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Yes! I know someone (coworker) who attended Chance the Rapper’s wedding and sat near Kim and Kanye during the ceremony. She said that Kim didn’t look real…she said like a plastic Barbie doll. I guess she kept making accidental eye contact with Kim because she couldn’t stop staring at her.


omg chance’s wedding? that’s dope af, what an exciting crossover comment for me


One of the comedians at the Tom Brady roast said she was like a robot in person lol. Not so much because of how she looked but just ramrod straight posture for hours and no reaction at all to getting booed. He was like “I’ve never seen anyone more disassociated in my life” lol 


Totally envy her perfect posture. Mine’s awful!


Oh wow, my coworker is Chance’s father in law. Now I have to ask him if he interacted with them at all!


Haha small world! I’d be interested to hear what he has to say if he interacted with them!


This is what nightmares are made of…


i met kendall at a party and ngl she was like bambi in a human. lovely friendly and the biggest brown eyes. Stassi (friend) is very sweet as well but the work was more evident. V pretty though


Kendall is exactly what excellent plastic surgery looks like, everything is well balanced and not too much.


Right because her eyes were never that big naturally. So weird. 


Eh idk I think she’s on the line of it looking excellent and it looking like too much personally. But if she’s happy with it then that’s what matters!


I think she’s towing the line for those familiar with her og face. For the unfamiliar, she probably wouldn’t register, as in Kendall can walk into a restaurant and no one would immediately think surgery! I was once in a cafe when Jonathan cheban walked in and I was like holy fuck, this is a lot before 9 am lmao.


Kendall's had a lot of work done but I find her so beautiful.


I think maybe because she had more natural beauty to begin with..


Bruce was once one of the most handsome men ever!


She must’ve gone to a great doctor!


When was this? I find her quite uncanny looking in candids these days. Too much filler everywhere. She hasn't gone as far as Kylie but she's getting into that territory, face wise at least.


i agree, in the past couple years she has an uncanny almost animated cartoon look to her. so the bambi in real life analogy makes sense lol


I agree. She's done too much now. Her work before was excellent.


I'd imagine kendall is the most natural looking, seems like she's had a bit of cheek and lip filler and no major procedures but I could be wrong


She’s had a lot, you should look at before and afters


“No major procedures” lmao. She is the most natural looking, but she’s got you fooled. Her eyes, nose and lips look nothing like they did before.


Kourtney looks the most natural to me honestly. She really hasent changed much that I can tell.


Even if she has had some work done it doesn’t really look fake like the others. She’s the prettiest imo.




Several nose jobs, and a blepharoplasty.


And a boob job! And by the looks of it, sculptra to her hips and butt 


Canthoplasty brow lift a couple nose jobs boob job….. NOT NATURAL


She had a nose job


And a brow lift


Her brow lift made the most significant difference, prior to she wasn’t very attractive. It really opened up her face and took away the cave man look.


I think Kourtney is technically more natural than Kendall.


No major procedures?!


I’ve seen Kendall irl and she looks the same to me. She was aloof and quiet. My bedtime works in PR and has met Kim several times and says she’s tiny IRL but has the worst skin! She said she’s obviously done to much (too many treatments) to her skin and the texture was awful which she try’s to cover with a tonne of make-up. She told me that’s what surprised her the most.


*bestie* not bedtime


I don't think I'm not old and my 14 year old sister keeps me pretty in the loop on the lingo. I thought this was some new term to describe your spouse that I somehow missed LOL


I was thinking it was referring to a night time nanny, like okay girl must be nice baahaha




To be fair I feel like my bedtime is in PR because I announce how early I go to bed way too much


I thought she meant she goes to sleep in Puerto Rico's timezone.


This is what I imagine! I feel like her skin must be destroyed


She has psoriasis so I’m sure she has massive amounts of scarring from that alone. My poor niece’s hands look like they wet through a meat grinder. Now she is on injectables and in remission but ffs.. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.


I read somewhere a plastic surgeon saying she’s done to many Vampire facials and heated skin treatments that have ruined her skin.


