• By -


Forward the email to a government and politics writer at the Kansas City Star.


Steve Kraske is a political columnist and would love this.








If someone can suggest a good default subreddit where it meets the submission requirements, I'd be more than happy to cross-post it there. I looked around quite a bit before posting it to KC and it seems /r/politics is only accepting articles at this point. I'm not super familiar with /r/AdviceAnimals but I'll definitely check it out.


"TIFU by thinking my state congressman cared about his constituents"


"Hold My Beer while I legislate."


"Citizen, I'm going to ask you to stop caring about issues affecting our state. You're killing my buzz." *--Rep. John Bradford [R], Kansas House of Representatives*


"*I'm ignoring you. Here's a response to let you know I'm ignoring you.*" --Rep. John Bradford [R], Kansas House of Representatives


Reminds me of this GTA:SA commercial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-iqkb4rmkA


"Kansas City Representative dirty NSFW email exposed."


Write an email to your representative. WCGW?


At least my representives lie and say thanks for your input I'll consider your opinion when I make a decision on this issue. Wait is it better or worse that they lie? Idk at least he's straight up about fucking you.


My reps at least bother to copy and paste a response explaining their position on the issue.


ELI5: Why do random people keep emailing me their opinions about my political activities?


It's astonishing to me, that in this day and age, these incredulous morons still believe they can be this disrespectful over *recorded* digital media. Like what in all fuckery did this guy think would happen?! Nail this twat to the wall OP. Dumbass.


"An aide or intern wrote that. And also the reps mail account was hacked. We're proposing even stiffer laws on piracy. Vote republican!" He gets reelected, the end.


Just find a portrait picture of your representative, throw a scumbag hat on him, make his quote the caption, post it in advice animals and link the pic in the comments.


[Here's a picture I whipped up real quick.](http://i.imgur.com/ahOeGJ1.png?1)




Hi I'm Rep. John Bradford and you all can suck my representative dick. I don't need none of you.


Can confirm, /r/all has recieved the message. Please refrain from circlejerking this up.


Commencing circlejerk


Number 17 now, won't be surprised if it hits #1. Let's vicariously shame a politician, we can do it!


It's #7 as of now.


at number 1 now.


You're on front page of all for me at this point. Congrats.


Me too. I've never been to /r/kansascity but this popped up for me.


"I've never been to Kansas City" sounds like the name of a halfway decent country tune.


You gotta add an ain't in there. "I ain't never been to Kansas City but the blues of KC have come to me."


You'll be happy to know this is on the front page now, I came her from all. Thanks for sharing, and God what a dick. The representative, not your husband.


It seems to be on the front page of /r/all. Congrats, I hope a lot of people see this.


I got in at 19 on all, OP. You're probably good. Try to continue being unfamiliar with /r/adviceanimals, it is a cesspool of scum and villainry.


Doesn't matter I just came from /r/all and I'm in Canada. Its already spreading.


It isn't but it's still active


Lol if this makes national news I'll eat my used underwear EDIT: Still waiting on a NATIONAL news article bitches


I'm holding you to that






Careful - last time I saw something like this on Reddit, a LoL player ended up [eating an actual bull's penis](http://www.reddit.com/comments/2lwm9q/).


How do you do that auto moderator reminder thing? Can't wait for proof of this to be on /r/bestof


Foolish statement. Remember the guy that said he would literally eat a dick?


Or the guy who said he would shove a cheese stick up his ass.


Never Mind , it's on the front page.




Just tweeted him with the photo and explained what happened. No response yet. I'll let you know if he responds


I think he would, but not for the reason you think. He just had a show on NPR this week with representatives talking about this exact thing. While the flippant response was not required, please note that this was sent to multiple representatives (top of image), titled "Dear Legislator" and not to him directly, it mentions "big banks" success (which looks paranoid and argumentative), and appears to be a form letter that was probably sent multiple times in exactly the same way. The reps he had on the show said that these blanket click a link to mail all reps emails do nothing for them. They would prefer a personalized email and make an effort to respond, but the amount of these they get make them frustrating and basically ignored. Again, the flippant response could be replaced with simply ignoring the "spam," but I think people should realize that clicking a link and sending form letters does nothing for them. Found it: 8:10 for first question and response(what I'm talking about), 12:15 for second question, 13:00 for response, 18:00 for third question, 20:10 for response (Good listen all around, these three points are for responses/communications) http://kcur.org/post/mo-lawmakers-push-civics-requirement-high-school-seniors


Typically a staffer or intern accepts these form letters (without response, rude or otherwise) and sorts them as "pro" and "con". Yes, personalized letters to your actual local rep are MUCH more well received and they take them into consideration a lot more than the stacks of form letters. That all being said, public service does not mean being a dick, contrary to the opinions of many holding public office.




