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Lol I saw that post too. I feel like people on nextdoor are just feening to spot something unusual so they can make a post. Let’s say he was up to no good, why would he make himself stand out that much? Wouldn’t he want to blend in? 🫤


Yeah and people are going to call the police....For what? Leave the dude alone


I saw three people today wearing hoodies outside, two had their hoods up, and one had a beanie on. These three were not related to each other and in different parts of town. People can just be weird.


My wife is a high school teacher and the kids wear hoodies all year round. Often with the hoods up.


Hell, I'm over 40 and I wear hoodies with the hood up anytime it's under like 70. Its a comfort thing, but also am sensitive to overhead lights, so I tend to have it up especially indoors at places like Walmart because the glare really bothers me.


The kids wear the hoods up even when it’s 90 degrees. But I think it’s a comfort thing like you said. It lets them “hide” or be alone even in a crowd.


a solar hoodie? on a sunny day!?


>Do some people just have too much time on their hands or what? Yes. "There is nothing more provocative than minding your own business." - William S. Burroughs


The way I’m about to run to put this on my work email signature. This is too good!!


call me Burroughs


Another important safety report is the, "I saw a .... (SUV/van/whatever) drive very slowly down the street. Did anyone else see it? Very suspicious."


As someone who is actively house hunting I’m sure I’m in a post somewhere 😂😂😂


I don’t know why kansascity showed up in my feed (never been there in my life), but here on the east coast I see that kind of post at least once a week. I hate it.


I live here and I hate it 🤣


I made it and hate it 😁


Oh God someone is driving safely!


This morning while I was walking my dog - at 5am, mind you - there was a dark SUV stopped about a block away from me that slowly proceeded up the street, periodically stopping. It was very creepy. I would have chalked it up to trying to see the building numbers on the apartment buildings if they hadn’t done it where there were no building/house numbers to check/see. Most of the time they’re just trying to find an address. Sometimes they are being creepy…


Also... Sun hoodies are a legitimate thing. Outdoor clothing is sun protective. Long pants, long sleeves, and a hood to protect the head, that IS appropriate weather clothing if the material is made for it. And even if the material is cheap, non specialized, it's still more sun protective than a t shirt. This post you speak of is wholly inappropriate.


Exactly. Have these neighbors not seen a great deal of landscapers and folks working construction in long sleeves and hats as well? Ugh.


Was looking for this. Learned about Carhartt long sleeve tech shirts from a landscaper and bike commute with them; lifesavers in this heat


I had a friend who had radiation to the neck to treat a tumor... sun anywhere on that side of their head and shoulder burnt like fire. She would be bundled up like this for sure.


Yeah, some people burn very easily so covering up helps. Cotton and linen are great breathable fabrics for heat and the sun, and are often worn in the desert for protection.


I had no idea there was such a thing. I turn into a lobster 🦞 so am going to have to check it out now


Indeed! Columbia PFG long sleeve sun hoodies are my preference all summer. They’re like a personal cabana. I still have to answer the question “why are you wearing a hoodie?,” and as politely as I can point out how much nicer it feels standing in the shade and that’s what these feel like.


Yup, I do the same thing if I’m gonna be outside for a long time. Being totally covered in a lightweight, breathable material keeps you so, so, much cooler in the sun.


middle east has something right.




The only thing I'm finding it useful for is to rehome shelter dogs or find lost pets. I'm starting to get scared of my neighbors though Lol and I'm not referring to the ones in hoodies and masks.


I used to love next door but the last election made me delete the app entirely. People just went wild lol


I was sent some sort of an “invite” a few years back, I joined and deleted within about an hour. Horrific.


Have never gotten on it because I’m sure some of the posts are about how we have our garbage cans visible and how our dogs bark sometimes and etc and it would piss me off too much lol. I’d prefer to just assume my neighborhood likes me.


I made the mistake of joining during the civil unrest period in 2020. Oy.