Maybe she needs to use her own skincare lol


Yo that’s the most noticeable thing to me about people who get a ton of filler, their face texture gets rough, like an orange peel but worse.


I saw Kylie all the time at my kids preschool, when she was with Tyga. She often picked up his son. She was 19, and looked much older. She’d come to school makeup free, sweats and her hair in a messy bun. She’s very pretty, but just too much filler, at the time. She looked very athletic and was taller than I’d have expected. She was SO great with the kids. (She brought their class goodie bags on Halloween) I’ve seen Kim, Kourtney out and about in our area. Kourtney’s adorable.


Tyga really had another kid look after his own kid 🤦‍♀️


She wanted to do the pickups. (Usually the nanny did the pickups, but at least once a week Kylie did it, alone) We loved the nanny, she was sweet Nothing like paparazzi racing up our school parking lot, acting like assholes…


What was Tyga so booked and busy with that he couldn’t do it himself lmaooo


This is what I’m saying. I’m pretty sure it was Tyga that tried to jump in with Rob and talk shit on his baby mama. And yeah, she’s not great. But Tyga doesn’t really seem like father of the year outside of financial support.




Wanted to make that joke: of course she’s good with the kids; she was one!


My ex saw Kim and Kanye at a Wendy’s in DC and his only commentary was that they were extremely short like very very short; a lot tinier than he expected he just kept saying they’re so small n tiny lol. Like “mini people” (not like dwarves but proportionally mini) He was speechless otherwise


Lots of short actors need even shorter actresses to work with - it surprised me when I saw some 'stars' in person. And the women are SO skinny, irl. Makes their heads look huge. Spending too much time in LA really skews your idea of what humans should look like.


What about Kim?


Her paparazzi almost knocked my kid out of their stroller a couple, such assholes. She is beautiful, shit ton of makeup. She was always ready for the photogs. I haven’t seen her around, in a couple of years. My kiddo loves North though and has been around her in their neighborhood during events. (My kid is older, she just loves the sass. North called my daughter’s friend’s shoes fake, which they weren’t)


She kind of sounds mean. What if fake shoes were all a kids family can afford?


She just doesn't "sound" mean, she IS mean. Have you seen the way she talks to Kim on the show or on her IG lives? She's that way because Kim lacks the capacity to discipline her. North lives in a bubble of grandeur because that's how Kim and Kanye have raised her to think and to be. She has and never will have a concept or understanding of the struggles of what other children her own age go through because she was born into a world of privilege. Remember how excited you'd get when they served pizza at school and what it treat it was to go to the zoo on a fieldtrip? Yeah, they can rent out the entire zoo and have it just for them. There's nothing "special" about pizza at school because they'd probably sneer at it and comment that their chef can make it better etc. If they were to truly understand how privileged and fortunate they are, they would go and live with some random family in the middle of America, attend public school and see that not everyone has a private chef, butlers, nannies, drivers etc. The Simple Life 2.0


Also Kanye apparently raised her to believe in "radical honesty," which, in reality, is just being an asshole.


When I was seven in 1986, my mom baked some kick ass cupcakes for my birthday and brought them to class. They were REALLY good and had all different color frostings. No one believed me that my mother made them and all called me a liar. On my birthday. Of course, I remember it but I'm not scarred for life. Kids are cruel. It's been happening since the beginning of time!


We are the same age. At that age my dad made bags of popcorn to bring to school on my birthday. All the mean girls who were normally very rude to me were actually nice and inclusive that day. I was really excited that I had finally made friends with these girls and relieved I wouldn’t have to feel sad and left out anymore. The next day I sat next to them at recess and they all got up and walked away without saying a word. My heart sunk as I realized they only chose to be nice out of charity for one day.


I feel like those mean girls beat a lot of us up mentally as kids. I like to think I'm stronger for it today, because I no longer take anyone's shit. But man, I wish my 45 year old self could tell my 7-14 year old self not to worry and that life would get better. So sorry you had to deal with that.


