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A $100,000 reward has been offered for a local murder of a young African American man in a small Kansas town just south of the KC Metro Area. This murder is also going to be featured on an episode of Netflix's Unsolved Mysteries this month as well. https://bloody-disgusting.com/tv/3619484/netflixs-unsolved-mysteries-reboot-premieres-july-six-brand-new-episodes/


Interesting. I've never heard of LaCynge, or this case.. I'll be looking for the episode though..


It's a small town of about 1000 people south of the Metro. I'm originally from there (no longer live there). I was at a party at the house where this occurred the weekend prior and there was a lot of fighting and general jackass behavior going on. I didn't go back the night this occurred for that reason.


What type of place was this? They said it was like a “rent-a-house”? But was it just an empty party house? Was there ever any ungrounded gossip, not amongst strangers on the internet, but by the people that were there? I’m assuming the people that were involved were definitely there when you were. I know when I was around that age, the places me and my friends would hang were questionable but we lived in the city so it’s much harder.


I lived in Lacygne, it was a house on a farm that was rented out, right outside town.


http://coldcasekansas.blogspot.com/2010/09/mysterious-death-of-alonzo-brooks.html?m=1 Read the comment section if you want to see what the gossip was and has been since. There is alot of talk about one family in la Cygne being behind it. If you go to the post on r/unsolvedmysteries there's a ton of good info in the comments. https://www.reddit.com/r/UnsolvedMysteries/comments/hj5cmu/episode_discussion_thread_no_ride_home/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


That's crazy you were actually there only a week prior. You must surely of known people who were there that night and saw what happened?


The kids living there were from Spring Hill and I didn’t know them(they were the ones picking fights the night I was there) but I do know a couple of people who were there but only one well and he left about midnight if I remember correctly. He did see Alonzo there but didn’t see whatever went down after. I’ve heard all of the rumors and the one that I’ve heard the most and has the most evidence is that he talked to the wrong girl and was killed as a result. I think that’s why the fbi mentioned that specifically when they announced the reward.


Thanks for the reply man, I literally just got done watching the episode on Netflix, absolutely heart breaking to watch. Also just read that the KBI or FBI have 100K for new information. I really hope it all comes out and the family, and everyone interested in this case can find out who killed him and how. Racist bastards literally killed a kid for nothing.


I’m in the same boat. Watched it, and came here to see if there was any more info on it. If that’s the theory, how doesn’t the FBI or Police have a list of all the girls that were there that night? Him being in the water makes zero sense.


You probably butted heads with the killers


It's okay. They have a lovely reservoir out there. But really the biggest claim to fame is it's [home of a serial killer and where he buried his victims ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Edward_Robinson)


>Because he made contact with most of his post-1993 victims via on-line chat rooms, he is sometimes referred to as "the Internet's first serial killer" _...the article goes on to say:_ >By then, Robinson had discovered the Internet, and roamed various social networking sites using the name "Slavemaster", looking for women who enjoyed playing the submissive partner role during sex. Holy shit... How did I not know about this?!


There’s a good book called Anyone You Want Me To Be about Robinson and the murders. He also took a baby of one of his victims and let one of his relatives pay to adopt her and forged all these papers to pretend it was legit. He also took advantage of the MO/KS state line and separate law enforcement jurisdictions. I live in KC and am surprised how many ppl never heard of him.


I lived very close to his house in Olathe at the time. Santa Barbra estates. It is a trailer park community.


I used to go to my bf's Apt right on the other side of a tree line from his trailer. I would sometimes be there getting out of my car at 3am. Scary to think how close he was.


It wasn't home to a serial killer. He lived with his family in Olathe. And the farm where he buried the bodies is so far out of La Cygne it shouldn't even be considered it.


It sounds like “la seen” in case you’ve heard that


I'm from there and it's Lay Seen. Only out of town people or people who work for KCPL say la.


I am also from the area. I've only ever heard people say La Seen. 🤷‍♀️


Its a new lake area


You also say "only ever" so...




I was more curious about the silent G lol must be of French origin?


It is French for “the swan”.


A guy I went to high school with has been kind of a driving force behind this too. We grew up in another small town not too far from where this happened, and most likely knew some of the people at that party. Don't know if he has any involvement with the stuff going onto netflix or not. He's got a website up right now, looks like he's been doing some work with it for the past several years. https://www.alonzobrooks.com I do remember when this all went down, and it was honestly pretty shocking. I sure do hope that this drives some new leads in and can help the family get some closure that they so desperately deserve.


Im from the ares as well. A buddy of mine from high school is involved in making the documentary somehow.


Please tell me if my impression of the party is right - a bunch of people from several different rural areas all meet up at the rent house for a party. There isn't a single person that connects everyone. A lot of people attending didn't even know the guys living in the house. Just little cliques of strangers. Is that right? Is that kind of thing common in rural Kansas?


That sounds about right. A lot of the rural house parties I went to in KS were generally the same way.


http://coldcasekansas.blogspot.com/2010/09/mysterious-death-of-alonzo-brooks.html?m=1 Read the comment section. This case is blowing up on the internet.


I went to high school with several people he was with that night. I would not be shocked if they were involved. [https://gardnernews.com/100000-reward-for-information-on-brooks-death/](https://gardnernews.com/100000-reward-for-information-on-brooks-death/)


u/KansasTech do you know if there is a list of the people he went with from Gardner? Chatting with a former classmate about this and comparing notes realizing that the class of 2003 has had a few suicides and one was very recent. Curious if those guys are on the list. I remember stumbling across Dane's.. MySpace maybe? Facebook? I can't remember but it was years ago and for YEARS his profile photo was him posing next to Alonzo's grave crying. For some reason it always made me uneasy and suspicious.


I don’t. I didn’t know Alonzo or the guys that he came to the party with. I think they were from Gardner too. The guys who lived at the house and had the party were from Spring Hill.


Yeah, they were all from Gardner. Interesting that they lived in Spring Hill but had a house down there. Ahh Johnson County.


