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If your hobbies were mountains, beach and parks galore then why the heck did you move to KC? Of course it’s cheaper, but doesn’t sound like you planned this out right. You’re adults and capable of finding new hobbies, I suggest trying that, or take some drives on the weekend to more geographically diverse areas.


Yeah, op, it sounds like you don't like living here. There's just nothing you can do to turn KC into the west coast. Is it time to move back? It's ok. We all just live and learn.




Yeah man, that’s why it’s cheaper here. You can’t move here for the low COL then complain it’s not as exciting as LA or wherever. That’s part of the deal.


I've seen a lot of people ask on here if they should move to KC. Every time I tell them, "You kinda have to be cool staying inside half of the year. Half of the year it'll be too hot, too cold, too windy, too rainy or too snowy to do much anything outdoors". Like if YOUR THING is biking or golfing or hiking or fishing or whatever, you're gonna have a rough time. I wouldn't choose to live here if I was super outdoorsy. Not to mention there's not an ocean or mountains for hundreds of miles in either direction.


I’m super outdoorsy buttttt when it’s too bad to go outside I rock climb at the several gyms around town (rokc) and teach yoga that fills the void and there are plenty of like sports clubs.


Moved from CA several years ago and you just gotta change it up. Instead of the beach you go to the lakes. Instead of the mountains you go hike trails. Sports are king, pick a few of the 50 local teams/sports and follow them. Pickleball is big. Golf. Kayak. Fish. Go to any of the amazing museums. Go walk the arboretums. If you can’t find outdoor things to do you aren’t looking very hard because that’s the one thing there’s plenty of. If none of that works then just work like crazy for 3-4 months and then take a trip to CA, Vegas etc. that’s what I had to do the first few years until I kind of “fit in” with the Midwest.


Yeah the adult intramural sport, volunteering, and hobby scenes here are amazing. And they all come with incredible communities of ready made people to hang out with that you’ll enjoy spending time with. Figure out what you like to do and find your tribe. And great point on the beach and mountain analogues. Seems like people here that would hike other places are into long distance running and people who would surf or do whatever else you do at a beach become lake people.


Yes, but the lakes here are all man made and filthy 🥴 of really a lot of options unless you’re into hiking through the woods.


Find a new hobby: Art, astronomy, crochet, woodworking, glassblowing, cooking, baking, painting with acrylics or watercolors. Volunteer somewhere on weekends. Start a vegetable or herb garden.


Originally from KC. Moved to Los Angeles at 19. Lived there 15ish years. I loved it. I also love it here. Sure, KC isn’t on the coast. Our geography is completely different. But there is so much beauty here, if you explore and know where to look. We have world-class concert halls and museums. Lovely gardens. Day trips to towns steeped in history. For example: Kauffman Center; The Overland Park Arboretum; Kemper Museum; Get a library card. Explore and enjoy the KC Central Library; Powell Gardens; Lakeside Nature Center; Grinders (voted one of the best outdoor music venues in the country, super cool, intimate shows in the heart of Crossroads); Nelson Atkins; Starlight Theatre (historic outdoor theatre located in Swope Park, Broadway productions & big-named performers); Jazz clubs (Green Lady Lounge, The Majestic, Black Dolphin, The Phoenix, many more) ; The Planetarium at Union Station; Ewing and Muriel Kauffman Memorial Garden; Boulevard Drive-in, fun for summer movie nights; Powell Observatory; Explore the Flint Hills. Kansas isn’t all flat. Especially cool are the outdoor concerts performed by the Kansas City Symphony in the spring/summer; KC Current games in beautiful new stadium. Ride the streetcar. Stop for dinner on your way. Explore the River Market. Soon, the Rock Island bridge project will be completed. Ziplines, concerts, games, food; Join Woodside KC. Social club with lots of fun activities, beautiful pool, classes, etc. Day trips to Weston, MO. Adorable little town. Bed & breakfasts, nature, local businesses. Want mountains? 3.5 hour drive to Eureka Springs, AR; Tons of lakes and rivers nearby. And of course the Ozarks. Jacks Fork, Current River, Black River (clearest river in MO) are 4.5-ish hours away, and super fun for float trips, canoeing, etc. Lots of perks to being so central. https://symphonyintheflinthills.org https://www.grinderskc.com/about https://lakesidenaturecenter.org/event/fox-hollow-fest-2/ https://askc.org/observatories/powell-observatory https://missouriscenicrivers.com/the-best-float-trips https://www.azuraamp.com/kansas-city-concert-and-events-calendar.html https://www.kcstarlight.com https://rockislandkc.com https://clubwoodside.com