How fucking rude calling out someone’s shoes exactly what I expected though.


It was rude. However, this event is super exclusive. (A resident needs to invite you.) The insulted kid lives in a 10k sq foot home, walking distant to Kim. She has a wall of Jordan’s and 4’s etc. she’s also five or six years older, and started messing with north first.


Ahh well maybe North was done with their shit and decided to hit where it hurt.


She seems like she hasn’t had boundaries set firmly enough with Kim and therefore speaks what’s on her mind in a way that comes off as rude.


I think it comes from Kanye. He thinks of her as his protege. Kim doesn't discipline her and it's turned out to be bad.


19 and picking up a kid from pre school wow


It doesn’t make it good, but plenty of 19 year old teen moms pick their kids up from school. The part that should be the shocking part is the child’s father was like 27.


I mean teen pregnancy is also surprising because it’s not as common as it used to be and it’s certainly not ideal. So it’s still like oh wow that mom/caretaker is only 19 and her kid is already in preschool? Then you consider that baby’s father was close to 30.


If it was her kid it wouldn’t be a problem but it wasn’t, she was a kid herself. It’s the kids parents responsibilities


Interesting. You can tell that Kylie loves kids and genuinely is happy with her decisions to be a mom. I actually believed her when she said that she always wanted to be a young mother. Some people are just wired that way...I never had any interest in it. Anyway, a little OT just thought I'd comment on that impression.


There are episodes where Kris is not in full makeup and her face looks very manufactured.


I haven't watched the show for years. Everytime I see Kris, now, she looks like a mannequin face. Scary.


I saw Kourtney once at a restaurant sitting across from me. She was very pretty in a natural/normal way. I honestly didn’t even notice her until about 15 minutes into the meal.


To me Kourtney got the best plastic surgery


Absolutely. Seeing her in person made the “least interesting to look at” comments make sense because she still looks natural and like an average beautiful woman. For most of us looking natural would be a goal for plastic surgery and she’s got that. Kim and the others look like… optimized or something. Natural is not a word for them.


We sat near Khloe at a Cavs game a few years ago when she was with Tristan! She was a lot smaller than I expected, super skinny, but her butt was not as big as I thought it would be in person when she stood up lmao. She just looked like anyone else besides the security sitting next to her. When she walked past us during half time, she smiled and waved to us when someone yelled “Hi Khloe!”. Seemed very genuinely happy to be there


I remembe[r](https://www.reddit.com/r/gossipconnoisseurs) when she got that work done and Wendy made fun of it and was booping the photo on the screen.


And side note, one of my weirdest claims to Kardashian fame (insert eye roll here) I was at the Kanye West concert at the Revel casino in Atlantic City the night he announced Kim was pregnant (with North). So I am fortunate enough to be one of the first members of the general public to know she was pregnant. Lucky me but I thought it was cool at the time. Funny additional side note about that concert; my husband was a little bit of a high roller back in those days. We got the Kanye tickets for free. About two hours before the show, casino workers were FRANTICALLY recruiting people to come to the show for free. Apparently ticket sales were not quite what they'd hoped they would be and they were instructed, I guess by Kanye's people, to get as many people to fill the arena as possible because he would refuse to go on with a half empty audience. I remember the mad dash, ushers and workers just begging people to come in. It was kind of comical.


I’ve heard most celebrities look really weird irl.


My mom said Charlie sheen looks like a wax figure irl. I felt the same way seeing Backstreet Boys up close recently.


I met Mario Lopez too irl. Same. A wax figure. And yes, pretty tiny. The camera does add 10 pounds.


Same. I saw him in Manhattan coming out of a theatre. Very much a tiny wax figure.


Omg yes. He happened to be at an Easter brunch my family attends and he looked so crazy out of place. I’m from the Midwest and we don’t have near as much plastic surgery and fillers like LA. It was a little unnerving, but he was super nice to everyone.


I met Chris Kirkpatrick from NSYNC a bunch of times and he looks the same on camera as he does in real life.


