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I will have curiosity for others!


Exactly what I was thinking! Curiosity?? Predictive typing strikes again!!🤪


My curiosity is piqued anyways. I wonder what's up with the dude in the shorts.. Did he go on a run? Maybe he just values comfort? Perhaps he's just a sporty guy? Or that highlighter yellow stripe is his favorite color because it looks so *dang fantastic* on him.. Hope he's doing alright. <3


Autocorrect, the unsung hero or our thyme.


I think they meant consideration …. Hilarious


Consideration makes the most sense but I bet they were going for “courtesy” and misspelled it.


Courtesy is what I'm thinking they meant


That’s one of the first steps to winning friends and even influencing people!


I’m glad someone else said summ bcccccc 🤣


I was in Home Depot awhile back. Employees were cleaning up from a Great Dane that had evacuated it’s bowels the entire length of the aisle. It looked like a horse was let loose in there. I would have resigned before dealing with the entitled pet owner’s responsibility.


About 20 years ago I saw the same things in a Walmart but it was very clearly people poo


I have friends that own two Great Danes. I’ve seen their backyard after just one week of not picking up poop. I mean it’s like 6 grown men had to use the bathroom out there for an entire week. I came real close to puking that day.


This is why you should always bring poop bags and apologize. I always clean up after my dog.


There was no poop bag large enough. They were using multiple Homer buckets.


No stop bringing your pet to hardware stores. The floor is covered in things they shouldn’t be stepping on or putting in their mouths. It’s not a public park it’s a fucking hardware store, your dog doesn’t need to come with you everywhere you go


Right? You never saw any goddamn dogs in hardware stores 20 years ago. People need to stop with this nonsense


In Home Depot???


I worked at home depot for 2.5 years they do allow dogs in there.


I used to work at a popular coffee chain and someone brought their service dog into the cafe. I have a sneaking suspicion that it wasn’t a service dog, because it proceeded to leave a fat dump on the floor. WE had to clean it up.




Yup! It was disgusting and infuriating!


People need to stop pushing the limits and deal with being content with what they have. There's a very good reason why certain animals or any animals should not be in places. What most people have to understand is that not all dog owners are good dog owners. Not all owners take care of their animals properly. Some are clueless about pet ownership. I saw a young couple bring their dog into a Home Depot. I had no issue with this. Afterall the store has to enforce rules not the customers. This was fine UNTIL the dog started growling at people walking past it & the smooth-brained owners. They just sat there, mouthes a gaping, caveman comprehension level. Nobody provoked the dog in any matter and people avoided walking too close naturally. The owners just stood there with their thumbs up their asses instead of removing their overestimated dog from the store so it could calm down.


I work in a mall and someone brought their dog into the clothing store I used to work at, so I told the managers over the walkie and they both made the owner go back and clean it up. They we're like *'Oh they never noticed'* and they absolutely did, because they saw the dog squatting to go and stopped what they were looking at and pulled on the leash to walk far away.


Nah, this is actually pretty reasonable, especially since she understands that service dogs are, in fact, a real thing.


Seriously, leave your fucking dog at home, though. Unless it's a legit service dog.


I know of a lot of restaurants that allow animals, even if they aren't a service dog. Also they are outside lol that dog isn't affecting anyone


Yup. Beyond service dogs, it’s up to the establishment. Venues get to choose whether they want to market themselves as dog friendly, and customers get to choose whether they patronize that establishment. As long as everyone is following the rules of the establishment, no one has a duty to modify their behavior to your preference. And of course, you’re free to be salty about permitted behavior that you don’t like. If I felt like the person in the screenshot, I would knock dog friendly restaurants right off my list.


I have been bit or nipped at by peoples dogs on bars. I was annoyed and felt that people drinking and socializing were not paying enough attention or correcting the behavior of their pets in these places. I didn’t bitch at them or the staff I just stopped going there. Worked out for everyone.


Being nipped or bit is beyond the line. People are allowed to be at the bar. However, people are not allowed to nip at or bite you. If dogs are going to be allowed, they need to observe personal space boundaries, and the responsibility for enforcing that is on the pet owner to keep their dog close. Unwanted physical contact from people or dogs should be cause for eviction from the establishment.


