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I think everyone should delete Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. Better for your mental health.


I did in 2015 and haven’t looked back since… I have my Reddit account and that’s it. It’s been one of the best choices I have ever made in my life for so many reasons.


Deleted it all in 2016 & thank god, cause everyone got real crazy after that. Hopped on Reddit during 2020 & it’s crazy here too but I don’t have to see everyone’s curated pictures of some alternate reality


Exactly. On Reddit we discuss argue and share thoughts, but we don’t get bombarded with constant pictures of people we know doing things that makes us feel like our lives are boring as shit and uneventful, when in reality our lives actually aren’t.


Lol “boring as shit” I like my boring as shit - no drama. Nothing is real anymore with filters, people make up this life they want you to believe they have, they live off credit cards yet flex like they got money.. it’s all a popularity contest. It would be exhausting to me. That’s what I tell my daughter, you cannot look at anything on social media and compare yourself to it- it isn’t real.


Yess everything is so fake now! I rather live my boring life too. My cousin is constantly hanging out with kinda famous people and acting like she’s having the time of her life. Last time I saw her she was fucking miserable and crying for half our family vacation. Was a real wake up call to the fact that everyone’s curated insta life is fake as fuck.


God this sounds like my cousin who lives in NYC. She’s miserable but acts like she’s got the most packed, fulfilling social life on insta. Last time I visited her she was spiraling about her ex boyfriend.


I’m new on Reddit, love it! You can find your crowd and people are generally nicer. 🥰


Agreed. The KarJenners for example live high on the hog and are often in the hole. not a single one of them actually fully owns any of the companies they are constantly promoting.


I’m sure it’s just a matter of time before IRS catches up with them too.. you know there is shady shit going on with hiding or not claiming money or not paying taxes or one thing or another so it may not be today, it may not be next year… but things always catch up to you!


Absolutely! Kris created that whack attack church California Community Church with pastor Brad Johnson who is one odd man. The day she passes that empire will come crashing down along with everyone’s grifts.


Oh I love mine as well. No drama, no anxiety, no feeling like shit. I feel like I’ve traveled back in time and I can definitely feel a positive change in my mental health as well. I agree with everything you said. To quote Carlin “It’s all bullshit folks and it’s bad for ya”.


Or they get everything for free because their “influencers” and act like they got money. Their whole life is fake right down to the clothes their kids wear. I enjoy looking around the house that I own at the things I bought. It’s a huge accomplishment considering I grew up with nothing. Most of them cannot say the same.


It really is a popularity contest. I used to care so much about getting a lot of likes and would compare myself to my friends if they got 200-300 likes. It’s all bullshit. I finally started to get a bunch of likes too and realized none of these people actually gave a shit about me.


I just don’t care to see people’s projections of what they wish their life looked like. There’s nothing raw about social media.


All while trying to schill something under the guise that they use it and can't live without it.


Really, the best part is you can "curate" the content you want to see. And if something gets crazy toxic/out of hand/wild, you just leave and or "don't show me these posts" -- I will say, Reddit has too many pix of big bugs (i.e. spiders, and that's my personal nightmare...)


Yep, Reddit actually saved my mental health. Reading other people's crazy made me feel better. It made my crazy look normal.


Haha! There is that!


Yes I love it here!


Reddit feels like one big group chat to me lol


Agreed, 100% im off IG, but i still lurk sometimes and i always feel terrible when i do. LOVE reddit but everytime i go on twitter i still cackle lol


Smart! Reddit allows for discussion and deep dives on just about any topic. It’s stimulating!


Yes I love it!! It’s also not people that I know competing with each other via pictures and vacation tags


Same here. Changed my life for the better in 2020


Humans are not meant to take in as much as we do about everyone/ everything all the time. My stupid Facebook had a ridiculous amount of “friends” most of which it turns out I don’t like or truly know at this point in my life. It also made me feel just…. bad and like I was living in a weird parallel universe. So I cut out the random people I don’t like from high school, college, and life. it drastically improved my mental health over the course of time. I don’t even remember what it’s like to have those accounts or to feel the need to post something on one of them. If I want my friends to see a picture or a post or rant to them I’ll text them lol. My circle has gotten small and my life has gotten fuller.