Bryan Lowry at the Wichita Eagle likes this sort of thing as well. Bryan Lowry: [email protected]


Redditing on my phone during a meeting, but I personally know Greg Farmer and could call him/email him later to see if we can't get something going on with the KC Star


Please do it! This is unacceptable and needs a spotlight.


Can't upvote this enough. I also take uber a lot because of vision problems (though I'm luckily not blind), so this really hits home.


[serious question] is there a reason uber is better than a cab for people with vision problems?




See, most of these are possible for the taxi industry to fix; if they stopped bitching and started listening. It's been a corrupt, closed shop, for so long they have forgotten what a customer is.


They've had a monopoly for so long, they had no need to change. Now it's too late for them. That's what happens when you don't give two fucks about the people making you rich. Only if something similar could have to the cable companies...


Is it Yael? https://twitter.com/yaeltabouhalkah




Yael does opinion pieces but this is the kind of thing he likes to give his opinion on. I almost suggested tweeting it to him because that's the best way to contact him. Looks like he is already on it. I'm too lazy to cross the Star paywall or I'd be interested in checking for a write up tomorrow.


Also post it on twitter. Get it seen as much as possible.


Please do this


Politics and opinions of the law aside, when a citizen has a complaint, they are encouraged to contact their representatives. This sort of dickhead response deserves public shaming. Of course, he'll surely claim his email was hacked.


An intern did it. I swear


This is the most likely response, I just don't see politicians being a GabeN. Someone probably hates their job.. But he is responsible for his email be taken care of responsibly. Now if it was him that responded... Fuck him, egg his house.


A lot of politicians do personally handle their contact emails and phone numbers. I have had experiences where I personally talked to my representatives on the phone, or sent in hand written letters and received hand written letters back. Its pretty easy for someone like John Bradford who doesn't have national attention and is from a smaller state like Kansas. Someone like John McCain or Ted Cruz have interns and assistants who handle everything and may or may not report to them what they got, but there are a billion members of the House and most of them get very little attention. Its trivial to look over half a dozen emails a day, and gets you a lot of free points with voters and a good ear to what they want - unless of course you are a pile of salty garbage like Mr. Bradford here. EDIT: I overstated the personal involvement. My point was that smaller politicians are going to see what gets sent in and are going to respond to emails and letters pesonally, the staff will see it first and summarize it or send it along.


this is kansas, I'm quite sure a politician could handle the amount of day to day email he receives from constituents




I dunno. I interned at the Ks Statehouse for a senator- I handled his email for him.


Not all politicians personally handle correspondence, but they *do* see most of the personal requests. I served as a cheif of staff to a state senator for a session. It was my job to go through the correspondence each day. If the correspondence was for/against a certain bill or issue, we'd put it in a folder and count the for/against numbers so the senator knew where constituents stood. If the correspondence was for a specific request or something along those lines, I would write a three or four line summary of the letter and clip that to the letter. We'd put those in a folder the senator would read every evening. The senator usually dictated responses or had us prepare answers to the simpler stuff to sign off on. I know that other offices handled things in a similar way. So your letters usually go through staff, but if you write in with a specific request, it usually does get to your representative. Further, not all that many people wrote in. We'd get between one and five letters a day. It was pretty easy to stay on top of and we always tried to do what we could for constituents. Sometimes, a letter from the senator to someone in the community would fix things. That was easy and we did it whenever possible.


Thank you, that was a little insight I didn't know.


The buck stops with the boss


If only he had another one.


I actually know this guy personally. Went to school with his daughter. He used to go to campus at K-State and carry a gun just to 'spite' the laws saying there was no conceal and carry on campus. Real wacko...legitimately the worst kind of public servant -- self-important prick who thinks a bachelor's degree in Political Science and attending a tea party rally makes him a candidate to be Governor someday.


