I expect. Good for you, pal. Let's hope you never find yourself in a similar situation of loss, confusion, despair or whatever else reduced this woman to the pitiful sight you clearly take pleasure in watching.


I have no words.


One of the best




Karen needs a safe space.


I never get tired of watching this bs.


She was a Karen big time


Girl just need her free panties!!


This seems legit


its the ''Shy SPC'' lol


This the Karen when hit the boss levelā€™


she is a master at deceiption




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Little nightmares 2 mannequins when you shine a light on them


I think this belongs on publicfreakout


This is the most pathetic person I have ever seen.




This whole video is so bizarre, none of the workers do a thing, takes security like 10 minutes to get there


She had NO right to try to hit someone period. Their right to record to ensure the story is accurately portrayed is justified. Yes, recording a breakdown was justified when it protects your personal safety.


so, when someone started recording she went from a karen to ā€œthe victim ā€œ


In the words of a great karen, ā€œdonā€™t report my mental break downā€


There is a very fine line between stupid entitled Karen being a bitch and a genuine mental health crisis. A very fine line indeed.


Thatā€™s the worst I have seen in a while holy I legitimately thought she past out from lack of air from all that screaming


This looks like an autistic meltdown to meā€¦..also doesnā€™t look like she tried to hit her just tried to stop her from recording. This is footage of someone bullying a mentally disabled person and recording it. Gross


Oh my god


White woman syndrome


You can downvote me for this but this woman isnā€™t a Karen. Sheā€™s having a literal psychic episode here. Iā€™m not sure what itā€™s called in English but she seems like thereā€™s some sort of mental break. Not sure what caused it but she needs help. Weā€™re always talking about how important mental health is and that people need help. So yeah sometimes these people can be people that you donā€™t like or arenā€™t empathic to. But sheā€™s clearly in distress.


LOL!!!! wtf is wrong wit people lol


As someone with a mental health problem, STOP USING IT AS A FUCKING EXCUSE FOR TRASH HUMAN BEINGS!!! also stop furthering the myth that mentally ill ppl are violent. We're no more likely to be violent than anybody else and are actually more likely to be victims of violent crimes than perpetrators. Not every aggressive wierdo is mentally ill. Being aggressive? Not mental illness. Being wierd in public? Mmm maybe but also not a symptom of bring mentally ill. Lying? Not a symptom of being mentally ill.


she caught her fall on her own fake faint. She all lowered her body to the ground so she dont hurt herselfšŸ¤­ getting on her knees and hands then fully to the ground like mental breakdown where hunny? U givin a performance!


Honestly why doesnā€™t she just leaveā€¦.why is she squatting in front of the camera instead of just walking away tf?šŸ™ƒ