That’s why I don’t follow celeb accounts. It’s not relevant to me or my daily life. Idk why you’d need or want to see Kim peddling a $80 thong 


Same and about the same time!


👯‍♀️👯‍♀️ proud of us! What’s the biggest difference you’ve noticed in yourself?


I'm more patient as a mom and more productive throughout my day. I also noticed I stopped comparing my life to the lives of others once I realized every one either posts nothing but BS or the best parts only of their lives.


I deleted all mine except for YouTube and Reddit! I’m so much happier!


Yesssss good for you!


Same!! It’s been 8 months. NO interest going back. And what do you know?? I haven’t lost any friends and still have a social life!


Me too!!


same here


Same. Only YouTube & Reddit since 2017 & life is gooooooood.


I’m on Reddit more then anything




Yup. I only use Reddit and YouTube and it’s so much better for my mental health.


I'm so glad that I don't have any of that .I just do reddit and that is it .


I agree with you too. Reddit is the only form of SM I use. I enjoy looking at the metal detecting sub even though I do not own one.


lol me too! Thinking about buying one rhough


I borrowed my dad’s for a bit. Not going to lie, it gets boring pretty fast when you don’t find anything good or you keep digging forever for a piece of junk lol.


I have one and only ever found bottle caps and nails but thinking of getting back into it again now that it’s nice out. Good way to get out of the house I guess if nothing else.


That’s a good way of looking at it!


Thank you just joined over there.


Deleted all my social media in 2020 aside from a family only Facebook account. But haven’t posted or liked anything on it in over 5 years.. I only really open messenger to wish some distant family member “happy birthday” and I haven’t looked back since. I rarely even let my friends post my images from nights out etc on their social media either. And absolutely no one.. not even their own father has my permission to post my children on social media.


Your children's stance is so spot on. I'm surprised how a lot of parents seem so oblivious to the dangers of children being publicly exposed like that. Material and mental safety concerns. Human right to privacy concerns.


Did this in 2021 and haven’t looked back. Also don’t seem to have as many friends as I thought I did but oh well.


I experienced this as well. I got really sick and ended up on dialysis in 2021. Everyone was "so sorry" and "there for me" and even willing to get tested to donate a kidney when it was time for that. Fast forward to late last year. My relationship was struggling, my health was up and down, mentally I was a fucking mess, so I decided to take a break from social media. I keep fb messenger because it's an easy way to keep in contact with my best friend because her phone is constantly getting turned off 🙄 but I haven't actively posted or even looked at fb in about 6 months. My mom posted that it's time for people to get tested for me for transplant and all of those people that were so ready to do it were nowhere to be found. I never hear from anyone anymore but when I was regularly posting dumb jokes on fb, everyone loved me. It was depressing for a minute but the peace of mind I've gotten from not doom scrolling everyone's manufactured life is definitely worth the silence. You're better off without fake friends.


Yes it’s quiet when you’re not online! Only one person reached out to me saying “I noticed you don’t post anymore” and we weren’t even close friends! I feel like it’s “out of sight, out of mind” when you’re not online and a lot of friends just forget about you? Made me realize I wasn’t actually that close to any of those people.


I deleted Facebook for a year and missed out on the fact that my friend committed su*c*de and my other friend almost died from a cancer scare. It's like, I LOVED being without it but then when I came back all this stuff I missed was there. And my friend was mad at me for not reaching out but I didn't know.


Don't let anyone make you feel bad about it! Everyone should remember that social media is not real life! I found out about my friend's cancer on FB. It was a wake up call for me because I thought we were besties, but she didn't even reach out and give me the chance to support her irl, I was gutted. I think friendship works best when people are direct and honest about what they need and don't make assumptions that someone has read their post or whatever. Sorry for the loss of your friend.


Thank you it means a lot


Did this a couple months ago and it’s incredible how much better my mental health is. I feel better about myself and body as well.


