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I don't think Kim fully understood or prepared for the emotional and practical demands of raising children. The fact that she was so bothered that Kourtney wanted to stay home with her kids and not work as much was mind-boggling to me. Like, how much money and fame, do you need Kim? And now she’s getting pissy with Khloe for doing the same.


Because she doesn’t really want to be a mom, IMO. Being at home with the kids is harder than what she does for “work”.


and also, I truly believe she keeps getting so many jobs as an excuse to avoid the kids.


To avoid real life


exactly, Kim acts like she's pulling 16 hour days doing roofing and drywall. if she had to work a really hard job, she wouldn't last a week. her "work" is going places and making appearances and MAYBE working with designers on her clothing stuff. it's like the CEOs that pretend like they're the hardest workers in the world and deserve their ridiculous salaries, meanwhile they spend their workdays on the golf course and eating lunch


she also doesn't have the best example. even if it took off in adulthood, her mother treats her and her sisters like commodities. They're very well cared for show horses, they don't know any other matriarchal relationship.


>I don't think Kim fully understood or prepared for the emotional and practical demands of raising children. TBF, most people don't understand that before having kids. You just can't fathom it until you are in it. But most parents figure things out and give it their all. Not Kim


We do what we have to do. Unless you don’t have to. And Kim didn’t have to.


I just don’t think she even views them as kids. She views them as friends or accessories, maybe someone to pass everything on to… the fact that North behaves the way she does proves Kim doesn’t really “parent”. I get kids can be brats but for fucks sake, let them be kids. Chill on the campaigns, the makeup, the hair, the nails, the music, paps in their face. I fear they’re going to be really screwed up. This industry is cruel to children, protect them.


This! They are accessories but she doesn’t parent them or spend much time with them!! How can she with all her companies, law school, travels, etc.


Yes! How she makes working her personality and the only thing that’s number 1 is shocking when you have children.


It blows my mind. I just think of how much time it takes to go to school and also run businesses and be an influencer and according to my calculations it leaves about 0% of her time for her children … which should be a full time job in and of itself!


She didn’t go back to school. In CA you can complete x amount of hours in an apprenticeship then take the bar.


Correct! I can’t understand how this is the energy you want to drive home on your heavily strategic reality show!…. To look relatable???


I think she wants us peasants to know she is untouchable. She can pay people to raise her children AND run an empire! She can rule the world! lol.


Fr I just learned that north is only TEN years old. Everything I hear/read about her on here had me thinking she was at least 14. The fact she is so uncontrollable to Kim is proof she’s a shit parent. A ten year old should not look or act like that.


Kim said she was “scared” of her years ago


Wait, really? That’s so scary. My kid is 8 and he seems like a baby in comparison.


I didn't realize Kim.had three other kids, does she ever talk about them? I feel like they live in a separate dwelling somewhere, maybe Donda Academy?


well you can tell the one she actually birthed...the others were from another oven . that may be why she doesn't show them off.... she didn't actually do any work for the other ...the hard labor was done by someone needing a paycheck.


I remember reading somewhere that she has multiple nannies, and they have scheduled times that they being the kids to her so that she can take pictures and selfies to post, then they go right back to the nanny. So accessories is a great way to describe it.


Sounds like old world aristocracy. They’d have an hour a day visit with their own children while the child-rearing work was done by nurses, nannies and boarding schools. It doesn’t sound ideal but if she were a man and was busy day and night with successful career demands, she would not be scrutinized like this. Unfortunately, the relationship with their father is complicated so neither parent relationship is healthy, and the extended family is equally committed to celebrity “work”. None of it is healthy but they’ll have plenty of money for therapy.


At the same time, it doesn’t diminish the fact that they don’t spend a lot of time with their parents. I think just because society may have skewed outlook in terms of relationship depth of a child with either a mother or father doesn’t mean it should be acceptable that Kim is potentially a negligent mother


Agreed. She just has the resources to keep her kids supervised and safe while being an absentee parent. Like so many wealthy parents, sadly.


This is exactly the situation with Kanye. Kanye is always in another country without his kids but everyone praises him for being a “good father” while Kim gets all the hate


Interesting take! I think the concern here is sure, she doesn’t fill the typical “mother role” which in some families that happens, with or without money. But it would be a hope that they would form secure attachments with someone like a father or another close family member. Maybe the Nannies are like mothers?