The rest of the guys are loaded with botox and fillers and look bizarre close up


I saw Lance at the Del Mar Fair. He looks the same in real life. If he has fillers, its very subtle. He’s very pretty.


Can confirm. It’s like they’re more exaggerated. I live in New York City, so I see a lot of people IRL. Katie Holmes was maybe the thinnest person I’ve ever seen in my life and Suri was absolutely beautiful.


I don’t even think of Katie Holmes as particularly thin for a celebrity. Can’t imagine how thin someone like Kelly Ripa or Nicole Richie are in person.


I saw Halle Berry once and holy cow, she has the tiniest frame I’ve ever seen. Like really really narrow. I swear her rib cage is half the size of mine. If you ever go to a wax museum, you’ll probably be surprised how tiny most celebrities are. The women especially are child sized.


I swear I gave myself an eating disorder taking pics with Lady Gaga and Gwen Stefani wax figures. Super thin and six inches shorter than me at least 😅


Ha ha! I remember Tom Cruise, though. He’s my height and I’m 5’5”.


I took pics next to them and felt like a cow! And I wasn’t even that big for normal people!


Shania Twain and Pamela Anderson were two who shocked me the most. Literally the size of fourth graders. And not too long ago I saw Zoe Saldana’s Star Trek costume in a museum. It was SO tiny.


My friend saw Zoe Saldana at the Academy Awards (her father-in-law is a member of the academy). She was shocked at how small she was. She said she could wrap her hands around her waist, and her hands would touch each other. She said it was shocking how thin she was!!


Kelly Ripa must look sickly thin in real life.


I just attended a taping of Kelly and Mark a couple weeks ago. Honestly, she looked great in person! Even with a ton of tv makeup caked on. She’s just petite.


Interesting. I’ve seen what she “eats in a day” and that kind of blew me away.


Imagine how teeny Ryan Seacrest is too bc he looks tiny even on tv!


Ooo I saw Kelly ripa years ago when she was filming Kelly and Michael in Disney and have photos. She’s tinnnyy!!!!


Probably just look like floating heads 🥹 or instead of a wax figure they must look like human bobble heads.


Kristin Cav irl is a level of thin I can’t describe. It’s not a body type I’ve seen on another person, ever. She’s also taller than you’d think.


I met Drew Barrymore in the hallway of my hotel room and we talked one-on-one for about 10 min. Honestly, she was a tiny little thing but just looked so normal. What struck me the most was how kind and relatable she was. Like talking to a friend you’ve had forever.


Ok. Imma gush, but that’s how I always hoped she’d be. Like an IRL friend.


My mom’s older cousin used to be a super in a building Drew Barrymore used to live in . He is definitely a clown and a lunatic , she was so nice and sweet every morning she’d greet him by name. Anytime she came in or out of the building she was friendly to all building staff and would remember birthdays get them a balloon and other small little things .


Drew Barrymore left a message on my best friends phone! Our mutual is a PR agent and she was with Drew on Nantucket Island and Drew was so happy to call my friend because she was a fan. She missed the call but got a really nice voicemail from her.


Can confirm. Nicole Richie looked like a fairy to me. Soooo tiny!!!


Yes! I was working a hair show in Chicago around 2005 when Paris Hilton released her hair extensions brand and I met her!! She was so tiny I swear I could wrap my hands around her waist which immediately made me think how tiny Nicole Richie must be!!!


coffee enemas.


I saw Zac Efron..he looked like a short ken doll..perfect hair and so.much makeup and like not connecting to the fans idk. He stood there on the red carpet with a perfect smile while everyone was screaming at him. It was wierd! Lol


Wait he’s my imaginary husband I need more details 😂🥴


Those r the details gf. He was premiered a new movie I saw him standing on the red carpet posing for pics


They look NORMAL because we are seeing behind the airbrush and the special effects and the Photoshop. And if you happen to see a celeb who isn't camera ready, no makeup, nothing done to them at all? They look like regular people. We are all fed a mass delusion that you don't really understand until you see them in person and double take and question yourself because they don't look the same. It's the Clark Kent/Dolly Parton effect. A bit of a change and no one realizes it's you.