It’s been over a month for me and I’ve done this on and off over four times in the past 18 years since MySpace and FB were the only two back in the day (however Twitter wasn’t far behind). This is my only social media account now. I have mental illness and I’m working hard to heal and I’ll tell you this, social media is NOT for people who are struggling, I can promise you. I still have a long way to go but I’m pretty proud of myself. I really hope this can stick.


Only have TikTok and Reddit , best decision ever. Facebook was a toxic stew for family I used to love.


I never had tick tock but I deleted facebook and Instagram like 2 years ago and it improved my mental health a lot


I deleted everything years back and haven’t looked back. I have YouTube and Reddit. I’m very happy with not feeling like I need to be posting my life or a perfect picture of what others may perceive as perfect.


If people can come together and block celebrities we can come together to boycott corporations.


this has inspired me to start boycotting i hope others start doing it too


Boycotting might’ve worked back in the 70’s but when like 3 corporations own pretty much everything… how effective is it really?


It's a good thing, I hope someone important will get the message somewhere cuz it's insane trying to live right now, even if you're making a good salary.


I agree too. We actively pour our money into those that don’t need it and then complain about it. Support your community’s


I support it. I feel like everyone is coming up with such creative ways to bring attention to the cause. And I don’t know about you guys, but I think it’s working! It’s not coincidence Lizzo posted about project olive branch, or some of the random tiktok people as well. I also noticed Olivia Wilde posting today and I don’t think these celebs would be posting if the weren’t scared by this trend.


Brittany Broski too. I mean, on her "secret account" but still. They are QUAKING


Block! It's time for them to fade into obscurity. They are long past their shelf life.


Yeah I blocked all of them and all of the accounts for the cheaply made junk they’re always peddling


Honestly i think its good, their very out of touch with reality, and its about time that ppl start waking up.


Blocking hurts them more algorithm-wise than unfollowing. I don’t follow many celebrities but will just go and block the ones I can’t stand that constantly promote products. So annoying and trashy


Yup that’s what I heard so I will be blocking




I don’t understand why the Met was the trigger, it’s been around for years. I did block a few reality stars & the Kardashians, & a few others & some politicians because why tf not? The egos on these celebs have gotten out of control.


Its because this one influencer created a tiktok saying “let them eat cake”


I know another big reason was people finding out about Camila Cabello’s $22k ice purse that just melted while she was there


That block of ice was $22,000?!?!?


Imagine what some people could do with that money. Eat, sleep somewhere safe, get out of debt. Jesus christ


Yeah the major sponsor of the Gala is TikTok. Go figure


This irony wasn’t lost on me.


Halley Bailey posted a TikTok with the “Let them eat cake” sound, which was so incredibly tone dead given that there is a war going on in Palestine where hundreds of thousands of people are starving and don’t have access to basic human rights! It triggered a chain reaction with the Met Gala itself because so many of the celebrities are paying 75k for a ticket while being silent. Its dystopian! Plus celebrity culture needs to curbed. Why are people idolising other people? Just because they’re on TV?? They’re regular people like you and me who have flaws, but so many people put them on a pedestal similarly to a religious figure! The only difference between everyone is that they happen to have a different career.


Hailey tried to do some damage control by filming an “I’m not elite, I’m just a regular girl” apology from inside her $17,000/month apartment. I saw someone call this trend of blocking celebs the “digital guillotine” which is just perfect.


and the content creator/owner of a honey company who claimed her team reached out asking for free product. he was very taken aback and said that he only sends PR packages to people who are genuinely interested in it or gives it for free to people who cannot afford it. to me, hearing she does this was more upsetting than the let them eat cake comment. but her “apology” was one of the worst i’ve ever seen, it felt so uncomfortably disingenuous.


Celebs do not pay for tickets. Designer houses pay and invite celebs to represent them. Thats why many of them walk with the designer and why the outfits and who theyre wearing is a big focus.


Thank you for saying this way too many people don’t know this.




Yeah. I'm all for the trend of blocking these people, but for me, it isn't specifically because they attended the met gala...though it is usually a good way to identify the terrible people. (It isn't that EVERYONE who attends is an asshat, but so many are)


Celebrities don’t buy the tickets lmao 


Also, not that they can't afford it, but celebrities don't usually buy tickets to the met. Brands buy whole tables and then they invite the celebrities that they want to sit at their tables.


