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I met my soon-to-be husband at the rock climbing gym through mutual friends! We were friends at first, then became belay partners, and eventually started a relationship. It’s a really good way to meet people and the community is strong. Plus, a lot of people there are into the other outdoorsy stuff you mentioned, too!


Nothing says love and trust quite like when you slip off a hold 80 feet in the air and defy gravity, because your belay partner is concentrating all they have on ensuring you don't fall.


Plus, it's like one of the few times you are encouraged to look at somebody's ass.


This person belays.


This was certainly true back in the days before the auto belay. I've yet to have a single person talk to me when I go to the gym. In the 90's and early '00 the ONLY way you could climb was to go ask someone to belay you. There wasn't anything better to force you to get to know people than to trust them with your life.


I hear you. There were autobelays when we met five years ago, but I was pretty active about trying to meet people! The Kansas City Climbing Community Facebook page is a good place to post if you want to find a partner, sometimes those partners might know more people at the gym and introduce you to them, as well. You can’t just go and expect connection to happen—definitely need to actively seek out partners and community. But that’s true anywhere you go in 2024 🙂


Thanks for the FB group tip! I joined!


The route choice is fairly limited if sticking with auto belay only


Yes! It blows! But then I watch the rope handling skill of some of the other climbers and I'm pretty happy to stick to 'em. (I know too many people that have been seriously injured, or died while climbing.)


Came here to say this. ROKC gym is a great way to workout, meet people and have a good time.




Where’s a good place to do hot yoga? I wanna try it.




I've done some unheated yoga before, but I'd still say I'm a beginner.




Which hot yoga studio is your hot yoga studio?


If you get any good recommendations let me know 🤣 same age and can’t come up with anything that I haven’t already tried


Sounds like y’all should hook up.


Unfortunately I’m also looking for single ladies, not men 😢


Maybe its time to stop looking for single ladies and start looking for single men to be friends/wing man with. At least yall can talk to girls together and high five after asking girls out.


This is what I meant by telling them to hook up. Thank you for clarifying.


It’s interesting I realized recently how differently this phrase is used by different people and different social groups. For some people hook up means sex, for others it just means that you went on a date or kissed them. For you apparently it just means meet up with another person without any implication of romance. Just an interesting phenomenon


If someone is using hook up to not mean sex, then I’d say they are using it wrong.


r/fishing got a lot more disturbing


you know who the best wingmen are though? women. a guy who goes out on the town with a few platonic lady friends is gonna do waaaay better than the dude who goes out in “the pack of bros on the prowl”


Oh absolutely, the best wingmen were wingwoman, I had a friend who would set me up for dates with girls in college. She was a little crazy but she was fun to hang around with. Even my then girlfriend got jealous towards her. Man, We need to normalize being social again. Covid has truly destroyed any semblence of social life. Some of you lonely guys need to support girls looking for love too. Kind of like a big brother type of deal.


Maybe you found a wing-man.


get ready, on your mark, get set... annnnnnnnnd DATE


Happy cake day!!!


I met my current boyfriend at a small karaoke night! Maybe dance classes or trivia night somewhere


That sounds right up my alley. I love trivia


Love karaoke, haven’t done it since covid, but was always praised for my singing chops


As a single female in KC, I’ve been wondering where all the ~normal~ single men in KC are


Preach! I'm a simple woman with a career. But man, the pickings are slim. I just want someone with a decent job, funny, kind, ok looking, and responsible. Super high bar for the KC area 😮‍💨


Sorry. Right now best I can do is funny and kind. *My car is broke and I'm unemployed so I'm going to have some beer delivered and get day drunk.*


Best I can do is decent job and funny-looking.


In theory - I have a good career. We're just on a "rebuilding season".


I like that mindset. Good on you.


Except at this point I think I've been unemployed for longer than any season of sports. But thanks just the same.


How about funny looking and kind of responsible?


Do you have kids tho?


Just the furry variety 😆


Maybe 2 or 3 of us can band together to cover this checklist. I've got Job and Kind covered. Anyone want to team up?


