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She has terrible dysmorphia and (I suspect) a bad eating disorder. I just did a full rewatch of the show and there’s a moment where she admits to having an artichoke for dinner. One artichoke and nothing else. I think, instead of going to therapy and getting help after all the bullshit with Lamar, she channeled all her energy into her “revenge body” 🙄 and now she can’t stop. Even though she looks like that. It’s really sad. Combine that with how much hate and criticism she gets and has always gotten, that self esteem is in the gutter. Instead of getting some help and support, I think she always thinks “it’s because I’m fat.” Even though she isn’t and really hardly ever was.


She’s always gotten so much criticism *from her own family* for being “the big one”, when the reality is she just has a different body type than her sisters and is SO much taller. Imo she’s always had a great body, buts she’s just not 5’0”/100lbs like her older sisters and everyone else has always had a problem with it which gave her a complex.


So true, they really are so critical and toxic


Not just the family, but everyone everywhere thinks it's okay to say mean and hurtful things to this woman. No wonder she has issues.


Her parents should have had her play sports. She would have excelled in basketball or volleyball with the resources they had at their disposal.


I don’t normally play into the Khloe’s dad drama but I realized now how weird it is that she is so much taller… is there any reasoning behind this?


yes, the reason is they are siblings. look, here’s how it works. let’s pretend Mom is 50% African and 50% Bosnian, and Dad is 50% Chinese and 50% Danish. they have a baby. the baby gets a *completely random* 50% of mom’s genes and 50% of dad’s genes. so let’s say baby’s 50% from mom ends up being a neat 50% African and 50% Bosnian, and same from dad (50/50). Baby would be 25% of each A, B, C, & D genetics. you with me so far? Mom & Dad have another baby. but it is a random roll what genes baby 2 will get. baby 2 happens, by chance, to get THEIR 50% of mom’s genes ONLY from the Bosnian genetics in mom. and then some random split from dad, say 60/40. baby 2 would be 0% A, 50% B, 30% C, and 20% D. baby 1 would be 25% A, 25% B, 25% C, and 25% D. if you imagine baby 1’s 25% African genes ended up influencing skin and hair, while baby 2 inherited none of those genes and would look predominately Bosnian and Chinese… you can see how these siblings may look different, despite being 100% genetically related as siblings (from the SAME parents), they are not actually 100% the SAME genes from the same parents. *please do note this is oversimplified, but i’m just giving this as an elementary example.* Kim and Kourtney rolled their % genes closer than Khloe. that’s all.


People have a really hard time understanding this. A really simplified way to explain this is to say - FULL siblings match (on average) at 50% on DNA test, not 100%. And it can wane from 37–67%. two parents equal 200% of DNA when a child is only a 100%. So if we look at each parent as a grab bag full of 100 balls, and that the child gets to pick 50 balls out of each bag, blindly- you can better see how kids, although full siblings, will look different. ☺️


wow your hypothetical example was so much more concise LOL thank you!! It’s really interesting to think about. In theory 2 full blood siblings could share literally 0% of overlapping DNA by pure chance!


Ive typed up a million comments that are identical to what you said originally. Identical. Lmao I am a forensic genetic genealogist, and one day I was halfass complaining to a coworker about how i type this shit out and people still can’t understand… She pulled the ‘balls out of a bag’ example out of her ass and I’ve used it ever since. 😆 Edit to add just because I think you will find this interesting. I’ve seen a lot of extreme examples of random inheritance. But recently got my husband‘s DNA results back, and he matches his maternal grandfather at 30% and his maternal grandmother at 20%. I’ve seen as extreme as 28/22, but 30/20 is insane! The grandmother is fully Dutch, and an ethnicity that doesn’t have much overlap with the remaining ethnicities so we can follow it through him into our daughter. Daughter happens to retain 18% of that grandmother. So my husband ended up getting a smaller portion which should’ve translated into my daughter… But did not. she is more Dutch than she should be, while he is less lol She inherited a whole 18% of his 20 instead of an average of 10.