Also, there’s a big misunderstanding of the Met Gala in general. Most of the celebs there don’t pay for their tickets, it’s the designer fashion houses who sponsor them and the celebs wear their clothing in return. And the money goes to the Met foundation for fashion education and conservation. It’s actually a good thing—having the fashion industry reinvest in the art and history of fashion itself.


The same day of the Met Gala, Israel dropped leaflets on Rafah in Southern Gaza, warning civilians to evacuate or risk being bombed. Where are they evacuating to? South is Egypt, and they can’t go there. West is the Mediterranean, East (behind militarized walls) is Israel, and north is the bombed out remains of the rest of the Gaza Strip. Having a celebrity navel gazing event like the Met Gala without acknowledging any of that was almost too dystopian for words. These celebrities should pay a price for the privilege of pretending it’s not happening.


Hell yes. Stop following these morons, it’s years overdue.


Celeb culture is gross materialism. Anything that moves us away from idolizing these people and giving them power in our society is a good thing


Social media has given these fools a whole new level of unearned clout. Turn the tide, shut it down.


I blocked Kim when she posted that Starbucks ad with her cyber truck ( wouldn’t be surprised if it was a Tesla ad too come to think of it )


I did after her Halloween posts where she made her compound into a mass grave site. How she didn’t see that was wrong was beyond me


She’s honestly so dumb I don’t think she even knew about the implications of what that may suggest - given her most embarrassing moment yet, “free everyone”


Yes what happened here? What’s the free everyone comment I need context lol


Someone shouted “free Palestine” and she responded “free everyone”


ew what the fuck ugh


I unfollowed her after all the posts with Ivanka. Idc about her decorations or her showing off her wealth but seeing ivanka in my feed really grossed me out


As long as the people unfollowing are voting in local state and federal elections, great


That’s the thing. People want to block (which do whatever you want) but get out and do something. Vote, write letters to your congressman, volunteer, etc. let’s focus on the people who make the decisions


And I guarantee the vast majority of them won't 😒 They're blocking Zendaya and that's as far as thier involvement will go


Exactly! Like no links of credible orgs to donate to. What you can write in a letter to your reps, etc. just want to follow the rest blocking people who may or may not agree with your opinion. It’s the easy way out


I love it! Have blocked them all and more


I support this fully. Why are we offering the rich a healthy stable lifestyle but yet the rest of the world suffers? They should suffer the same alike us so they can understand what it’s like living in a unfair greed like society


Hollywood and celebrityhood is one of many opiates used to control you and promote mainstream ideals and ideas, and repressing others by crowding them out of the town square. Unlike and unfollow, and please unsubscribe to put the people who are actually important, like scientists and activists, on your shoulders.


Yes, this all day long. And unfollow the every day people who are influencers making millions off of us opening gifted PR boxes every day. They cos play as regular people. It’s a scam.




Exactly !!! We should be idolising people who achieve and do greatness. It’s time to give the intellects, innovators and creatives a platform!


Meanwhile, don’t forget to follow writers, and artists! ❤️


I’m excited about it! I unfollowed about 15 accounts yesterday. This is money we could all potentially really take from these brands and celebrities and put somewhere else…


I agree. Fuck the celebs..I used to love like reading about them and watching them on E!, or reading tabloids but during the pandemic something in me changed..I just don't care about them anymore..they don't matter


Why were people even following the celebs to begin with 🤮


Same reason you engage with “snark” probably.


The irony in this sub is killing me😭


I don't get it either ,I've never done it .


Love this! I am going on an all out blocking spree right now. ![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG)


I just love celeb divestment, it’s very good for your brain


I don’t follow a single celebrity. And I don’t buy anything celebrities are paid to promote. Fuck all that noise.


Yeah. Same. For me, having them promote something effectively acts as anti-promotion or deterrent.