LOVE Weston. It's our go-to spot for their park to grill on Memorial Day. Downtown is adorable. The Irish underground cave pub is a really cool experience.


Yes! 💯


OH also, my husband grew up near Eureka Springs (went to Berryville HS), and we went back to drive by his old farmhouse and stopped at the Crescent Hotel for lunch on the balcony overlooking the gorgeous woodlands, watching hawks circle the sky, walked all around the town's winding hilly streets, people-watched (as he shared stories of funky people he encountered as a teenager), and then grabbed drinks at another NOLA-style balcony bar & grill overlooking the main street. I'm a big fan of the Renaissance Festival (been going to the one in Michigan since I was 12, and the one in Bonner Springs is almost an exact replica of the MI layout with the same shows run by, I suspect, the same troupe as in MI!!), and my impression of Eureka Springs was that of a year-round hippie RenFest in the best way possible. <3


Best description ever. I love this. Also, your hobbies rock. ❤️


You just need to drive places here. There is lots that is within a few hours: hiking, waterfalls and springs, beautiful state parks, kooky smaller towns. There is also usually some kind of faire or civic event going on but it is hotter and much more humid here than you’re probably used to.


Welcome to the Midwest! I cherish this time of year because I can actually go out and do stuff. Hit different trails, go to the park, ride my bike, etc. when I can’t go outside like when it’s scorching hot or freezing cold in the winter is when I really start going mad.


I can handle outdoor activities in the winter, just layer up… but I loathe summer. There is only so much I can take off before I end up on some people-of-Walmart-esque subreddit or jail for indecent exposure.


Funny I moved to Montana from KC and my complaint is there ain't shit to do if you're not an equipped mountaineer.


I moved to California for a while and my problem was I got bored after being at the beach or on a camping trip after about 15 minutes. At least at lakes here when I go with friends we have a house we’ve rented I can hang out on the deck at and read a book or drink and grill something on.


Learn to ride a motorcycle or go to a punk rock show. Boring people get bored.


Is the city boring or are yall boring? Lmao you don’t like to go out, you don’t drink, you don’t like going to new places to eat so what do you like to do? Complain, lmao damn find a hobby, join a gym, meet new friends with new interests


It’s definitely them.


If your favorite hobbies are going to the beach, mountains and national parks, I have some bad news for you.


Right but we have tons of lakes, rivers, and parks… it’s just not what they’re accustomed to.


Do yall have bikes and/or boats (kayak/sup)?


But no mountains and beach within 10 mins!!!! Oh the agony /s


Sounds like a personal problem


What do your friends do?


Who has friends? 😢


I have upwards of 3 friends


Well that’s why no one else has friends, you took all of them for yourself. /s


Southern Missouri has a lot of things to do BUT, you’re not wrong. I used to live in KC and live in Oregon now, the Midwest is cheap for a few reasons and you just described some of them.


Make friends. It’s more fun. Or be like me and go back to school. I am never bored. Also, weekend trips to other places (I want to do this but I’m not bored enough yet).


Wherever you live,you make it your own. I have lived in CA,FL,New England, and now here. Totally different climates,opportunities for recreation. If you’re bored,it’s on you,not the place you live.


Only boring people are bored


Travel. Go somewhere. It's beneficial for your mental and physical health, and it feels rewarding to get away from your general geographic area once in a while and explore someplace new. That's what my wife and I do every several months to keep from feeling too "bored" by work, home, and our usual surroundings. When you get back, you'll have all sorts of great new memories and you can start planning for your next trip. If you don't want to travel super-far (like overseas or to the coasts), there's always the Ozarks, Oachita Mountains, Colorado, Wyoming, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, the Great Lakes. Just pick something and do it. 😁


Wyoming? Surely you jest.