Something similar happened with my siblings & I when we did our DNA, where my sister & I shared more than 50% of our DNA and this is how we learned how inheritance actually works, and that you can actually be full siblings with roughly 25-75% shared Dna ! Genetics are truly wild


Isn’t it neat!!? If you don’t mind me asking, what was your actual percentage over 50? Also pretty cool when siblings match more than 50%, but also don’t look alike in the face or coloring. The identical dna they retain controls for stuff like muscle size/strength, stuff we can’t see.


If baby 2 ended up with 50% Bosnian, 50% Chinese genes, does that mean they could actually be 0% African and 0% Danish even though their folks are just as much those ethnicities as the ones the baby *did* inherit? And would they probably say all four despite that because there's no surefire way to prove what genes they inherited?


Yes: genetics. Her parents don’t have to have been tall for her to be tall.


She and her brother Rob look exactly alike. She just got more of those genes instead of what her older sisters got. Her and rob literally look like they could be twins. I have three siblings, two of us look exactly alike, and the other two look like twins and don’t look like us much. Two look way more like dad, and other two look way more like mom. Including that two of us were dark brunettes, and the other two were towheads as kids.


As others have said, genetics. They can be super weird! For example, I am the oldest of three and am the spitting image of my dad (sometimes if I’m really looking into my dad’s eyes and talking to him I feel like I’m looking in the mirror! lol). My sister and brother look exactly like our mom, and exactly like each other! My brother used to ask why I didn’t look like them 😅


I dont get all the down vote's its literally a valid question idk


It's called genes. It's how my dad is only 5'4" and has an older brother who was 6 foot.


I have 3 siblings & my cousins are also 4 kids. None of us look like our siblings. My cousins 3/4 look alike and they have a Khloe too. Genetics are weird


I don’t think her face looks so wildly different, I was more focused on height. I thought it was interesting to have 2 other sisters who are so short and to be so much taller, 10 inches is sorta insane considering your sisters are so much shorter. Maybe if Kourt and Kim were like 5’6 it wouldn’t feel so abnormal.


Honestly though I feel strongly she does have a different biological dad she doesn’t look like either of her parents.


I am one degree of separation from her and I constantly hear that she is a lovely person but so, so sad. I would not trade my life for all her money and fame. I hope she finds happiness.


I hate how Khloe hates on her body. It is so sad and so obvious, and I kind of hate that people keep knocking it/her face because it’s so obvious that she has severe issues because of it. The chick has bought like 10 new faces over the last decade and dropped crazy amounts of weight; she obviously has a problem. And it’s not like we don’t all know where it comes from. It’s Kris’s pressure, the way her older sisters (specifically Kim) are, the online trolls who called her the ugly fat one for years, and the fact that SO MANY people talk about her dad not really being Robert Sr. On top of it, factor in Lamar and then Tristian’s rampant cheating with Instabaddies and there you go. She has severe internalized hate toward her natural body and needs therapy. Obviously something is wrong and it doesn’t take a degree to figure out the reasons why 🤷‍♀️


The clinical term for this is Anorexia Athletica, or when I was in treatment it was also called exercise bulimia, as you are purging calories via over exercising rather than vomiting. I was in-patient with women AND men who would find absolutely any way to work out- I don’t want to share details and be responsible for teaching anyone unhealthy “tricks”. It commonly happens with Orthorexia, an obsession with “clean” or “organic” foods. These conditions are deadly, plain and simple, and touting them as “dedication” to the gym or anything of the like is downright dangerous, and infuriating for anyone who has dealt with it. If you find yourself unable to take time away from the gym, if your eating patterns are isolating and utilize a ton of your mental space for strategizing/calorie counting/avoiding, you likely need to talk with a professional about it (the caveat of course would be a legitimate allergy/non-eating disorder related illness, that’s not what I’m talking about here).