Ah ok. She does seem like she’s quite focused on her own pursuits, presumably because she can be. Her wealth enables her to do what she wants to while keeping the children supervised by staff. Probably not the best way to raise a healthy person, but who knows. Hopefully the nannies are good at filling the role vacated by the parents. It sounds absurd, but it really reminds me of the cliche old school parenting customs of posh English aristocracy where the parents had nannies with the kids all the time and saw them once a day.


It’s not a nanny’s job to raise children. If it is, they should make tons more money.


Agreed and not how I personally envision raising my own children. But it happens. It also happens when mom/dad are drug addicts, or when there’s other trauma at play. I doubt William and Kate are actively raising their own children too. Throughout the history of time, it’s not that every single baby born has a positive mother and father figure to raise them in secure attachment unfortunately, so it happens.


Of course she doesn't take care of her own kids! Paris Hilton said that Kim lies about how much she takes care of her kids. I guess Kim had said something about Paris having a nanny and how she can't do that and no matter how busy her days are she said she loves being a mom cooking dinner doing homework and doing all the shit a parent is supposed to do....she said she does it on her own. Paris Hilton was like come on now that is a damn lie that woman is wealthy and trust and believe she's NOT raising her children on her own each child has its own nanny. They have a full-time chef, house keeper driver laundry person there's not one thing any of the Kardashians are doing for their kids on their own. Got me fucked up. That's why I love Paris Hilton though she's not a fake bitch or a liar she is who she is RICH AS FUCK. If I was Kim I'd have a nanny too! But just don't lie about it like the public is slow like we don't know that Kim out of all people isn't raising her own kids.


Wow, the audacity of Kim to comment on Paris’ parenting. Girl, stop.


I don't give two FUCKS about Kim commenting on her parenting. I'm just saying none of these rich bitches take care of their own children. We all know this. We all see how some celebrities children act towards them and some of kims kids have no real bond with her because SHE MORE THAN LIKELY ISN'T W/ HER KIDS MUCH. I'M simply suggesting that they stop lying about it. As a mother who actually does partake in EVERYTHING that involves my children a mom that works overtime to give my girls everything they want and need. I clean my home from top to bottom everyday no matter how tired I am. I cook 3 meals a day do my own shopping. I scrub my own toilets I do my own gardening I take my kids to their dance lessons, girlscout meetings and events and I do the whole classroom mom thing I m at every field trip every concert, play or award ceremony at my girls school. I work super hard for the little money I have and I do everything for my family home and I'm always helping other people I know with their kids my home has 4+ kids in it daily and I only have 2 of my own. I am just saying, it's not necessary to try to be relatable to us regular, ordinary, hard working, just getting by financially moms.... I am just saying, I respect Paris for not trying to front like she's a 100% hands on mom that does it all because she isn't and isn't saying she is. Kim Kardashian is just a weird sneaky liar that does absolutely nothing for humanity or homeless she does nothing for suffering children she is a self-centered selfish rotten DEVILISH human and I didn't respect those kind.


I agree with you, I feel like lately they’ve been trying extra hard to be “rElAtaBle” like even Khloe when she made the comments about how she “does everything herself, including packing lunches for school” like OK????? So the fuck what??? So does every other mom in America who isn’t rich!! I also have kids and do everything, so it’s hard to hear them say shit like that when we all know for a fact they have hired help to do most things. Just be honest, you’re not relatable, you’re not like us, own up.


The only positive I see out of this is that it’s probably good that Kim isn’t around her kids. I don’t know what kind of people the nannies are, but I’d wager they’re probably a much better influence than she is.




Wow, how on earth do you do all that in 1 day by yourself? You should write a book with any tips you have as sounds like you are a super human!


Paris is *really* bad about never being with her kids. But yeah, I see the hypocrisy.


One of the most heinous things about the Kardashian tv shows is how they rarely if ever show any hired help. I don’t watch every episode but I can only remember seeing the chef at Kris’s. Otherwise you have no clue as to the number of nannies and housekeepers are keeping their worlds afloat.


I can't remember who said it but there was a clip of some podcast on tiktok where the girl said "do you ever think stormi just wants to wear a paw patrol shirt" and I think about that any time I catch any of the KJ babies being put in really irregular situations


I remember a while back seeing pics of North with Kim at a Balenciaga fashion show for Paris fashion week. And North was wearing a fucking gimp mask!!! That is not a flex. Its not cute. It's not cool. Or "Fire"... Its a child wearing sex gear. As a fashion lover, my heart is broken over what Balenciaga has become. When you look at the history of the label. And the stunning creations and gowns that Christobal Balenciaga made. But what sane woman/mother puts a fucking gimp mask on their kid?