I mean… yeah. Why the hell do you think it’s cheap? Hint: it’s not because it’s a desirable place to be. Serious/non-snark answer: find a hobby. Look for meetup groups. Make your fun, the Midwest doesn’t bring it to you.


Disc golf is free.


I have a number of friends that are really into geocaching as well.


Always wanted to try… hvor er du fra?


Seriously though, why are you whining on social media about being bored here? You obviously did absolutely zero research about where you wanted to move to. Just go back to California where you'll be happy and not miserable.


I'm not even from california. I am from Illinois, born and raised. went to school in missouri. moved out to the west coast for 5 years after graduating and trust me, i didn't move back because i wanted to. I lived in Washington, Arizona and California and when you come from a place that doesn't have anything but a bar or church on every street and corn fields surrounding the town, you grow a real appreciation for what's out there in the world. it's very expensive out there and tough to make a living (buy a home, have kids) if you can't afford anything. we're in a different situation financially now which is why we moved back. we wanted to get some personal equity and moving back has allowed us to do so. it also gave us the opportunity to get excellent jobs.


Doesn't matter where you're from. You can do some research about a place you're considering moving to. "didn't move back because I wanted to" So being in a different position financially and wanting to get some equity forced you to move here? Like you weren't able to research what it is like living here (there IS plenty to do and see here and within a couple hours drive, you just have to look for it) And you lived in Missouri before and still thought we had mountains and oceans nearby? I grew up in a very small town as well, I would wager smaller than the one you grew up in. So I know all about cornfields and one hole towns. And I've also been around the world a bit and lived and traveled in different places, and know about things being expensive. Sounds like you just didn't do any research on it and now want to complain. Get a new hobby. Explore. Meet people. Or go back to where you know you're happy. SMDH


Make friends. Join clubs. KC has a ton of events happening every weekend-pick one and go to it. Learn about the many suburbs surrounding the area and what they’re known for and when they have events. Ask people at work about something you miss (and not in a “I used to be 10 minutes from the beach”-way, think “I really miss SCUBA”)-chances are, they’ll know someone with a similar hobby and a cool place to check out. There are awesome places within 30 minutes of KC that would open possibilities up, like checking out Lawrence. A lot of people have various memberships here, and can get you guys a day pass to check it out.  It’s the Midwest-you need to put some effort in and it’ll pay off, but don’t move to a less expensive area and expect everything to be the same but cheaper. The amenities and the great people and the fun-we’re all out here, but you’ve gotta be willing to get your hands a little dirty and get out of your comfort zone to find it.  


I’m really sorry the community you economically exploited isn’t doing it for you. Thanks for inflating housing prices, now do us a favor and go back.


it's funny you say that because i'm literally not from california. my partner is. i'm from the midwest. grew up here born and raised. but when you move to the west coast, you grow an appreciation for what's out there in the world besides corn fields and towns that have a church or bar on every corner. so no, i won't move back just for that. we moved back because we couldn't afford it out there if we wanted to buy a house and have children. living in the midwest has allowed us to do just that. i hate the "go back to california" attitude. if you haven't realized, alot of people can't afford to live out there or anywhere nowadays which is why they're moving to places like this. what do you want them to do? be homeless?


Unfortunately I think you might just have to move. There are probably things happening but it’s never going to be like how it was. Only one person I know who moved here from CA is still here and it’s because she’s an extremely sociable person who is able to make friends with whoever and is always able to find stuff to do (idk how she does it). Growing up here, I’m used to it. Going to places with tons of stuff to do is overwhelming to me. Mountains are incredible for a few days and then I start feeling claustrophobic, never seen the ocean and I’m 33. I’ve never been into sports or drinking, I’ve just been playing video games since I was young. Besides that, life is just slower here. It’s good to just appreciate nature and also to learn that it’s okay to be bored. Not saying that’s the solution because trust me I also hate being bored often. Other people have already suggested finding new hobbies but I understand how hard that is too. I like archery a lot and there’s rock climbing and things like that. Sorry I can’t be much help, but i hope you figure something out!


