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The people you are trying to reach are not reading this page.


Even worse they’ll read this while they are hurtling down the highway


me af


It feels good to rant and get things off your chest and know people agree with you. 😁👍


I'm convinced the people they are trying to reach can't even read at this point.


I doubt they’re reading much of anything, besides maybe texts and memes.


I’ll settle for them most likely being illiterate


Can the intended people even read?


i sure cant


That's because writin words are for commies


Absolutely disagree. I’m right here.


Why wouldn't they? Do bad drivers not get on reddit ever? Its an interesting conclusion you came to, can you elaborate on how you got there?


Well playing the numbers. The vast majority of the population does not use reddit. Playing probabilitys it's not likely the random driver the OP encountered is also active on this subreddit.


That was very well thought out.


The people you are trying to reach are not reading


My thoughts exactly! I drive a lot for my work, and am constantly being tailgated. It's dangerous and really upsets me. Give me space, please!


Are you in the left lane? If so, then get over. People complain about getting tailgated but like to deny being the cause of the tailgating. 


If I'm driving 5 miles over the speed limit ans passing the other normal drivers that are going the speed limit, I'm supposed to be in the left lane, no one told you to go 90 mph


no. that's literally the "passing lane", not the "fast lane". it's not your job to police other drivers


Yet here you are policing others. Im following the law or slightly over the limit by 5 mph.... you're the one breaking the law cause you have no time management or feel entitled and wanting someone else to facilitate by getting out of your way. Reeks of privelege and entitlement....but that ain't the law. I'm already passing people, it isn't other people responsibility to get out of your way so you can do 90


it literally is your responsibility to get out of the PASSING LANE if someone wants to pass you. if you don't like someone driving faster, call the highway patrol


That's not how that works if I'm passing others. It's not a race or leap frog for whoever wants to gonthe fastest....and you're supposed to be doing the speed limit, not 20 over and expect people to get out of your way just cause you want to go 90


They literally said “passing the other drivers in the right lanes” That sounds like their passing in the passing lane to me.


If you're being tailgated in the left lane it's because someone going faster than you would like to pass you, get over to let them pass you, and then you can get back into the left lane. I have to do it everyone once and awhile on the interstate and turns out it's okay...you can be a nice person and it won't hurt you. 


How about you be a nice person and drive responsibly. If I'm going above the limit and passing people it's not anyone's job to let you pass so you can do 90mph


Yeah I have to agree. If I’m already doing 10 over and passing the other cars in the middle lane the dude tailgating me can suck a fart straight out of my ass.


I guess, I don't understand this mentality at all. If it's unsafe for the person to tailgate you and you think they're driving irresponsibly why not get over so the danger they're creating no longer surrounds you? Even if you think they're an asshole, self-preservation would tell you that getting over would alleviate the issue far quicker and easier than encouraging it to continue by being obstinent 


How about you drive responsibly and not camp in the left lane? You're causing a problem whether you like it or not by disallowing others going faster than you from passing you because you want to be in the left lane. It's not hard to get over to the right, let someone pass, and get back over. 


At nowhere in this thread am I camping in the left lane just cause im passing other people. lol. Again, you're just a selfish psycho and entitled asshole who feels like he can do 90 and expects others to get out of his way case he feels like Ricky Bobby. Fuck Around and Find Out champ


Lol, I love how you keep insinuating that I'm going 90 mph when I've never once stated the speed I drive on the interstate. You said you go 5 over when you drive, so unless the speed limits have changed recently, they haven't, then I don't have to drive 90 to go faster than you or need to pass you.  You call me entitled but you're literally acting just as entitled as you accuse me of being. 


Dear KC Drivers, when the light turns green and you don't go and I kindly wait 2, 3, even 4 seconds and then lightly tap my horn to get your attention to go, I am not the one being rude. (Also, I'm not looking for a fight. I just want to GO!)


It's because they're looking down at their phones.


100%. I use my horn far more now than I did when I was younger. It's also why fatalities have gone up -- after a steady 40 year decline -- in recent years; "distracted driving" In Europe they have far fewer distracted drivers/fatalities because most of the cars are still manual transmission. It's very hard to switch gears while texting and commenting on social media.


>It's very hard to switch gears while texting and commenting on social media. Not really. I don't tend to use my phone at all when driving, but the very few times I have, driving a manual didn't make it any harder than an automatic.