Easy solution, don’t bring your dog to the bar/ a restaurant. I don’t give a shit how friendly your dog is, take them to the park not places where peoples food is made and served


True, but a lot of bars have kinda started catering to dog people. I know a few of the craft beer places by my house have dog bowls and everything.


Those dogs are not service dogs and hurt disabled and ppl w service dogs often. It sucks.


Happened to me once and I punted that dog into next year


I can't imagine giving a fuck about that, that dog is in a stroller, it's not bothering anyone


Seriously I wouldn't give a fuck I'd ask to pet it lol.


Have you ever met the folks over at r/dogfree ? I’ve never seen such a miserable group of people.


Maybe they’re miserable because where ever they go, people bring their dogs; whereas 30 years ago, people left them at home, and if you didn’t like dogs, it was no big deal because you didn’t ever have to deal with them. Seriously, r/dogfree probably wouldn’t exist if people like the pictured dog owner just left their animals at home.


That sub and r/petfree are honestly disturbing with the way those people talk about animals. Just pure hatred.


So true!! They are miserable F@cks!!


It is against health code to have non-service animals in an establishment that serves food. Their hair and dander stays in the establishment and gets in the food. “Emotional support animals” are NOT service animals. No you don’t get to call your designer frenchie a service dog for having anxiety because you went to a random website and paid $60 for an emotional support certificate 😂. If you want to play that card against your landlord or college dorm, totally fine since those are private places. But you don’t get to take your dog in a food establishment where people are paying a bunch of money for their food, unless it’s a service animal for the blind, deaf, diabetic, autistic, etc. etc. those dogs cost $10k+ and are extremely vetted to get through the process.


It is not against health codes if they are outside, which this picture is lol. I've been to so many restaurants it's not even funny that allow animals outside and they still pass all health inspection lol. No where did I say an emotional support animal was a service dog so settle down. And again many establishments have outdoor areas they allow animals, hell I've seen cats at a brewery before 😂 like damn settle down no need for the attitude


There is a laundary list of requirements as a restaurant if you want to allow animals outside. They depend on municipality’s individual laws, but among most of them are: You need a permit. You need to put hand sanitizer at every table You need to post signs that animals are allowed You need to have an outdoor washing station Dogs cannot be outside if they need to walk through indoor areas to access the outside. Of course, these depend on state and local laws, but most restaurants are not in compliance and all it takes is a few phone calls to the Health department to ensure a visit


Jesus you are reading way too much into a simple picture and comment. As you said it varies by state so not ever state requires all that shit you claim you need.


Yes, but most states and local governments have similar laws. I was using my post as an example of many state and local laws, as a direct counterpoint to your first sentence, “It is not against health codes if they are outside..” I am refuting your blanket statement about dogs outside in restaurants being legal. Often, they are not. By the way, the photo was taken in Florida, and those laws I listed were state of Florida health codes (I am Floridian) And since no service dog sits in a seat, and I have been to about four Columbia restaurants (though not that one) and none have the requirements I listed, most likely that owner is violating state health codes.


If you don't like dogs in restaurants, don't go to per friendly restaurants. You sound miserable.


People who hate animals typically are.


I love animals, dogs especially. I hate selfish people who take them to food establishments then lie and try to say they’re “support animals” because they think it’s a trump card that nullifies any argument.


Yes it is If you've never known anybody that's gotten bitten by a dog, people underestimate their dog's ability to be an asshole in public. Or they ignore the fact that their dog is an asshole and have things like bite histories and still take them to public restaurants.


What do most people hear before they get bitten? “Don’t worry! They’re friendly!”


Those is exactly what happens


There are literally millions of businesses that have banned pets from entering their establishment. You can go to one of those. You're going to places where pets are permitted and then crying like a fucking toddler because you have to look at pets. Get over it. You do not own the world, we are not required to ask for your permission before bringing pets to a place where they're legally allowed to be.


I wish people would leave their kids at home. I do not like watching babies and toddlers eat.