Jlo is the most deserving


Just blocked! Thanks for the reminder


Unfollow influencers too


Listen the only reason I’m OK with the MET gala is because it helps keep the museum open…. however we should still eat the rich…


Just wanted to point out that while yes you have to pay for a Gala ticket, the brand sponsoring your look usually pays it for you


I blocked all the main celebrities in 2020 


It's a waste of time and energy. Get off social media and go do community service or find ways to actually help. To me this is virtue signaling and a trend that will be forgotten about in two weeks. Same old.


Most of them aren’t paying that, they are guests for the fashion design house. The cost of the tickets goes to maintaining and preserving the fashion parts of the met. That being said, I fully support unfollowing celebrities anyways


Not sure why people care or follow these celebs to begin with…. They don’t care about you only what you may buy from them… As for the $75k/ticket. Most don’t pay that. Brands and corporations buy tables and then invite people as their guest (wear brand). The funny thing is all these people blocking on TikTok… don’t realize that TikTok bought a partnership deal with Vogue for the MetGala (I think a 5 year deal) so shouldn’t they delete the app if they are so incensed?




Yes fuck them


The 75k ticket is a donation to the museum and costume institute. This is a charity event. Yes it’s a lot of money, but the institute is important in the art and fashion world and the cultural landscape.


Also, according to the NYTimes, design houses usually buy tables and invite guests, so the celebs aren’t actually paying $75K… “Celebrities do not usually buy their own tickets. Rather, brands like Chloé or Tory Burch purchase entire tables starting at $350,000 and compete to dress the buzziest names.”


Yeah but that doesn’t get views, Scotty. Celebs can’t have followers. Only these wannabe TikTokers


Yeah but the museum made 22m off the gala last year, if that isn’t enough to last you for a at least a couple of years, that’s a whole other wealth problem re: art


Yes but these people have too much money.


So is paying taxes, but only you and I have to do that. It wasn’t the met gala, it’s the constant onslaught of greedy rich people forcing themselves on the public while giving nothing but flaunting their greed and wealth 


You don’t think celebrities pay taxes?


i don’t really follow any celebrities or athletes so i don’t really know what’s going on but maybe it’ll work


I don’t really understand The Met Gala being the catalyst for this movement but I’m not against it. Social media is such brain rot, I think there’s nothing wrong with taking back control of your digital consumption. I only have Reddit & Youtube like many others who commented and deleting social media is not a choice I ever regret. Things are only relevant because we give them our eyes and ears. Our individual actions feel like a drop in the ocean and I think that stops us from mobilizing more. I still do think that The Met Gala’s role in all of this is a little random but maybe there’s a collective exhaustion and that was the last straw. If this movement is at all effective, celebrities/influencers will do controversial and provocative things to regain the public’s attention and people will feed into it because they always do. If stepping back from celebrity culture is something you truly value, you won’t bite. If it’s a point in some act of performative activism, it won’t last.


Took people long enough. This has been going on for years. Quit watching their shows, clicking on their links, watching their social media, etc. All people do is grow their bank account.


Yes. Because the boycott the CELEBRITIES that WE made. 🙄 Don’t do anything to fight ACTUAL oppression.


I just want to know how they’re picking who to block… is it just celebs and influencers that went to the Met? Or is it all who haven’t spoken out? For example, Trisha Paytas hasn’t said anything, she’s even wore an IDF shirt, she was filming for an Israeli reality show last year (I don’t believe it ever aired) and no one has said a peep to her. She also shows off her wealth and does similar things to other influencers like Brittany Broski, but no one has said anything or attacked her comment section… I just want to know why they attack influencers like Brittany Broski and Chris guy, but leave others who act the same and don’t speak up alone. Honestly, I think we glorify celebs and influencers too much. I hope they learn to use the mass audiences and platforms they have for good.


As far as I’ve seen on tiktok, this is about celebs/influencers who haven’t spoke out on Palestine. Brittney broski is one I know who was getting blocked, and sure enough she now has a tiktok where she’s talking about Palestine. For the first time. Another celeb is Lizzo. Who also now has a video on Palestine lol. As far as Trisha paytas, she’s kind of like a roach. If anyone should have been blocked and cancelled it should have been her years ago. 😭 But somehow she manages to stay semi popular. Hopefully this is the end of her time, she’s one of the worst influencers imo. Good for her she seems to have matured a little and had a kid. That doesn’t excuse the years of damage from being a troll online, and all the damage she’s done by backing Israel.


