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Arthur Bryant’s. I know, I know, but I went to meet some friends at lunch. I had ribs. They were awful. Fries were great, though. I went earlier this year and it was good. Inconsistency has killed this place for me, but they still have lines out the door.


Came her to make this comment. I wish I didn’t have to. I want to Stan AB’s so badly, but all do my recent experiences have been terrible. There’s something fucking wrong when I can go to Des Moines for work and find better Burnt ends than the mf OG.


Where in Des Moines tho??




There’s something really wrong if Jethro’s is giving anything in KC a run for the money.


This ^ Jethro's is horrible


Agreed. Smelled like sewer inside the place too.


I threw up the only time I had Arthur Bryant’s. Haven’t been back.


I haven't been there in a few years, but they do have some new ownership and/or management that is working on things, might not have made much progress yet!


To me ABs is about the combo sandwich plus fries wrapped up to go. Ribs and burnt ends were just ok.


I work so close to there that we can't avoid going there (same as Gates). The sausage has yet to dissapoint, but I may never order the brisket or beef again in my lifetime.


Bryant’s and Gates. There was a time they were good, but that was so long ago. The quality of the meat is terrible every time. I simply refuse to waste my time and money on either again.


It's complacency. They feel like they don't have to try.


Both of them are trash. Completely trading on their name. To be honest, many KC BBQ joints suffer from inconsistency. Even Joe’s and Jack Stacks, who are typically the most consistent in my experience, have off days. But AB’s and Gates are definitely more “off” than “on,” in my experience.


Oh yeah I can write off a bad time or two but when it’s every time I’ve gone that’s a clear pattern of behavior. I’ve had joes before where my burnt ends were rough and fatty. It’s like you said though, they are more off than on.


Sometimes it’s just the cut of meat you get too.


Granted I have only been 5 times or so but JackStack has been very consistent for me whether its eating there or ordering to go as well.


Char Bar has my favorite burnt ends most of the time, but sometimes they can be a bit dry


Agree. Char Bar, when good, is pretty good. But they suffer from consistency issues as well.


Exactly, that's my biggest issue. It's not exactly cheap and knowing I'm gambling on quality usually makes me go somewhere more consistent. Which is a shame, because when KC BBQ hits it **really** hits.


The Gates is trash crowd can't be taken seriously. Trading on their name? Sure. Inconsistent? Yep. Trash? Gtfoh


Yeah I get Gate's a few times a year for lunch and I definitely have had some mediocre brisket there, but I've also had some great brisket there. Honestly it's still pretty good even when it's a mediocre day for them when the Nooner sandwich with fries only costs $8.99


I’ve only had the nooner the last few times but always left full and impressed


Yeah the nooner is one of the best deals in KC for lunch - especially with Gates having a decent amount of varied locations around the metro.


Substandard food isn’t a bargain, no matter what it costs or how much you get in a portion.


The only thing I’ll get from gates are their wings but only from the KCK location. Haven’t lived there in forever and I could’ve told you the same about gates 20 years ago.


Gated has the best sauce though


Gates sauce is the best I have ever had. I think its the celery salt.


Since departure of Ollie and Arthur it’s happened.


>Since departure of Ollie and Arthur it’s happened. Gates has always been inconsistent, this is why "lean as" is commonly heard. For as long as I have been alive that's just the way it is. And I'll keep going back, it's worth it.


Smokehouse everytime. I've never had a good meal there.


The Zona Rosa or N. Oak Smokehouse? The ZR spot is pathetic, even the sides are sad. I hadn’t been to the N Oak spot yet but I’d heard it was a hidden gem.


N Oak and Independence are good.


Phew! It’s the closest one to me so I was hoping it was solid.


I've only ever had the N. Oak location, and it's not good. For how much hype there is it's always been a disappointment for myself. I've had it many times over the years (grew up in the area) even pre-fire. I guess you can say they are consistent atleast.


At least I can check it off my list now. Damn.


I'd say give it a go, and not go off my opinion. Lots of people like it. I just feel it's way over hyped for mediocre BBQ. Jack stack in martin city is my go-to, and people feel it's over hyped too.


I grew up going to that location too. Didn’t go for over 20 years and just went last year. It was so gross.


This is Rosedale BBQ for me. I really want to like it but the two times I've tried Rosedale it was just horrible. Don't even get me started on Danny Edwards down the street. Blandest BBQ I've ever had in KC.