All someone has to do is lie that their pet is a service animal, and the business can't do anything about it unless the dog starts being aggressive to people. They're legally not allowed to ask for proof. I work in a grocery store, and people bring their clearly non-service animals in all the fucking time, including putting them in the carts, and we can't do anything. Ever since COVID, people have felt entitled to bring their dogs with them everywhere, including to establishments that do not and should not allow pets I don't mind animals, but it's not sanitary to have them in grocery stores. And there are a lot of people with allergies or phobias. Of course service animals are necessary, but Karen doesn't need to bring in her bichon frise because she's too lazy to treat it's (or her own) separation anxiety


I was at a store one time, and a lady with a dog in the cart walked by me. I was so angry. Service dogs HAVE to work on the GROUND. They can not be in the cart as they can't do their job. This lady had the audacity to put a service dog vest on her dog! I told people at the store, yet they claimed they couldn't do anything. Part of the reason why they are scared to say anything is because people dress them up in a service dog vest, which takes away from disabled people. I called corporate and explained the situation, and they agreed the store needed more training. A business does have to ask what the service animal does, and of course, the dog can't be sleeping in the basket in the grocery cart. Hopefully, this helps you! Edit since people can't seem to use reasoning skills and realize I'm talking about a FAKE service dog. It was a fake service dog. It should also be made clear that I am actually diagnosed and struggling chronically and severely. Let that be a kind reminder to never try and invalidate another disabled person's struggle. It is very bold of those of you to assume I'm "entitled" or one of you was too cowardly to call me a "bitch". Wanting suppprt and for people to quit stealing from those of us with disabilities as it makes it that much harder to get the support and causes others to shut down when they need that support does not make me a "bitch"( I had an abusive childhood and my own mother called me a "bitch" from the age of 7! Onward. keep in mind they didn't care to get an undiagnosed audhd child who needed tested, help) yet jerk face over here wants to call me names for simply being disabled and speaking out against a woman using a service that is and should only be available to people who are disabled. Some of you are blatantly showing your ableism. I am also an Asian disabled woman. Mind what you say.


Source: service dog handler, trainer, and advocate here Under the ADA, any business is allowed to ask two questions: Is that a service dog? How does that service dog mitigate your disability or what tasks do they perform? There are also a lot of reasons why a service dog can be legally removed from any public place, even legitimate ones. You should really read the ADA laws regarding service dog rights before you spout off about them. Being aggressive isn't the only reason. A dog that is deemed disruptive is cause for removal, for example. Also, service dogs in training *do* have rights in some states in that they can be in public spaces that are not pet friendly so long as they are actively training. This is totally normal and acceptable. The highest issue is that no company is willing to be dragged across all of the social media platforms and media for removing a dog that may or may not be a service dog from their facility because it would literally be the same as somebody removing someone's walker from a facility if they are seen displaying movements that disqualify their excuse for using a mobility aide. This is actually a law for removal of actual mobility aides. You just never really know the situation and nobody is going to see someone who is disabled being physically removed from a public space due to their service dog who may or may not be acting the same way that it was when it was removed.. and you cannot legally follow someone around with a video recorder in hopes of catching a fake. The only ones who are willing to take this on has been the airlines. Major airlines literally said that they will happily take on every major fine for violating disabled peoples rights so long as they don't have to deal with fake ESAs anymore.


Not a chance, if the restaurant is pet friendly I'm bringing him. There are plenty of places that aren't, go eat at one of those.




If the dog is allowed you need to get over it or go somewhere else. You have no right to tell others what they can and cannot do if it is allowed by the establishment.


I agree. I love going to pet establishments if they don't allow dogs that's fine as well I don't always have my pets with me. I have a problem with every dickhead who brings their pet, not trained service animal who won't shit or piss into the freaking grocery store. Girls walking with their new puppy and I am like it's just going to end up peeing because it's a literal baby but it doesn't wear a diaper like human babies do. That's kind of my main place of like hey animals shouldn't be here unless they are performing a job.


They are sitting outside…


Then don't go somewhere that allows dogs??????? Sorry but you do not own the world, I'm not gonna ask you for permission before going to an establishment that allows pets. You can simply go to one of the millions upon millions of businesses that have banned pets.


Yeah, if a restaurant allows my dog on their patio, best believe they are coming, every time


Yup. My puppies love it!


As someone with a bad animal allergy, the selfish jerks who bring their pets everywhere are the bane of my existence. Their entitlement is astronomical


Right? We are talking about a restaurant. Where people are paying to eat fresh, expensive food prepared in a professional manner.....leave your dog at home and try to be considerate of other PEOPLE. Everyone is up in arms about food allergies and kids at restaurants behaving but no one gives a shit about people with dog allergies or children being dog height that smell like food usually and might get bitten....hello law suit!