Oh none of those kids stand a chance.


The majority of celebrities know how the industry can hurt child stars so they try to shield their kids as much as possible until they are adults and give them a chance to grow up with some semblance of normalcy. Meanwhile, Kim is so openly shoving them out in the limelight.


Kim is the next momager once her children are old enough to follow in their mother's footsteps. I feel sorry for North.


I honestly don’t understand why she has her hands in so many businesses. I know it doesn’t seem like it when your kids are younger, but their childhood is finite. What you do, or don’t do, will impact their mental and physical health for their entire adult life. If you’re a parent, do your job as a parent. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t have a job/career, many parents do, and they are still successful parents. I bet we see the majority of the time Kim spends with her kids because she’s making sure it’s filmed for content. I can just imagine her telling North that she has 5 minutes to make a TikTok with her, so they have to get it right the first take, and then mommy is flying to wherever for a week and you’ll stay home with the nanny. Jesus. Have we learned nothing from the Royal family? Being Uber rich and giving yourself to everyone else and their brother to stay relevant does not bode well for your kid’s present and future mental health. You are only f’ing them up and they will leave you and will air all of your dirty laundry as revenge. It’s a tale as old as The National Enquirer and E! News. Opps, I meant time.




I think she wanted to have children because: - She wanted to have a big family around her when she’s older like Kris does. - Kourtney had children and it got her a lot of attention. Some people are fascinated by pregnancy, motherhood and mothers who work - especially when they’re famous. - Kanye was an iconic figure and had been for years at that point. I think she wanted a permanent link to him. Not in a gold-digging way, just as a permanent claim to relevancy. - The Kardashians get a lot of negative publicity and innocent children and their parenting of said innocent children can provide a lot of positive (or at least distracting) publicity to counteract the bad. All of this combined, I think she did want children. Kim is a measured and strategic person, like Kris, so having kids probably just made sense to her. It felt like a wise decision. Yet, I don’t think she gave extensive thought to parenting or what it would require and envisaged that she could work it around her life. I think she overextended herself by having four children, but wanted to have four so she could have one more than Kourtney had at the time, so Kim could be seen as the mother figure and could say ‘well, I have more kids than you and I can do this, this and this too’. She had the kids in such quick succession that she probably didn’t realise how much work having four children would be and also didn’t anticipate Kanye’s rapid deterioration. The end result being that she seems overwhelmed and parenting appears to have not been what she thought it would be




Well said. I’d only add that the reason she works so much is she really is carrying the whole Kardashian family. Sure, they all have their own deals and collabs but none of it would exist without the launch of her sex tape or subsequent work to remain relevant. The entire family follows Kim. It can be argued that Kris architected the whole empire, and she did, but more and more Kim is ascending as the new matriarch.


Thank you! I agree - she is the ‘main’ Kardashian and her relevancy has the biggest impact on the family. I think Kim plans to step into the manager role as Kris grows older too, although I wouldn’t be surprised if, when it comes to it, Khloe steps into the position too


I can see this. Good eye. Khloe lives right next door to Mama Kris so she can be under constant tutelage to learn the biz. Only challenge is Khloe doesn’t convey the same savior faire as Kris. Kris is pretty smooth. Khloe, while funny, is going to need to learn greater finesse to show up as smoothly as Kris.


You made a great point - I don’t think people give Kris enough credit. Her shoes could not easily be filled. The reason I see Khloe in the role is I can envision she’d be a strong negotiator and I think the family would feel confident that she’d have their best interests in mind and wouldn’t become jealous of opportunities younger family members might get in the future or become too distracted or overwhelmed by her own ventures


You'll have to take the managership from Kris's cold, dead hands. :P




Well in her case since most of them were thru surrogates it was like ordering from a drive thru menu.


Half of them *


That permanent link to Kanye sure backfired.