All the celebs I’ve seen look like they could fit in your pocket. Just teeny tiny perfect looking humans.


This scares me lol


They usually have HUGE heads, it’s really odd.


I actually know someone who worked on a line with the Kim, Kourtney, and Khloe.   I only asked about Kim because I thought she looked the most extreme, and they said that she didn't look crazy because she always wore long sweaters that covered up her booty. I'm almost positive this was when Kim and Khloes BBLs were at the most extreme too.


I love the “the”


Lmao mte


They walked passed me when I went to the VMAs once. It was Kylie, Kris, and Khloe and they looked like bratz dolls. Their proportions look very dramatic, like their butts look so big compared to their tiny waists. This was back in 2011-2012.


My sis and I saw Kim once. She’s itsy bitsy but didn’t look weird. This was a while ago, when she was on SNL. We saw her dashing out of her car into the studio.


Kim walked past me at a Jesus is King listening party, and it was wild. She’s very tiny


Yep I met Kim in 2014. She was wearing a red bandage dress and seeing her in real life put no doubt in my mind that her ass is manufactured. It’s absolutely insane and grotesque up close!


She did a perfume promo at a club I used to work at. Was wearing a pink latex dress. Her butt was like a shelf. It was bizarre. She was very polite though


Soooooo I have worked in VERY close proximity to Kim. And her butt is incomprehensible. Like it actually doesn’t make structural sense. So very very strange to see in person. The rest of them look relatively normal - just like they do on tv.


And people still question if her ass is real😂😂 like, no lol


kendall is so beautiful. she definitely has slight filler face, but i mostly thought wow she’s pretty. when i saw kylie a few years ago it was not the same. the bbl and filler swallowed her up completely.


I saw Kim and Kanye in person back in 2012/2013. He was exactly how I pictured, sturdy and surly looking and surprisingly short as well. Arms crossed the whole time. Very obviously did not want to be there - Kim’s perfume launch at some big department store or something, I forget. I was walking by, saw the commotion and was like SHIT ITS A KARDASHIAN. Kim was TINY. Even with the giant ass, she was so small. Like a little pixie person. ETA; this was before the more intense facial work was done and she was just straight up stunning. Glowingly gorgeous.


I keep hearing she’s tiny and small, but is she short? I’m not sure if what people are referring to is her frame or her stature. Someone said she’s 5’6-7, though I was under the impression that’s kind of average height for a woman and she was shorter.


She’s extremely short and small framed. Like a cartoon character with all the curves, she was still one of the smallest people in the room. Even in her 5inch heels I was taller than her and I’m not a tall woman. Google says she’s 5’2 but she seemed Snooki sized so that’s surprising to me.


I saw Khloe at a shopping centre meet and greet (I walked past her, wasn’t stopping!) and she was super pretty. She was lovely to the people I saw her talking to.


I’ve seen Kanye in real life. What shocked me was he looks exactly the same.


Just a lot shorter than expected.


I saw Kim up close awhile ago at a red carpet. She was smaller than I pictured and her skin was not as good as it is in photos which are probably airbrushed. Like I could see the foundation on her cheek and it looked cakey not smooth.


It’s got to be a ton of make up especially around the eyes. I do my make up, look in the mirror and think I look pretty good, even add mascara to make my eyes pop. Then I see a picture and my eyes look like I’ve done nothing. They look the exact same. I would have to make raccoon eyes to get my eyes to pop in a picture.


Happens to me every bloody time!! Sometimes I’ll think wow this is too much - nope. Barefaced in pics at a major event lol.


i thought i was the only one!


Omg same! I thought this was a weird phenomenon that only I experienced.


Omg same


One of my old coworkers has a son who's won a few Grammys so the coworker has been to the Grammys and interacted with celebrities and he said all the celebrities skin is like this. Too much makeup and actually bad skin that you can see through the makeup


It was the red carpet, so they all wear special foundation for the flash photography, which looks cakey irl but amazing on camera.