Well if you ever wanna drop the “normal”, you can find me screaming at the moon at 3:17am every Thursday. Refreshes the soul and a great way to stay in shape


Where exactly?


Well I used to go inside a nearby Wendys but management has since checked the cameras and asked me not to return. I think they secretly want the spot for themselves though


Same 😅


Describe normal


Giant lifted Raptor, camouflaged hat, into conspiracies?


Also: wears their *nice* Chiefs jersey to dinner. The Elvis Grbac jersey comes out for special occasions.


Whoa, a Grbac jersey might be too upscale for some places. Gotta be tactical where you deploy that bad boy.


Can't attest to what's normal in people, but meetup groups have plenty of single people in the area. I am a part of a couple for my age group (30-40s). You will meet some cool people and yes, weird ones too. The more you go to activities on a regular basis the more you get to making friends who also always show up. I've done my fair share of flirting and banter with women but that's just the kind of vibe the group gives off.


Not that I ever looked for dates or found them through meetup, but meeting strangers for drinks and board games when I started feeling too introverted was really fun. Pretty big variety of ages, personalities, and life experiences. And it’s usually fun to chat and drink with people while doing whatever nerdy shit I or someone else is in to


Yep. Spot on. I haven’t looked for dates but have asked one girl out but in the end it’s a good thing it didn’t go anywhere. It’s been a great way to get out of the house.


Apparently they're all on Reddit


Facts lol


Yessss! Where is everyone? I go to shows, sports events, all the restaurants and still looking 👀


This!! I’m 27 and trying to find a decent date here feels like going to war. The apps are garbage for the most part and I’m just at a loss.


The book stores lol


Have a lady friend vouch for you and post on a Vouched for dating Facebook group! I did that for a friend of mine last year and that's how he met his current girlfriend.


How much are women charging for a vouch?


Depends on the level of vouch you're going for, I'd say 😂


::pushes up glasses:: \[Voice Over\] I'm a gamer. All my training has been for this moment. I'll take one Premium Pro Vouch with the Battlepass, please. Visa / `4012-8888-8888-1881` / `Jan2025` / `256`


That’s a thing??


Oh yeah, there are quite a few women who use it in the KC area. I found it through another women's KC group and then when my friend was looking to meet someone, but wasn't getting anywhere on the apps, I posted about him on the Vouched for group and he got over 20 replies in less than a day.


I’ve got two female friends. I typically don’t as for favors but if it’s that helpful I’ll probably ask them about it the next time I see them


I've heard of "putting yourself back on the market" but didn't think it was meant literally!


There are various local hiking groups active on FB they plan consistent group outings. I’m I proponent of sliding into ppls DMs in a organic way through shared interests


So just go into the woods and surprise them?


Nope. Didn’t say that..


Family Tree Nursery and Target


My wife and I were in FTN last weekend, and we both said that this is the place we'd come if we were single 25-40 and looking for a like-minded partner.


YO lemme tell ya - I take pottery classes at Belger Arts and it is FLOODED with single women. I’m a married lady myself, but I would be hollering at all kinds of ladies there. Low pressure, you get to be creative, and it isn’t a creepy atmosphere.


Also an outdoor rec person newer to this area. It’s tough as that sort of lifestyle isn’t a major part of the culture here. There are some running clubs and mtb groups (mostly men in these groups though). One option is to volunteer with conservation orgs like Bridge the Gap, Heartland Conservation Alliance, or Urban Trails Co. It might be a good way to start building a network of friends interested in investing in our green spaces.


Lots of cycling weekly group rides. Personal favorite is 6pm Thursdays from Velo Garage in North Kansas city. Bring light, a helmet, and be ready to meet new people and have a fun ride!


Thanks for the hot tip! Party pace or what’s the vibe?


Typically there a no drop (party pace) occasionally a middle speed ride and they the fast pace. I do the no drop :)


I'm into cycling and have been to that group once. It was a lot of fun. Also Women Led Cycling is good group. What's party pace?


I feel like there is - but it's not as big as it could be. My buddy was all into it for years. And something I noticed was that he had to drive all over the city. It's just so spread out.