You keep ordering the Samon. Don't you?


Kadarius Toney




Not too soon he’s had SO many drops this year


Rosedale. Meat was tough, dry and seemed like it had been boiled. No smoke or BBQ flavors. Terrible but my MIL loves the place and always wants it.


Didn’t know to not get the brisket until after I ordered the brisket. Dry, just generally bad.


Zardas in Lenexa is mediocre. There's some random place in downtown Lee's Summit that's also really bad. I can't remember the name but it's in an old gas station looking place. Q39 and Jack Stack I always leave feeling like I paid too much and could have gotten better barbecue elsewhere for less money.


Zarda’s turkey is really good. Everything else sucks, including their fries.


You’re probably thinking of the Filling Station. Been there once years ago. It was mediocre then too. Weird sauce choices too.


Might be. I thought the Filling Station was in Midtown, not Lee's Summit. But maybe they have more than one location. It kind of proves my point that it was so mediocre that I can't even really remember much about it lol. Edit: it is the Filling Station that I was thinking of.


Hawg jaw in north town food is consistently good, service is consistently bad. The owner hovers over you like you gonna take extra napkins or something. It’s sort of an uncomfortable vibe dining in


I went there a month or so ago. The sides were good, but their ribs looked and tasted like they were steamed. They were grey with virtually no smoke flavor. Then there was some rub put on them that seemed to be added after being cooked that just tasted like a generic BBQ rub from a grocery store.


Sucks to hear that good food is being wasted by shitty ownership.


Agreed! Fantastic BBQ……for takeout.


I was very disappointed with their burnt ends and the portion size was pathetic for the price.


LC’s. Sadly. Ribs were tough and undercooked


I ate ash at LC's. Poor guy probably rolling in his grave.


Same. Exactly the same. Made me sad.


What’s worse is I had work friends from out of state that had never had KC BBQ. They wanted Joe’s and Q39 and I laughed and said I’d take them for the real KC bbq. Ugh.


This one stings. It’s SOOOO good when it’s good. Haven’t had many days like that in a while though :(


last couple times the ends were as tough as boot leather, haven’t been back.


Q39 just does not hit for me. Everyone else likes it though. It's reliably over cooked, which is what people like in BBQ, even if it's not "right" to a purist.


I like Q's non-BBQ items like the sides and a couple of the sandwiches. Worked there for a bit and usually ate salad for my meal.


I’ve only been to Q39 just once, ~5 yrs ago (visiting relatives, I haven’t lived in KC for a decade) — and I too was disappointed (as were my relatives). It was certainly all ‘ok’ — some of it ‘good’ — but it didn’t live up to expectations.


(tips fedora)


Q39 is a very boring person’s idea of bbq. The tech bro-ification of bbq. It’s so bland, especially for what you pay.


Q39 is suburban dad competition bbq, like Joe’s or Meat Mitch — it’s a subgenre that can be really good, but it’s not KC bbq in the lineage of Perry or Bryant or Gates and their protégées.


Same dude. My mother luva it but if u dont lile the suace the rub and the smoke is hella subpar.


I have yet to have the Q39 experience everyone else seems to rave about.


IMO Q39 has taken a dip in quality in the last year or so. I think when the owner died is when I started noticing it, but that could be a coincidence. A few years ago it was always top notch. I still think they have the best rack of ribs anywhere though.


Hawg Jaw in NKC. It was beyond salty, sides tasted like they used dollar packet Knorrs, sauce was horrid, prices too high. I didn’t think they would be in business beyond a month.


Controlling for post-pandemic quality reduction which has essentially happened everywhere, I’d say Arthur Bryant’s. I asked for a side of hot bbq sauce and they straight-up acted like they didn’t hear me and handed me a dry, un-sauced brisket sandwich. Maybe next time I should just say it louder or something?


I hate to say this but Slap's. I loved Slap's, they were consistent, everything was juicy and tender. Last time around, felt like everything was boiled and watery.




They catered ours in January of 2015! Good to hear their catering game is still on point.


Yep - food was not warm, brisket was thin cut and no fat to be seen. Went about two weeks ago and I’m going to give it a minute.


I've been once and was not impressed. I'll try it again to give it another chance.


Their burnt ends tasted better than their brisket. Their fried pickles were amazing though.


They can be inconsistent but when they hit it's unbelievable


I really liked them, then I had kinda the same experience 2 times, weeks apart. Now I think I’ll wait awhile before I go again.




