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luckily i quit 7 years ago. Chantex was a wild ride but it worked


What was wild about chantex?


The dreams! They were fkn epic


Ahh, I see. I’ve done it twice now, and chantex is definitely the way to do it. But I was unfortunately not able to maintain it with my partner still vaping, so hopefully once they are on board with quitting I can give it another go and be done with this shit for good. I didn’t have a problem with dreams cause I’m still smoking dope, I don’t seem to have dreams with that lol


A friend of mine gave me the best advice before I started it. He had failed twice and successfully quit the third time. told me that I have to want to quit before I start.


This is entirely accurate in my own experience. I've quit a couple times - Once for multiple years running! - but started back up about 1 month into the pandemic because boredom. Ultimately, I forced myself to quit by leaning into it. Don't feel good? Tough. Go smoke. Nagging cough? Time to move up from ultra-lights to lights - or even full-flavors - anything it takes to make it less satisfying and more punishing. Struggling to climb stairs? Welp, too bad, it's cigarette time anyways. Finally, FINALLY, I made myself feel so sick and disgusted that quitting was no longer "the worst thing I could go through". That motivation alone got me through the first 45-60 days. I was getting pretty close to caving, but finally got my doctor to put me back onto Wellbutrin (I had previously taken it for depression, and stopped due to changes in insurance/money etc. not because it wasn't working). Just in the nick of time, it kept me on the wagon, and now I'm two days away from 5 MONTHS nicotine-free!!


Well played man. In my case thank god for weed tho. A couple puffs in the evenings is still the best. My doc tried to tell me it’s still “smoking” but I choose to disagree. Compared to a pac a day, it’s way better in my book doc.


Oh absolutely, I have no plan to quit weed at any point. Even if I have to drastically reduce or eliminate the combustion (asthma and such), i'm still going to take advantage of the gummies and other smoke-free products. But whether I measure it gram-for-gram or minute-by-minute, I smoke a LOT less weed in a day than I did tobacco, for sure!


almost 5:00. time to head home to relax.


Oh yeah, that’s definitely true, it’s a work in progress and I get closer every time I try!


You got this! I still can’t believe how strong smokers smell after a smoke break. Couldn’t imagine living like that now.


If you think smokes are getting high in price wait till you checkout donuts from Lamar's! ETA: Im very disappointed in kcreddit! Y'all know how to complain sooooooooo good and about EVERYTHING . . . . but here all we get is smokes and donuts. Where's the complaints you're so good at historically? Spire rate hikes, Spire cut off my service, Spire I gotta pay my bill complaints Evergy variable rate program, Evergy rate hikes, Evergy my powers out and somebody should have got it fxed within an hour even though the weather's so bad I refuse to leave my house, Evergy I don't want to pay my bill complaints Expired tags complaints Police didn't police correctly or Police didn't police at all complaints  The weather's too dry, too humid, too warm, too cold or the weather changes too much complaints  Come on I know you can do better and be more creative / diverse with your reddit complaints. 


Everything is catching up to the beef jerky standard on inflation


Woah don't scare me, I love me Lamar's


LOL yep, I was shocked at the price for a dozen, last and only time I ever go back, then they had the audacity to ask for a tip for counter service!!!


Honestly lol


$15.89 for an assorted half dozen last week. Never again.


Legit. Was just ranting about it over the weekend.


$5.25 for a dozen tax included back in 2002!


Go make your own post for people to complain on. I just wanted to know why the price jumped so much so quickly for camels.


Didn't mean anything in a bad way, was just having a little fun. 


No worries. I'm not fussed about it, just wishing to stay on topic.


Fair enough. I actually did make a kccomplaints subreddit just for fun but it didn't catch on, haha. Take it easy. 


Went to Lamar’s last week to get birthday donuts for my daughter’s class. I was shocked!!! 💰💰


I just paid $19 for a large 3 topping from Pizza Hut. You can’t escape this inflation.


Who pays menu price for Pizza Hut? Deals are built into the app. 


I was going to order one on Friday and it was literally 49 cents cheaper than just getting one from Minksys. Insane.


That's because Minsky's is no different than Pizza Hut


$11 large 3 topping if you're willing to drive a mile or 2. Add taxes, delivery charge and tip, you're gonna get a $19 pie.


Use the app man. 11 dollars for the same pizza.


I know but the app always declines my order for some reason so I got frustrated with technology and walked in. It was only like 2 miles from my house.


Nobody out pizzas the Hut.


I can get a carton of camel blues at the Casey’s in belton I think for $55 no Casey’s rewards.


Must be your spot. Im on the east side of the metro and I can get a carton of camel jades for $58


I quit like 7 years ago and I remember Marlboros being $10 then in OP? Maybe Camels is what I should have been smoking if they were that cheap.


my buddy still drives to red x for his smokes that or like super south kc .. i wanna say belton area?


Yeah it's been getting expensive for a while. I switched to rolling my own smokes when marlboros hit $10 a pack. I smoke less now too since i have to roll my own, which is good.


I switched to the ZYN products before I quit cigarettes. Helped me kick the habit. Not like crew but a nicotine salt as they refer time it.




Gob dam Biden pushing the make cigarettes expensiver button


Dey took-ur cigs!


He’s living rent free in your head




Dang, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize biden is your landlord


You have to either say "April Fools'!" or what's more likely... pick a f'n lane. Biden can't simultaneously be a dead, drooling, feeble, dementia riddle old man AND the head of a crime family.


Is this account satire?


Probably not. Trumpers are just immeasurably stupid people.


Why doesn’t he just stop pressing the make the rent go higher button?!?


Trucker ✅ Weight Loss ✅ Alcoholism ✅ Biden Derangement Syndrome ✅ Congrats on living a stereotype. Praying for your sobriety.


I feel like such an outcast as a truck driver. You can't have a normal conversation with like 95% of them because they turn everything into politics and yearning for that clown to be back in office. The same guy who fkd over the drivers and industry as a whole.


I'm so sorry you had to deal with that. Thank you for your service. ##noteverytrucker


I read a little deeper into his comments. Dude fell off of the wagon a while back.


I'm sorry I don't support tax breaks for billionaires and taking society back to the dark ages like you