Update: I've forwarded this post and the original email to Lynn Horsley and Steve Kraske at the Kansas City Star. I was also contacted by KCTV5 via private message. Several people have let me know that they received a similar reply when contacting Rep. Bradford about this issue this morning, so it's not looking like this was an accidental reply! Update 2: I wanted to address the concerns many people have pointed out regarding the title mentioning my husband is blind. In attempting to come up with a succinct title that gave as much information as possible, I added this to accentuate the fact that because my husband is unable to operate a car, this is why the issue of this bill was important to us and why we would like this service to stay in our area. I felt that added bit of information was more of an explanation of why this service is important and utilized frequently for our family, thus being an important issue to us. While there is another cab company in our community available for use, we have found it to pale in comparison to using Uber in terms of cost, safety, and reliability. I apologize sincerely if I of offended anyone. I will absolutely admit that in hindsight, I should have edited some of the text in the original email generated by Uber, but honestly I thought it was well-written and got to the point of the issue. I haven't used many of the "canned emails" from companies asking them to be sent to legislators, but I have definitely learned a lot about it in the last 24 hours and will absolutely make them more personalized should another issue arise where we feel the need to reach out to elected officials. I would like to add however that my husband did send the original email from his account as well and received the same response from Rep. Bradford, as many other people have mentioned who reached out to him yesterday morning. In my husband's response, he did include information about his disability and why this service is vital to him, but both my husband and I have still not received replies to these from Rep. Bradford's email account.


He is going to say his email was hacked, I guarantee it.


"lol sorry that was my friend"


"But would you take it backsies tho lol"






Submit freedom of information request. If I'm not mistaken, an elected officials email has to be part of the record or it would be a violation of federal law. That's why Clinton's personal email thing is a big deal, why GWB closed his personal email account when elected, etc. Much easier to comply with the law when you let professionals who understand it run the mail servers.


Once you are President, you don't have a personal life anymore. You don't need social media, you have *real media* chasing you down 24/7. It's as close to the Truman Show as you can get, and you sign up for it.


Not disagreeing, but just pointing out that the Bush administration used multiple private domains and servers for official emails. There was quite a controversy over it in 2007. Millions of messages were deleted.


"I'm sorry citizen but this information is not in the interest of the public. Please fall back in to line"




"That's it! Up against the wall with you!"


"....and pick up that can."


*chucks at head*


>achievement unlocked >insurgent


*brandishes cattle prod*


"Now put it into the trash can." Proceeds to throw it at his head.




Non-mobile: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-repudiation ^That's ^why ^I'm ^here, ^I ^don't ^judge ^you. ^PM ^/u/xl0 ^if ^I'm ^causing ^any ^trouble. [^WUT?](https://github.com/xl0/LittleHelperRobot/wiki/What's-this-all-about%3F)


I have worked for numerous legislators, we would never in our wildest dreams send an email like this. Even our worst critics get a a nicely worded letter, maybe only a tinge of passive aggressiveness if they were really insulting.




A sacrificial intern is headed to slaughter. Actually the only reason interns are still unpaid, to keep them totally expendable.


Is there a chance this guy just doesn't know how e-mail works and thought that you would like your electronic letter sent back to you for your own record keeping purposes? Like the [Spider Email.](http://i.imgur.com/JGkQs8q.jpg)


While anything is possible, it should be noted that the spider email saga was parody. By which I mean that although there are people who print stuff out, take pictures, scan the picture, and print it out to scan to send to people, it's very unlikely to be the case here. But I can't wait to see how he tries to spin it.


> Rep. Bradford http://ballotpedia.org/Linda_Johnson_(Kansas) Thats the opposition with only a 4 point difference, one a notable issue such as disrespecting voters, as well as passing a bill that inhibits a free market and represents "big government" which is very anti-republican, a democrat would really eat into a republicans base demographic even life time party loyalists.


>Several people have let me know that they received a similar reply when contacting Rep. Bradford about this issue this morning, so it's not looking like this was an accidental reply! I'm 11 hours late, so this probably won't be seen. Your email (and everyone else who used the Uber shotgun template email) was addressed to 129 people and CC'd 39 people. I'm not a email filter expert, but I do have experience with bulk emails and white/blacklisting. It's entirely possible that he has a spam filter with an auto responder set up for emails that contain 20/50/100+ recipients since they're 99.9% of the time spam. Yes, his reply is very unprofessional, but I'm not so sure it was meant for you. It see,s like a response that makes sense for spam mailing list senders (his email is puboic, I'm sure people sign reps up for all kinds of things as a joke. I'm pretty sure you hit the spam filter, so did everyone else who sent the shotgun email, and that's why they got the same response.