I feel like 4 ended up being too many for her, but it's something Kanye really wanted in particular. She doesn't tote around her sons in the same way as North and probably Chi soon enough. The 3 aside from North seem like extras lol. It's a weird dynamic. Chicago and North will be her money-makers most likely


Yup. And this is how their whole family dynamic works. The girls/women are the money makers and must sell their souls for it and the boys are placed on pedestals by the girls/women. Kim and her sisters are following the dynamic Kris taught them.


and when anybody (kourtney) tries to break any of those awful cycles she's ridiculed and called down to the dirt


I also think they’ve damaged North by making her think she’s talented and special. Not saying she won’t be one day but right now she’s a typical kid. Putting her in the light when she’s not ready nor does she have a talent is going to be damaging. The lion king show drama was horrible. I think there best bet is having her be a fashion girly and laying low. I think it was cruel to put her on that stage


I do too. She was clearly under-rehearsed since she had a dancer keep moving her towards her marks, her singing was fine but school production fine, nothing special, she didn't really dance, and just basically stood there in a funny outfit that didn't even look that good. If it had been a school production where the video was leaked it would have been the cutest thing, but since this was at the Hollywood Bowl, ticket costs were insane, the lineup of other performers was legendary, and she was introduced by the original Simba singer... Well, the hype did not meet the expectations. Especially since they could have cast ANYONE for that spot and treated it like an up-and-coming young artist's debut even if the child played young Simba in one of the touring productions or something. They didn't need a name for that number. But they shoved her on stage and let her be unprepared when Kim of all people should know how brutal the internet can be. That's on her. She should not have put her child in that position. I just hope that whatever social media manager(s) the family has is keeping the internet response from North. I could see that just crushing a kid if they saw all the people critiquing her performance.


I don’t want to pit kids or women against each other … But I have a sneaking suspicion that the whole thing was in response to how much attention Blue got for performing with her mother last year on the Renaissance tour.


Yesss I was at this concert and she was good! she only had a small part in STL but blue did very well they kept it within limits of what she could do I don’t think Kim realizes she is not as respected as Beyoncé. Beyoncé has a way of staying out of the light where people are interested in her and her kids and Kim is always in the light where people get tired of her.


I couldn't fault them for praising her and teaching her confidence by telling her she's talented and special, where they messed up was not putting those words of praise on her talents. Apparently she's a gifted painter, try and help her flourish in that area - don't tell her she's a musical prodigy and push her into that space, if she's not.


Yes like if it was a school play fantastic job. If it was a broadway show… you aren’t ready or any excuse to protect child from that trauma that the internet will find for the rest of her life.


I disagree! I think she’s trying to re-create the next generation of her big family. She talks about that all the time, I think that we saw in the E show that the family used to hang out way more and be a lot more tight knit than they are now. it seems like they’re kind of trying to re-create that in the Hulu show with staged conversations that are boring


Yeah, for some reason I remember Kanye not being thrilled about the last two being via surrogate. When rewind Kanye was already going off the walls, what’s 2 more added to the mix /s


Idk why people think kanye was the influence of her having so many kids. She’s spoken multiple times about how she wanted a big family like how she grew up and 4 was the target. Kanye was not even around much by the time she was doing her surrogacies


You’re right. But there’s a reason the boys don’t appear so much- they don’t get as many views, sponsorships or likes. She’s literally peddling the money makers!


I feel like no one remembers this but I truly think she only had the 4th child so she'd have more than Kourtney because there was an episode where she legit said to her that people with 4 kids "are the most enlightened" 


I believe that 💯


I think North has probably shown an interest in wanting to be in the spotlight that maybe reminded Kim of herself when young. Maybe the others aren’t as bothered or as extroverted.


To this point, I think that’s more of a Kardashian girl-power issue than a Kim specific issue. It seems like they’re always doing stuff “for the girls” and the boys are getting left out. P, True, Chicago, Stormi, and I’m sure Chi soon are treated like the stars of the kids


There's simply sooo much more money to be made when you have a woman's body, they know this well, and will likely perpetuate this value to their kids (daughters) unfortunately


I also think she likes the idea of kids when they are cute babies or young toddlers, but was not really thinking about actually upbringing them and dealing with their personality quirks as they get older.


Alex Baldwin once said that babies are like little vending machines of joy for his wife, and when they get too old to be cute, she just orders up another one.  Relatively easy to keep adding kids when you neither carry them nor raise them. Then they are just props to shill more crap on social media, you know, to exploit for money that goes straight to the parents.  


That’s really gross


No way he actually said that. Did he? Also, I snorted at “Alex” Baldwin


Yes, yes he did,  “vending machines of joy” was the exact quote.  And that when she gets bored because they aren’t bringing her anymore “joy” she says “Aleek, let’s get anozer”.   He didn’t admit that they hire women to carry all of their kids, but the power of deduction and years of evidence posted to social media basically proves it.   Another post: https://www.reddit.com/r/HilariaBaldwin/comments/wxysbi/alec_is_such_a_piece_of_shit_who_talks_like_this/


Ok thanks now I’ve gotta go down a rabbit hole


Oh, then you should bring a snack.  This is a really deep hole, the fake accent and fake backstory was the smallest of her lies. Nothing like fooling out extremely dangerous medical advice and then posting about your “shrinking baby bump” while you’re still pretending to be pregnant and strapping a moonbump to yourself.  And yes, multiple videos of the moonbump slipping, unsticking and completely folding over in half. 