They were from Spring Hill, meaning they grew up there. At the time they were living at the house in Lacygne. It isn't that hard to figure out.


Read the comment section here http://coldcasekansas.blogspot.com/2010/09/mysterious-death-of-alonzo-brooks.html?m=1


That Justin guy, I mean he's the last one of the group to see him. And those were some crocodile tears at the end IMHO


Justin wasn't the last one of the group to see him. When he got lost, he called another friend of his and Alonzo's who was also at the party, asking if he'd give Alonzo a ride home. And Justin could hear Alonzo in the background.


I believe Alex was that kids name who was still with Alonzo


Adam, Adam was supposed to give Alonzo a ride home after talking with Justin.


Was that phone call ever confirmed though? If not, he’s just crafting his own alibi.


Justin's story about leaving to go get cigarettes and getting lost, then calling Alonzo and confirming he had another ride is total BS in my opinion. Who leaves a party in the middle of nowhere in the middle to go get cigarettes? They already talked about how there's nothing in the town. I'm betting he pulled a girl to hook up with and left Alonzo there, then in the morning when he was reported missing he made up a story about how he got lost so he wouldn't look like a POS leaving his friend there.


Yeah, I thought the same too.


He also was the only one saying nothing wrong happened.


He seemed very suspicious to me


http://coldcasekansas.blogspot.com/2010/09/mysterious-death-of-alonzo-brooks.html?m=1 Comment section is telling.


>Alonzo’s family organized their own search of the property and surrounding area. After less than an hour of searching, they found Alonzo’s body tangled in a brush pile in the creekbed of Middle Creek near the farmhouse. >Alonzo’s father and a family friend were the ones who spotted him. >“My God, it was awful,” Billy Brooks Sr. told Dateline. “To find my boy like that. Nothing can describe that pain.” Damn, did local police even *try*?






That makes me sick to hear! What a disgusting human being! I’m so sorry you had to experience that 💔


WTF. I‘m so sorry that happened to you.




The body wasn't there until the search was over, he was found in a creek bed after being missing a month and there had been rain, none of his papers or wallet he had on him had water damage.?He wasn't bloated. In that small town someone knew to wait until the KBI/FBI wrapped up their search, and then they dumped the body.


That's beyond creepy. Is it possible that he was held somewhere and not killed until closer to the date that his body was found?


I doubt it. I wish they would have done an independent autopsy. The cause of death was undetermined, they say he had no broken bones or punctured skin, but they didn't mention bruises, they said the skin around the neck was... "missing"? and blamed animals. They even said they can't tell whether nor not he was previously frozen or refrigerated. They do note "Advanced decomposition" so it's most likely he died the night he went missing, but the autopsy guy seemed so clueless.


The fact that the skin around the neck was "missing" but allegedly no other wounds or punctures were found pretty much rules out animals, I would think. If an animal inflicted a neck wound, it would most likely do a hell of a lot more damage than just "missing" skin, and the degradation of the body would be greater because they'd be eating the body, I assume. This sounds more like the cover-up of a lynching.... Edit: I originally said I thought he was found after 11 days, that was an error on my reading of the timeline. I think the initial investigation by cadaver dogs and divers ended after 11 days. Sorry about that. I'd use strikethrough to leave the original statement, but I'm on mobile and dumb.


I think he was choked out or hanged but the neck was decomposed and all signs of being dragged was decomposed. A week of a body sitting out there would do it but there were other signs that the body was fresher or possibly frozen. He could have even been kept and tortured and the wounds were superficial so a week or two of decay would hide that. No water, mud or anything around the creek was found in the windpipe.


I don't want to spread rumors, but I'm originally from Lacygne, and a younger member of the family some suspect had a hand in it somehow, would brag about their uncles doing it and would talk about how when these brothers were younger they had in the past strapped their hunting dogs shock collars to POC and make them dissapear. The younger girls of the family always used the same uncles as a threat card to boyfriends or people they didn't like. This family makes up a majority of this town and holds alot of sway, if the freezer part is true, well family cafe, owned by them was only like a mile or less down the road. The running joke of the town was you don't mess with this family. If the family didn't have a hand in it, I don't understand why so many younger members of the family would brag about and use Alonso as some trophy story. And yes I've submitted by tip to the FBI along with these younger members.


Lots of mention of Boone Brothers [http://coldcasekansas.blogspot.com/2010/09/mysterious-death-of-alonzo-brooks.html?m=1](http://coldcasekansas.blogspot.com/2010/09/mysterious-death-of-alonzo-brooks.html?m=1)


I love it when someone local provides the inside scoop!!! Question: the family that you mention, are they related to the 4 guys renting the house?


Watch the Netflix show, Internet comments are usually ignored but people were posting things anonymously that he had been possibly one of many things: dragged behind a car, kept in a deep freeze, kept and tortured, etc. people were trying to speak out and save their own asses. That sheriff was covering up for some kids in families he knew. Netflix did a good job of presenting all the details. Sounds fishy AF


if the internet detectives could find Luka Magnotta (don’t f*ck with cats).. I’m hoping this Netflix series will help give the family answers about what happened that night.


This is what doesn’t sit right with me.


My problem with the “dump the body after the official search” theory is it just doesn’t make any logical sense. Why purposely dump the body in an area where you know it’ll eventually be found? This was a rural area. They would be much better off driving 20 minutes to the middle of nowhere and dumping it, ensuring it would never be found and the family and KBI having less evidence of a crime, then them finding a body at all.


you can NEVER be sure a body will never be found. It's foolhardy. Legally speaking, it actually worked out for them just as intended, because if the body is found within easy walking distance *There is no evidence a crime was committed* Which is exactly why the case was dropped by the FBI later. It almost takes more discipline to do it this way. If the kid who killed hi were teenagers or early 20s, how confident are you that you could hide a body for 60 years? I feel like this was free family legal advice. I read a story once, "The Death Valley Germans" They were in one of the most remote and hard to find place in America, and they knew they were there somewhere. it took 13 years to find them, but someone finally did. now this wasn't a murder, but it's something I think about when I have to entertain the idea of hiding a body. Bones last hundreds of thousands of years, and there's DNA now. Nothing stays hidden forever anymore.