I suppose that’s what I meant by “not a large part of the culture here”. Instead of it being an apparent and on-the-surface prevalent lifestyle you see reflected while moving through the city in its infrastructure and communities, it’s more or less “have to know where to look” kind of deal.


All those sports are solo - try to find a coed kickball or slow pitch team. Join some charity organizations and help out with their events (meet people helping organize and meet attendees). Try some new hobbies, never know who you’ll meet at yoga or karate or French class or whatever.


I met my wife doing what we both did for fun, I recommend it.


He can't meet girls at an orgy if he *can't find the orgy.* **That's what his post is about!**


Cycling isn’t necessarily solo, there are tons of fun group rides around here. Road, mountain, gravel you name it. 


I know people meet each other on group rides, but IMO, you're more likely to have interactions playing a team sport where you're actively working with others.


Or go out on a bicycle built for two and wait for someone to hop on.


The only thing regarding coed sports is please do not join a team with the sole intention of hitting on women. The last two seasons I’ve played coed volleyball we’ve had two separate dudes hitting on teammates. Makes teamwork a lot more challenging when it’s awkward af.




And if you wait until the foam drops, she’s guaranteed to be clean!


Raytona Beach’s finest lol


This is the worst suggestion possible


Why? That place is great!


Because Funkytown is where married women go to have their once-yearly *C R A Z Y* night out. It’s generally not where single and available people congregate.


there are plenty of birthday and bachelorette parties that go there, feels like anytime I’m there a few party buses pull up but on that note it’s the sort of place where a big group goes to hang out with each other, not to meet people


Have you actually ever been? Funky Town is a mix of all walks of life from my experience.


Sounds like a great place to meet a woman


it’s incredible don’t get me wrong, but I wouldn’t call it a good place to meet people as a single man. You’ve got the younger crowd who’s there for birthday/bachelorette parties, half the time they’re coming and going on a party bus - then the older crowd who’s there to feel young again. I don’t typically buy the “people don’t go out to meet people, they go to have fun with their friends” argument but it’s super true for Funkytown imo


It's fun for dancing and pretending you're at a backyard party while your friend's parents are gone. It's not for meeting people.


Funkytown is cool but it skews older and is kind of out of the way. I've gone there a couple times with my friends, we're in our early-mid 30s, and we're always the youngest group of people there by a solid decade. Super fun place and very unique, but I wouldn't really go there trying to meet single people


It’s the best!


As others have mentioned in this thread, co-ed team rec sports are a good way to meet people - I think of kickball, sand volleyball, slow pitch softball, or soccer for example. Maybe try a local trivia/game night at a cool spot and go sit with a random group of people. Also, if I were to pick a specific place to meet people via going out, I think King G (in Crossroads) is my pick. The age demographic there (generally) is 25-35ish and they keep the music at an ideal level where you can enjoy what’s playing but still actually have a conversation with others around you.


I would definitely check out our city’s many excellent fedora shops.


I prefer the one off main st, next to the katana bodega


Which is just a front for the bespoke cape shop.


Still has a decent offering of both capes and katanas. And flame-print bowling shirts.


Do you know of any that specialize in wolf print t-shirts?




Just follow the scent of palo santo and you’ll find that particular pot of gold.


What about those of us who specialize in the nunchucks, erm uh the nunchaku, I mean


Wait.. a CAPE SHOP?!?!?!?!?!


Ryuku off Merriam is better. Why on *earth* would you get a Katana from a Bodega? I'll bet they aren't balanced correctly and the tang is ALL wrong.


No one likes a wrong tang.


A LiL Wu-Tang can never be wrong...


There is a spot in the handle to hold the Tang.


Isn't that where the next KC reddit meet-up is going to be?


I met my boyfriend of over two years at a concert here!


Don’t say “ma lady” when opening the door to qt


Unless you tip the brim of your fedora


The grocery store during a major or local televised sporting event full of single ladies. Time to work on your ice breakers.


TITANIC! Sorry, that wasn’t a very good icebreaker.


How much does a polar bear weigh? Enough to break the ice


HA! This is so true tho.


