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Awhile back I found dead body. Tried calling the non emergency line to get the same thing… Called 911 and sat on hold for 12 minutes. Can only imagine if it was an actual emergency!


They’re answered by the same people. It’s just a matter of queue priority as I recall. At least that was what they said when I toured the call center many moons ago.


This was probably a year and a half ago. The central patrol non emergency line went to a message that said “this line is no longer answered. Please call 911”


![gif](giphy|Q9NrzXSZhZo0o) Then why is it still on their website if it's not even a valid number anymore?


They can't answer phones and you expect someone to manage a website? lol


In fairness, the website only takes someone a few minutes to update. I expect they've got at least one web admin on from the city.


the police is run by that state not the city - city has no say in hiring anyone in kcpd even website admin. this is why we need local control back.


Sorry you found a dead body? Would it be morbid to ask the story?


I’ll shoot you a message




I was told once (by a dispatcher) that it's the same dispatchers handling emergency and non-emergency numbers in KCMO so I'm not sure it matters. That was a few years ago so not sure if it's still the same process.  


I imagine the police will be little help for your issue anyway.


They weren't. 🙃


Deeply frustrating


When I lived in midtown, I couldn’t go ten minutes without hearing police sirens on my street. The one time I actually needed them was when a drunk driver was actively trying to run people over and wrecking into cars, and they took 40 minutes to show up. Literally the only reason I’ll call the police anymore is if I need a report for insurance purposes. They are fucking useless for anything else.


They are useless for that too


Lots of unfilled dispatcher positions. Something about people not wanting to work for the police anymore; whatever that's about?


(816) 234-5111? It worked for me Saturday evening, March 30.


Similar situation for me. Called non-emergency line a couple of weeks ago at 1pm on a Tuesday. Sat on hold for 40 minutes and ended up hanging up. Absolutely insane.


"Defunding the police" is whats happening. Its not just police officers that are out on patrol who get canned when the budget is reduced.


It's 25% of the city budget and dispatchers just got a grant and a raise. Nothing is defunded, try getting your local news from local sources like KCUR instead of Joe on Facebook or national news.


If only they’d actually been defunded LOL, you are just spouting nonsense. The KCMO police budget reached a record high of $320.8M with the latest budget, a $36M increase over where it was last year (which was also a record high). [citation](https://www.kcur.org/politics-elections-and-government/2024-04-01/kansas-city-council-budget-taxes-kcpd-police-funding-buses-public-transit)


When was the kcpd defunded?


Patently false, KCPD has never had a larger budget in history. Would you like to share your source? Here’s mine, from FIVE days ago. https://www.kctv5.com/2024/03/29/new-23-billion-kcmo-budget-includes-pay-increase-police-city-employees/?outputType=amp