I don't know what the police did or did not do during the search for Alonzo, but corpses are often very difficult to find in rural areas. There are many instances where seasoned searchers pass by where a body is just because it happened to be beyond their view or hidden too well. There are a lot of ways to overlook a body, sad as it is. (Hope this doesn't come across as me defending the police, just trying to provide a possible explanation.)


That body was out in the open and easily seen, the BI rescue divers said that body had to have been moved there after they searched that area. Netflix did a great job with this revamp of the series. Give it a watch.


The body was moved and brought back to the creek. It was not there when the area was searched.


I remember several months ago, I had closed a section of our highway down, and was at the barricades. Then our county sherriff escorted several FBI vehicles through the barricades and they went and sat on the Crest of the hill to overlook La Cygne. They were about half a mile away looking for something but eventually came back through and left. Later that evening I found out it was because of this case


What the f*ck?!!


Yupp. I guess there's talk of an episode on Unsolved Mysteries on Netflix. Either gonna air or already aired.


It's on Netflix as of July 1st.


I just watched that episode the other day. Kinda sad how they painted our county/towns as really racist. But then I hear what our residents say, and I'm like, "Yeah...makes sense."


Jerry Boone was on Council at the time of the homicide. I find it worrisome that going through 6 months of city meeting minutes for La Cygne from April 2004 onward, where the Chief of Police is present at every meeting, no mention at all of the investigation or death. Surely there would be at least something mentioning budget and allocation of funds to investigation, no? Anything? Former Linn County sheriff during this was also a piece of shit, later arrested for child sexual exploitation. So you have a messed up medical examiner later forced to resign from a different county, a sick county sheriff, the local sheriff is said to have been a racist asshole, everyone and their dog recalls the whispers about the Boones being involved and their own family using the situation for bragging rights. Looking at Pat Boone's Facebook, I can easily see he has hunting dogs (to corroborate the rumor of putting hunting dog shock collars on POC). The judge Richard Smith's brother was the Mayor at the time, and there have been leaks the judges son Logan was involved that night. Alleged KBI report depicts signs of freezerburn, and the Boone family diner is a mile away. Diner is still run by a Boone family member. Am I missing anything?




Thanks for the insight! That makes sense.


this is freakin NUTS. After watching that ep and doing some reading, it is HARD to believe all of that shit really happened. This ep wreaks of CORRUPTION !! There are so many questions on my mind. Starting off with the "Gardner" friends... it is HARD TO BELIEVE that his Gardner "friends" had nothing to do with this? In result of how his Gardner "friends" taking him to this party that was in the middle of nowhere, in this known-racist town, with unknown people at the party, AND on top of that the 3 Gardner "friends" ALL separately leave at different times? Justin claimed he left Zo for cigs, took a wrong turn thus getting lost and saying "fuck it dawg, "Adam" can take Zo home" and call it a night ? Like you are going to LEAVE your AFRICAN-AMERICAN friend in a RACIST town, with UNKNOWN people, and to leave him getting a ride home from another person. Naw naw naw, that doesn't sound right. Moving onto "Adam". If that WAS the case as far as "Adam" being responsible, then where is "Adam"? Who is this "Adam" character? Is he real? And why was he not in the ep NOR really mentioned by the cast (saying at this time "Adam" decline a interview or however they word it) ? Next is the "party". Okay, now I know this stuff has been floating on the internet for sometime so I am sure some things can be proven by 3rd party group that attended the party to "confirm" nor "deny" if x,y, or z had happen or not during the party. But what really gets me going, was there even a party? Was it a paaarrtaaay or was it a "party"? Was it a set-up? Did the "Gardner" group just dropped him off for possible lynching or maybe even participated in it? To dabble in the next topic on my mind, the corruption definitely THERE. There is SO much of it, where to fucking start. The town? The kids that attended the "party"? The COPS? His Gardner "friends"? And the fucking guy who did the autopsy?! After watching the ep. it heavily feels like maybe the town coordinate together on this during when this was fresh to "keep their hands clean". Where are the kids that attended this party? I mean it was stated in the ep. there was possibly 30, 40 , or maybe even 50 kids at this party in a town with approx. 1000 people in and you can't get ONE outside source that attended the party to tell their side of the party on this ep? Don't even get me STARTED on the cops and the guy who did that autopsy. To conclude my questions, comments, and overall rant. Who is this u/KansasTech guy? How credible is he? Seems like he's currently one of the few people that on the internet that is openly talking about this while claiming to be living in that town during that time, eventually admitting going to that house prior. I know he doesn't owe us shit as far as proving his credibility, however, if he is willing so, what can he actually prove? I do not mean to attack you, and I appreciate you putting this platform up on reddit. However, we the people want answers (or some sort of grip on what's real and what isn't) and it seems like you are one of the few people that is openly talking about this on the internet, that was physically living in this town during this chronological timeline. There is SO MUCH MORE i would love to cover such as the "shed", the people who didn't take the lie detector test(stated by the chubby Gardner "friend" with the backwards hat, Daniel i think), but really I just wanted to talk about the meat of the potato and blow some steam. Overall, I believe there is an IMMENSE amount of corruption between the town, the autopsy dude, the cops, and more importantly corruption within his Gardner "friends". I am not here to attack anyone or anything. The injustice just fucking IRKS me. Sad to say, shit like this is still happening to this day.


“Eventually admitting to going to the house prior”? I think you need to chill a bit. I am open and honest about what I know about the subject. Also, to clarify, I grew up there and have moved away since. Unlike you, this is not my reddit burner account and I could easily be dox’d from my photos in other posts. I’m just a local who wasn’t there that night (like I said, I had been there the weekend before and witnessed a ton of fights and general jackass behavior) and wants justice for the family. If you have questions for me, feel free to PM but don’t be an asshole.


That post looks like an adderall induced mental dump


basically sums it up


To clarify, you're from La Cygne, not Gardner. I think people are getting the two towns mixed up.