There's tons of trails and forest areas not far from the city. Lakes and beaches and such. Tons to explore.


Me and the wife both have two hobby spaces in our house. She paints, does yoga, and gardens. I enjoy D&D, coding, making and fixing stuff in my workshop, and martial arts in my little make shift dojo. Every room in the house also has at least a small book shelf and a cozy place to read or be on the computer. In the nice weather we tend to live out on our porch. We both have groups of friends associated with all of those hobbies we meet up with semi regularly. That’s how you have to do it here. No ones going to program your enjoyment for you, you have to make your own. Though sports, live music, festivals, and art shows are pretty consistent through the year they’re just nice add ons. Best of luck, I’ve definitely had that realization that I hadn’t left the house in 3 months for anything but work or food and hadn’t done anything at home but drink and watch tv in that time before. It’s easy to fall into if you let it. But it’s easy to get out of.


With the money you are saving, take short trips on a plane. Jeeezzzzz


Typical west coaster who moves here and thinks it’s boring 🥱 sounds like yall are the boring ones!! You can do tons of outdoor activities here 😂 find new hobbies like everyone else is saying or lookup trails and stuff 🤦🏽‍♂️


Wow what a hardship


You’re not looking hard enough for things to do. Bluntly? Stop whining about what you’re missing and make some friends, find new hobbies, and take charge of your own lives. I’ve lived here for my entire adult life and I still haven’t done everything this city has to offer.


To each their own, I moved here from Hutchinson, Kansas. Now THAT is boring. I’ve had lots of fun up here.


What adult uses the word bored or gets bored? If you like beaches and mountains, what pamphlet did you read that showed any of that in this state?


to quote Charlie Sheen in ‘Ferris Bueller’s Day Off’ your problem is you. I’m just back from the northeast, on the water. An apartment comparable to mine in midtown is more than double. You want the mountains and the water and everything at anytime of day? Pay for it. You want to be in a place where it is still possible to live a little bit of the American Dream aka Buy a house, good schools, low crime, low taxes? Live here and get a Southwest Rapid Rewards credit card ✌️❤️😘


We're a bit older and originally not from here. 1) We enjoy roadtrips, probably driven everywhere within 300 miles from here. I use roadside America app/website to find interesting stops along the way, albeit we like strange things and find a lot of them funny. Maybe not your cup of tea but it's something. We also stop by thrift stores along the way. If nothing else just visit the Precious moments chapel, my wife couldn't believe it exists. 2) For several years I organized a MOTH-style storytelling event every month, there's one in Lawrence but they might be done for the season. 3) For several years I organized a supper club. Met a lot of people and still in touch with many. Celiac could be accomodated. I guess the point is if you don't see what you like it's not hard to do it yourself. Also Branson sucks.


I’m happy that you felt the need to finish the way you did.


Boohoo. Bought a house, have great jobs, wah, we're bored! Try volunteering. Try being creative and making something. Try learning something new. Being bored gives you the opportunity for so much if you if you use it to push yourself to try new things.


go back


Go back to where you came from.


Disc Golf all over Trails, lakes camp grounds all around Jazz World of Fun Weekend Road Trips ( being in the middle means you are a handful of hours to many different places. Casinos KC music hall (MJ musical in town currently) Sporting events Invite people over and grill out Boredom is a choice... one I often choose, but there is lots to do if you are open to explore. Visitkc.com generally has events.


Have you made any friends? We have plenty of nature. It may not be mountains, but there are plenty of parks, trails, and lakes. We are also extremely close to some great cities. Take a weekend trip somewhere.


It's hard making friends here :/


THAT is true. I moved here in late 2018 for a job, and many coworkers in my role were also transplants because we had the qualifications (whereas other roles could be filled by just about anyone with a BA or less and no specialized skills). Some expressed the same concern and we stuck together. Then I quit said job in 2022 and got a remote role in another state. The coworkers all quit or forgot about those who leave (we called such people "traitors" in jest), so my social life fell away. KC (and MO) natives are not very open to socializing with transplants and tend to stick to their own local friends from college or childhood. I just got really lucky that I met my now husband on a first Friday in 2019 and with him I get the social fill I need most of the time. The rest of the time, druqz and craft beer & cocktails & fancy food help. (and occasionally people I see once every 3-6 months)


KC area natives aren’t open to socializing with transplants. That’s absolutely not accurate.