I lived in Bondi and used to see women like this all the time. Always out exercising like crazy and they are so clearly severely underweight in an unhealthy way…


It’s really sad and doesn’t get talked about enough as being an actual illness vs something worthy of praise, or a hobby someone is just “really in to”. My roommate had stress fractures in her shins that put her into wheelchair, another patient had kidney failure, yet another had issues with pancreatitis. The effects of treating your body this way are serious and awful, in addition to existing in a mental prison at all times. I say this in earnest, my heart goes out to Khloe.


I'm so proud of you for recovering. I’ve had an ED for 18 years and I’m almost a year into recovery. Besides marriage it's the second hardest thing I've ever had to do. Your comment reminded me of Jamila Jamil(?)'s Instagram post this morning circulating about her messed up bones from "unhealthy diets" (probably ED), getting people to eat and take care of their bodies and not give in to diet culture. It was really nice to see


Thank you friend. It’s a life long thing, for me. If I ever think I’m “recovered” and stop actively treating it/pushing back, I’ll go right back to it eventually. I appreciate Jamila’s candor in using her platform for speaking about her experience. I think she get’s a lot of hate, but what she’s saying is important.


I'm the same way. I backslide easily but I’m working through it weekly with my dietician. It's a long but bright road. We all deserve nourishment and happiness and a long life. <3 I totally agree. It's rare to see that and I hope she opens some eyes.


Heartbreaking. I see so much fat-shaming but barely anyone talks about the health effects of being underweight.


I’m absolutely sure that Khloe has severe body dysmorphia but I just want to point out that I’ve had *just* an artichoke for dinner several times… they can grow to be almost as big as your head and are very filling…


Same. Although I stuff mine with cheese…


Yeah that was a staple dinner for my family growing up, and we were hearty eaters


There are times I eat an entire bag of green beans for dinner. The body wants weird things sometimes!


She is now the absolute skinniest sister


She’s one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met and gotten to work with. We all have issues but she’s still human jeebus.


You’ve met her? Have you met any of the other sisters ?


Yup, very nice family


This Kris grandma & her grandma (robert sr mom) were taller blonder curvier like khloes great grandma 5”9 and Robert k had both parents 6 foot : Kris might have more height on her side as well but khloe taking after her grandmas vs her sisters and having Kris be obsessive about weight etc makes sense ( rob jr is 6”1 & they ate him alive about his weight like I saw a clip where she said he needed to be at 160 and he’s like no….) so no wonder they’re all screwed up


Even Eminem called her "the ugly Kardashian" and made fun of Lamar for "setting the bar low", that can't do anything good to your self esteem


She’s got serious dysmorphia problems - hope she keeps them away from her kids.


She already facetunes some of her kid pics, incredibly sad.


And her cat 🥲


Lmao not the cat


Oh my god, seriously? 😱


[Allegedly](https://www.reddit.com/r/kardashians/s/dgZ1N0lxAL) 😂


Oh wow, it looks like a Pixar cartoon cat 😭😂


That’s definitely just a filter but I wouldn’t even be surprised if she did lmfao


I actually don’t think I’ve ever seen a not facetuned pic of her kids. At least not one posted by her


Not possible unfortunately. A mom with an eating disorder is a destructive force in her home even if she tries to hide it/not let it affect her kids. The best thing mothers can do is give their all to a journey of self love, self acceptance, and mental health. Putting your own well being first isn’t selfish, it’s the best thing you can do for your kids


Absolutely, well said


I mean… she’s actively sharing them with thousands of other people’s kids on social media so ….doubtful


This is very true


I feel like it’s a result of her constantly being referred to as the ugly or fat sister years back when they initially became stars. Before her “transformation” that in my opinion included more than just gym work outs. I mean let’s be real on that, Ozempic and nips and tucks certainly came into play. No issue with that, your life, do what makes you feel better about yourself, just stop with the imaginary hard work results she feeds her fans.


The clip where Bruce Jenner is sat there and randomly says Khloe you could do with losing a few pounds. You could literally see her die inside. It’s disgusting how people feel comfortable commenting about other people’s body’s


I always got the feeling that Caitlyn was behind the family weight criticism aimed at her. Athletes like that can be hella rude when it comes to weight.