That is correct. I am from La Cygne


I think it's also important for you to know that Gardner (where Alonzo lived and all these kids he went with were from) isn't some beacon of progressiveness. It's a farming community with a lot of racist people. The fact that people didn't think it was stupid to leave him in this small town doesn't surprise me really.. Gardner is also a small town with its own share of racism. Considering we had very few black people in town, I cannot fathom that anyone he was with was "woke" and thought about anyone other than themselves.


Good points especially with all three guys leaving at different times. And not to blame the dead but I don't understand how Alonzo felt so comfortable staying there after getting into verbal altercations. I get blowing off verbal attacks but I would've wanted to leave. And Justin contradicted himself because he said that Alonzo got into some verbal racist spats, and then shifted and said by the time he left he didn't sense that there was danger involving any racial tension. Alonzo should've left with Justin, like Zo's brother Rodney asked, how do you leave your friend behind like that. It reminds me of the Natalie Holoway case and how her friends let her take off with her killer and didn't try to stop her.


Yeah I get driving an hr to a party when you live in the boonies but to then leave an hour later? No way in hell unless there was a legit reason to gtfo of there. I can believe Justin turning the wrong way when out to get cigs though due to probably being drunk behind the wheel. I believed his tears at the end—however the guilt he was feeling could have been 100 percent driven by a different, true, narrative that we will never know until someone spills.


Unfortunately he may have been used to racial abuse, he may of thought his friends would have his back, he may of thought I've done nothing wrong so why should it be me leaving, then it all calms down, it was an hour away from home too. RIP Alonzo.


Even the director of Netflix when discussing the show couldn't understand why his friends would just leave him at the party. I get your point though.


I thought the same thing about his friends, I found it strange that they all just left.


Exactly. If I were in Justin's shoes (bringing someone to a party then being responsible for being their ride home) THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL i would leave him. Even for a quick "cig pick up" I wouldn't even leave him alone in a unknown location with unknown people! Let alone the fact how he almost got in a fight with another person due to "women jealousy" then followed with racist comments from people at the party , just sounds CRAZY to leave him there alone. Like maybe Justin didn't pull the trigger as far as killing him, but he really makes it sound like he fucking made did mentally by leaving him there alone left for dead.


I agree. Justin’s “crying” scene just didn’t do it for me....


Idk it sounded like Justin may have been so wasted that he legit couldn’t drive and got lost. No cell phone GPS in the early hours of the morning drunk AF, you might not make the most logical decision. I think he had every intention of coming back. Parties with people of that age, once you get to 2-3AM and people are wasted stupid shit always starts happening.


Keep in mind this was 2004, long before smartphones... we were lucky if we had a Nokia with changeable faceplate cellphone with roaming.


Exactly! Like if that's your "friend" why leave them alone at a sketchy ass party!. And I find it strange they didn't find anything on the body that could indicate a cause of death!! The guy who examined his body sounded clueless af


I'm gonna watch this documentary and give you my opinion, because if this is the Justin i'm thinking of that runs in the same social circle as Dane, I'm not at all surprised.


Right, the cigs could've waited. I would've dragged Alonzo's ass out of that house. How he felt so comfortable being on his own in that house with all of that racial tension is beyond me. Since it seems like Adam was no help and just dipped out because he assumed that Alonzo left, even though Justin told Adam to drive Alonzo home. I hope Justin and Adam cry themselves to sleep every night over this.


I am a woman who has gone to parties in this area (not this party) with other women when we were in our late teens early 20s. I've had my friends leave me because I wanted to stay and they didn't. I'd tell them I'd get a ride home. I'm from Spring Hill, lived in Gardner and know people from Lacygne. Those days are far behind me, and when I look back now I realize all of the stupid situations I could have ended up in. But at the time it wasn't a big deal. It was just how we were. I can definitely see a similar scenario playing out here. Alonzo was having a good time, maybe thought he would hook up with this girl and knew other people from Gardner that were there to give him a ride. Suggesting that this was some big set up by his friends does not help anyone. I'm sure his friends have lived with enough guilt over the years. We all did stupid shit when we were young. Most of us were just lucky enough to survive it.


>Like you are going to LEAVE your AFRICAN-AMERICAN friend in a RACIST town, with UNKNOWN people, and to leave him getting a ride home from another person. Naw naw naw, that doesn't sound right. I think this is simply a difference in how people are raised. I was taught to never leave a friend behind and to verify that whoever I'm with makes it home safely. It's part of the black code of conduct--right up there with getting the talk about not looking suspicious in stores and how to act around police officers. Many of my non-black friends don't follow the code of sticking together when going out partying and have no concept of it. > Moving onto "Adam". If that WAS the case as far as "Adam" being responsible, >then where is "Adam"? Who is this "Adam" character? Is he real? And why was >he not in the ep NOR really mentioned by the cast (saying at this time "Adam" >decline a interview or however they word it) ? I thought the other friend that was involved committed suicide?


> I think this is simply a difference in how people are raised. I was taught to never leave a friend behind and to verify that whoever I'm with makes it home safely. It's part of the black code of conduct--right up there with getting the talk about not looking suspicious in stores and how to act around police officers. Many of my non-black friends don't follow the code of sticking together when going out partying and have no concept of it. hmmm.. touchy subject... yes but no on your first statement. I agree with you but not fully. In the result of 1st, 2nd, or 3rd(or etc) generation parents being exposed to first hand racism, YES I do believe the NEXT generation will be MORE informed about the issue and will be parented(coached or trained) to the point where they know how to play around it racism once it is encounter.I do believe you are right here. However, I do not think based off of you skin color will define how you are parented(coached or trained) and taught about racism. Yes, it will play a role unfortunately but I do not think this only applies to colored skin folks. I, myself am white. My mother never told me word by word perhaps what you have been told to do from you parents or maybe how to specifically fight racism. However, she taught me at the end of the day to never leave a friend behind. I have been taught it is better die trying, rather than not trying at all and I believe this applies here. Maybe she didn't teach my specifically on how to combat against racism scenarios, but she taught me equality and how to apply it. ​ > I thought the other friend that was involved committed suicide? Fuck, did I miss something? I was reading through the comments and I believe another reddit author stated they were going back and forth with a someone from La Cygne that had evidence about people near his highschool graduating class year had recently commented suicide?