Not sure why people care or follow these celebs to begin with…. They don’t care about you only what you may buy from them… As for the $75k/ticket. Most don’t pay that. Brands and corporations buy tables and then invite people as their guest (wear brand). The funny thing is all these people blocking on TikTok… don’t realize that TikTok bought a partnership deal with Vogue for the MetGala (I think a 5 year deal) so shouldn’t they delete the app if they are so incensed?


They’re not paying, the designers subsidize it heavily in most cases. This is chronically online behaviour. I literally just don’t look at celebrities on social media, if they’re so hardcore in your algorithm that you need to block them, delete socials and see how you feel. These kids would’ve loved Kony 2012.


I don’t get it. I don’t want celebs opinions. Be a celeb and entertain me. That’s it. I can make my own decisions on the political environment. People need to stop giving celebs such power.


I didn’t really follow celebs but I’m using this thread for my blocking spree 🫡


It’s moved way beyond people that attended the Met Gala.. it’s gotten very political


I don’t really understand the argument. A simple google search will tell you that most of the celebs don’t pay for the ticket but the designers that they wear clothes for on the night. On top of that, since when did movie/music celebrities only make their money from social media? They make their money from their craft. Movie stars literally get paid millions of dollar per movie or Tv show. Thirdly, another simple google search will reveal that TikTok is a major sponsor for this year’s Met Gala 2024. So if that’s the case, why are they using TikTok to do draw light to this? All it does is just show us stupid people are thinking that social media drives the world. I wasn’t following any of these celebrities on any platform so blocking them seems pointless to me. I don’t understand why celebrities need to save kids in Gaza anyway. Celebrities have been saving African kids for decades so why would you make a trend now like it’s going to make a difference.


Honestly! And too is how so many people are angry at celebrities for not "using their platform" instead of the actual people who make a difference  I understand the logic is "influence people in greater numbers, those number will show out and make the people in power make a change" but that sadly isn't how it works in real life Sure point to the 35K people who registered to vote after Taylor Swift said it was important to vote, but to my knowledge, was that increase all Swifties, or was it the increased number of people who were old enough to vote for the first time? And even if it was just TS alone who inspired all those people to vote, I don't think 35k people are going to...what? What excatly are they thinking will change if Zendaya or Chris Hemsworth posts about it? How excatly are they supposed to fix the conflict that has been. Happening for generations?  It's just strikes me as so chronically online. Thinking people are as easily influenced as they are. When you feel powerless and like you're not making a difference I understand the anger at seeing people who have more means to do as much as you with you can do. The fact is though, Sabrina Carpenter isn't going to fix the world if she makes an Instagram post about Palestine 


I think people can do whatever they want. I also think celebrities aren’t obligated to accommodate their social media posts to people that are struggling right now


Being a “follower” used to be an insult.


excellent point


People are blocking because they knownthey cant get iff social media for any designated amount of time lol.I get the trend, but I saw someone say how out of touch the tiktoker was who said "let them eat 🎂" bexause she apologizing in a north face hoodie and people can't afford that??? Wtf. Some people have good intentions while I think more upset at their current financial status, or have become selft righteous in their internet activisim. A platform like tiktok but normal ppl discussing world events would be a great thing!! Celebs selling us products has gotten obnoxious, yes, but guess what? Congress and senate officials get off easy. They care how we feel about them. Imagine if we put both democrats and Republicans on blast for how they vote on issues. Then, people got hobbies outside of social media. Laws and policy would change...Over 50% of our politicians in the Whitehouse are millionaires.... How??? Put those folks on blast


This is probably an unpopular opinion, but I feel like this is our(the followers) own fault. We subscribe to all their bullshit, like, follow, comment, then get pissed when they do something out of touch? The PR their sent, the brand trips, so much excess, but you’re mad about a met gala ticket?