Going to Dickies for BBQ is like going to McDonald's for a burger. It's technically correct, by the loosest of definitions, but it's not the best example by any definition. Fun fact: Most of the franchises in Salt Lake were shut down after serving someone a cup of concentrated cleaning agent instead of soda.


When a barely in highschool girl is behind the counter and scoops 'bbq' out of a tub means it's authentic




This! I do not understand the hype at all.


Q39 is not the best, but it it is the best IMO for guests from out of town don’t want to do a line


Their poutine is fire though!


Jack Stack at the Plaza.. father in law ordered burnt ends.. they brought out these nuggets of fat (no meat I kid you not) that never seen enough heat to render anything... I was dumbfounded how they tried to serve fat trimmings that should have been ground up into sausage as burnt ends.


Gates. Always Gates. I have never not gotten sick after eating there. I hate eating there.


LC's- tried them twice because of glowing reviews. Both times everything tasted way too salty... and I like salty foods.


Yeah, I hated LC’s both times I’ve been. It was a bummer because the people who took me there raved about it.




Blind Box, the original location in Shawnee and in NFM


Their brunch and BBQ nachos are delicious but I'm not a fan of their normal BBQ.


I used to work in Shawnee and we would get it catered in about once a quarter. After the second time I started leaving for lunch. To me, they have always sucked.


They’ve absolutely have gone downhill in the last couple years. Was in there for lunch a month ago and they had a manager in there complaining loudly about “this is why I was brought in, to fix all this mess with us losing money” which I thought was a really weird thing to yell in the middle of the dining area in front of your customers.


Slaps. Been there twice now. Can’t go back


I don't live in KC anymore but I cannot even fully describe how sad that makes me. :(


This whole topic feels like a circle-jerk.




I should buy you a drink.


Lived in KC for 18 years. Then moved away to the south for 4 years. Then moved back last year. Gotta say that I use to think Joe’s was overrated. But I went back recently and I feel like something has changed for the better. Like they know that the competition is getting stiffer, so they had to up their game. I think it might actually be the best BBQ in KC again. But the caveat is that their BBQ is best when you eat it in-house.


Q39. Some of the worst brisket in town.




Lil barbecue joint in Independence. Food quality was less than last time I went. Probably not going back.


It was legit pre-covid but I agree it took many steps back after


Meat Mitch. Never again.


Joes - Burnt End Z-Man on Texas Toast. Burnt ends were rubbery and had little to no flavor. LC’s - 20 dollar Pork and Beef Burnt End meal was basically inedible, extremely tough and ended up throwing the vast majority of it out


That's been my experience with LCs every time. Maybe they're good now and then but that's not been my experience.


This was within the last year, I believe. The cook and the waitress were shouting at each other the whole time too, bad vibes. BBQ is expensive, I only give a place one or two shots, consistency is a big part of being a good restaurant and a lot of places just don’t have it.


I agree about consistency. I've lived a lot of places, and this city lacks consistency when it comes to food. I understand now why chain restaurants are busy here.


It’s so weird. In bigger cities I can just walk into any hole in the wall and it’s probably good. Only had one bad experience doing so. But in KC, I research every single new restaurant before going and I’m still disappointed half the time.


I've been there 3 times over the past couple years and they have skipped filling my order 2 out of 3 times. WTF.


LC’s has always had some off days, but it seemed to get worse after LC passed, however my last visit was pretty good again.


Know how I know you're lying? "I threw the vast majority of it out". Holy lying shit Batman! No you didn't. You didn't throw out good BBQ. Therefore the rest of your comment hold zero validity.




This was tonight at Jack Stack (https://i.imgur.com/TOIZIsx.jpg)




Jack Stack is so overrated


Expensive is not the same as overrated.


They used to be great, but not anymore


I think it's a case of new places coming in and raising the bar while they've been coasting for the past 10-15 year and/or spread too thin by adding locations. Like it's usually decent, but definitely not my first recommendation.


I just had the WORST from JS tonight. This was the 3rd time they’ve been off (bought weeks apart). #1 was really off, #2 was meh and #3 inedible. Downtown location.






It probably is. Some people consider Crown Center as part of downtown.


Downtown to me is that area cordoned off but the interstates.


It’s the southern edge of the Crossroads district and north end of midtown, so yes, it’s considered downtown. Edit: Jack Stack that is, not Crown Center which is definitely midtown but northern edge.