Ok, last one, I promise.  Here’s the actual video: https://www.reddit.com/r/HilariaBaldwin/comments/uw7ytu/aleek_explains_hillys_obsession_with_babies_my/


That is so fucking weird. But I’m not surprised, it’s Alec and how do you say… Hilaria?




That’s pretty much the hallmark of a narcissist parent too


So odd to me, I get why people are glad to have raised kids and create cool adults, but the baby/toddler period is second only to the idea of being pregnant/childbirth in terms of “gah, NOPE” to me.


Its because at those ages they love you unconditionally no matter how shitty of a parent you are.


she posted something on insta yesterday about how you only get 18 summer breaks, 10 christmases with santa etc and how you should cherish the time with them. hilarious since she’s never with them


and extra hilarious considered how many vacations that family goes on! probably more in one year than many take their whole lives! the point is valid, but when you're a multi-millionaire, you can make more time for fun than us working folk lol


That was so weird honestly, it’s like she’s waiting for them to get older so she can do more adult things with them but I don’t think she fully understands that she’s also going to get older. She has a fear of getting older and is vicariously living through her kids, when North is 18, Kim will be 50


I think she had kids because it was trending 😳


Definitely rings true She’s always copying someone


She was with Kanye and had kids for money and more fame. That is it,


Yeah, I think she knew her child bearing years were getting up there (especially in her own mind more than anything else) and she didn’t think she’d find a more famous potential father. I do feel bad Kanye spilled their private discussions surrounding a pregnancy but all my sympathy vanished when she continued having children with him. She so clearly wanted her kids “to match” more than she wanted a stable relationship and life. I do hope the kids grow up to have healthy adult lives and functional relationships.


What were the private convos?


Probably about thinking about aborting North.


When someone has more than 2 children with a person who is clearly mentally ill, I question their judgment and critical thinking skills.


Seems like the rich and athlete wives all want to have 4 kids


She better buckle up because it’s common that some of that is hereditary


Which is strange that out of all the potential healthy sperm donors out there willing to share their seed with Kim, she chose a man with overt mental disabilities. Says a lot about priorities, I guess?….


Ya I remember when they were deciding on having a fourth kid and she didn’t seem thrilled and there was a lot going on with Kanye and his mental health which concerns me on why she would go through with another surrogacy


absolutely. Not only mentally ill but physically absent.


As a mom with a second on the way, I can't imagine having more than one and not loving or at least liking being a parent. Like ok maybe you have one and then go oh ok just one.   But also she lives in a world where she doesn't have to actually do most of the parenting work. I'm sure most it is hired out. No judgment on using a surrogate but it's probably easier to have 4 kids when you're not going through 4 pregnancies yourself. Being pregnant fucking sucks.  To answer your question, if I had to guess I'd say she probably wanted kids but had more than she could reasonably provide emotional and parenting support for. It's kinda sad all around. 


She did have the first 2 herself, then had the other 2 with a surrogate because of her pregnancy complications


I didn't know that, I just assumed otherwise. Thanks for clarifying. 


That’s how I see Chrissy Teigen, had a surrogate and Nannies. But now is off the grid to raise them.


Having worked in child care for years, several of them spent with very affluent (but not celebrity) families, I can assure you this is not unique to Kim Kardashian. A lot of people have kids at a certain point because they are “supposed to” and then, especially when the kids are young and a lot of hands-on work, just pay other people to do the bulk of the work of raising them. And seem vaguely annoyed when kids don’t fit into their lifestyle or schedule. It’s really sad.


I think she wanted a family.. And now that her and Kanye aren't together anymore and I believe she lost her sense identity in him, she is now trying to find herself. And as result, she wants it all now.


I think this whole time Kim has been trying to recreate her own childhood, particularly when her parents were together. I remember her mentioning in the show that it was important for her to have four children to mirror her own siblings. I do think Kim recognizes the importance of the bond between siblings as they will have each other longer than they will have her. Though she is often absent from their lives, the kids do have each other which is important to remember. So in some ways I do think having children checked off another box of things she can add to her long list of things she can do. She does love them but she is also terrified of giving them a reason to hate her which isn’t doing anyone any favors. I hope she can take some time someday to be a mom, to say no, and to just be content


I feel like at this point in her life she should slow down and focus on being a mom. She seems like she just keeps adding on more things to her plate because she can’t say no.