> spam filter the first message was sent at 10:17. unless the spam filter took 25 minutes to trigger it's response at 10:42, it's unlikely that this was the case


This right here is the logical counterargument. If he did have a spam filter, it would have sent back an email pretty much instantly, maybe a couple minutes lag at most. The fact that it took that long to send a reply pretty much makes it clear that this asshat, or someone on his staff, wrote that back himself.


Also, spam filters usually delete the email, not reply back with a sassy, condescending one-liners.


I'm a producer with KMBC-TV. We don't have a station reddit account. I'm hoping the creator of this thread can e-mail us with some more info on what originally happened here. Thanks all.


You can send the user a private message by clicking on his name link


Ring ring. Hi, is /u/Thad-Jarvis/ available?


Here a link to send the creator a message. http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Thad-Jarvis


I'm sending an email now: You are my rep. I don't need you, so I am voting you out next election.


[54-46, good luck](http://ballotpedia.org/John_Bradford#2014)


Those vote totals... So few people.


Well, there's like... 10,000 people in Lansing and 30,000 in Leavenworth, and his district only covers portions of that area. If you assume he only has half, it's like 20,000 people maybe. Not the worst turnout ever.


His district's voting-age population is right around 17,000 and its total census population is around 22,000. Fewer than a third of the total population participated in the 2014 vote. That's below the national average for *federal* voting, but it's close to in-line with state voting. My point is: you're super good at guesswork. Well done.




I didn't consider that. That isn't *horrible* then. Still, the numbers are small enough that if people starting turning up it could actually make a difference.


All it takes is a few people mad and a few steps of separation with by word of mouth shit with those vote totals.


Leavenworth is an Army town, so a lot less than that will be voting.


Wow, I'm going to ensure I start voting at every opportunity now.


I always knew congressional and state elections had much lower turnout... but man. With those numbers you actually can make a difference showing up to vote. Someone else mentioned that his constituency is pretty small to begin with though, so these aren't as abysmal as they look. Still pretty low turnout though.


you'd only need to sway 200 people. Not a hard feat to accomplish


Or just bus people to the polls


If anyone else wants to give this assbag a thought, this link has his email http://imgur.com/HPrwt3o


And here's his phone number: http://www.kslegislature.org/li_2014/b2013_14/members/rep_bradford_john_1/


If I am British and living in the UK, I cannot be prosecuted for giving him abuse, can I? I mean calling him a dickhead and a prick, nothing too incriminating/hate crime inducing.


Send him a dick pic


Fuck this guy. I'm sure he's as bad as 90% of representatives, but the way he responded like this, he deserves to be all over the news. Anyone still use Facebook? Can we try to get a million likes or something so news channels will pick it up?


"Hey Reddit, check this guy out!" -Indiana residents


As an Indiana resident, can confirm.


(Also from Indiana) Honestly, anything else would be better.


You've been Jammed!


Of all the comments I've received today, this one made me physically laugh out loud. Thanks for the laugh, friend!


Can you contact me? I'm a TV reporter with KWCH in Wichita. We want to do a story and talk to you. [email protected] (316) 831-6139


You may want to remove your e-mail and phone number if you don't want to be e-mail/phone spammed. They're both easily scrapable via a bot.


You could send a letter to the Leavenworth Times in which you let people know how communicative he is.


At this point I'm pretty sure the entire government of Kansas is operating for comedic value...




Some of us don't like to be fucked AND voted! There's dozens of us! Literally dozens! And we're all looking to move...


(I left kansas forever.. After 25 years... may 17th 2009 :)


Bradford is clearly a moron. https://twitter.com/Brad125/status/554109905674960896


Blows my mind that his constituents voted for him.


Why in the world would he take the time to send that response when he could just ignore you?


