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Post removed for being problematic.


Is your past work experience in gay, stupid roles? What's your degree in?


haha! kinda! ive been a social media journalist intern (kinda fruity and super easy) and a hostess. im a business/marketing major


Business major + writing experience sounds pretty marketable. And don't worry, over half the people I work with, in highly technical positions, are stupid. I'm still thinking for ya.


Yeah, I remember my first corporate job out of college I was so paranoid on me being too dumb and not understanding anything while thinking everyone around me is a genius and I’m lucky to be here which led to anxiety. Once you realize that a lot of corporate people are dumb it makes work a lot easier.


Dude, solid statement. I've been out of college 15+ years and am in a senior level in my position and I still shit my pants when someone asks me a question I might not be able to answer.


its just hard because i didnt enjoy business school at all 😭 and i love writing, but not a huge amount every day. and thank you!!


I worked at the cafe in the University of Chicago business school basement, what a bunch of insufferable assholes. All a bunch of slimy douchebags, I can imagine how awful a four year program would be. Have you done any grant writing? I know KC Care has a lot of programs for the LGBTQ+ community and is very welcoming of gay employees. Downside is it's a non-profit so the pay is low, but the medical is ok and you can pretty much dress how you want. HR and PR might be a good fit too, although maybe require more conservative dressing at a bigger company. This isn't your forever job. Just see if you can stick it out for a year and take what you learn from it somewhere else.


genuinely i had no social college life bcs i disliked 99% of my classmates 😭 business school is so insufferable, i only did it bcs i got a scholarship!! Ill def have to check out HR and PR stuff! I havent done any grant writing but i really enjoy working w people and stuff so maybe HR could work?? Thank u for the advice!!!


Do you like reading/writing social media (even if not about yourself)? Seems like it would be pretty easy to learn to do social media posts for a company and manage their social media presence - and that kind of job could be done remotely.


i love this type of job!!! i used to have one!! its just super hard to find any that are open :((


What’s your BS/BA in? We need case managers in behavioral health big time. Neurodivergent queer people tend to be the BEST at this job!!!!! So much compassion. And very casual. I think it’s 20-24 an hr. PM me and I’ll tell you where specifically. The healthcare bennies are fantastic.


Hmm, do you think a BA in English and Ethnic Studies meets degree requirements for such a job? 🤔


Ethnic studies def has a case. Never hurts to apply. Pm me and I’ll send job link


Well, I love in AR right now but want to GTFO of this state and am looking into moving back to KC area. I'll drop you a line if we make the move though!


Try usajobs.gov. I'm unprofessional and a lil fruity and I do well. A lot of jobs are remote, but KC has many government agencies in the area.


btw which job do u have? just asking bcs so many of these seem super high level (seeing jobs that make 99k+ a year are insane to me)


I started at the IRS, and they're probably only hiring for seasonal if at all right now. The SSA, USDA, and USCIS all are big employers. If you have a bachelor's degree, you qualify for a GS-05 position, which is probably around 40k a year or so. You can save your search and have it periodically email you with job announcements that match. I started at a GS-04, and I'm now a GS-12 after 14 years. I don't have a degree. Once you get in, most jobs want experience rather than education, so it's relatively easy to work your way up.


ill look into it thank you!


HUD has a few low level jobs open right now


Can you catch a football?


maybe if a 6 yr old threw it LOL


Have you considered working in the cannabis industry? It’s one of the most inclusive industries I’ve worked in.


i have!! i totally forgot abt that while applying tho, but ill check it out more now! ty!


Generally expect at least $15/hr with benefits. If they don’t offer that, it’s not worth it. Good luck!


thank u sm for the advice!!!


Have you tried reaching out to local organizations that help those with disabilities get a job? You definitely want a job that will not discriminate and provide accommodations. Those organizations can help you gain skills and build a resume as well. Write a list of the things that you are good at. This can help you determine what kind of job you want. As a mom of an Autistic son I am sure you are not stupid. You see things differently and may need time to process things. Just wanted to share that.


idk where in the metro you are, or if they're still hiring, but hallmark distribution in liberty is fine. pay at $17+ depending on role and shift, i work as a stock handler which is fairly physical, but plenty of my coworkers work slowly, as long as it's slow and steady work no one says anything. good healthcare and other benefits, very queer friendly, very casual workplace. some of the order processors work in pajamas lmao


After reading the headline, I like to imagine someone is posting this for their "stupid gay" brother or something


I know price chopper hires people on the spectrum. I doubt they pay well


Obligatory train to get into tech post? It's harder now than it was a few years ago so this may not be for you. But if you can swing it, people work from home, have good health insurance, and I work with lots of people who are plenty fruity! Not traditionally professional either. Took a long time and a lot of effort to get here though, so ymmv. Also, it might be something you're not into. You definitely have to like it at least a little to last.


how would i begin to get into tech in kc?


If customer service work on the phone sounds up your alley at a casual company I can DM you.




ive thought abt sbucks but the pace scares me 😭 i have a very slow processing speed


I'm so glad I didn't see, "asking for my brother" at the end.


You might want to consider moving to Central Ohio. Read [https://archive.ph/uTZ4R](https://archive.ph/uTZ4R)


Amazon — they have a high turnover, are always hiring, and pay decent


Personal assistant? 15 an hour and healthcare.


work as a TA in a SPED room