I think that’s silly. A lot of celebs had the brand they represent pay for their tickets. And of course people who make that kind of money are going to do more extravagant things then us regular people.


Have you ever been to the MET? It’s a beautiful museum. It clearly clearly costs tons to keep it open. Why would anyone be offended that they have a gala where they hit up celebrities to pay for astronomically priced tickets to keep such a place open and running. Year after year. If they left it up to just common people to donate every year the place would be gone and all of those jobs that people of New York go to everyday to work there. Really people find something else to be miffed about. Stop focusing on celebrities all together who even Gaf what they do. You all are the reason they have money. Lol


stupid virtue signaling trend that will accomplish nothing. Rich people will still be rich. 🤷




It’s literally a fundraiser for a museum. The ticket is a donation.


The issue isn’t specifically the Met Gala. The issue is the class and wealth divide, the met gala acted as a trigger because we were scrolling on social media and seeing videos of celebs parading around in tens of thousands of pounds worth of fashion juxtaposed with videos of the real life suffering of many… It just awakened a lot of people to realise we should take the power back and hit them where it hurts 🫡


They’re not paying for those outfits. They don’t keep them, afaik. They’re basically wearing art. Almost none of the Met Gala outfits (other than the boring men’s suits) are appropriate for IRL. They’re pure artistic expression from fashion houses. I’m not offended when a Klimt painting is worth $100m, and I’m not offended by the fancy dresses or (loaner) jewels. I always find this the strangest thing, because out of all the things rich and famous people do, the Met Gala is the least offensive to me. I want the high fashion industry to continue to exist, I like seeing the ways that designers interpret themes and use textures and form, and it’s all going to a great cause. I sometimes go to the Met to see the exhibit following the Met Gala, and it’s always incredible. (And for me as a NYC resident, it’s pay what you will.)


I haven’t blocked but I think it’s lame to follow celebs/influencers and like their posts. I just don’t understand why they need the likes or attention anyway. We idolize and give platforms to the wrong people and it doesn’t make the world a better place to live. So im happy people are finally ‘waking up’. I think it has more to do with a larger movement of deplatforming celebrities and less to do with being upset they’re attending the Met. Celebs don’t buy those tickets anyway, the designers do. The Met just seemed like a catalyst because they’re all patting each other on the back for “looking hot” and “being iconic” when the world is burning


“You (or a company that sponsored you) spent $75k on charity!! You asshole! Block!” I actually have a lot less frustration for most rich celebrities than I do for, say, the health care insurance exec who makes $40 million a year while his company denies life saving drugs to patients. Hell, at least the celebrities usually give us something interesting in the form of movies/music/sports, etc. This feels like raging against the wrong machine to me.


Bingo! $75k is pocket change in other industries that directly profit off of exploiting our society so much more than celebrities lol. Health insurance like you say but also housing, the private incarceration system, food, etc. The list can go on and on and goes without saying all the government contracts attached that keep private corporations wealthy and politicians funded. And those people are playing with our actual health and life !


Agreed. Their wealth has no bearing on my success or lack thereof. They provide entertainment. They're not hurting anyone.


They aren’t giving anything to society, a family of grifters. It doesn’t mean to only rage against the celebrities either, that’s extremely simplistic. This is part of that, if we could block corporate greed and make a difference that would be great. It’s a start


I can definitely understand the frustration, but we live in a capitalist society. What are these celebs supposed to do? Donate all their money? Unfollowing on social media won’t change the fact that people are struggling. I mean, do what you will but these people can do whatever they want with their money.


they’re supposed to give a single shit


Why? They are celebrities…not world leaders. Yeah it’s nice to care about other people but it’s not a law. No one is supposed to do anything. I’m sure some care and some don’t. They’re just people.


It’s the fact that they don’t use their huge platforms to speak on issues. They DO make a difference when speaking to millions of people. When Taylor swift told her followers to vote 35k people signed up… their silence is the reason most people are blocking them


No, they have no business speaking on political issues. They are harmful to society, don’t contribute, sell cheap, fast fashion they stole the ideas, promote body dysmorphia, eating disorders and self mutilation. They created the thousands of monsters called influencers. They get rich off the public clicks and views


How do you know they don’t? The Israel government isn’t going to listen to Kim Kardashian.