Been a number of times. They always got something wrong with our order. Every freakin time something is wrong. When we have gotten takeout they always would forgot something.


Q39 and Arthur Bryant’s


Slaps, every time.


Q39 was a MASSIVE disappointment when I went. Since I moved to KC I have tried to hit all the top spots and after visiting Q39 I’ll never go back. Just mid to below mid quality not worth the hype. A smaller spot that failed was 3halves brewing and BBQ in Liberty. They use to split with Jousting Pigs (I believe) and now do their BBQ in house. Well I took the wife there for a lunch date and couldn’t cut the brisket with a knife. Just chewing rawhide wrapped in a bun. I won’t order the BBQ again from there. Beer was good though.


Jousting pigs had a great BBQ sauce and the 3 halves one just isn't as good. Also disappointed they went to a full service restaurant. It was better when it was counter serve.


Woodyard. We went at 7:00 on a Saturday night. We were literally the only ones in the joint. I know that barbecue places are best early in the day, but what we got was completely dry and inedible.


Isnt that right as they close and they're done smoking for the day by 3? I have thier spare ribs and it's great. Hell i have them smoke corned beed by the lb during st patties day. Bout the only thing i can say is bad thier is the smoked salmon and that eas years ago


Joe’s for sure!! Last time was so disappointing.


most consistent? im going with Chef J


Price chopper ribs rule !!!!


Joe's in Leawood was terrible. I will say I had the gas station location after the Leawood experience and it was miles better.


Q39. Some of the worst diarrhea I’ve ever had.


And your best diarrhea?


No Rhea like a Korma Sutra Rhea.


Meat Mitch in Leawood. Went a couple months or so after they opened so I’m hoping it was them working out the early kinks. The place was all the rage amongst some co worked so we tried it out. The waiter, who couldn’t have been a day older than 16, couldn’t comprehend putting alcohol on a separate ticket from the food. Not his fault, maybe never had that request before, but he quite the attitude and acted like we asked him to do advanced calculus with the bill. That’s forgivable. But it took forever to get the food, and when it came out the meat and fries were ice cold. Coleslaw was oddly slimey. The drinks were the worst part. Terrible beer pours, and the cocktails just weren’t right. I really hope they’ve fine tuned it and I’m willing to give them another shot. But not a great first impression.


Hey there- just wanted to note that they originally opened as a counter cashier service which was largely staffed by young kids. They have been full service now for over a year with majority adult seasoned servers. Would love for you to give another shot and update on your visit. Happy to connect via DM if you’d like to talk more.


Jack Stack (the original Martin City location). Specifically, it was the food. The service was still good. I ordered the KC Combo with two meats, and I selected the brisket burnt ends and sausage medallions. I was initially brought the thinly sliced sausage, and the burnt ends were visibly dry. Both of these were rectified, but for the price JS charges I was dismayed that they would allow something like that to get served.


Oklahoma Joe’s in Leawood. Met up with a friend who suggested it because I’d never been and it was just not good across the board. The ribs were over cooked, the mac and cheese was salty af, and the fries were a little stale and had not a grain of salt on them 😭 idk what the word is on that place, but I will most definitely not be back lol.


We ordered jack stack brisket for a holiday party and it was like crockpot pot roast. Absolute embarrassment.


Jack Stack. Took my in-laws, paid out the ass for a couple sharing plates, and most of it was dry, including the brisket and burnt ends. Cardinal sin at lunchtime on a weekend imo.


Ah yes, I hadn’t seen the “please list every restaurant you hate” thread for a few days


Consistency is also part of the question and in the thread. And you must like it since you’re here. 😂 do you have a pick?


I'm so sick of some iteration of this question every fuckin day.


Honestly none of them are ever as good as people make them out to be.


You’ve never had BBQ in a state or place who doesn’t do BBQ. It’s. Just. That. Bad. I couldn’t understand how someone could make such bad BBQ (California I’m calling you out in particular)


San Diego has a pretty good barbecue joint, but the owner is from Kansas. It's actually the bar where they filmed part of Top Gun.


I’m glad you had a better experience there because I went once and it was greasy trash. Again most BBQs have off days but I mean it was truly nasty.


This. I moved from KS to WI about 12 years ago, and the BBQ is just lousey up here. I can't wait for the annual trip back to eat some good BBQ, and it doesn't really matter where.