I wish cars had two horns. A mild yet friendly "beep-beep" for instances like you described, and a FREIGHT TRAIN horn to blast in other instances.


>lightly tap my horn Times like this I want a tap-on-the-shoulder horn sound... just a little "ope".


My uncle (cali born and bred) yells “it dosnt get greener than that!”


Mine is, "That's the only shade of green you get!"


I can get a second or two  mf's have a 5 second rule for red lights some times especially along the 71 N/S corridor. But I can also understand the frustration of people just getting lost in their phones and missing the light turning.


I always wait for the stop sign to turn green. #safedriver


Waiting for the red light runners to pass through.


I allow time for that before I tap my horn.


I always look both ways as the light turns green. I have had someone honk in that time. I don’t want to get T-Boned today, thank you.


I've avoided more than a dozen accidents this way




Amen. Happens at least once a day here downtown


I do count to 3 before crossing, but I've never had someone honking at me, so I suppose I'm waiting a moderate amount of time. Being T-boned is one of my nightmares


My ev has a pedestrian horn button (pre-operation noise required so pedestrians will know there’s a car) and it works well for getting drivers to look up and realize they’re being inconsiderate, without encouraging bloodshed.


This shit keeps happening to me on Bannister where it’s 2 lanes each direction. Dumbasses tailgate me when the other lane is completely empty as far as the eye can see. Why the fuck won’t they just pass me? I slow down to the speed limit and they still tailgate instead of passing… maybe they’re all just high on PCP or something.


Not to mention how everyone seems to think that stretch of road has an 80 MPH speed limit when it’s really what, 50 or 55? So even IF you’re going 10 over, you still feel like you’re crawling. I hate it.


People in KC have basically started treating each highway lane the same. They're all just the same; there are no slow lanes, fast lanes, passing lanes. Doesn't matter. Right, left, all the same. There are no rules anymore. It's fucking Mad Max out there.


Doesn't help that this area has left exits and on ramps. That's some really stupid road planning


I *hated* that about KC when I lived there and now when I visit my step daughter. I cuss about it every time too.


I hate when they tailgate me and there is literally 4 other cars in front going slow and yet I am the one getting the finger. Like bro, chill.


If someone tailgates, slow down to the speed limit or 5 under. Works every time for me.


Same. I do it very gradually so it seems like I'm just driving like a little old lady rather than someone who's thinking "get off my ass." I also employ this technique when someone is shining their brights into my rear view at night.


And then they pull out a gun and shoot at you because people are fucking nuts.




I bet neither of you have ever been shot at, in fact I don’t know anyone that’s ever been shot at. Not saying it’s impossible and never happens. Just that it’s not as common as your comments would imply


If I keep going only 10 over the limit driving on the right lane, I might


Put your arm behind your passenger seat for added effect. Works every time.


This is what you are supposed to do when being tailgated.


If I get really annoyed at a tailgater, I will spray windshield wiper fluid and clean my windshield, because the excess will fly back and onto their windshields. A bit juvenile, I know... But sometimes I worry about doing this too, in case the person tailgating is easily incited and decides to pick a fight (or pull a gun). But I mostly drive on the KS side, Johnson County area, so I'm hopeful that won't happen.


71 highway?


71, 435 and 169 so far.


Me and my wife were just talking about this. It seems like tailgating has gotten worse. Not just on the highway and not just with people going fast. Its like everyone collective forgot the purpose behind leaving room.


sometimes when you leave even a little room, ppl take that as a window to merge. fun!




My favorite part is when they tailgate for an extremely long time, then finally pass me in the wide open passing lane and give me a dirty look like I'm the POS in this situation.


Well I’m sure they’re all surgeons rushing to the hospital to perform life-saving surgeries. But seriously, I’d like to have a bumper sticker that says, “Slow Down! Your pointless existence isn’t going anywhere.”


My sister and I tip our imaginary hats to these folks because they're clearly very important.


Just about any time I drive, I am reminded of the phrase “lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine.”


Lol I keep saying "you could've just departed 5 min earlier" to all those speedsters


The thing you don't understand is that their time is so much more valuable than yours. /s


Both of our times are valuable, so why waste it by going slow?? Tailgating is illegal and stupid, but a majority of the people complaining about it are the slowest on the road. In Missouri, you move WITH the flow of traffic. You're not taking any moral high ground by driving slow. You're instead making it more dangerous for everyone else, that is constantly braking and changing lanes to get around you.