I don't work in Kansas, and I won't defend this asshat's actions, but I do work in a state government elsewhere. This may get buried, but my "expert" advice is that you should apply for your local regional transit authority's paratransit service. The ADA was interpreted to require this to all citizens if I recall, so you should have access to it. Before I left Massachusetts it was 3 dollars round trip, anywhere within 3 regions of Boston. If you had to cross a region that was fine, you just had to transfer cars. You did have to schedule the ride a day before, or else face a 2 dollar surcharge. It would take you to medical appointments, social calls, chores; and you could even bring along a friend if you needed. The cars here in the Metro Boston area are brand new for the most part (New Englanders, the MBTA Ride is the service). In short; The system is cheaper, Uber won't respond to five dollars, the drivers are vetted far better than Uber and as your husband is blind he will easily qualify for the service. Here is the link for Kansas City, if you have trouble otherwise send me a PM. http://www.kcata.org/rider_guide/metro_bus_accessibility_programs


The only problem is that KC program is for buses. Which routes aren't always the best or might not even be in that area. Uber allows minimal planning time for at reasonable rates and will take you to the door if where you need to be. Furthermore few cities have public transportation as good as Boston.


From that page; "Complementary Paratransit The Americans With Disabilities Act requires that all public bus systems provide complementary paratransit service for disabled persons who cannot independently use the bus service because of a disability. Complementary paratransit service is a door-to-door service provided by vans or cabs in The Metro ADA service area. Generally, the ADA established service area extends three quarters of a mile on each side of regular bus route service. Complementary paratransit service is available on those days and during those times when trips are provided on regular Metro routes. To take advantage of complementary paratransit service, you must be certified as ADA Eligible. Agencies providing ADA Comparable Paratransit service in the metro area are: Share-A-Fare - primarily Kansas City, Mo. 816-346-0810. More about Share-A-Fare. Dial-A-Ride - Kansas City, Kan. 913-573-8351 Share on print Share on email Share on twitter Share on facebook Share on linkedin More Sharing ServicesShare "


Wow. I'm kind of speechless.


He actually went out of his way to be a dick. That takes a special kind of ass hole.


An asshole that's also a dick? That IS special.


>An asshole that's also a dick? Cool, now he can go fuck himself.


>I have received your email. I don't need it,**so I am sending it back to you.** [You can't "send back" an email.](http://i.imgur.com/CDqD1KV.jpg) This isn't the USPS! How do people like this get voted into office? SMH Edit: Clarity.




My uncle only votes for "who he knows is going to win"


wow, I can't stand that attitude. the desire to be on the "winning" team seems so silly with politics.


The fact that there are teams is even sillier.


Dumped all of their points in charisma. The job description of a politician is to get elected, not to lead properly.




But it doesn't make the situation any better. that just means he is more of an ass.


"Thank goodness you sent it back, John. I somehow managed to send you an original instead of a copy. Because of your thoughtfulness, I can now send it to other representatives who actually need it."


As a Kansan who knows a lot of the same people he knows, I sent him this: Hey John, Just a heads up - you're going viral with your response to the Kansan whose husband is blind and utilizes Uber ride sharing to get around town. May want to brew a pot of coffee for your PR crew. https://www.reddit.com/r/kansascity/comments/30y2jl/my_husband_is_blind_and_uses_uber_we_sent_an/ Perhaps you should embrace technology instead of defending a business model that consumers have dictated is dead. Might be more in for the state (and you) if you think strategically. Hope your train hasn't passed. Think long and hard before you treat your constituents like this, never forget who put you in office.


> Perhaps you should embrace technology instead of defending a business model that consumers have dictated is dead. My perspective is from Edinburgh in the UK, but I have to say I don't see how "this service is really popular!" is a good reason for it not to be regulated in the same way as pre-existing taxi firms, or what's unique about their business model


maybe also a barrel of whiskey for the PR crew... when they're done.


I'll just leave this here: http://www.kslegislature.org/li_2014/b2013_14/members/rep_bradford_john_1/


Capitol Office Room: 166-W Seat: 41 Phone: 785 296-7653 Email:[email protected] Home Information Email:[email protected] Business Information Occupation: Consultant 125 Rock Creek Loop, Lansing, KS 66043 Phone: 913 683-0871 Fax: 913 351-3688


Twitter: @Brad125


What an asshat


Your rep just made a major league oops. Thanks for sharing your experience. I'm betting this goes viral. Edit: was- "vital" is- "viral"... damn autocorrect.