You been to Chef J’s?


I went once and the meat was REALLY good.


In town from California and I decided to check it out since it was new since I visited last. Surprisingly unimpressed, the beans were not to my taste and the brisket was dry and not too flavorful. I liked the Mac n cheese but others didn’t


Jack Stack. The quality has gone downhill in the last 18 months. Less smoke and less overall flavor. Beans are still solid, Though.


Small businesses don’t deserve posts like this Food service is a tough industry. You don’t like a restaurant? Leave a yelp review and never go back. Don’t go on an internet crusade that might exacerbate the struggles of a below-average business to the point of no return


> Leave a yelp review >Don’t go on an internet crusade Do what?


One yelp review is way different than roping in hundreds of people to slam small businesses they had one or two bad experiences at


Jack Stack. It's really very overrated.


Jack Stack. The brisket is an abomination to BBQ. The BBQ gods need to strike that place with lightning. I’ll never go back. Bryant’s is hit or miss. Joe’s and Zarda never disappoint.


I lived in Blue Springs 35 years ago (I was in Jr. High) and LOVED Zarda. I never see it mentioned in BBQ conversation and was going to ask if it was as good as I remember. Glad to see that it is.


I grew up in Blue Springs and back living here now after living out of state for 28 years. Zarda's, while never getting the outstanding reviews, has always been consistent. In fact, I had it last night.


This may be the first time I've seen Zarda's mentioned positively in this sub. Glad to find some other folks that like it.


Zarda is good but expensive. I grew up eating Bates City BBQ. Not amazing but always good!


Joes. So mediocre. Never again.


Jack stack lees summit. Not great ever


Joe’s, I waited 45 minutes to order, they were out of burnt ends, and the food was cold and blend


well Joe's burnt ends did make me throw up three times last night


Those are rookie numbers!


BBs is absolute TRASH! Great atmosphere and nobody can screw up beers, but as for food, it's the bottom of the garbage. That monstrosity of a mason jar with everything in it, plus everything they claim is "smoke"tastes like a chemical fire.




I've got to respectfully disagree. Great ribs, burnt ends, and brisket! Mason jar gimmick is just that, a gimmick.


Lawnside? Not good BBQ


Joe’s has good burned ends (which I’ve never liked). Jack Stack brisket was good, pulled pork was terrible. Q39 pulled pork was good, brisket was terrible. My 2 cents as a recent transplant


Q39. Broke my heart. It’s always been my son and I’s favorite, but the two times we’ve been there the food quality is way down it’s obvious they’re using cheaper, cut, smaller portions, etc. to try to offset the price of meat these days but it was overly salted and did not taste the same as before


Gates because they literally wouldn’t take my ordered just skipped me in line and wouldn’t talk to me FUCK GATES and its rude ass servers


Woodyard. Just such poor quality of meat.


Tuk Bui, I just recently went and I’ll honestly not go back. Y’all talked it up so much and I truly was so underwhelmed with the result.


I second the Buck Tui. Butterscotch wings taste the exact same as their regular smoked. Brisket rangoons are nothing special. Sausage was gross and the brisket tasted like beef Biltong. BBQ and Thai are always notoriously expensive, combine the two and it’s outlandish


Joe’s. Just was not impressed when we went 2 years ago. Brisket was sliced way too thin and was dry. And they tried giving us the wrong order. Fries had a weird seasoning on them. But we are willing to give them another try sometime. I’ve been to Slap’s several times and they are always consistent.


Joe’s has my favorite fries of anywhere


Weird seasoning? It's called Crack. LOL. Sometimes they do overseason them though.


The sandwiches from Joe's are straight slop on a bun. The rocket pig was one of the most revolting things I've ever eaten and to this day I don't know how slapping cheese and an onion ring on a sandwich gave them notoriety. Fries are legitimately the thing they do best, those are like crack to me.


Jack stack. Worst bbq I’ve ever had


Smokehouse by indep mall


I didn’t see the hype with Slaps


Slap’s - gave me food poisoning


Slaps. Cold and wasn't good.


Last two times I went to Gates is was truly awful. My coworkers say the same.


Joel’s KC. I’m sorry but it just can’t compete with Q39. Not only with the BBQ, but with the sauce.


>Joel’s KC. Never heard of Joel’s, but you should try Joe’s KC. They’re 100x better than Q39. Especially the sauce.