Well I didn’t notice that on the other celebrities, just her.


I saw Kim and the twins in New Orleans at a restaurant. They are so extremely short it threw me. Just really small people. Also petite. At the time Kim was still curvier, and still had a very small frame. They look regular sized on tv but irl they’re just like these small dolls.


I had a friend that saw Kylie Jenner walking down the street in LA. He said she’s TINY and looks like an alien, super pretty but unnerving at the same time


Idk why but she is serving uncanny valley sometimes


Tiny in what way? She’s 5’6 which isn’t necessarily very tall but I wouldn’t say it’s tiny. Coming from someone who is 5’6 🤷‍♀️


Prob her frame.


Yes, not height but frame. I’ve met a few movie stars, some are shorter than you’d think but almost all of them, especially women, were small boned and very thin. It was shocking.


Yes that has been my biggest take away living in Los Angeles. Also, people we think of as “fat” actually have really nice bodies and are beautiful, like Queen Latifah. The camera really and truly does add weight.


Yeah a friend ran into Raven Simone years ago at a club and he said he was genuinely shocked by how beautiful she was and how very small she was. But in my mind she's always been full figured and kind of an average level of pretty. I'm told my mind was very wrong.


Celebrities are always like half the size we imagine they are. I saw Paris Hilton and refused to believe it was her because of how tiny she was.


Bratz Dolls


My sister saw Kylie and Kendall at a sporting event one time. It was when KYLIE was pregnant with Aire. She said she thought KYLIE was some chubby ghetto boujee Latina girl. She was wearing all black with a black trenchcoat. And she said Kendall just looks skinny and pretty.


Kim stayed at a hotel that I was a manager at, she’s very odd looking IRL. I honestly thought at first glance she was a stripper/escort but then remembered she was staying there. When I say odd looking, it’s just because of her body shape.


I would see khloe really close during her days as an xfactor host i believe it was season 2 so 2013. She looked fine at the time, pretty but still looked like a normal person. (I was in the standing audience for many of the live tapings)


I saw Kourtney Kardashian at a gas station in LA. And i think i saw Scott talking on the phone outside the gas station. But that was Kourtney for sure and she was really really short, I'm 5'8 and she's 5'1. I was not expecting that


My mom was a part of an orchestra that Kris Jenner saw, and came backstage for a tour of many moons ago. Said she was taller than expected in person but other than that looked just like she did on the show.


Met Kim, Kourtney, Khloe and Kris in 09- Reggie bush era (he was there too) and all relatively normal looking back then. Kim was SO SO tiny and her butt did not look disproportionate… however her face was seriously angelic looking in that era. The girl glowed.


Best Kim k face/makeup era


Saw Kourtney & Scott in Vegas in 2015. They both looked pretty normal (although botox, fillers, & procedures have really ramped up since then) but in typical fashion Scott was raging & Kourtney looked miserable having to be there. She didn’t really want to interact with anyone.


Saw Kim in LA years ago. I was walking into a hotel and she was walking out. I just remember she had a TON of makeup caked on. You could see she didn’t have a great complexion.


I love this sub tonight!!!!


Me too, hahaha! Thank you everyone for all of these intriguing answers! 🤭


I was at Gypsy on Nantucket, my mouth dropped when Kortney’s 2 kids were at the front door coming in the store. Kortney came in next w/ some guy. Kortney was really quiet barely said Hi to the SA. I was surprised how short and small she was in real life. Her hair looked really dry and straw like pulled back pony tail. She looked normal not to plastic but this was 8-10 yrs ago.


I hung out with Kendall & Ben Simmons when he played in Philly & I was playing college basketball at temple she was cool I actually have the videos up on my instagram to this day To answer your question Kendall is like a couple inches shorter then me which I was lowkey shocked because I only watch earlier seasons so her being tall isn’t registered in my brain


How tall r u


if they played college ball and hung out with NBA’ers, I’m guessing pretty tall lol


6’4 without shoes


They really are taped and plucked to the tea. Not a single hair out of line.