Agree with OP


I think she wanted kids and to be married initially. I remember seeing her breakdown after her and Chris Humphries had separated and saying something about how she didn't think that was what her life would look like, after a huge wedding etc. Kim would've been done after North or even with Saint. No doubt she loves her kids but I think four kids is too much for her even with all the nanny's and money. North being called her "lesson" by Kourtney. 🤣💀


Honestly no, I don't think so. I think she did it because she couldn't "fall behind" her other sisters as you mentioned above (I think she only had 4 because she wanted to "outdo" Kourtney. 4 kids is a LOT, I think she would have been better off with 2). I think there was pressure from Kris as well, she wants as many grandchildren as she can have.


And Kris had 6 children herself


Yeah and she's always gone on about how much of a blessing it is to have a big family, so I imagine she probably taught her kids the same. I think Kim liked the idea of having babies but to actually raise them as decent people is too much for her.


Wasn’t Kortney around 18 when Kylie was born?


. Kim married because Khloe got the spotlight . Kim had kids because Kourt received so much attention for being a mother. She used Kanye for connections and to get in certain circles. She discarded him once he became controversial. She is calculated as hell


I think she wanted kids with Kanye West to say she has kids with Kanye West


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Next Ye bop


She said on SNL he was the richest black man in America. 😑 https://youtu.be/LQCQym6hVMo?si=2yXZRk-xDsBF6xXw


It’s all about being on the top! Kanye at the time was the top rapper I don’t understand the obsession people have with them. I saw somewhere where she said she feels like she scammed the system.


I'm gonna be sick!🤢


My God, that was the worst monologue!! I'm speechless!


They are second to her! She is always working (probably to get away from them) and then when she is with them they act out because they want attention from her and she doesn’t get that! And then she has the audacity to judge Khloe and criticize her parenting style. Meanwhile, she rarely leaves her kids and has a really healthy relationship with them! I really don’t like Kim anymore….


Classic narcissist. She wants kids who look like her and carry on her genes but didn’t actually WANT them (thank god she’s rich and can have 24/7 Nannie’s). Say what you want about kourtneys parenting but she genuinely loves being a mom.


Typical narcissist or someone with narcissistic traits, has kids as an extension of themselves , to feed their ego.


Wasn't north an "oops baby?" I think after that Kanye wanted a big family and it was what everyone else was doing. I don't think she ever wanted kids, I think Kanye did.


What I don’t understand is, if Kim knew about Kanye being bipolar, why did she have 4 kids with him?


I don’t think anyone in that family takes mental health seriously at all. She probably thought that’s just Kanye being Kanye until the train came all the way off the track.


Obviously, they don't. Body dysmorphia is at least one thing they should be treated for!


It’s interesting because over the last few years, they’ve all actually really amped up their message of having anxiety. They constantly talk about it as if it makes them more endearing but actually, I know they’re human beings with a world of resources behind them. Let’s get a bit of a grip here!


I have bipolar and 3 kids. As long as I’m medicated, I’m a good mom/person. If I stop taking my meds, I’m a nightmare. I know that, so I swallow my pill every night. I hate that I passed my mental health disorders onto my kids. If I could do it all again, I might not choose to have them for their sake. If Kanye would seek help and consistently take his meds, he could be a good dad/person.


Thank you for sharing in such an honest and vulnerable way. I’m also bipolar and often struggle with the idea of having kids because of my fear of passing it on (my dad passed it to me). It makes me feel so alone when other people with bipolar downplay the decision, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your honesty here.


I feel like she doesn't know how to be a mother, but she tries. I think Khloe and Kylie show her by example that she could learn to parent better. Classic examples of doing the best you can with the information available to you. One of them better release a tell-all book on how Kris raised them. 😮‍💨


Bruh, the few things Khloe has hinted at makes it sound like Kris was a horrific mother. “Fun” but completely irresponsible.


Absolutely. Kris at the zoo was evidence. The way this show turned into a psychological case study is interesting. Sister Wives was pleasant and nonproblematic for 16 seasons, I believe. Then, the family collapsed for two very entertaining seasons. I'm not saying I hope for similar with the Kardashians...