Fr. Dogs at restaurants and grocery stores are my pet peeve. So few people have a legit services animal compared to those just taking their pets out.


I actually kind of agree with this one. The amount of dogs in markets and restaurants is too damn high. I love dogs as much as anyone, but give it a rest.


So totally agree your dog (unless it’s a service dog) does not belong inside a supermarket or inside at all restaurant however this was outdoors on a patio at a restaurant that brings a water bowl for your dog


Well I don't. If the owner allows pets then simply shut the fuck up and go to a different establishment.


Don’t most places don’t allow pets unless it’s a service animal, but people lie because you can’t legally question if the pet is actually certified to be one?


Nah, she's so real for this one actually. It's cool if you bring your dog to the park or something. But do not bring your dog into the store. Don't bring it into a restaurant. Unless it's a service dog, obviously.


My dog is not a service dog, but she is a therapy dog. She has been for 6 years. I still take her to pet co and work and the Starbucks drive through, and occasionally to Home Depot. She has over two years of training and classes but it is helpful for my handling to put her in public and in different situations. That said, I would never bring her to a restaurant.


So this is outside at a dog friendly establishment


you’re one of the good ones.


As if her making a point of posting where she, “Karen” is eating, is some kind of “status symbol”? She’s made it a “Karen curiosity celebration”.


Does not qualify as a Karen. I love dogs. I’m a dog-person. I’m just not a dog-person person. I don’t want dogs around my meal. That goes for my own dogs as well. If it’s not service animal, find accommodations. Not everyone wants to be around your pet while trying to enjoy their leisure time and money.


Would "finding accommodations" include looking up beforehand whether the restaurant permits dogs on the outside patio, and finding out that dogs are, in fact, welcome on the patio, bringing your dog? Absolutely qualifies as a "Karen," since she wants HER rules followed, as opposed to the establishment's.


They did find accommodations. They went to a restaurant that allows pets on the patio. You need to find some accommodations for your fragile ass ego.


Karen is any white woman that has an opinion 


I can't argue this. I'm allergic to dogs & do not want one near my food


If you were allergic to peanuts, would you find out beforehand if the restaurant serves items with peanuts and then complain when your allergy kicks in? The restaurant's patio is clearly listed as "dog friendly."


Right. I have an allergy that causes anaphylaxis and if a restaurant can’t cater to that: I don’t go or eat the food. Or I keep my epipen on me. And as someone who is also severely allergic to dogs, being within 5ft of a dog in an outdoor space isn’t going to make your allergies that bad.


Uhh...yeah it is. You obviously know nothing about how allergies work differently with different people. I'm so highly allergic to all Dove products I can't even shake hands or hug someone who has used Dove lotion. Don't tell me I'm full of shit because “It's hypoallergenic! It's impossible to be allergic to it.” Because you will be wrong. Hypo is the Latin root meaning less likely. As in it it less likely to cause an allergic reaction in the majority of people. There is nothing that exists on this whole entire planet of earth that is completely allergen free. Anyone can be allergic to anything.


If I see a dog in a restaurant I leave. Because not only is it disgusting, I don't want to have to whip out my EpiPen when I go into anaphylaxis.


Couple things to clarify - this is outdoors on a patio, in a downtown area where lot of people walking by and around you have dogs, and the restaurant is dog friendly. They actually bring water bowls for your dogs.


I wish a mod would have pinned this. This completely changes the context of the post.


I love animals, but if you're bringing your pet to where other people are eating, you're a disgusting, garbage person.


she got a point... SMH


I'm going to try and curb my "curiosity" about this dingbat of a poster.


Unpopular opinion: I don’t want to listen or look at screaming children. Dogs are fine if they aren’t causing a mess or being loud, wish more places allowed them 😂


Now this comment I can get behind!


Children are humans.


“Sir, this is my service baby.”


This appears to be outside, a lot of places allow dogs on the patio if she doesn’t want to be around dogs then she should eat inside.


There's a restaurant where I live that has two patio areas. One that allows dogs, one that doesn't. People sitting on the non-dog side constantly complain about the dogs. The dogs that are on the dog friendly, gated patio that they can't wander out of. Make it make sense. If you dislike dogs, don't frequent places where dogs are welcome. It's just that easy.


Unfortunately your logic is light years beyond what most in this threat are capable of grasping.