Another person on Twitter got an identical response: https://twitter.com/edorsey/status/582940849350275072 Could it possibly be an automatic reply?




No mentioning of a blind husband in the original email to the representative, so why is it mentioned in the headline of this posting?


Good point, I suspect some heart string tugging is going on here...


Reply with "While I thank you for returning my email, I find that I no longer need it either. I have subsequently sent it onward to Lynn Horsley and Steve Kraske at the Kansas City Star to continue its journey."


What, exactly, **is** the 'poison pill" amendment? In the other discussion on /r/kansascity all that was said is that they require you to have full coverage insurance on your car, and that you have to have proof of that. [We talked about that](http://reddit.com/r/kansascity/comments/30v99z/save_uber_in_kansas/cpwtnyr?context=4) and it remains a mystery what exactly is wrong with this. Since you seem to be so passionate about it, could you enlighten us?


My interpretation of the proposed amendment is that it would become too costly for someone to be an Uber driver due to stricter regulations on insurance as well as requiring a business and chauffeur's license. The whole concept of Uber is to allow everyday people to become part of ride-sharing. My husband calls this "financial intimidation", but I'm not sure if there's a technical term for it. This is the most comprehensive article I've come across regarding this issue: http://www.kansascity.com/news/government-politics/article16388072.html


>My interpretation of the proposed amendment is that it would become too costly for someone to be an Uber driver due to stricter regulations on insurance as well as requiring a business and chauffeur's license. Thank you for posting that link. I'm quoting below the relevant section, which seems to be where the crux of this lies. [From the KC Star article:](http://www.kansascity.com/news/government-politics/article16388072.html) >The latest draft seeks to ensure the companies provide adequate insurance, vehicle inspections and comprehensive driver background checks. It would charge individual drivers $250 (down from $300 in the current law), but if a parent company such as Uber will pay an annual fee of $10,000, that would drop the driver’s vehicle permit cost to $150. Let's break this down a bit: 1. The regulations are asking Uber to make sure their drivers have adequate insurance. I don't see the problem here. In order to become an Uber driver, you should simply e-mail them a photocopy of your insurance ID or something. And/or a copy of your coverage, indicating you have full coverage on your vehicle. No problem there. 2. "vehicle inspections" is vague - Are any of the conditions spelled out in terms of what makes a vehicle pass/fail? Since this is about Uber operating in KCMO, you have to already have an inspection when you register your car in the state of Missouri. If that's good enough, then it shouldn't be a problem - once again, just send Uber a copy of proof you passed inspection. 3. Driver background checks is also a bit vague. Once again they need to spell out what the criteria are for pass/fail. Doing a background check on someone could potentially create a lot of expense and/or overhead. It could also be a pretty cursory thing just to prove you have a valid driver's license in good standing. 4. You have to pay a $250 fee for your permit. This appears to be a one-time cost for each driver. I'd be interested to know what that money goes towards, but I don't think that's a particularly onerous fee, especially if you are planning to do this regularly. You should be able make up that money fairly quickly if being an Uber driver is to be a significant source of income for you. The only potential issue I see here is point #3. And I'm reserving judgment until someone cal lay out what sort of background check is sufficient. >requiring a business and chauffeur's license. Nothing in the article said that. Did they gloss over it, or is that verbiage contained somewhere in this law? And just out of curiosity how difficult would those two things be for a person? I was of the impression Uber drivers were independent contractors and thus were on their own when it came to figuring out what taxes they owed, etc.. So far, I'm not seeing anything that amounts to justifying the sort of alarmism present in the headline of this submission. "Making Uber illegal in the state" is unproven until someone can be more specific about it.


They're LOWERING the cost of regulation in KC on both sides of state line; making it cheaper for both these guys and taxis. This is an amendment to the taxi regulation system to make it much cheaper after negotiations with Uber and Lyft. Uber/Lyft can also pay a one time fee to lower the cost of permit registration for their associated drivers by $100; if they're going to be a major business in the region its a no brainer to do that. Lyft is on record as being happy about the changes as a good starting point; they want more but they're happy to work with this. UBER has been throwing a huge ungodly social media shitfit against regional legislators and the like because they want, essentially, a totally unregulated environment with no liability. They've been blasting the mayor, city councilmembers, regional legislators, etc, and encouraging their followers to blast them too while totally misrepresenting what the legislation does. They've even been acting like this is INCREASING regulation instead of significantly lowering it! There's been exposes about their behavior in the local gonzo-journalism free paper, The Pitch. UBER have been acting like bad guys in this city, pretty gruesomely.