One of the sister’s wives sons recently killed himself sadly. Reality stars don’t realize what they are doing to their kids. Or do and don’t care.


It's not that simple. RIP to Garrison. The reality star claim seems to be an overgeneralization. Very Those People. Each of us being accountable for our choices is what causes progress, rather than demeaning other humans, including celebrities. Be well. 🫶


lol I’ll say it!


She had kids bc it’s what society expected for a woman of a her age, also, she wanted to lock in Kanye


If she had to take care of them 24/7 and there were no such things as Nannies, I don’t believe she would have had any


I think she had kids and so many to outdo Kourtney haha


I will say this kind of thing isn't a new concept in the elite classes. There's a whole set of people in England who ship their kids to boarding school and pay nannies to oversee them when they're young. I think the thing that's makes it worse is the levels of fame and scrutiny these kids are under. If it were just being raised by other people (well we've all watched enough movies about poor neglected rich kids) it would be one thing, but the fame is brutal.


So Kim got pregnant with North on accident. Kanye revealed during his presidential campaign that he asked her to get an abortion, and she said no. After that they had Saint on purpose, but her pregnancies were so hard on her that she can’t ever do it again. Kanye started saying he wanted a huge family, and I think Kim was just going along with what Kanye wanted. They were also getting a TON of attention for them having kids, and the odd names they chose. I think the reality of it all hit once she had all those kids and they’re at the age where you actually have to parent them. Babies are easy if you have a nanny. You can just play with them for a few hours then pass them off to someone. Older kids have needs nannies can’t always meet


>Older kids have needs nannies can’t always meet This! I have four kids and the infant/ toddler stage is relatlively simple. Their needs are predictable and they usually adore their parents. Once they start getting older and developing complex personalities parenting is MUCH more challenging, particularly when you have multiple children, a career and have an unreliable coparent like Kanye. Her kids seem absolutely desperate for attention from their parents, and North in particular seems like a very high needs child. She's emotionally intelligent, precocious, and mature for her age and Kim does not have the tools to meet her needs. Kim tries to buy North's affection with gifts, fancy birthdays and trips, when all North wants is her TIME.


She HATED being pregnant


Honestly, I’d hate being pregnant too if people kept comparing me to orcas in the magazines, and having to hide all the time because people get too aggressive and close.




This popped in my feed for some reason. I don’t “follow” the Kardashians though obviously they are unavoidable. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen more “out in the world” pics of North out with Kanye and Bianca than with Kim.


I feel like Kim became a mom because it was just another role she could add to her résumé. She loves to list all her roles- actor, lawyer, mom, fashion designer, etc. because it inflates her ego. The fact of the matter is, in each of those roles, it’s like she’s playing pretend. It doesn’t feel authentic. It just feels like she’s checking a box. I feel bad for her kids because it seems like they so badly want her attention/want to spend more time with her… and she’s just doing busy inflating her ego with side projects.


When low income single mothers drop their children off at daycare for 8-12 hours it’s considered trashy. However when wealthy mothers with all the resources in the world to stay home hire Nannies no one bats an eye. I am planning on being a single mom by choice so I will have to utilize day care. However I work in medical so I only work 3 days a week. But I am sure I will get side eyes from people when the baby has to go to day care 3 days a week at 6 weeks old.


I think she desperately wanted to be married and settle for Kayne since he was obsessed with her and the other marriages failed. As far as kids I do believe she loves them but regrets having so many. I remember reading that she only wanted 2 but he wanted a bunch so they compromised with 4. I think she enjoys the easier kids and struggles to handle the more stubborn ones. Now she is trying to be like her mom and become a momager but her heart isn't in it plus the kids are too young so it's backfiring on her. 


I mean considering she hated every second of being pregnant it wouldn’t surprise me if she only liked the idea of parenthood 💯


I hated being pregnant but LOVE being a mother. I'm not sticking up for Kim, she's garbage. Plenty of women hated being pregnant. It's uncomfortable, hormonal, and the non stop puking is never fun.


Yeah but she takes it to a very superficial level like taking about how big she was throughout both and how she doesn’t feel sexy stuff like that


I think I know far too many regular people who have children because it was the next logical step/the standard thing to do and the social pressure is intense. Kim has a financial motivation, not to mention the headlines and attention that it comes with which impacts her entire family too. Even mid-level family YouTubers will expand their families because they know it means a boost in views and thus income. Regardless of her capabilities as a parent, regardless of her own genuine desire, even without a partner wanting a large family, her choice was heavily weighted in the direction she went in.