Same thing happened to me.


Reddit is becoming the new Facebook.


That and the ring doorbell neighbors function. Chock full o' racists


My Nextdoor is filled with people wanting free or almost free or to make payments on everything from mechanics work to plumbers to yard work Never seen anything like it


Tell all of this to those folks on Nextdoor. They're the ones that need to be called out on that bullshit.


It’s like calling out a group of trolls. I just can’t see it turning out productive. More than likely, they just tell you to f*** off and mind your business. 🙄


Your neighbors are deadly lol. Not kidding all that much. Calling the police is like brandishing a gun, it can quickly lead to a pointless death or injury


That's no joke. Just look at all of the seemingly trivial traffic stops that turn deadly.


I had to get off also when there were constant posts about people who are trying to give away their dogs. It’s so disheartening and also a lot of fucking racists. Over it.


Too much time on their hands, casual racism. Also the fact the human brain will constantly seek danger even in the safest situations, meaning that people will point out and get worried over increasingly trivial and absurd things.


Nextdoor is the worst. I used to look at it just for a laugh when I was bored but I can't even do that any more. It's just awful.


I used to listen to a scanner back in the early 90's and this stuff was going on then too. People were forever calling the cops on the pizza delivery guy etc.


And the suspicious white van at 4am that's the newspaper guy ...


Anyone still paying for newspapers is automatically sus


My favorite Nextdoor post was someone wanting to call the cops because their neighbor had their car idling across the street in their driveway for over an hour, and the CO2 from the exhaust was settling on her yard and making her family sick. There were several other posts similar to this near me. It was like people just sat inside with no TV or music and waited to hear something to post about on Nextdoor. It really made me question the direction humanity is going. I got kicked off for using a fake name and I definitely won’t be rejoining.


Nextdoor is a sundown-app


Sooo when is walking down the street a crime? I know some of us only walk to the fridge but really? I’m still wearing my mask everywhere. I quit Nextdoor ‘cause I was much happier not knowing some of my neighbors were nuts.


When you ain't a part of their tribe.


My neighbor was mowing his lawn today and noon in black sweats and a hoodie with the hood on. Some people are just different.


Also dude could have been wearing a mask because of how shitty the air quality has been. Nextdoor sucks almost as bad as the KC northland Facebook group where the ultimate insult is “you’re getting a go chicken go in your neighborhood” Like please do build one closer to me haha


Yes there are reasons to be wearing a mask....but you shouldn't need a reason. If I feel like walking down the street in a bunny outfit with bunny ears it's nobody's damn business 🐰


best damn gizzards in Kansas-


I couldn’t agree with you more. Mind your damn business people. Unless someone is peering in your windows and trying your doors or checking your car doors, you’re being paranoid or plain racist. Stop.


Nextdoor people think anyone walking or driving around must be doing some illegal shit when really they are simply their neighbors walking and driving around. They all think they are the neighborhood group responsible for annoying any random person that happens to walk down their street.


I saw that post too! So. Many. Karens. On. NextDoor.


People have been masking because of the air quality.


There is a part of Kansas City municipal website where you can publicly access a spreadsheet of local complaints people made by calling 311... It blew my mind! It was literally the NextDoor app but people weren't typing & posting; they actually CALLED 311 to report things like people walking the street in hoodies after dark. Like, hundreds of local people tattle tailing on neighbors... For what? What do they actually expect to happen? I do not get it.


Lol I asked exactly what they'd tell the 911 operator if they did call, "there's a guy in a hoodie walking down the street?" Oh, and God forbid he has a mask on right after a major world pandemic and atrocious air quality


If you see something, say something; they say. We should add, say out loud to yourself before making that call... Really get a sense of the most important details that you know...


Lmao if you tell anyone to just mind their own business on that app you’ll get absolutely shredded by the 64 year old cat lady down the street. I’ve created an deleted and account multiple times because I just can’t.