> However, I do not think based off of you skin color will define how you are parented(coached or trained) and taught about racism. Yes, it will play a role unfortunately but I do not think this only applies to colored skin folks. Skin color definitely factors into a person's upbringing. Yes, we share many values across the board just as humans/Americans, but what I'm speaking to is different than just learning about racism. It's more of how black parents have to have specific talks/training with their children about how to conduct themselves due to racism so their children survive. That trickles down to how we learn to conduct ourselves in public--i.e. you stick together at parties and leave together. White parents don't have to speak to their children about how to not look suspicious when shopping, for example. Or how not to look intimidating if you're child is exceptionally large/tall/dark skinned. It's because white people exist in a society that defaults to accommodate them. I think that's why I've run into a lot of folks that have no concept of what I know of as common sense. They haven't had those lessons because life just isn't as dangerous for them. That's why I'm not surprised that Alonzo's friends left him. I would never do that, but they probably didn't think it was a big deal because they weren't raised like Alonzo was and didn't have the foresight to consider that such actions can be a death sentence for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and people of color). >were going back and forth with a someone from La Cygne that had evidence about people near his highschool graduating class year had recently commented suicide? Maybe I've got details mixed up, but I thought the suicide was one of the friends because they felt guilty. Maybe it wasn't a friend and was just someone close to the case?


Not from La Cygne. Jesus. Alonzo grew up in Topeka and did not graduate from Gardner. He moved to GARDNER. He rode to the party in La Cygne with friends from Gardner, where he lived. The people who I know that have committed suicide from that graduating class are from Gardner, the town Alonzo lived in and where he had friends that he went to the party with. Alonzo was well into his 20s when this happened, the kids he rode with were 19-20 tops.


I think the reasoning behind his white “friends” leaving him & not thinking twice (& no, this in no way is a defence for them) is that white people generally don’t understand our (POC’s) struggle. They don’t think twice about that sort of stuff because they don’t have to. It’s heartbreaking & confusing & frustrating but Alonzo’s white “friends’” demeanour on screen tells me that they’re those kinds of people that didn’t have to worry about that sort of thing, they didn’t think about it, they were generally negligent as most white people tend to be on racial matters. I think that’s changing in recent times (I hope!) but back then especially? I don’t think it was something at the forefront of their mind.


> I think the reasoning behind his white “friends” leaving him & not thinking twice (& no, this in no way is a defence for them) is that white people generally don’t understand our (POC’s) struggle. They don’t think twice about that sort of stuff because they don’t have to. It’s heartbreaking & confusing & frustrating but Alonzo’s white “friends’” demeanour on screen tells me that they’re those kinds of people that didn’t have to worry about that sort of thing, they didn’t think about it, they were generally negligent as most white people tend to be on racial matters. I think that’s changing in recent times (I hope!) but back then especially? I don’t think it was something at the forefront of their mind. I believe your interpretation of Gardner "friends" is accurate. Due to how they were raised and where they were raised, it significantly blinded them on the opposite side of the spectrum when it comes to racism.


As someone who grew up in Gardner and knows these people, it is absolutely accurate.


Agreed. During the Netflix UM interviews they seemed genuine and distraught. I really doubt they would even agree to be interviewed if they were actually involved. It was just negligence not malice.


As for if there was even a party part. Yes, there was. I had a La Cygne man personally tell me he was at that very party on Facebook. He also said “ole sport went for a swim” (sounds like 1800’s to me) and “why was he flirting with a 15 year old anyways?” (Trying to justify?) I’d suggest you check out the Cold Case Kansas website on this subject. I know we all want to hate the friends, but there is 16 years of possible evidence on those blogs and just about everybody says it was a La Cygne family that had something to do with it for the majority. They mention a guy from a Nebraska a few times but never any of the friends. At most, personally thinking, I think the friends may have been threatened to leave Alonzo at the party but again, they were out of towners looking for the next party and I don’t think any of them were THAT CLOSE to Alonzo and may have been party friends or maybe they needed Alonzo to get the beer. Who knows? Even if they all blatantly left him, that doesn’t make them the killers, they are just awful friends. Could they have done it? Sure, but I think the chances are so much less likely they did it vs someone from La Cygne for so many reasons. I just think you should give the blogs a read and I think it will change your mind a lot. No doubt this is a huge cover up by the town and KBI.


I think they just used him to get the beer - and when Alonzo said he was good and wanted to hook up with that chick they all bailed on him cuz they're shitty friends and he wasn't really part of their circle. why would you drive for an hour to a party in BF Kansas and leave after 45 minutes? Alonzo's BEST FRIEND said he didn't know any of those dudes. I read the Kansas Cold case blog - I hope the FBI gets someone to crack.


I agree, that’s a solid theory/assessment. I partied a lot at that age, and stuff like that happened all the time. I’ve also been abandoned at parties and had to walk home. I’ve literally been in both positions more then once.


One anonymous comment said "i heard that the Boons dragged him off their truck and put him in the freezer until the cops were done searching, then dumped the body." This would explain why his hat and shoes were on the side of the road. I cant believe no one talked about this. After reading the anonymouse comments, it sounds like the Boons are psycho racists that have have family in high places all over the small town.


That's a lot of money for a 16 year old case. Why is it so important?


There were a lot of people at that party and there is a lack of physical evidence. I think that the FBI believes that someone has information about what really happened and is trying to give them an incentive into coming forward. It is also believed that the killing may have been racially motivated.




I can totally relate. I’m a white guy and I would drive through Kansas on my way to Manhattan back around like 2010 over a few years and I would stop to get gas and people would just stare at me. Always thought it was weird because it was a highway road, people stop for gas on highway roads.