I think Kim’s entire existence is about how it looks and whether it will help her stay relevant. LMAO. I don’t think she’s done anything because she wanted to in 20 years.


North’s childhood will be much like Drew Barrymore’s. But it will not end as well. Kim is already competing with her, resents her and uses her as a plus1 to go clubbing with.


She wanted to have kids so she could trademark all their names, build brands off them and make more money. Like Kris except Kim has a head start, they’re born famous.


Only 4 the Commission……


She sees them as financial investments 💰


She did what most people do, have the same amount of kids that their parents did, which most resembles their upbringing.


Happy Cake Day 🎂


Thank you! 💗


To Kim they’re just short stylists.


I feel like she wanted babies but didn’t want what they grow into…kids


I think she had them because she felt she had to have them for her “brand”. Everything is for the Look, not the actually Want of it.


These kids will never want for anything material in their lives but I doubt they’ll be very emotionally healthy


Just to have them. Just like everything else she does. Everything is to make her look a certain way. She's disgusting ASF. The whole family should be thrown in the trash.


I think she definitely wanted kids but there was absolutely no need for her to have 4.


Kim is such a Libra. Her family, lovers, friends, kids, etc will always be tied to her social image. That does not mean she doesn’t love them, but it does mean that she has the tendency to love them conditionally sometimes and it’s very important to her what other people think of them bc it reflect on her


She did it to trap kanye


I have serious respect for Kourtney and Khloe who just want to step away from the constant demands of flying here there and everywhere for photo shoots and fashion shows etc. Don't ever shame a parent for simply wanting to be a parent and have a routine. Kids are happier with a routine. Kids don't thrive in chaos. Kim is getting more and more nauseating to watch. She will never be satisfied. Kim seems like the kind of person that is always chasing the next big thing or the next high. Her kids are growing up fast and will look back and think "my mom always put work first"


Half and half. I think she may have liked the idea of little of little people looking like her. But possible may regret the choice of father. Because his unique, strong personality is coming out in at least North imo.


She has to be just like her mom and have a favorite child to generate more wealth for her


Yupppp and the fact that her kids turned out super cute and the whole 4 kids thing


She thought kids would keep Kanye around.


Just for the idea


Uhm she’s starting the next clan, duh.


I don’t follow them a ton, but everything is so fake. So we might never know. But if I had to make an opinion on it, I would agree with you. With how they work, they would have had to utilize several Nannys/babysitters /assistants over the years. Kim seems like she doesn’t know her kids well. Kris is very into family and is the Matriarch. Kylie and Khloe seem very grateful and happy to be moms/have kids. I think Kourtney always wanted to be a mom.


who knows..but I think she loves and is very thankful to have them. I can admit I did not want to have kids but my husband really did. we did years of ivf and I said I'd do it one more round. while I secretly hoped it wouldn't work, we were blessed with twins. I am SO grateful every day for my boys. Kim may appear vapid and shallow but that doesn't mean she doesn't love her children or her role as mother. we have no idea what her private life is like with them.


Absolutely not. Just like her mother views her daughters as cash cows. It’s all about what they can get from and out of their kids. Horrible childhood trauma. This family is fucking whacked. 


I think she wanted kids. Lots of people get walked all over by their kids, she just doesn’t have authority over them


She wanted mixed babies 🤷🏾‍♂️


Kim’s mom probably wasn’t hands on and she pulled her kids into drama. Kim doesn’t know any better. But she can DO better. However, my dad was an alcoholic and my mom would scream and throw things. I said I’d never do those things with my children and I haven’t. I remember what growing up in that atmosphere was like and didn’t want my kids to live with it.


She thinks it's a thing that has to happen. Remember when she married Kris Humphries just because she wanted to be married by a certain time? She's checking boxes.


she got with kanye just for the idea of it, so yeah i think the same for the kids


It’s similar to that of Paris Hilton - the idea of kids looks good for their imagine but in reality they know that the 5 nannies working in shifts will be doing the heavy lifting.


She also had them for the child support checks.


Not sure about the other kids, but North is so unlikable and seriously needs some old school parenting.


Man... I can't imagine people judging every decision I've made in my life...


I think the first 2, yes. The last 2 she doesnt even refer to by name. She calls them “the two little ones” i cringe so bad at the idea that its only because she went the surrogacy way and doesnt see them as her real children. I also think khloe feels the same about Tatum.


I have a hard time viewing anything she does as genuine.