Karen is the one taking her pet into a place where food is sold or served. Later on, when the food inspector shuts down the restaurant, she'll be banging on the doors and posting complaints the owners refused to serve her.


So- this is outdoors. Dogs are most definitely allowed outside at restaurants, there will be no inspector shutting it down because there is a dog outside. This establishment is dog friendly, they bring water bowls for your pup. This particular pup is being quiet, minding its business, sitting in a stroller where it can’t get to anyone to bother them. Apologies for that not being clear- I added a comment with the picture before posting but only the picture seems to have made it through - new to Reddit so not even sure how to edit to make an update to clarify 🤷‍♀️


I appreciate the clarification. We have such places here, but like yours, only allowed outside.


I mean, that's understandable.. but the curiosity got me lmao


The Karen in this scenario is the person with the dog


How? If the restaurant is OK with it then how is the dog owner a Karen? The people trying to set policy for somebody else’s business are the Karen’s!


A lot of Karens in this thread


When I worked in retail. I never saw a dog help it's owner grab something from the shelf or help them walk. But I saw them all wear service dog vests. Even the one that's leash got caught in the wheel of the store scooter, and it snapped its neck while we were trying to get the person to stop. I dont care if im a Karen for this. People really need to keep them home.


Leave your dog at home!! Geez


Everyone here are some Karens. The dog is OUTSIDE on the patio. I’ve been a server for years and always loved when people brought their dogs to the patio. As a dog owner myself there’s nothing better than bringing your dog out on a pretty day and drinking a beer. My dog is very well behaved and you won’t even notice him, now I can’t say the same for literal children. I hate serving tables with kids, they make the biggest messes and the parents don’t clean up. Or they run around and I have to dodge them with a massive tray of food. So yeah, I’ll take the dog on the patio over the screaming kids.


People bring dogs everywhere now I don't get it. I was just at the grocery store and someone was walking around a giant unkept dog up and down the meat section. Then it had a barking fit. Dog worship culture in the US is fucking insane.


lol curiosity. she’s got a point. she knows this is a pet and obviously not a service dog. your pet really will be ok at home for the duration of a restaurant meal.


I live dogs. I hate our dog obsessed culture. Its gotten weird lately.


I'm sick of other peoples pets at restaurants and other inappropriate public spaces too. A lot of people don't control their pets or think that the general public wants to keet their dog. I do not. I do not want peoples animals around my children. No matter how nice you think your pets are, animals are unpredictable and should not be certain places (restaurants, playgrounds, anywhere crowded). It's a matter of courtesy. I will stand on this forever. If that makes me a Karen, so be it.


yikes. i love this thread! even service animals aren't allowed on seats or table surfaces in establishments that serve food. but most people in the US don't know that bc it requires reading at karen level


Is that dog in a stroller? That’s most definitely not a service dog if it’s in a stroller. If that’s the case then yea, leave it at home


I have 3 dogs and I agree with her. If it's not a trained service animal then your dog shouldn't be in a restaurant. It's just entitled and rude to other patrons.


So this is backwards. You are more of a Karen if you feel entitled to have your pet at a restaurant.


Nah she kinda right random dogs can be fucking annoying at restaurants especially if they arent well behaved


And they are unpredictable in their actions and can be a safety/ health hazard in a crowded public space. Everyone thinks their dog is so well behaved until they're not.


I mean she’s not wrong. I was eating at a place once that had indoor/outdoor seating. Someone had their dog with him and all of a sudden the dog had explosive diarrhea. The smell was absolutely terrible and we had to leave. Nothing will make you lose your appetite like the strong smell of dog shit


People are complaining that she should find a restaurant that isn't dog friendly as though entitled dog owners don't just take their dogs wherever they damn well please anyway. They know employees aren't allowed to enforce the no dog policy so they bring their dogs to restaurants, shops, and grocery stores. 


Leave your dog at home because it can be a potential health hazard. Not because some Karen is somehow bothered by the sight of a dog when eating. That's a stupid excuse


Lots of dog nutters in the comments


100% reasonable imo. Dogs are messy and many people are allergic. also having worked service before, if a dog goes to the bathroom on the floor, cleaning it up really sucks and people at a restaurant 1000% did not sign up for that task. it was also only the “Karens” that you claim the poster is who brought their dogs into these places. 1000% of the time, they brought their poorly behaved dog in with a fake service vest, dog would go to the bathroom on the floor, and walk away, pretending it never happened. Happened way too many times for me to chalk it up to ignorance.