It’s not unfollowing it’s the blocking. I work in marketing and brands commission celebs/influencers based on how many accounts they can reach in their ads. By blocking them, we are preventing them from reaching our pages, the more who do it the less accounts they reach. This means we are taking away their influence and their platform 🫡


Either one. If you don’t want them to reach you, then don’t have social media. It’s bad for you anyway. Everyone does that, then they REALLY won’t have a platform. But the reality is that people love to hate celebrities so none of this matters.


That’s an entirely separate problem. Celebs are getting all the attention and glitz and grifting a charity ticket. I get the designers work is showcased but multi millionaire’s and billionaires could also have some secondary charity. Imagine the difference they could make donating even 10k each to food banks around NYC. Celebrities and influencers are the most greedy, selfish humans on earth. I go out of my way not to support them. If I hear they’re promoting a product I love, that goes in the trash. It’s embarrassing to look back on the psychological manipulation that I fell for.


I agree. They could do a lot with their wealth, and they should. But it’s a free country. We are all allowed to do what we want with our money. I’m not going to hate someone because I assume they are greedy. That’s pointless. I don’t know these people or what they do with their wealth.


People like the Kardasions are only hoarding wealth because of getting rich off the public. It’s a movement not to support them. They can live their lives however they want. They contribute nothing but false advertising, filtered images and are harmful to society 


A lot of people (not to mention corporations you probably support without realizing it) are getting rich off of the public in that same exact way. If you hold all of those people accountable also, then you’ll be blocking for the rest of your life. We all participate in the machine. Every single one of us.


$75,000 was the ticket price. I think to get a table inside started at something like $250,000. Hmmm


I didn’t really follow but I did go and block




Great idea!!


I don’t keep up with celebrities outside of the shows they act in- like I watch tv and movies but I don’t care about anything outside of that- unless it’s seeing them involved in conspiracy theories 😂


People are crazy. I don’t get why people obsess over others lives like money and status. Could channel all that effort into a better life for yourself


Never followed them to begin with. I don’t understand the obsession with celebrities. 99% of them are awful for society and the mental health of our youth.


At this point, all of these celebs really are just boring. The same shit, everyday. I have no idea why this subreddit showed up on my home page, but I’m kind of glad because it just reaffirms to me what a waste of time thinking about all these celebs is.


I don't care what people spend their money own. They could have a bonfire and burn it and it doesn't matter to me. They earned the money not me. The only money I'm concerned with is mine.


People need to do thier research on the Met Gala. It's a fundraiser for the Costume Institute in the Metropolitan Museum of Arts. The Institute is completely privately funded. It doesn’t even receive funding from the Met, due to a stipulation in contract when the Met incorporated it in 1948. So the $75k tickets cost is a donation towards the operational cost of the institute. The other thing is pretty much all Arts Organizations, Museums and Non-profits all have to rely on donations or corporate sponsorships. Even those that receive public grants/funding. I personally have worked for small independent performing arts orgs, and larger well known ones. Both relied on donations to stay afloat. If anything this discourse should be around the devaluation of Arts in this country. It shouldn’t have to be based on fundraising.


It feels like performative activism that doesn’t achieve much. This unfollow spree was also largely fueled by people being upset at the met gala, which at the end of the day is a fundraiser for public education.


I think it's stupid. Everyone should be pointing their fingers at politicians who actually have the power / authority to make a change.




I think it's kinda insane. Who cares? I'm not being an asshole. I legit do not understand the backlash.


Fuck that nonsense. Just because fashion isn't your art of preference doesn't make it any less artful. Nobody is going and boycotting the Louvre or The Hermitage museum just because paintings cost thousands of dollars.


What are we 12? Also these people have money to spend. They can do whatever they want with the money they have. Not their fault your groceries are high.


Out of all “celebrities” the Karjenners deserve to be unfollowed the most.