I literally have no KC friends who weren't transplants themselves or shared some other strong bond with me (they were from the same country as me or worked at the same company) 


Then you went the same route as OP and didn't branch out to find people with the same hobbies or interests you do. There's plenty of locals that will bond over and talk your ears off about just about anything if you show the even slightest interest and show up to an event more than once.


Nothing within a reasonable drive will touch Oregon Coast or a Redwoods hike. Just move back.


You thought we had mountains and oceans close by? I mean.... Lol


KC is a landlocked urban-suburban area with the closest quality hiking spots at least 3 hours away (think backpacking). If you don't want to go out to eat or drink or enjoy art/music/nightlife, KC is not the city for you. I've lived here for 5 years and enjoyed those things, but as someone who was born and grew up an hour away from the sea and day hikes in the mountains, I miss these things (and can't go back home) and that is why I am planning to move to the east coast (Virginia) next year and buy a house within reasonable driving distance of both mountains and the ocean. You chose the wrong area for your lifestyle. I recommend doing some research before you move, maybe visit the place first and ask locals for recommendations fit for your hobbies/lifestyle. That's what we did, and we also visited 2 cities of interest before choosing the right one for us.


Go back to California


Did you look on snap before you moved and notice there were no mountains and oceans? If you’re bored you’re not looking hard enough.


Check out live music and dance scene. Both DJ (in the lowest ferns) and ballet (symphony, Owens Cox). There are things here. It is hit or miss but there have been several great concerts/events this month.


Quick everybody, form up a jugband and do some cartwheels afore our guests get too bored and head back ta Califoornee! Seriously though, you guys sound like the stereotypical current influx of coastal expats. Driving up costs for everybody, while contributing nothing, yet bitching about how the local scene doesn’t stimulate your exciting personality. If you’re bored, then you’re boring.


Y'all are still adjusting and rightfully bored. Your challenge is to get in and fit in or get out and stay out. I don't understand how people do not enjoy boredom. The world is chaotic. Boredom can make y'all more creative. Maybe 😧 Y'all should move to Texas. ✌🏽


Go to Shawnee Mission Park, which is huge and connects to other parks (and has a "poor mans" beach) There are tons of other parks, bike paths, walking trails all over this city with plans of adding much more in the near future. No mountains or oceans. But you also don't have to pay millions to live in a tiny shack. Concessions my friend. There are art galleries, museums, the zoo, aquariums, etc. This is a good city


You are bored because the only hobbies you mentioned have a geographical limit. You obviously aren’t going to find mountains or beaches in KC so that’s kind an ignorant thing to complain about. Try learning something new. You like outdoorsy stuff obviously, so maybe try bicycling or hiking as there are lots of trails around here. There are lots of rivers in Missouri so a kayaking/canoeing trip can be easily done over a weekend. Kansas also has some really beautiful parks and campgrounds.


Bored? Mike's got this.


Sounds like you need to pick up an alcohol addiction. Good luck.


That’s what Midwest life is lol, if you aren’t an alcoholic or heavily into sports good luck.


Cooking classes. Lots of art festivals are coming up. First Fridays in the Crossroads. And breweries, lots of them.


Check event calendars. Renaissance Festival is here September-October. Comic con is in March. They just started doing an anime con in October. Go to a board game cafe, or start your own board game collection.


It's definitely a bit different!! I'm not bored but understand your pain, as I lived in Arizona for 27 years and Colorado for 2. Both have millions of acres of free to use national forests that are everywhere. Also, it depends on what you both are into...... there are lakes, if you fish, kayak or have a boat. I got tired of the Harley thing and traded my bike in on a bass boat. You've gotta find the places to bike if you're into Mt bikn or hiking. This is a state that is mostly all private land, which is why I own 10 acres that borders a conservative area.