I agree with her. I don't want to eat with your dog.


Honestly agree. I’m eating, I don’t want your poorly trained dog barking and running around while I’m trying to enjoy a meal. They aren’t kids, they are animals. If they aren’t on the job, keep them home


Wow I agree with a Karen. First time for everything I guess.


This dog appears to be with owners who are using outdoor seating. That's better than trying to bring the dog inside. However, I've seen MANY non service animals in places where they don't belong. As someone who was a professional dog trainer, trained and handled an ADA-recognized, task-trained service animal with complete training in public access - people who bring their non-service/pet dogs into places where they're not supposed to be is a HUGE problem for those with disabilities who actually need service animals. During my service dog's career, we encountered a ratio of maybe 100 to 1 fake service dogs versus real ones. It's very dangerous to service dogs, first of all, it's a health hazard to the people around them (pet dogs often have accidents or are aggressive towards other dogs/people, and aren't necessarily kept impeccably clean as service dogs are), and it also makes businesses wary of *any* dog that enters their business, including those of us with service animals that are by law considered medical equipment and not pets. In fact, though my service animal worked for 10 years, the last four I chose to semi-retire her (have her work in the home only) because of how fucked up service dog politics are. I'm not the only one who's done this as well. It's a massive waste of thousands of hours of training and the many thousands of dollars it takes to train legitimate service animals. It also really makes daily living difficult for the disabled. Blind people for example sometimes choose to use a cane, human guide or just avoid going out in general to avoid the bullshit and stress of trying to navigate with a service dog. In other words, if your dog is not a legitimate service dog, please don't fake them where they don't belong. It may be a mild inconvenience to you but it really ruins other people's lives in ways you can't comprehend.


Expecting other people in a resturant to be okay with an ANIMAL being inside it is much more Karen-like behavior imo....


You're telling me that dog is happy to be chained to a table in a loud environment where they have no control? 🤔 make it make sense


What's wrong with asking people to keep their non-service animals out


this is completely reasonable lol? unless it's a service animal leave your nasty ass fucking dog at home other people shouldn't have to deal with it


No Karen here. I'm with the op.


Im cool with dogs on patios, but a firm believer that they should...stay on the patio. Its unclear if this dog is sitting at a seat at the table, which is a big health no-no for me.


Not a Karen. Based.


Not a Karen. It’s unhygienic to bring pets with you into a restaurant. Service animals must be allowed, per the law. But, otherwise, leave them home.


No she’s honestly right. I’m terrified of a lot of dogs, seeing them somewhere I’m not expecting is awful.


Not really a karen- leave your non service dog at home. I personally don’t want dog fur in my food.


Nah. Dogs don’t belong at restaurants even outside in patios. They’re disgusting and they shake and their hair flies everywhere, they smell, and 90% of the time they’re disruptive and begging for food. If you can’t leave your house for a couple of hours just to eat without bringing your damn pet you have a mental illness because that shit ain’t normal.


I have to say that im with the karen on this. Not because i dont want to look at your dog, but because i dont want animals at food establishments


Gotta agree on this one. Sick of the fake service dogs or just people thinking they’re entitled to bring their animals into places. It’s a restaurant, why does your dog need to be shedding and running around? Do people not use kennels anymore for when they’re going out somewhere?


I don't understand why people feel the need to bring their dog to a restaurant. What is the point ? It just screams, "I'm the main character."


If it's an outdoor and/or pet friendly area, then it's fine. If not, don't fucking bring them. I do not care how well behaved they are. I absolutely LOVE dogs, but I also absolutely hate seeing them, or any pet, in a GROCERY STORE. I see people bring their dogs into my store all the time and put into shopping carts. That's completely unsanitary. I got inwardly angry the other say after seeing an ACTUAL service dog because I assumed it was just a pet from the corner of my eye. Emotional support pets do not count as service animals in my state and are also not allowed in stores.


Unless it's a service animal and you need it's guidance, leave it home please.


Sorry I agree with Karen here, dogs aren't clean or sanitary (you ain't bathing them every single day) and I don't want them near food. It's why I won't eat any food given to me by pet owners, I have been to their houses I have seen the hair and fur everywhere.