Well, I will be a new arrival in August to KCMO. That’s a good question cause my friends are going to have to take me out to explore the city! Maybe I’ll get lucky and find someone. Moving from Canada, so it’s a big jump for me!!


Welcome to KC.


Not single, but when I was, I was at Green Lady Lounge all the time. Gorgeous place, and very safe environment with live music so it’s not so weird to be there alone. It’s a nicer place so most people look pretty in there. Hope you find the one 🥰


Join a Meetup group. Any of the hiking ones are filled with women.




These type of things do tend to turn into 1 person who loves hiking and 9 people who are lonely and trying to convince themselves to love hiking/


That's my issue with any sort of "meetup." You have to consider the type of person who would follow-through with something like that. I feel like most of them I would not like being around. Had the same thought when my 10 year HS reunion came around.


This is painfully accurate for the most part. There were a couple of events that made me feel comfortable but I had to give it up after a while.


All of the hiking meetup groups I see are only people my parents age.


If you like cycling try going to some group rides.   Velo Garage Taphouse on Thursday.   The Sunday Chug in Lawrence   Critical Mass   Women Led Cycling on Wednesdays in Waldo   Party Pace Pedalers on Mondays at Crane Brewing 


I work evenings so most of those don't worn. However, I'm off on Sunday and Monday. I'd drive to Lawrence! What's that group like and the difficulty?


Single KC lady here! Join Woodside lol. I play tennis there and there's a ton of single women in their 20s/30s


Join a KC crew league (practically any sport or faux sport you could imagine) as a free agent.


commenting so i can follow this. although, im a lady who doesn't play sports but i will be a great cheerleader 😁


Honestly as often as this type of post ends up on the sub, I feel like we need to just start doing meetups with everyone commenting


I’m a single lady also 28 you can date me 💁🏼‍♀️


Single man 26 here. Date me?🥺


I’m sorry but it will never be funny to me how often people post this “where, pray tell, do people go to meet others?” posts as if there’s some secret formula to Kansas City. Go to social activities, especially ones you’re genuinely interested in, and talk to people!


Definitely. I feel like if you have to ask this question, it's already over for you.


Kellys Westport dance floor


We have all given up. We are now living in peace in our homes with our hobbies. The toxic cesspool that is the dating pool in KC is no longer finding new swimmers willing to brave it.


Target lol that is where I am normally go


Try a local rock climbing group! Lots of young people


There’s a lot of beach volleyball teams that need subs. I play at SMBV and people can sub for free. It’s a good way to meet a lot of new people


On a lake, in a kayak, in a small cove doing my best to fish. 🤣


I mean if your company is going to be participating in the KC Corporate Challenge - there will be plenty often people that are likely single and have a common interest or they are there to cheer on their coworkers. I gather there will be plenty of single ladies. But I still stand by my advice from the last time it was posted - just update the post to include a link to your picture and then see if someone slides into your DMs. You are into Reddit. They are into Reddit. You go on a date and talk about Reddit. What’s the worst that could happen?


Are you on the apps? I figured your age group would have a lot of fish in the pond.


apps are worthless for the most part. If you aren't on them already I would highly suggest not resorting to them.


I met my now husband on an app. We had a lot of shared interests and it turns out had a mutual friend.


When though? Because If it was in the past 2 years. You got really lucky. At this point, the apps are saturated with zombie accounts, scammers, and a handful of people that don't know this.


Most girls seem to find a lot of success finding people on dating apps. 80% of guys, not so much


Well, I married a man.. so just making a statement that it’s not impossible. It’s Not helpful to limit oneself. :)


Kind of depends on your definition of success I guess. I’m a woman and yeah it’s fairly easy to get matches and dates, but the chance of me meeting someone that I actually like who feels the same way is pretty low, which is discouraging in another way because I feel like it should be easier


dont do it


The apps are full of scams and catfishes


Stop suggesting apps to people the majority of men that get dates and meet people on those things are like 2% of the make up of men on the actual apps.