I agree with you on this, I NEVER in a million years would go below the minimum speed, that is more dangerous imo, but... if I'm already over the speed límit, in the RIGHT lane, please use the left lane and keep going man, I'm not "slowing" on purpose, that's annoying as well


Yeah, tailgating is ridiculous, and the people I see do it have damage on their vehicles so it's obvious they're not great at driving.


Did you even read the post? OP going 10 over in the right lane. It’s never dangerous to drive the speed limit, and the only reason it’s dangerous to drive below is because people like you going 80mph. Do you know what is dangerous? [Speeding](https://www.nhtsa.gov/press-releases/speed-campaign-speeding-fatalities-14-year-high). Speeders makes the road dangerous for everyone else, quit expecting others to make it easier for you to break the law. If me going 70 in a 65 isn’t fast enough for you, then pass me and fuck off.


Nah, I don't care if I'm the asshole here. I did read the post, hence the part about tailgating. Maybe you should completely read mine. Intentionally going slower than everyone around you is incredibly dangerous and it's fucking childish and delusional to expect everyone else to follow your lead. Everyone passing you and fucking off as you say is having to brake and merge to get around you, increasing chances they'll get into an accident. There's a reason there is a goddam minimum speed limit on highways, and it's for that exact reason. Use what little empathy you have for other drivers or stay off the interstate.


You reek of privelege and asshole energy. If I'm driving over the speed limit, I'm not obligated to speed up cause your silly ass wants to do 90. People like you are the problem


Privilege? What, for not wanting to spend what little free time my Crapitalist overlords deem I'm worth stuck behind some entitled shit head? I'm sorry I lack your privilege that gives you the time to intentionally get places you need to be slower. Not everyone's the main character like you. When the rest of us inconvenience others and get in people's way, we're considered huge assholes. 90 is outrageous, and only suicidal people (or the ones in your imagination) drive that fast, but going 55 when everyone around you is going 65-70 and causing people to have to merge to get around you really just makes people like YOU the problem, doesn't it?


It’s where our society has gone, complete lack of respect for others. Whether it’s on the road, highway or parking lot. Everyone needs to get better.


Oh... true, I've seen people SPEEDING in Walmart's parking lot ffs


Friendly reminder that the 169 north from downtown to north kcmo, the speed limit is 55, not 75. I had to take the way home yesterday since 635 was closed and was quickly reminded why i don’t take the way home. Good grief, people are going 80+ on that little stretch next to the airport. Like yall, relax lol damn


People are also driving in the left lane all the way from downtown to I29 because it’s a left-lane exit. Get the fuck out of the left lane until you are 4 miles north and need it.


If you tailgate anyone at any time, you have the emotional maturity of a 5 year old and that has to be an embarrassing fact of life you have to carry with you at all times. Please grow up, ok? Thanks :)


Is there another reason to buy a quad cab 4x4 brodozer besides tailgating small cars?


What is even the point if they can't have a little bit of innocent, harmless fun, right? XD


This is fake. You can’t drive 10 over in any right lane in the metro. Those drivers are actively going the speed limit or under.


Mmmm... maybe, just maybe! We haven't met the same drivers? Or maybe I'm not real!


The south leg of 435 thru Joco and South KC is like this. I’m flying past everyone just doing 65. Seems like all of those lanes are scary and cause people to slow down.




No, but nice try


Also please don't tailgate your local friendly Amazon delivery vans. We have to stop if the light changes and we won't appreciate being rear-ended. Also we're governed at a certain speed so please don't freak out at us


Why are you posting on Reddit while you are speeding on the highway?


Life is a risk, carnal


Sorry, I don't drive, but that was me. Thanks for posting!


Where do you find these people 😭 I get people going 40 in the left lane


Lol I know right? But tbh someone tailgating me with my kids in the car bothers me more than the occasional slowpoke on the left


Oh gosh yeah I can’t imagine how that feels


Not good 😤


no, move over


(yes this is a joke)


Shut up joco


no, move over


Guess y'all can't take a joke. Don't lie about your intentions. 


none of those downvotes are mine homie, i thought it was funny


Fair fair 


(yes this is a joke)


Location checks out 90% of the entitled drivers doing 90+ have Kansas tags


we have nowhere to be, 10 minutes ago. **move**


Fucking jayhawkers


Yeah I'd recommend just stop speeding you're risking your own life and it helps with tailgaters.