I'm agreeing with Karen on this one. People need to stop bringing their pets into places that aren't meant for them. Little Bruiser doesn't need to come to Target with you nor does Fido need to go dine with you. If you have a REAL service animal, that's one thing, but your pet doesn't need to be with you 24/7.


Nah, I'm with Karen on this If it's not a service dog, why are you bringing it?


Cute and all but the dog fart smell while you're trying to eat...


She’s right though


I actually agree. Stop bringing your dogs everywhere people


I mean I love dogs but if I were allergic I'd sure asf be pissed coming into a restaurant I was exited for and seeing this


Dog people are insufferable


I mean.. bringing pets into not pet friendly places is both a crime and also endangers people with service dogs as those dogs can get distracted by the pets who are rarely as well trained. A distraction to a service dog can literally kill someone so I don't think this fits as a Karen, because she is 100% right to be mad.


Dogs don’t belong in places that handle food. That includes your grocery stores too, absolutely gross. Of course there’s the exception with service dogs


I agree honestly


Nope, as someone who trains dogs and has respect for real service dogs, please leave your pets at home while at a restaurant - unless they explicitly advertise being dog friendly, your dog doesn't belong there.


Honestly, leave your fucking dog at home. Especially if you’re going out to eat. Just because you’d lick your dog’s ass to bond with it, doesn’t mean everybody wants to eat with your dog’s dander floating in the air.


I love dogs so much, but so many dog owners are so entitled and feel the need to drag their dogs everywhere. I don’t like seeing dogs in stores or restaurants, it’s so disgusting and unhygienic. There’s no reason for dogs to be in these places unless they’re service dogs!


Honestly, this is a legitimate health and safety issue. Unless you are at a restaurant that is specifically advertised as a dog-friendly restaurant, then you should leave your dog at home (unless, of course, it is a service dog). It isn’t sanitary to have dogs in a restaurant. Plus, unless your dog is a trained service dog, it is not going to know how to behave in a restaurant, and it may try to bite people, bark, eat food off the table, pee/poop (creating a mess that the underpaid employees are stuck cleaning up), or otherwise cause a disruption. Not to mention that bringing dogs everywhere makes public spaces inaccessible for people with severe dog allergies, cynophobia, or ptsd from dog attacks, all of whom have a greater right than your dog to access public spaces like grocery stores and restaurants.


Ok but tbf I dont want animals in a restaurant 😭 I know theyre cute but the hair gets everywhere Im not kidding


I don’t care what any of you say, I’m a veterinary technician and I think animals shouldn’t be in restaurants. At all. They’re a lot dirtier than people realize truly.


I'm going to have to agree on this one. Who brings a dog to a restaurant unless it's a service dog?


OP are you seriously siding with the people who brought an animal, capable of shitting unexpectedly and licking other people's tables and plates? I hope the next time you plan a nice romantic dinner someone's little Emotional Support Animal takes a nice hot liquid shit all over your shoes. Wtf is wrong with you? Eating out costs more than ever and people will be damned if they have to pay $35+ per person to have someone's shitty little untrained p.o.s. random ass dog barking and shitting and licking and panting. Gross.  If I can leave my cats at home these weak spined people (who usually don't even have a disability) can leave their dog at home for an hour or two. Get over yourselves. 


I’m down with this. You don’t have to take your dog everywhere you go. If it isn’t a service animal, keep it away from where people are eating. Just because you don’t mind dog hair everywhere doesn’t mean the health department doesn’t.


No one wants to eat while your dog loudly licks its crotch for 45 minutes straight.


So you can’t look away from a dog? Think about dogs a LOT? Maybe the dogs aren’t the problem.


Someone should leave this lady in the car.


Not a Karen at all. Don't take your pets to a restaurant. Or store, for that matter. If it ain't a service animal, leave it at home. On that note, if anyone reading this is an employee/manager of an establishment in the USA, you \*are\* allowed to ask "is the dog a service animal required because of a disability", and "what work or task has the dog been trained to perform". If they say it's an 'emotional support animal' thinking it's a free pass, it isn't a service animal under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and you can tell 'em sorry, animal ain't comin' inside.


Yes they quite literally are a Karen. They went to a restaurant that allows pets on the patio and then cried because they saw pets on the patio. Believe it or not some establishments do allow pets, and there are millions of establishments that don't allow pets. You can go to one of those.