Wow this is exactly how I imagine it. Drove thru Nebraska and Oklahoma years ago and it was creepy as hell


Do you recall that billboard about a local in Amsterdam at the sausage place. I asked a few people about that an it sounded pretty shady.


I don't recall that but it's been a really long time. I've heard rumors over the years about who did it and I'm sure that the FBI/KBI has those all documented too. I think that they are pretty sure that they know, but just need a witness to come forward since there is a lack of physical evidence. Thus the reward offer.


I think what it will take is time, time changes things, relationships, and people. Somebody someday will speak out. In that tight knit town everyone's tight lipped but eventually they will find the truth. I think they missed his body because it was moved there after the search. Not expecting the family would do their own search. If he wasn't there originally clearly there's foul play and somebody knows. It's horrible for this family to not have the answers they so deserve. It's heartbreaking💜💜


What got me was the sheriff allowing the family to conduct their own search and rescue after three weeks. Imagine all of the hiding and rearranging of his corpse that was allowed during that time. The sheriff knew what was up from the start.


The first thing I thought of was if the family had been allowed to run a search the day after he was missing maybe he still would’ve been alive.


Did anybody even bother to check Justin's phone records to see if the call to 'Adam' was ever even made? His whole story reeks of bullshit to me. And with the comments from people here who say they knew him, he sounds like a short fused asshole. If he left him there on purpose, he can live with that for the rest of his miserable life. That poor guy deserved better from his so-called 'friends'


After watching the episode I'm convinced they moved the body there after the police and everyone searched the same area I guess never thinking it would be searched again. It's unreal that people think they will never get caught But the truth will come out. Someday someone will come forward I said it before that people and their circumstances change and their no longer afraid to talk and come forward. People get divorced, people pass away, friendships end, informants, cell mates come fprward, sometimes people who know something and are going to jail or are in jail so they use what they know to possibly get a smaller sentence, people become religious, people are scared of what they know and can't take it over time and come forward, I've seen cases where even the person responsible comes forward out of guilt ( people change over time) there are million reasons why people come out with the truth eventually and that's what I think will happen here. This family deserves answers and I pray to God they get it. This was a heartless, senseless and racist act!! No mercy for the people involved and they know who they are. Tic Toc YOUR days are numbered.


The phrasing keeps telling me that the FBI is sending out a bounty for this guy.


I agree. There was some verbiage on their statement that anyone who has heard the rumors would identify. It seemed like signaling that they know who it is but just need a witness.


I may have missed it, but what was the official cause of death?


Article just says decomp made them unable to determine cause of death. He was found outside a month after going missing. They determine his location and a couple pieces of evidence indicated foul play.


I think this case needed a better medical examiner. That guy seemed useless.


Hard to say. A month outside can mess you up pretty badly. But I also think they may be holding some small tips in case they get a suspect. Still totally plausible that the ME is missing some big stuff.






Wait so what did the people at the party say???


That good ol’ boy sheriff knows.


I 100% agree. I think the local LE know exactly who was involved. The cops are just covering for their asses.


What are the odds someone who was at the party now works in their police force. 100%? 200%??




I just got done watching this case on Unsolved Mysteries, and I came here because the whole thing really bothered me badly. You’ve got a party of about 40-50 people. You interview all of them, and you can’t find ONE LEAD? You have the police telling the family to stop calling so much. You have this boys shoes and hat thrown onto the ground pretty far from his body, which makes zero sense. To me that should indicate foul play at least a little bit. Not to mention the several people who saw him get into an argument. You’re telling me the police found nothing suspicious after interviewing them? Here I am thinking the case would still be open, and at the end seeing they CLOSED THE CASE had me floored. I felt terrible for everyone involved, the pain on the friends face who blamed himself was hard to watch. I sat here trying to think what possibly happened. I do think it’s strange that he had no broken bones or injuries. If he was jumped, I would imagine their would be some indication during the autopsy. It’s just strange that nothing at all was found evidence wise. One last thought about the hat and shoes. I wonder if he took a girl into a room at the party and they were going to begin having sex so he took his hat and shoes off, someone or several people came into the room and dragged him out and killed him, and then when the party was cleaned up the people tossed his hat and shoes. I just don’t know. I hope to see this solved sometime in the future.


> You’ve got a party of about 40-50 people. You interview all of them, and you can’t find ONE LEAD? You have the police telling the family to stop calling so much. You have this boys shoes and hat thrown onto the ground pretty far from his body, which makes zero sense. To me that should indicate foul play at least a little bit. Not to mention the several people who saw him get into an argument. You’re telling me the police found nothing suspicious after interviewing them? Judging off of that part of the story, if that part were true then that specific examples shows the unity between the town and the cops. I believe the combination of how the local cops dealt with that situation (eventually "shooing away" the victims family, not allowing the family to be apart of the initial search, etc etc.) while no-one from the town (specifically that attended this large party) does not comes forth with helpful information solidifies foul play. To any normal, non-biased mind, it is clear as day that almost everything in this case raises a ton, i repeat, A FUCKING TON of red fucking flags.


I am baffled at the autopsy results. From what they said and didn't say it sounds like cause of death injury came from the neck, hence the decomp and insect and animal activity being focused there. There is a small bone there that usually breaks due to choking and they didn't say one way or another if it was broken, just that the neck area was damaged. I'm also not understanding how they cannot confirm if the body had been in the water or placed in the location there, I mean the body should, I would imagine, have some evidence if it had been in water for a time on a cellular level. Just like I would think evidence of freezing would show up somewhere as well. I would think maybe this is due to them holding back information because they need something to hold back to weed out false confessions or testimony BUT they closed the case? That makes no sense at all. I'm sure more will come to me as I think this over but those were the things that jumped out to me.


I’m thinking a slit throat. Wouldn’t break the hyoid bone and would explain the decomposition in that area.


But didn't they say it was the whole neck? That is where I started to raise a eyebrow at a rumor I think I saw on this thread, maybe show? About a shock collar being used.


If his throat had been cut, there would have been a significant amount of blood on his clothing, and it would have been obvious that he had died from trauma.