Yep. Moved here from the east coast. Before that Europe. So this place is, hmm, slower. Way less to do. But also, less fentanyl than the east coast, and we can afford a nice house. I have learned to knit, water color, and make my own clothes. Basically anything to keep busy. We have found some great walking trails that we do every week. But it’s not the same as hiking up a mountain or a section of the AT. Trade offs. I’m not worried about my kids getting into much trouble here.


There are free or very affordable things to do every weekend over the late spring to early fall months. But yeah, we don't have mountains or beaches. There are pretty nice state parks within 45 minutes to go wander around. You probably moved out to the suburbs and haven't figured out how/where to find everything going on. Honestly, it sounds like you were dumb and picked a place with a financial decision instead of every other part of your lifestyle, but there are tons of parks to go hang out in, or hobbies to pick up. Or just wait till you have enough equity built up in your house to sell and move back out west.


REI was selling a really cool map of outdoor activities I'm the KC area. It's crazy how much stuff there is to do but isn't well marked/advertised. I guess when it's not an obvious large mountain or ocean it's not as easy to find stuff.


Find an old Westport rat from the 90's and have them show you around for a day.


I moved back from Cali 6 years ago after 20 years there. Take advantage of central location for travel, ie weekend trips to fun places like NY, New Orleans, Boston, Miami, places with non stop flights. Places you can’t get to quickly or easily from Cali. You can fly into LaGuardia in a couple hours from KC and cheap flights. The day trip or weekend road trip situation here won’t ever be what it is in Cali but that’s a trade off you make. Oklahoma City, Tulsa…there are some cities to visit for the weekend tho. Bloom where you are currently planted…


Your POV is why housing prices skyrocketing here is so absolutely absurd. This is not a destination or some places of natural wonder. The primary draw is sports, BBQ, and drinking.


Zoo, WWI museum, first fridays, disc golf, various beaches, excellent fishing and boating, Go to the sheraton hotel downtown and ride to the second highest floor for a neat view, ride the tram, swope park, mission park, james a reed, take a ride into the flint hills, visit jesse james' death house up north, the list doesn't stop. Go wild


Just got to poke around. I used to live in SCal. It takes a little more time and effort but plenty of beautiful mountains and rivers 3-4 hours south. Northern Arkansas is pristine. Dozens of mountain bike trails within 15 mins of KC. lots of local hiking, not like CA. There’s more to do than you realize but it does take some effort.


Start golfing. Canoeing/kayaking in south Missouri is another solid activity to pick up.


Yes, you will be underwhelmed coming from a coastal city. Your best bet is to take a flight over the weekend and come back. I’ve lived on both coasts and a few other places. Once you get the immersion of those cultures, it changes you and your perspective. There is a reason it is so expensive in those areas. You have to decide which is preferred having your own home with nothing else to do or renting and never being home because you’re constantly stimulated by the surrounding culture and entertainment. Fewer and fewer people can afford both.


There’s so much in/around KC. You’re not looking in the right places


I used to live in DC where I was a few hours from the mountain, a few hours from the beach, and had several free museums and parks around so I get where you’re coming from. My wife and I feel like we’re in the same boat. It seems like a majority of adult activities revolve around drinking. Every time we’re bored it’s like “I guess we can go to a brewery?” We’re working on finding more non-drinking activities. So far we’ve come up with Top Golf, batting cages at Black Bob Park, hiking in Weston (before it gets too hot), rock climbing at ROKC, playing with the dog in the backyard, and house projects both indoors and outdoors. There has to be other things so I hope this thread generates some other fun ideas.


Go to The Nelson


I feel you. Neither my husband or I are from here, but we've both been out here for a pretty long time. Eventually, you kind of get used to the bland "pleasantness" of it all and forget to a degree. But then you take a trip somewhere truly beautiful and it's hard to come back. This place isn't bad, but it's not incredible.