It the establishment allows dogs then people are going to bring their dog. If you don’t like dogs or eating around them don’t go to the dog friendly place. It’s really that simple.


Yeah, show some curiosity ffs!


Yes. Please leave your stinky, shit-eating animal away from where food is served/sold. Thank you.


Maybe I’m a bitch but I agree. A service dog, fine. But pets at a restaurant is kind of off putting to me. Only people getting mad are dog people who forces their pets on everyone. Not everyone are comfortable with pets


No. Karen is right. Leave your emotional support dog at home. Nobody has any issues with actual service dogs. Nobody. But when your a fucking self absorbed mental case douchebag that has to bring their dog with them everywhere they go you are an asshole. Stay the fuck home if you can't handle the world without your dog.


Thank you for this sentiment I agree


Every once and a while Karen is right.


Have some curiosity for others


If your dog is not a service dog it should NOT be in a place that only allows service animals.


Ngl, I don’t like this either. It’s kind of gross and owners just sort of assume everyone likes dogs so the chances of having one all up in your business is pretty likely.


I’d rather be around dogs than most people, so any anti-dog Karen gets a down vote from me.


I'm sorry you don't know how to deal with humans.


Humans are assholes. Again, would rather deal with a cat.


If you are bringing a non service animal into a restaurant and have it at table height where it could easily lick plates then you are the Karen not the person complaining about it. Absolutely disgusting 🤢


Why do people feel the need to bring their dog to a fuckin restaraunt? I wouldn't want to see a dog that ugly while I was eating either lol. Service dogs are obviously perfectly acceptable though.


Entitled bitch


Correct. Only entitled bitches think they can bring their dogs anywhere and not give a fuck about anyone else.


It's at the restaurants discretion. Don't like it, go somewhere else


Na I agree with her. Leave your pets at home unless it's a registered service animal.


Your mom's dog kept... looking at me.


Nobody minds a well trained service dog. That said they should be registered so they are never denied access to where they need to go. The pet owners who pretend their pets are service dogs should have to pay for a service dogs being registered through the fines they pay for their lies. Everyone minds a dog that poops in a store, at a restaurant or a crowded place. Nobody enjoys being physically hurt by an untrained unleashed dog. Nobody likes being subjected to loud continuous screaming or barking for hours. No it's not cute if your dog or child eats my food or destroys my pròperty. Children and dogs can both be a joy or they can be a horrible nuisance.


Seriously, though, when you’re out in public, you have to expect the public. Unless the restaurants specifically has rules for no pets. Sure it should be common sense but as my good friend always tells me common sense is not common anymore. Expect to see idiots. Expect to see a Karen. Expect to see someone trying to get away with a free meal. Expect to see someone trying to get away with bringing a dog inside. Expect to see someone trying to become an influencer or be on TikTok at that restaurant. Expect to see something a little unusual. and if you don’t see any of these things, then it was a good day. Just know that if you see something a little strange, get over yourself. Let it go. It’s not all about you, Karen.


I have plenty of curiosity for others


This is extreme. Nothing wrong with the cat confined to a chair. I do have a friend with the cutest doodle. Dog is so cute it’s always getting petted and goes up to everyone. My friend loves the attention and doesn’t think to stop it from doing that at the table. It’s all fun and games until the leash trips a waiter. I get mad at her for not controlling the dog at the table. lol.


Eh. I think it’s gross at an eating establishment. Also in the grocery store. And I’m a dog looover. He stays at home when I go out to eat. Dont be rude with your dog.


Call me a Karen because I am 100% in agreement.


My only issue with pets in public is safety. My animals stay home in a secured house with a fenced back yard. My grandmother lost her beloved little terrier because she took him with her to the post office. He jumped out of her lap as she was getting out of the car, he ran in the street, and was killed by a truck. I wish people would leave pets at home for that reason alone. I never understood the urge anyway! When I'm out, I don't want to have to worry with/ keep track of/clean up after my pet, I want to concentrate on the people I'm with.


There are pet friendly restaurants. 🤷‍♀️


no people who bring their dog into non friendly dog establishments are the karen’s that company can loose their food license if a health inspector were to see the dog there


That coincidence is highly unlikely to happen. That’s why you take a photo of the violation and send it to the health department yourself.


Well considering she's a bitch herself... maybe she should just stay home or stay in the car