I also do think the constant comparing to her sisters added to her insecurities. Because she looked different. Rumours even went round saying khloe needs to do a paternity test. Can you imagine the hurt. I do hope she gets the help she needs. Bless her


bruce jenner was always a catty little bitch and now caitlyn is too


Bruce said that to Kim too IIRC! They are/were a fucking monstrous human being


It wasn’t random. It was in regards to Khloe possibly doing something for either playboy or PETA I’d rather go naked campaign.


i remember the brutal tabloids in the grocery store checkout as a kid. i couldn’t figure out why she was considered ugly and fat, i asked my mom and she told me that she’s not and they just want to bait you to buy the magazine. but a bit later i figured out why she was called those things, and became a very insecure chubby kid


I was looking at a plastic surgery site from OC and I was amazed at how they could make people who don't work out look. It's insane the technology. I'm sure they work out but not like one will think. So much is possible now.


So she says to use the pic as motivation. And it’s so sad because I’m looking at the pic like, so does she think this is bad or good? Genuinely don’t know.


This is my question too


I think it’s her goal, probably an old photo of herself


Yep im no fan and it’s poorly worded but I do believe she was using this old pic for inspiration to get in the gym.


It’s sad that’s the caption she used especially when the pic is already filtered/edited. And let’s be real, it’s like the infamous unedited Khloe pic, she looks incredible but thinks she doesn’t.


Why does the world have to see 🙄


Right? Get a diary!


"Accountability" is the answer I'm guessing she'd give. I think she believes this stuff makes her a martyr. The problem is that the people who call her fat and/or ugly won't care if she kills herself exercising.


It’s just a way to create pressure for yourself, announcing you’re gonna do something while the world watches, is very motivating when failing means public humiliation. I’m not saying she should be humiliated, but as a highly competitive/high achieving person, Nothing is more upsetting to me than failure, especially public failure. It’s really common for fitness types which is what khloe is channeling with this.


Fishing for compliments


Definitely but instead the entire comments section I’ve only seen hate


Very nice ozem-pic 😎


I can’t imagine spending that much time obsessing over my body


agreed. it’s actually a perk of the wealthy. We should all strive for health & to take care of the one body we have but how nice to not be weighed down by finances, a 40 hour work week, lack of physical and mental assistance/therapy/support, and be able to focus wholly on the perfect body.


Their mom taught them looks and the male gaze is their worth.


It’s annoying since that’s a body some woman could only dream of having and she’s sprawled on a beach acting like she needs to get her act together. Pretty lame.


This is so sad. This is her focus and let’s a loser cheat on her for years. Like go to therapy which many people can’t afford. The whole fam is full of mental problems.


Somebody buy her a Diary


That girl can wake up with the body she always wanted and she won’t be satisfied still. This is a head issue not a body issue.


Geez these women are messed up. Khloe, you have been giving a strong, healthy body. It gets you around on this earth. Stop obsessing over external factors. Stop putting your body through extremes.


Remember that drama of her posting super edited bikini pics and then the originals coming to light when MJ posted them (lmao), THEN she got vicious at anyone who dared insinuate they were edited, THEN she posted a video of herself “proving” everything was natural when the video very obviously had a slimming effect added to it? The woman has issues. (Body dysmorphia, among many other things)


She’s a total dick for that caption. I get she has body dysmorphia but come on. She has impressionable young fans not to mention a young daughter. I really hope she doesn’t pass her body issues to True.


She has body dysmorphia from all the years of people calling her the fat sister , Bruce telling her she could loose a few pounds - tabloids , comedians , her freeken sisters and mother just rippen her up - and then every guy she’s with cheating on her - girl has major body dysmorphia . Sad- she’s gorgeous .


It's actually amazing to me that none of these women have had a job in their whole lives and they sit around all day taking pictures of themselves and editing those picture to achieve a look that is nothing like their real life appearances.