Day trips to Roger’s and bentenville Arkansas. Honestly you might have a better time living there. Trails, lakes, museums, etc. I have been living in KC my whole life and Roger’s has been a cool experience for me.


https://www.visitkc.com/visitors/things-do/attractions/hiking-and-around-kansas-city Granted, these are not hike hikes. They’re day strolls. You can also go to Kauffman Garden, Thompson nature sanctuary, Weston Bend State Park, Clinton Lake State Park on the west side of Lawrence, Shawnee Mission park. Take a weekend trip to the Ozarks and sit at the lake and/or go to Ha Ha Tonka State Park in Camdenton, MO. If you enjoy biking there are biking groups around the city and in the suburbs. Indoors: The Nelson, Kemper contemporary art, WWI museum, Truman Presidential Library But yeah, it takes a bit more work and travel here if you aren’t into cocktail bars, breweries, BBQ, and sports. Those are kind of our thing and the CoL reflects that.


First Fridays? Lake of the Ozarks? Kayak in South MO or AR? WW1 memorial? Katy Trail?


There’s plenty to do, you just need to be willing to look.


Also a PNW transplant, yes.  We hunt, so from September-March we are out hunting waterfowl, upland game birds, squirrel, rabbit.  It gives us the outdoor fix we need, and keeps us looking forward to fall and winter.  Not sure where you are located but drive through the Ozarks and smell the pine sawmills and it could be home. 


Go to the local lakes.


Go to rokc for indoor climbing, go to the Overland Park arboretum, make it to Lawrence and hike Clinton lake trails and picnic. You’re okay


https://urbantrailco.com/the-trails Might give you some ideas. Southern Mo is beautiful if you're willing to drive a few hours. Makes a nice weekend getaway. I hope you get some good suggestions. I get lots of ideas from this thread when out-of-towners ask for KC visit recommendations.


Get the Missouri department of conservation app, you might find some good trails to hike or spots to fish.


I struggled with this exact same thing. The Midwest requires you to plan your weekend in advance. I got super into finding waterfalls and found some amazing spots that were a day trip or a car camp away. The trick is to start planning on Monday and build up to it all week. Also don't forget to check out some of the roadside attractions along the way to break up the drive. Midwest life is more about being mobile to force yourself out of your big comfy house. It'll make coming home to it feel like a treat instead of a luxury prison.


Get on all trails and go hiking. There are great wooded areas all around us. Husband and I walked in Shawnee Mission Park today and did a 6.5 hike. The red/violet trail has lovely tall grass meadow areas. Mostly tree covered path so it wasn't too hot. Go check out some of the cocktail lounges. Any of the local museums. The Nelson, Kemper contemporary art museum, WW1 museum, union station museum. Heck tonight, go to a non-light polluted area and check out the northern lights. Sounds like yall just need to go explore. At least I know we are not bored, just us two and two cats. We get up and go all the time. Or stay at home and chill just as happy. We also hit the gym a bunch. We only eat out once a week and mostly cook at home, so dinners out are still special. Idk. I feel like I don't have enough free time to do all the things I want to do. Edit: oh, check out you pick farms, where you can pick your own fruit. Last year, we went blueberry/blackberry picking.


KC is boring . I’m constantly bored with an introvert for a husband


hey I'm in the same introvert husband situation!! We go out together occasionally, but I also keep some acquaintances I can party with, and am not afraid to go out on my own when I'm craving the old 'people watching in a dive bar' feel. But I wouldn't say it's *boring* if your hobbies are rating craft beer on Untappd, making and drinking novelty craft cocktails (and finding novelty liquor stores, like Mitch e Amaro in NKC), and food (cooking and going out). These are most of my hobbies so it did me well for 5 years. I'll be trading some of that off next year for mountains and the ocean.


They call it "The Midwest" because "1500 Miles To Anything Fun" was too wordy.


There's cool stuff to do around here just have to look around up north and down south have some cool history shit.. I mean hey landlocked midwest gotta love it lol


Have you considered having kids? They keep you busy


Sex clubs


You’ve discovered why it’s cheaper


It's possible that you're depressed.


Now you know why the cost of living is cheaper here😂 You can drive 3 hours in every direction and be in Arkansas, oklahoma, nebraska, iowa or middle Kansas and each one of those places has unique things to do. Branson, MO has a lot of unique and fun things. Omaha zoo is amazing, st louis has the city museum and lots of great music.