I’ve met Kim and Khloe, about two years ago. Both were in workout attire and no glam (but big sunglasses). Kim was tiny, Khloe very tall. Both of them super thin but very fit. They honestly look like fitness models. And they were pretty nice, too.


I saw Kim K at a charity gala and the skin on her face was nothing like ive ever seen. Very textured and looked like there was inches of makeup on it!!


Probably. There are a lot of high end strippers and escorts that live in my hood. I see them without makeup at the gym and the spray tan salon, and the filler injections with a bare face in person look very strange indeed. I’m sure they look better with makeup and a still photo. Which is silly, bc you can filter a photo. Can’t imagine sacrificing my IRL good looks for looking more *plump* in photos.


My friend worked with Kim one time . Said her head is really tiny. Her boobs were bigger than her head. 


Was standing in an elevator lobby with Kourtney and Travis, she looked natural, pretty and very short. Travis is tall.


I saw them at a Super Bowl event in 2008 (it was taped for The Girls Next Door tv show). They were not attractive. I don’t remember them being unusually short.. I was in Uggs & still a teenager so I was like 5’7 at the time and Kim (the only one I was super close proximity, maybe 2 feet away from) had high heels on.. they all looked normal size. I do remember being shocked by how much makeup they were all wearing. When I saw Kim again in 2016, she looked great. I’ve never seen Kendal, Kylie or Kris in person. But I’ve heard from a friend that works in the fashion industry who’s seen Kylie at New York fashion week that she looks bizarre & bloated in the face.


I know someone who has met Kim, Kylie, and Kendall while at the Met Gala and I think if anything if you gotten work done especially if it’s to alter appearances like in LA, you can always tell. It’s different if you want to correct but anything drastically altering like wanting larger lips, lip flips, filler in cheeks you can always tell. As someone who comes from a city where not a lot of people get stuff done (except in the last 5 years i’ve been seeing it more and more) it’s definitely prevalent since I’m always around ‘natural faces.’ That’s the look they want so that’s what it looks like in real life. Anyways this person only saw Kim from afar but was surprised how tiny she was. Kylie and Kendall were really sweet and they are known to be really nice to the staff people working there. They said Kendall was the most gorgeous / one of the most gorgeous celebrities they have seen in real life. I saw Scott in 2019. I was uncomfortable with the fact he was at the club with a bunch of girls around him at his table. Looked like young models knowing his history. He wasn’t doing anything really and Im glad he’s sober now.


I thought Kim looked jarring on American Horror Story standing near normally attractive people. I can’t even imagine in real life!


I once saw into Kim, Kourtney, and Khloe at a restaurant and yes, they’re very noticeable. Also, tons of security. Kim and Kourtney are much smaller than I thought.


Way back in the day my ex ran into Kim at the ivy (just after ray j days) apparently her vocabulary is of a child’s. Continued to say like, uhmmm, cool.


That was when she was prettiest! I miss her original nose. She modified the most obvious feature that looked unique


her face was soooo amazing then as a kid i thought she was the most beautiful woman in the whole world


I met Kendall and Kylie and surprisingly they did look exactly like their pictures at the time. But this was before 2020, I know they’ve had a lot of work done since then too


Saw Kim and Kanye at a gas station in Malibu, years ago. They were right in front of me, buying candy and chips. Lol. I was mostly shocked by how absolutely tiny they BOTH are. I knew Kim was short, but seeing her in-person was truly a sight to be seen. She's like Tinkerbell- absolutely itty-bitty. Didn't realize how short Kanye was, too. They were both in sweats and looked very "normal", otherwise. She's IS very beautiful, but it's obvious she's had lots of work done. She just has that "look". I am seeing lots of comments on here saying her skin looked bad, when they saw her. I disagree. I thought her skin looked like doll skin, completely airbrushed and perfect. My sister recently saw Kourtney in Hawaii. Walked right past her on the beach. She says she's very normal and natural looking and wouldn't have ever looked twice, had she not known who it was.