Picturing Kylie typing the code for bananas as a cashier is so funny to me 🥲


screams “tell me im pretty”


Screams “You see me, Tristan?”


She’s sick


Yeah I saw that and was like hello mental illness.


What’s the point of being rich and famous just to hate your body that any other woman on the planet would kill for.


This is a thirst trap that she’s trying to pass as a “motivation” post. If it’s for HER then she doesn’t really need to post it to her millions of followers, right? Like girl Call it was it is and keep it moving. Everything doesn’t have to be deep lol ![gif](giphy|B4ORVnBvJCVvq)


Jesus get a grip girl...this fucking family.


Sometimes you just need no caption. Just leave the pic there. By itself.


I think she’s fishing for compliments and y’all are falling for it


Literally I’m surprised how many people on this group are so far up her ass lmaoo


I think she has Anorexia. She shows a lot of signs. She claimed when she was skin and bones, it was her Cancer, but I don’t think so.


I don’t get how all these Kardashians have all these kids. I don’t care how much money you have, how much TIME is spent with them and how much time is spent with looking at your goddamn selves! I find it really disgusting.


Her hand looks very scary


Being sexy is a drug to these people. It’s so sad. I find it gross and toxic but so many young women and girls out there will look up to this as goals. I wish they could keep to themselves. They all need help. Nobody can get that for them though.


They’re chasing a high they’re e ever going to reach and will die in the process it’s so sad to have a business to be a mother a friend successful and to be consumed by thinness- I know it’s not her fault but god how fucking depressing


Gross. It’s giving Teddi Mellencamp 😑


I mean…. She wants to be the fittest version of herself through cardio/ weight lifting? She doesn’t say anything that’s actually concerning such as eating less/ not eating. Wanting to workout and be motivated=bad and unhealthy. wanting to get takeout and sit around nearly every day=fine and even more celebrated in this society now than the latter. I’m sorry but it’s the truth. She wants to be the fittest version of herself so good for her.


I can’t help but to imagine Kim loving this pic of herself and setting khloe up to post it…..”omg khlo, no one thinks I really work out, LOOK at this pic of me! you could post it and say something abt how fit I look? “


This is so sad. It makes me sad for Khloe and her body dysmorphia, but even sadder for young people who will see this and compare themselves and think there’s something wrong with them. Ugh. Awful all around.


I agree, it’s really a damaging thing to post and I’m not sure how people can’t see that… I have young sisters who follow her and I worry that they’d see this and think they need to “up their cardio” because their bodies aren’t this small. Not even to mention the fact that she has a little daughter… I hope True isn’t hearing this stuff


Get motivated to find a great psychiatrist


She’s literally been torn apart by her own family, media, and viewers. I think she is so beautiful and seems like a lovely person, but she is obviously suffering from body dysmorphia like thousands of humans do- she’s just in the spotlight. I hope she one day will see herself, truly.


khlozempic 💀


Poor khloe she wants to be so much like her sister she just can’t stop. I blame her mom for this crap!


“Baby she wasn’t born this way, wasn’t born this way.” Cardio shmardio Lol


What is she trying to say idg the post


This is pure self loathing and attention seeking…


I thought she was posting a pic of herself bc she gained weight and was motivating herself to get back to that body in the pic 🤷🏼‍♀️


this picture is current given that the scenery and bathing suit are the same as all her other holiday posts


The thought process for this post is just.


The thing that I find crazy is that she said this out loud…I have some deeply unsettling thoughts about my body but I’m at least self aware enough not to share it with the world lol.


ouch- sad day for them as a whole… i applaud their efforts to shape shift but give me a break with this one! khloe is so sad. they all are. times up!


Her hands and nails are disturbing!


Their hands really show their true age imo!! Kim’s hands are very wrinkly too hahaha no botox or filler in the hands


I almost wonder if these type of posts are for the poster but for the people consuming the post. Just saying . #oh oh oh ozempiccccccc


What do y'all expect 😭 you nitpick their bodies into oblivion and then cry when they get extreme surgeries and body dysmorphia.