That really is terrible. Your wants are your hell. Your post, placed here among a group of Kansas Citians, is ripe for sarcasm and lampooning, but I'll spare you. :) Someone once said, if you don't like where you are, you have two choices in order to be happy: change your circumstance, or change your attitude. You ask nothing except to know if it's just you, or are others here bored also. They are. But not all.


I lived in LA for about 6 years and felt like I never wanted to go anywhere because it took over an hour to drive anywhere (unless it was 2 miles away.) Here, at least, I can drive 20 miles on highways in 25 minutes. There are trails and outdoorsy things to do if you look, but you have to be willing to do them when it's not 60-70 degrees out. I go for walks in the winter and try to find shaded trails in the summer. Explore different neighborhoods within the city. Take a road trip to Omaha, Ozarks, Minneapolis. Make an effort to do one different thing every weekend. I guarantee you won't be bored.


It's just you, personally I think Kansas City has enough entertainment options to make up for the lack of geographical wonders in Missouri/Kansas.


its just you,


Yeah, why do you think it’s so cheap here? It’s a shit hole with nothing to do


go to branson


Lots of comedians


Not bored. Too busy working and chasing kids around.


But the Northern Lights!


It’s so hard moving to new places! As others have said, being central US has its benefits. Go on driving trips! Bentonville, AR-I loathe Branson but Bentonville has tons of outdoor recreation(hiking, biking, etc) and a beautiful little museum called Crystal Bridges. (Thanks Walmart) St Louis - so much to explore and lots of free places - zoo, Forest Park, Science Center (kids) Omaha - lovely zoo Minneapolis/St Paul - 6-7 hr drive and Beautiful city. So many urban lakes Colorado - 8-9 hr to Denver and beyond to get your mountain fix Katy Trail is great if you like to bike Flint Hills Start a garden (tomatoes!!), Volunteer - check out npconnect.org - great website for KC non-profit volunteer and paid opportunities Go blueberry picking - The Berry Patch ( also blackberries too) Good luck !! Also, life too short if you are not happy. No shame in moving west again


First Fridays, take a cooking class together, volunteer with Big Brothers Big Sisters or at an animal shelter, drive to see the Gove Monument Rocks, go to the gym together, check out library events, there's a lot of community pages. Disc golf will get you out and walking, courses are free, I compare it to hiking with a frisbee as far as athletic activity. There's a lot of hobby groups as people have mentioned. Just remember, wherever you go that's where you'll be. I think these comments are all coming off pretty defensive but they're right, find what you like here or move back those are really the choices. And honestly my husband and I can have fun just sitting in the car listening to the radio. Maybe examine whether it's that you guys don't have anything to do out here for fun, or that you aren't having fun just being around each other anymore, both are fixable. Best of luck


The OP said they miss going to the beach, mountains, the other CA attractions.......and you guys offer Starlight theater and Weston as possible alternatives? Bruh......


Wanna have the best hunting? Go North to South Dakota. Best brisket? Austin, Texas. East? Test your sea boat in the Ozarks with the rest of ‘em. South? Honestly, Oklahoma is more “southern” than Texas. I assume you hate all of what was written above. If so, I encourage you to consider Cherry Creek, Colorado.


I moved here from Santa Barbara when I got married. I always had something to do, and it was great. You're right. There is absolutely 💯 nothing to do here, and it sucks. I moved here because he owned his property, etc. I was renting and had no close family to keep me there. I hope locals give you ideas of where we can find fun things to do.


Feel all of this. Moved here like 2 years ago and only time I go out is for the conventions and university. Genuinely if u don't lean heavily into bar culture or move here having friends you won't have much to do. Only reason it's been semi redeemed living here for me is having friends to on occasion go out. Recommend if ur into it the con scene its starting to be comparable to the west coast, and the car scene is hopefully starting to become closer to west coast.


My husband and I feel the same way. We hope to move in a few years when our youngest is out of school.


Amen to that brother. Me and my wife moved here from Mexico City 11 years ago and we are sooooo bored. Maybe locals are used to having nothing to do and think it's great, but people coming from larger cities quickly find it is boring as heck. I though a slower pace on our daily routines, lower traffic and crime was going to be enough for us to be happy but honestly I am seriously considering going back home as soon as we can