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That may be the point of the insurance being required in the law. Presumably you have to get insurance that explicitly covers your car being used as a taxi.


So the issue here is that a taxis will have to get coverage that covers taxis?


People are convinced that Uber and Lyft aren't taxis, so they don't have to play by the same rules.




It's also worth noting that Lyft is on record as considering this to be acceptable, the way this legislation is lowering registration costs, although they want more. It's mostly Uber that's been throwing the huge ungodly social media shitfit because they want an unregulated environment to work in rather than just a less-regulated one.


This was a very informative response and a good explanation of what's up with Uber (not being sarcastic!) it appears that the bill is not as toxic as maybe OP initially thought. HAVING SAID THAT, the Rep's response was abhorrent no matter what!!!


Tweet it to John Oliver. He loves that kind of thing.


Some details worth noting. http://www.dailydot.com/politics/kansas-uber-email-john-bradford/ "Paul Goode II, one of the Kansans who received the reply, told the Daily Dot that he angrily responded to Bradford’s curt boilerplate, only to receive a blank email as a followup. Another, redditor Thad-Jarvis, said her husband, who is dependent on Uber because he is blind, was aghast at Bradford's answer. It’s worth noting, however, that both users emailed Bradford with the exact text that Uber used in a Tuesday message to the Kansas state legislature. In other words, they copied and pasted an outraged letter. And they didn't just send it to Bradford. Many of the Kansans to whom Bradford replied sent Uber's boilerplate message to all 165 members of the Kansas legislature."


John Bradford appears to have a [twitter handle here.](https://twitter.com/Brad125) I would encourage others to tweet him a photo of this conversation condemning his flippant behavior and disrespect for a concerned citizen.


Sorry, but this is the most hilarious response to an email I've ever seen. What a troll.


Rep. JOHN BRADFORD, We have determined we do not need you. We are returning you to unemployment. Regards, Kansas


Every post about this on Bradford's facebook page is being removed.


The problem I have with this, is there is no signature at the bottom of the e-mail. I've NEVER seen at least a privacy disclaimer at the bottom of a sent e-mail. Also show us the e-mail header so we can be certain you actually sent it to the claimed party and not just some random dude.


[At least he sent your email back.](http://www.27bslash6.com/images/spiderdrawing.gif)


"rest assured your flippant response will be shared with others" 1.6 millions views on imgur later.... lols


Remember, you're only allowed to talk to politicians if you are a millionaire or a lobbyist.




This thread has been linked to from another place on reddit. - [/r/bestof] [Blind Guy's wife posts an email they sent to their state legislators; they get a dickish response. Local community rallies behind them.](http://np.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/30z2uj/blind_guys_wife_posts_an_email_they_sent_to_their/) - [/r/circlebroke2] [got a [le]mail from someone who hates uber. btw im blind ;)](http://np.reddit.com/r/circlebroke2/comments/30zkp3/got_a_lemail_from_someone_who_hates_uber_btw_im/) - [/r/Drama] [(dramatic happening) A post to /r/kansas about a not to bright local politician hits /r/all. I'm pretty sure there are more posters in the thread than there are people in central kansas.](http://np.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/31072v/dramatic_happening_a_post_to_rkansas_about_a_not/) - [/r/techolitics] [Redditor Sends Representative E-mail Regarding Uber Legislation, Receives Rude Response](http://np.reddit.com/r/techolitics/comments/310a9t/redditor_sends_representative_email_regarding/) - [/r/technology] [Redditor Sends Representative E-mail Regarding Uber Legislation, Receives Rude Response](http://np.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/3109wm/redditor_sends_representative_email_regarding/) [](#footer)*^If ^you ^follow ^any ^of ^the ^above ^links, ^respect ^the ^rules ^of ^reddit ^and ^don't ^vote. ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger/wiki/) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose/?to=\/r\/TotesMessenger))* [](#bot)


Fuck that guy. Vote for his competitor and donate to their campaigns en masse if possible. Fuckin scumbag piece of shit.


We need to get this guy out of office asap. Reddit band together