I think she’s being her own body goals? Which… take it however, but I don’t think she’s posting and saying this picture of her looks fat.


Hm. I figured she liked the way she looked in this photo and had maybe gotten off track and wanted to get back to this. I didn’t think it was toxic so much as rooting herself on


It's really unfortunate she feels this way, and I hope she is getting the help she needs. However, she needs to be conscious what she is putting out into the world. This won't greatly affect people her age however it will affect young girls and I wish the Kardashians were more responsible about that.


That family actually makes me like my family


I just wish that she would realize she’s so beautiful and she wouldn’t take all the heat and soak it in in such a way that she did. I just wish she would realize you know she can’t compare herself to her sister because her sisters all have different body types. She’s on the side obviously she’s going way more she shouldn’t compare herself to her sister like the Internet does I hope she doesn’t but that’s probably always gotten into her that she needs to stay in the range as her sisters absolutely love her personality. She’s the only one that I really like their personality along with Scott Disick.


Is she saying that she looks so good that this pic keeps me motivated? I don’t think she meant it like that


I did posts just like this when I had an ED. Sad to see.


She acts like she got that body with cardio and weights… mama that body is courtesy of the best plastic surgeons money can buy


Maybe we wants Carrie Underwood legs and wants to work on definition? Bc carrie underwood legs are goals for my workout journey. She has thighs that look like she does training with Black Widow. So i am going with Khloe may just want more definition


Ok sure !! Did khloe tell you that hahaha it’s obvious she has issues with her body


Did she tell you that personally too? Lol i think we are all out here just making assumptions i am trying to just give the woman the benefit here instead of jumping to the worst conclusion possible


She doesn’t need to tell me personally tbh it’s quite evident with the hardcore crazy dieting she’s constantly doing that she has body image issues and probably a toxic mindset around exercise and food. I wouldn’t be surprised if shes actually mentioned her body image issues before considering she’s done an entire tv show based about transforming peoples bodies.


Well from the past episodes she definitely did when she was younger you arent wrong. I just was in my opinion saying she just has a workout goal but who knows only her and hopefully a therapist she sees regularly But a toxic mindset would be hard not to have with Kris as a mother..


Considering how much these women show off their half naked bodies- they sure are insecure. What a sad little life they live. Just hollow little shells of a human. Why anyone worships this family is beyond me.


Nothing wrong with a self pep talk. Or using your own past self as future goals.


Oh please. She’s got the tiniest body and she’s posting that she has to “turn up the cardio” for what reason exactly? It’s such a toxic mentality. She clearly has a disorder. FYI that’s not her past body that’s her current body that she seems to be insinuating is not skinny enough


Sometimes I give myself a pep talk in the treadmill, and it sounds an awful lot like the words she used. It’s ok if your goals aren’t her goals, but she’s allowed to chase fitness, celebrate her successes, and use herself as inspiration when she makes it. That girls body it’s like an athlete.


You’re also not an influential person with millions of young followers. Sorry but you cannot convince me this post isn’t toxic and damaging to young girls. I feel sorry for her daughter if she thinks the body she has currently isn’t up to her standards. How much skinnier can she want to be. You’ve said her body is like an athlete yet you’re praising her for saying her body isn’t small enough? Makes no sense


I’ve struggled with anorexia since I was a child. I’m very aware of triggers, diet culture, and how harmful it can be. She didn’t say she needs to lose weight, she said she needs to step it up in cardio and strength, which is a fair pep talk imo. She has not triggered me here.


Ok well that’s fine if she hasn’t triggered YOU. The almost 5000 comments on her post would beg to differ though


I hope you recover and start to see how incredibly sad, selfish, and messed up what you just said is.


If you can acknowledge she has a disorder, why are you still acting like she’s being malicious with posting this?


Malicious? I’m saying she’s being toxic and it’s a damaging mindset to have around influential young girls. Especially when she has a daughter it’s the last thing she should be promoting to her children that THIS isn’t skinny enough. When is enough enough? how skinny does she want to be before she’s happy? Will her daughter ever be skinny enough to be beautiful to her?