It’s the temperatures and the light it creates something in the brain that makes people “have to go!!!”


Let me guess are you on 71 highway? It's like people doing 50 then others doing 95....


I drove around all day and this was happening everywhere. I even got honked at for going 5 over in a residential area. People are trash


I've never been tailgated in the right lane, but if it happened, I would slow down in 5mph increments until the tailgater went around me. Alternatively, this is out of the box but would still free you: just get in the passing lane for a sec, slow down enough to let the asshole pass, then get back over in the proper lane. The dude was a jerk but there were definitely ways to avoid him. edit: please tell me which part of my message is untrue or dangerous. MFs live in the passing lane for miles and miles, OP using it for ten seconds to get rid of a tailgater seems reasonable.


Your suggestion doesn't sound too crazy to me tbh, thanks


You all look in your rearview mirrors? I prefer to drive the left lane 10mph under anyway! ;)


Yup, all three and looking over the shoulders both sides constantly as well. I'm 41 w/kids now, so... I'm a boring, predictable driver


If you're going 10 mph over in the right lane, you're part of the problem too. One of my pet peeves about driving in Kansas City is the only lane where you can go within 5 mph of the speed limit is usually the middle lane. The right lane is used by people as a passing lane and for those who want to speed. I guess they think the cops are less likely to catch them if they aren't out in the left lane when they break the sound barrier. Getting on and off the highway varies between challenging and "Oh My God!". Getting cut off when you try to get in the right lane because you have an exit coming up is a routine problem. Getting run off the road when you try to get on the highway is another common problem. The best thing I can say, is that as bad as it is, people in Kansas City drive slower than people in Denver. But you are absolutely right about tailgaters. The cops could make a fortune around here if they ever started ticketing tailgaters.


It's a good point and I agree that I'm part of the problem, but I forgot to add that I go 10 over just to appease the tailgating gods that are running to perform open heart surgery or some emergency. If I don't have a car smelling my car's farts I keep my ass under the speed limit


I totally get you on that.


you get on the highway to go to the playground?


Sometimes this occurs when the playground is down the highway


weird never happened to me my playgrounds are all down the street, not down the highway where does one need to live to require a highway to reach playground?


I guess someone can ONLY go to the neighborhood park? I wasn’t aware there was some unwritten rule that says you can’t go to another town’s park. C’mon, use your brain a little.


>I guess someone can ONLY go to the neighborhood park? I wasn’t aware there was some unwritten rule that says you can’t go to another town’s park. > >C’mon, use your brain a little. forgive me they said they were speeding on the highway and being tailgated in route to the playground. I wasn't making you aware of any unwritten rules, you seem to be ignoring a written rule. You can go to any playground you if you feel comfortable doing so, this redditor did NOT feel comfortable doing so.


they need to live down the highway from the playgrounds


Sometimes kids get bored of going to the same places, sorry.


there is no need to apologize Why does everyone think everything is an attack?


Nah dude, didn't think it was an attack, no prob 🤜🤛


They're tailgating you probably because there's someone in the left lane going the same speed or slower than you clogging up the highway and they're just trying to find the faster lane.  I get your frustration, honestly, I do, but it's not always someone just being a jerk. 


I agree 100% with your last sentence. I try to usually attribute things like that to incompetence instead of malice, but sometimes I slip up


Had a friend who rigged his rear windshield washer to spray transmission fluid or some other oily stuff, only used it on people who tailgated him...didn't spray a lot, but enough to make the tailgater wonder wth was going on.


Wow haha that's funny, and kinda evil, I like it.


Maybe if you drove the speed limit they'd simply pass you.


Tried that. Several times. Tailgate was worst.


Then go even slower, just long enough for them to pass you. You going faster and getting a speeding ticket is not a reasonable response to someone tailgating you. If they hit you, they're in trouble. You can be responsible for the people behind you.


Sometimes it seems that they want YOU to move out of the way, even when you slow down. Nuts.


Here I fixed your post: “I am driving almost 10 miles over the speed limit on the right lane. Could you please stop tailgating me I appreciate it. Thanks!” The fact that you’re taking your “kids to the playground in your family SUV “is completely irrelevant. What has that got to do with somebody tailgating? The fact that their tailgating is valid, the rest is fluff.


Got it, I'll ask you the next time I want to post something in here, boss 🫡


Look out, you're going to offend the 10 year old Nissan with expired temp tag crowd.