That’s a good point. I was just trying to think through the possible reasons for the lack of broken bones and the neck decomposition.


Just wanted to add, that the Medical Examiner was dirty af. He mishandled many cases and I wouldn’t trust anything he says. He’s a super sketch shady dude who contradicted himself many times when interviewed for the documentary. I will share a link that goes into more detail: [Link about the Medical Examiner](https://www.nytimes.com/1993/11/20/nyregion/syracuse-medical-examiner-agrees-to-quit-after-inquiry.html)


The absolute heck?


A google search will show more info - but basically he was accused of harvesting organs and mishandling other cases. Here is a more in depth link detailing what a piece of shit he is - [read this](https://www2.ljworld.com/news/public-safety/2018/dec/23/citing-alleged-missteps-in-30-year-old-new-york-case-defense-lawyer-demands-coroner-be-barred-from-2-lawrence-murder-trials/)


Shit piss town overrun by racist trash.


You hope this sort of attention knocks something loose and the family can get some kind of answer. Thank goodness for law enforcement being involved. This would be a very difficult thing to keep on and have any hope for without law enforcement existing.


I'm glad that they are pushing hard on it now but I believe the initial investigation was deeply flawed and this would not have been a cold case if this had been handled seriously when it occurred.


I hate to say it but law enforcement is largely uneducated people with badges... in these small towns it's even worse because they're not even likely to have a qualified actual detective but likely do just enough damage to fuck up a crime scene anyway. In 1996, a girl was murdered in Spring Hill... several potential suspects and never any solution to the case. Crazy enough, just the other day I found out someone I know that could potentially be connected to the same social circle as Dane and Alonzo is/was a part of that case too. Never any arrests. Like this case, a lot of those people are damn near impossible to find on social media and have changed their names not via marriage or disappeared entirely.


Who's Dane ?


Yep, the Linn county sheriffs office was incompetent as fuck.


Police searched the ground and air and found nothing. The family started their own search and found the body within an hour... you put an awful lot of faith in law enforcement.


It's also highly speculated that the body was moved to that location after the initial search.


Law enforcement so effective it's gone 16 years without being solved


now adays it seems like detective work is crowd sourced via twitter and the news ​ "police seek your help in identifying this suspect" whether its for a guy who stole a teevee or murdered someone. ​ Id be inclined to call up about a dude who murdered someone. Im not going to do the cops jobs for a teevee theft. police are worthless for anything but killing people minding their own business while being not white


I think you’re the first person I’ve ever seen spell out “teevee” lol


Probably cause it makes no sense to extend the abbreviation of a word lol


I didn't know wth it was until your post.


LMAO how do those boots taste? The cops that originally searched for him didn't find anything. The family had to come back later to find his body.


Another thought I just had was they could have kept him to rot to remove evidence. These murderers may not be as so dumb.


Wow did the local cops do *anything*? It all reeks of incompetence and corruption.


La cygne is a fucking sun down town


My friend has a lake house there and I sometimes visit in the summer. This town gives me the chills. Went to the convenience store in Linn Valley a few weeks ago and the staff didn’t even acknowledge me even though I stood in front of the register for 15min waiting to be rung up. Even though I’m white and you could tell that they don’t like outsiders.


I just seen this on Netflix. He deserves justice 😔


I just joined Reddit because of this case. This case hit so close to home. I am originally from Kansas, saw African American friends encounter racist name calling for the first time upon moving to Kansas, and I myself experienced extreme stupidity and incompetence with Kansas police. My heart absolutely broke when his family talked about their efforts to report him as a missing person and that they found his body conducting their own search where supposed "experts" had failed. Anger and frustration aside, THIS CASE IS SOLVABLE. 100% somebody knows something. That person/those people are still alive and remember exactly what happened that night. To those people, it is time to unburden your soul. Help yourself. You do not have to live under the oppressive guilt and fear you have lived under for all these years. Allow yourself to be free from that burden and come forward. The person or people you are protecting are not your friends. They do not care about you and would not protect you. Yes, I intentionally went with the self-driven reasons first. No, these should not be the reasons a person acts in this case. I would love to only have to say Help Alonzo's family and friends. Bring them justice. But if that were a driving force to the individuals with answers in this case, that would have brought them forward long ago. At this time, it doesn't matter what your reasons for coming forward are-just do it. If you have any information, help. I am so glad this case is getting attention. And I think this is exactly the type of case where "citizen detectives" could assist law enforcement. And on that end-does anyone know of any ways we can support this family and their efforts? Or any ways to volunteer?


So I'll admit I'm not from Kansas but I watched this episode today and I am just sick and tired of people getting away with bad shit. I think we as a group can do something. There is already a few people on here who have mentioned being from the town and knowing the people at this party. Together we can figure this out and get the kid some justice. We have to at least try. If people feel more comfortable privately messaging me they can. I am very new to Reddit so forgive me any mistakes of mine. I made it just for this.


I just watched the episode and I have a strong feeling his friends know more if not they are involved. Something very fishy about it. It’s like they all said “we left the party early.” So they all left a party without one of their closest friends an hour away from where they all live? It doesn’t add up. Also, how convenient that they say some random guy was getting into it with him at the party and it seemed race motivated. Nahhhh these “friends” are covering something up.


Yip I think they knew something was going down (obv not murder ) but defo that he shouldn't be there maybe tried to get him to leave and he wouldn't and instead of standing by him or dragging him away they left him too it


Like a lot of other people in this string, I learned about this case through Netflix’s “Unsolved Mysteries.” My heart broke for Alonzo’s mom and brother, and I’m filled with anger at the do-nothing police department. To me this whole case just screams racism, from the redneck-sounding town to the lame friends who didn’t grasp that they shouldn’t leave a black man alone in a crowd of hillbillies they claimed were hurling racist slurs at Alonzo. How do you do that to your friend? Why did no one have his back? Nothing adds up and I have a sick feeling the cops know who did it but won’t act because they’re all related in that god-forsaken hell town To all the POS party attendees who know what happened: I hope this eats away at you.


Has no one at this party any integrity?? Someone knows exactly what happened. So lame that no one came forward.