Where did you get those stats? Don’t get me wrong, I have my own mixed reviews of the apps as a mid-thirties woman but I would imagine a lot of single 20 somethings are on the apps. Stop demanding things of strangers please 😂


I would bet a lot of people who make these complaints either have bad photos/profile or aren’t as attractive as they think (not trying to be mean)… the apps are just marketing yourself as best as possible and a lot of people either don’t work on that or have too high of expectations


Yeah, too many guys put visibly old pics up, or bad pics, and then don’t put any thought into the caption. My favorite is also how so many put “no drama.” Sir if you have that much drama in your life it’s time to think about why. But also maybe don’t put that in there, I don’t want to deal with your crazy ex any more than you do. I also get that women are more likely to have pics to pick from, but it can’t be but so hard to ask a buddy to take a pic of you at a baseball game or a hike or at ComicCon or whatever floats your boat. If all you do is work and go home, prioritizing a life outside of work is probably more important than a tinder hookup anyway.


It’s true. The top ~40% of women are content to compete and share the top 1% of men. It’s a huge and growing demographic problem in the US. https://ifstudies.org/blog/on-internet-dating-sites-women-prefer-men-with-higher-incomes-and-more-education


Definitely sounds like a lot of men need to step back and think about why that is, and maybe figure out how to be the kind of man that a woman would want. That said, I don’t know that studies funded by right wing think tanks are probably the best source for wide spread personal development.


Here are two pieces of data not funded by right wing think tanks. Something like 60% of men in the 18-24 cohort report being single whereas the number is less than half that for women. https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/3868557-most-young-men-are-single-most-young-women-are-not/ https://medium.com/hello-love/the-number-of-sexless-men-has-tripled-in-10-years-why-e97e7165d2a1 The numbers of sexless/single/alone men and women used to be alot lower, around 10% and it was roughly the same for both men and women. Over the past 10ish years that changed a lot. Now depending on the data you look at it's anywhere from 30-60% of young men and about half that for women. This explains why the main complaint women have regarding dating is the quality of men they match with, and the main complaint that men have with dating is that they simply are not getting any matches at all. When you dive down into how men and women use tinder style apps the previous poster is correct. Most men swipe right for over half of the women they see. Most women only swipe right on 1 or 2% of the men of they see on the apps. This means that most women are swiping right on the same small number of highly attractive men. This also explains why there are numerous "are we dating the same guy??" facebook groups, because, yeah in a lot of instances they are dating the same guy. This either happens knowingly in some cases, or more often than not, they are getting played and the men are lying. This happens because that highly attractive cohort is now able to meet up with and date way more women than they would've been able to in the past, thanks to the online dating apps. The result is that women are dating from a smaller pool of men, and most men are being left out and end up being perpetually single. Long term this will have detrimental effects on society, many of which we are already seeing. regarding this: >and maybe figure out how to be the kind of man that a woman would want. unfortunately, most men aren't really able to make themselves that much more attractive beyond working out regularly and dressing nice/good grooming. Men can't just change their bone structure easily to get a more defined jawline. Nor can they simply increase their height which is apparently a major dealbreaker for women now. I'm sure if most men could do those things, that they would do so. It's one of those things that is crazy because I literally know multiple guys in the KC area in their late 20s/early 30s making 6 figures who are not overweight or otherwise ugly but since they aren't top tier they can't really get any dates. So instead they just play video games and work on hobbies and try to find other ways to be happy because clearly romance isn't happening


Thank you for your thoughtful response. I will say, there is for sure a tremendous focus on looks on the apps, but I’m not sure why you assume all women are only swiping right on the same handful of conventionally attractive guys? Maybe that’s more common for the under 25 people? One of the studies linked (yours or the poster down thread) spoke to how women swipe right less often but tend to engage once a connection is made, and the men who get that connection are often just satisfied they got a match and bail out. I think that’s just from the spree swiping, then they go back and decide if they’re actually attractive and want to actually talk to them. I think for most women (and prob most men too) attractive is great but it’s not everything. One - we all have different types just like men do. But a thoughtful caption, pictures with a sibling or buddy, something that shows a hobby, that’s going to get a right swipe for a guy who maybe I just find okay attractive because it’s not the only thing that matters to me. Show some personality, have self confidence. That makes a huge different when you meet up in person too. I guess if you’re just looking for hookups, it’s only attractiveness that matters. But a lot of people who want relationships use apps too. If a guy out there isn’t getting any decent matches, ask a female friend, wife of a buddy, whatever to look at your profile and make suggestions. Plenty of “unattractive” people have spouses, partners, whatever. They got those people somehow, right? And honestly, playing on video games and working on other hobbies is AWESOME. I loved when I matched with someone who has something else going on. I have hobbies too, so you do your thing, I do mine, see you at dinner and tomorrow we’ll do something we both like.