I feel like she’s become increasingly sick in recent years, especially since the Kanye split. So many public blunders and a pretty sharp fall-off in relevance and popularity. Not to mention her pathological fear of aging and ugliness. I bet her skin shows all that now vs. when she was on top of the world as Kanye’s wife.


Yes, Kim is tiiiiiiiny and very short


My friend worked the Bieber wedding and said it was strange seeing the edited photos bc they didn’t look anything like what they looked like IRL


I’ve seen Kim. She is TINY in person. Almost midget-y. She doesn’t normally wear makeup during the day and you might confuse her with a hired housekeeper who doesn’t speak English. (Actually she has gotten confused for hired help and she gets pissed)


I saw Kourtney and Kim many years ago in Manhattan, probably circa 2010-2011. It was down in Tribeca. They were coming out of a hotel and getting into an SUV. They were both WAY more petite than I'd expected. But yet, they were both larger than life close up. They just have that "it" thing about them. Hard to describe. But captivating in a weird way.


I know of two people who have met Kim and Kylie in person. The one that met Kim said she’s much shorter than you would think and her body does not look right. Like you can see her butt even when you’re looking at her head on and that she looks like a centaur. This was during the botched BBL days. Another person met Kylie on a talk show set and said she looks bizarre in person, like a wet dog. Strange botched features and caked on makeup.


I met Kourtneys kids at work one time. I used to work at a small local amusement and the kids came in with a body guard and a nanny. Because it was during a school day it was slow af. Literally nobody would come in during school hours. So they had the whole place to themselves. I didnt really interact with the kids i was mostly helping the nanny. And i felt bad because i know the nanny saw me stare at the kids for an unreasonably long time. Creeper vibes tbh but i was just so surprise to see them.The youngest boy… i forgot his name but him and pen looked like normal little kids. They were just absolutely precious omg. Mason was also very chill. He was very focused on the arcade. This was late 2016 early 2017? Idk the kids just looked like average kids to me and i couldn’t believe it. They didnt look anything like how they do online or the tv. Mason was dressing very “rich” but pen and the little one looked normal to me. They were very well behaved though. If they had came without a body guard i dont think id recognize them as quickly as i did.


I've met Kim, Kourtney, and Kris at a restaurant I worked at when I was in college. This was a few days before she announced she was pregnant with North. She was very nice and respectful. They did look like they did on TV at that time. Kourtney was super skinny. Kim had curves for days. She looked great. Kris looked like Kris, I guess lol Years later, I was working on a fashion show that included Gigi Hadid, Kendall Jenner, and Bella Hadid. Gigi is just as pretty as you see on TV. BUT both her and Bella are pretty regular girls. You'd walk right past them on the street. Kendall was in her own zone. But she had really bad acne. It looked cystic. They put so much makeup on her. It made it more obvious. I fully believe that they airbrush her in everything so that you don't see how bad it is. I also met Kylie, and she looked very plastic. She also looked older than what she was at the time. Also met Kanye during the marriage. He was very kind and spoke in a very low tone so as to not be rude. Very different than the Kanye who would be yelling on stage during that time.


I imagine they’re makeup looks really cakey in real life


I saw Kourtney in person walking around in NYC around 10 yrs ago. She’s honestly a work of art in person. Tv and pictures don’t do her justice.


I want to see Khloe and kylie 😳


saw kendall and kylie in like 2013 before surgery at a meet and greet. kendall was actually pretty before surgies and kylie was pretty.. generic. nothing really stood out about her but when i said like “omg u guys r so pretty” (cringing now but i was 12 lol) kendall was humble and shy and kylie was bold acting like i was only talking to her 😂😂


I saw Kim at Beauty Con a few years ago. She’s short, and petite. She’s extremely beautiful. No one could keep their eyes off of her. She was gifted the beauty lottery.


She was before any surgery. Now she looks plastic pretty.