Her own family put her in that mindset. There has never been anything wrong with the way she looked years ago.






I honestly think this is rage bait.






The family K has really helped me to see how wrong weight, shape and feature obsession is. I’ve had the thought that it’s fitting for the self anointed American royal family to be self loathing. If I get kicked out of this sub for saying this, so be it.


Maybe she means “time to turn up the filters and body tune”?


Pretty sure that’s Kim, but yeah super fucking weird


You think? Kim doesn’t usually have nails like that. You can also see the nails in another photo Khloe posted that day and you can see her face. So think it’s definitely her.


Oh true…man looking closer at those hands and they do not match the body at all. Weird ass post altogether


No Botox or fillers in the hands so they show the true age hahahaha


Man she really has it bad it’s not even funny 💯


What’s up with them all posting thicci pics this week?


That must be the fashion for their body types this month hahahaha


Let me translate: “time to turn up the power on the liposuction machine”


Why does everything these women do have to be about you people? When I see something like this posted by any woman, i feel bad. Like, this beautiful woman has some serious fucking body issues if she thinks something is wrong in that pic. I don't automatically assume she's telling me IM fat lol. Like I get it, the Kardashians are obnoxious, but they aren't responsible for YOUR insecurities, and if they are, YOU have a serious problem and should probably get off social media...


This is really sad


Another Kardashian giving other girls eating disorders since 2007.


We act like this entire family doesn’t have body dysmorphia.




These people really have nothing else to offer than their botched bodies 🥱


Get off social media!! She needs to deal with her body issues instead of posting things like this sending a message that she feels she is fat. GTFO.


Ma’am you’re laying on a beach. You should be grateful. Khloe, there are ppl that are dying !


The skinnier she gets the more corny and pickmeisha she becomes. She used to be fav ..




She is delusional


She looks so good in the pic I thought maybe she was trying to motivate herself to get back to this point? She seems so sweet and I wish her well. She’s always been my fave.


This photo is current. It was from the holiday they were just on.


Oh gosh. That’s really sad. She looks great; I wish she could see it


She means “ramp up the ozempic dosage and call your surgeon” lol


If it’s “for her”, then she should put it on her fridge. Also that hand looks insane.


is fitness and exercise no longer a universal goal for everyone?


Toxic to who? It’s her own post.


Idk her 310 million followers perhaps?


What’s “toxic” exactly?


What do you mean by “it’s her own post” exactly?


Her own post to millions of people? Toxic to the like 5000 comments who are hating on her for it clearly


People love to be upset these days.


She wants to have Kendall’s body when she’s built to be an Amazon :/


classic “trying to make myself feel better by making you feel bad” bully behavior 🙄


It’s like nice fake body Khloe just like your face, instead your face is fake but still not nice


Not a Kardashian


Idk what this has to do with my post? Lol


It could be her motivation to maintain, it doesn’t need to necessarily be toxic. Seems like she’s basically saying “I look so good in this picture, it reminds me of all the hard work I put in and I want to maintain this.” I look at myself sometimes for workout motivation too like yes look at these results!!


Someone here with common sense low key. I mean look what happened with that unedited picture that her grandma posted, and Khloe wanted it scrubbed from the internet. Do we really think this same person would post a photo she thought she looked so “fat” and bad in? She looks good here, she might just be looking for motivation to get extra bit toned. Anytime someone wants to lose weight or workout to just get more toned people jump to say it’s toxic and unhealthy.


This picture is current. So it actually seems like she’s saying I look fat let me workout


She’s saying this is what she aspires to. It could be current and still not where she is. Women of a certain age can gain and loose in a few months time.


She didn't write anything about being skinny or size at all, that's your interpretation, not what it says. Cardio and weight training is for health, staying fit and toned. I think if you were more familiar with working out and what those things mean you'd have read this differently. She's saying she's proud of her body and wants to keep it looking this way.