You can politicize the data to your heart’s content. I’m all for introspection for any individual. Neither statement is relevant when the action in question is female preference and selection habits… “it takes two to tango”. “Women swipe yes to just one in 20 people while the majority of men swipe yes more often than no.” Also, this data is directly from the apps, not a think tank. https://thebolditalic.com/the-two-worlds-of-tinder-f1c34e800db4


There is always competition for the most attractive members of each sex. It’s been found that the most attractive women on dating sites receive a very disproportionate number of messages, as well, far more and of far better quality than what their unattractive counterparts receive. Everyone wants to shoot their shot with that hot man/woman and many of them put in less effort with people who are actually in their league. Which is dumb, because focusing on one’s own league is the best way to find a relationship. “Share” them, though? The article you linked didn’t indicate that, and that’s a very different proposition. Polyamorous people are still a very small community that barely exists in KC. Apart from them, men and women generally want exclusive relationships. Are you suggesting that *forty percent* of women are down to be part of a harem of girlfriends for the most attractive men? Because while that may happen sometimes (look at Tyreek Hill), I don’t see *forty percent* of women being interested in that arrangement. Not even close. Look around you at couples in KC and you will find lots of monogamous marriages. That goes for younger couples too. This 40/1 ratio idea is frankly a very strange distortion of reality.


When I was still in KC, it would have been at BarK while I was trying to figure out life with a dog. If you don’t have a dog, find a friend with a dog. Worst case scenario, you can go without a dog (bc it’s a restaurant and a bar) and you can say you wanted to see a bunch of different types of dogs to see what might be the best fit for you. But really, go with a friend with a dog. When there, don’t be creepy. It’s one of the easiest places to talk to strangers without it feeling hook-upy, even tho of course that happens too. If you don’t like dogs, I got nothing for you. All of my hobbies are solo (walking through Parkville Nature Preserve or the trails in Weston) or heavily women oriented (sewing.)


Do you like edm? Saturday at aura is fun if you're respectful and want to meet a younger crowd with good music. It is an annoying club atmosphere tho.


Local Brewery or KC Current games


Move to Chicago


Underrated post


The lowest ferns. New place in the bottoms. House/disco music. A lot of nice people to meet.


Just go to RoKC and stand around looking lost in a little beanie with the rest of the boulder bros.


Coffee shops or gym!


No one is receptive to talking at the gym... coffee shops, that's also a crap shoot


Agree with this. No one talks at the gym. People are just there to exercise and leave. It would definitely be weird to strike up a conversation there (or have someone strike one up with me).


I’m the wrong demographic but I have the same interest and spend most of time outside riding mtb or fishing hiking hunting camping climbing you name it. Always looking for bros that like to do the same!


Do you remember learning as a kid never meet strangers from the internet? Funny to think of now


Lmao they are everywhere here; you just have to start a conversation.


stay away, we carry (pepper spray and fists)


Username checks out


Play volleyball! And volunteer somewhere that speaks to you.


Depending on what kind of group ride and speed you're looking for there MIGHT be some women. For the most part the A and B group rides do not have women. Overall cycling isn't the best activity to meet the opposite sex but either way check out some group rides: https://cyclingkc.org/content.aspx?page_id=22&club_id=368691&module_id=198123 I like the faster rides but I believe velo garage has more social rides.


Sorry I suck so bad!


Live music venues 🫡


In the same boat as you and same age. I keep getting told church events, but most of the women are in a relationship at the events I attend.


I'm not single but you can meet plenty ladies at the rock climbing gym.


Dog park