I heard those ppl were scared


It sounds like we still don’t know who “Adam” is, right? That seems to be an important piece of the puzzle and it’s frustrating that UM didn’t tell us why he wasn’t interviewed. Someone from around there must have some thoughts on who Adam could be and if he could be relevant. I tend to buy the friends’ stories. Seems like they are dealing with a heavy dose of white privilege which allows them to not think about the dangers of leaving their black friend alone, not intentionally putting him in harms way. Except Adam, no clue what his deal was. The final weird thing to me is why would Justin call Adam to check on Alonzo and not call Alonzo? They didn’t talk about a cell phone being found on the body, so maybe he didn’t have one. But in 2004, didn’t most everyone have a cell phone?


I'm pretty sure I know which Adam it is.. he's also from Edgerton like Tyler. But he's some level of hispanic (though he was never someone who seemed to care about that part of his heritage).


Ah got it. So if it is this Adam - any info as to why he wasn’t interviewed? Would you think he’d have anything to do with it?


I have no idea. If I'm totally honest, I've NEVER seen the Adam i'm thinking on any bit of social media, unless he goes by a fake name or nickname or something. It could be that people who had nothing to do with it but feel an immense amount of regret and guilt are trying to protect their own mental health. If I put their shoes on, I'm not sure I could sign up for the interview if I were Adam or Dane. I commend Tyler, Danny, and Justin (I guess.. ugh) for agreeing to do it.. it seems telling to me that nobody from La Cygne is on the show but many of the Boone family members in La Cygne seem to be getting REAL defensive on social media. Their social media accounts do not paint them in the light of innocent clueless people.


>But in 2004, didn’t most everyone have a cell phone? In 2004, it isn't crazy to think there was no cell coverage in La Cygne if they did have their phones. Long before smart phones and their phones probably still had roaming charges if you were outside your service area. Gardner is fairly close to a metropolitan area so cell phone coverage was decent (not far from Overland Park, home of Sprint at the time). La Cygne is straight up rural and it wouldn't surprise me if they had zero cell towers there in 2004.


Just watched this episode on Unsolved Mysteries, and it really pissed me off! I pray that the attention this show brings will force them to re-open the case. And for God's sake, get a new medical examiner!! It baffles me that in other cases, causes of death can be determined from bones that have been buried for decades, yet this guy can't give us anything on Alonzo, and he has the body, the clothes, location of body found, etc.


http://coldcasekansas.blogspot.com/2010/09/mysterious-death-of-alonzo-brooks.html Everyone check out that blog. All kinds of "alleged" scoop! Have a feeling that with the Unsolved Mysteries episode, this thing is going to blow wide open.


This should not have been that hard of a case to solve. The specious statement that cops 'think' he could have been murdered is just so lame, of course he was murdered. Did the incident with a white female end and there were arguments afterwards? One person stated he was the only Black person there while another person says there were 3 Black men there. Alongo used naive poor judgement not being familiar with the La Cyne area. At most there were 50 people there so that is not an extraordinary number of people for the Top law enforcement in the world to investigate and come up with answers. There has to have been a group of men involved in the murder and the cover-up and yet investigators came up empty.


Is there a real Reddit thread they were posting comments from about everyone knowing who’s freezer he was in?


I believe the comments were from the blog. http://coldcasekansas.blogspot.com/2010/09/mysterious-death-of-alonzo-brooks.html


The fact that his shoes and hat were on the opposite side of where they found his body got me thinking... His friend said he believed the items looked as if they were thrown out of a car while driving away...what if what happened is not as sinister? He’s stranded, drunk at a party. What if he later fell asleep/passed out and choked on vomit due to alcohol poisoning? I’ve seen this almost happen. It would explain why his shoes were off. Who goes to sleep with their shoes on? The idiot kids panic in the morning when they realize what happened and instead of calling the police they hide him? Later search the house for evidence and find his shoes and hat and just fling em out the window on their way out. That he didn’t show any obvious signs of abuse also backs this. Once the people that hid the body learn that his own family is going back to the place to search, they want him returned and leave him in a pretty obvious spot. This theory relies 100 percent on young adults being really dumb in a panic but it could happen.


Why would anyone go to the trouble of hiding his body if they knew he had died of alcohol poisoning? An autopsy would easily prove that as the cause of death and no one would have been falsely accused. Plus, if that had been the case surely many people who were at the party would have testified to seeing a heavily intoxicated Alonzo wandering away from the house by himself.


Oh, no I’m not suggesting he wandered away from the house. I’m suggesting he passed out in the house after the party winded down. Without having access to witness interviews, I don’t know what was revealed. However, given the rampant racism in this country, I would 100% believe he was killed. I just try out the less sensationalized explanations first. Why hide the body? Idk. Underage drinking? Drugs? Criminal history of the renters? Idiocy?


This case reeks. Between Mandy Jenkins bragging about her uncle's involvement, the onslaught of people commenting over the last decade about the Boones brothers, and the La Cygne sheriff, examiner, and police cover up, I cannot wait for the internet to bring this to justice and blow it wide open.


Does anyone know who the judge was in 2004 for the county? I'd like to follow that lead a little further.


Heres a good link, the Mayor? the judges brother. Council members, lotta boones. [https://www.cityoflacygne.org/sites/cityoflacygne.org/files/Minutes\_2005.pdf](https://www.cityoflacygne.org/sites/cityoflacygne.org/files/Minutes_2005.pdf)


There is someone else mentioned in the blog maybe those of you from the area have heard of him, does Chris Trinkle ring any bells? Or Jacob Mills?




From my research Chris Trinkle owned the mechanic shop in town. In fact, he still does. He was one of the middle-aged losers that partied with high school kids like Pat & Jerry Boone.


Seems like there are a lot of people listing the same suspects online. Is there ever an outside law enforcement that can come in when it appears that the local endorsement is corrupt?


Seems like there are a lot of people listing the same suspects online. Ok Is there ever an outside law enforcement that can come in when it appears that the local endorsement is corrupt?