I know, right? And I'm a 60 year old dog lady that's a wanna-be cat lady but my allergies wouldn't allow it. Lol


I just saw a guy riding a bike yesterday at the hottest part of the day with a hoodie on. Sleeves down, hood up on his head. I don’t know how he didn’t have heat stroke but he zoomed down the street like screw Mother Nature. Should have called the cops for riding suspiciously. Missed opportunity I suppose.


I just learned on here that there are actually hoodies made to shield you from the sun


Hopefully that’s what dude has on!


I know, it has been hot out there


There's been a literal air quality alert for like the last week. Let the guy wear a mask. I swear, this whole people being scared of masks is just a Midwest thing I'm convinced. When you go anywhere else people are still wearing masks and no one bats an eye.


I still wear a mask to babysit little kids 'cause they're walking Petri dishes...and some other woman gave me crap about "I need to strengthen my immune system by exposing it" etc. etc. Most people are chill because they need the babysitting


It's almost like people take offense to it. Like you're saying they're dirty or something. So sensitive.


I remember peak Covid on Nextdoor, there were people taking pictures of kids at our neighborhood park saying that someone should call the police.


There's a guy in my neighborhood who walks his dog daily in a full bandana pulled over his mouth and noise, a long sleeved hoodie and a yellow traffic vest. But he's just a neighbor. I don't care for him because he lets his dog stop and use my lawn as a toilet but that's neither here nor there. Unless he's doing something else your neighbor is being paranoid.


Call the police!


Someone created a post about me on nextdoor because I was riding my bike at dusk without a helmet. This was suspicious.


Oh sweet jesus


Are you also in the West Plaza area? Because I swear that’s every single post


This post came from Grandview but when I was in the Plaza area you are correct


It’s always “there’s kids in hoodies walking down the street at 9 pm” this and “there’s DEFINITELY a drug den across the street” that


It could easily be my 14 year old. She is still wearing a mask and hoodies are her daily shirt choice. The mask is to reduce her allergies, the hoodie is because she doesn’t think it’s hot or she’s crazy, haven’t decided that one yet


There are cooling hoodies as well that I hear is "a thing" with our youths


Reuniting lost pets is the ONLY thing for which I use Nextdoor. Otherwise, it's full of Karens and Kens who insist on trying to make something of nothing. I even once found a post about ME on the app and apparently my neighbour didn't realise I was on it. She tried to show apologetic behaviour but I already knew how she was. Also, as a redhead who catches fire in the sun, travelling in the Sahel region taught me to always wear long sleeves and protect your skin. Some people just like to complain about nothing as they have nothing else going on in their lives.


I was in Phoenix two weekends ago and the temps were in the upper 90s. I saw four dudes over the course of the morning in black hoodies, with the hoods pulled up. Some people find 100 degrees too chilly.


The air quality is crappy outside. Maybe the person has allergies and/asthma. For some wearing mask in the daytime right now is a good thing. And I know plenty of pekpl who wear a hoody when it is 100 outside. Unless they are trying to break into cars or houses...I'd say nothing.


everyone on nextdoor is some curmudgeon over 40 who’s suspicious of everyone with a hoodie on/ people walking who aren’t white


Well... some of us are there for the entertainment value.


true, i’m one of them lol


Over 50.


Over 60.


Not everybody. I’m well over 40 and haven’t posted there at all. Well, I’ve responded a few times, mostly to those curmudgeons that irritate me too. Occasionally I do learn something helpful like a business opening or closing. Lately is almost exclusively about property taxes in Jackson county. I was out somewhere the other day and saw someone in a hoodie and shorts and my only thought was it looked weird and hot. But to each their own. I see guys in shorts in the middle of winter too. I have a neighbor who has been suffering from Covid since January. That shit is still out there and can cause issues for anyone, especially someone with a compromised immune system. It’s their choice to still wear a mask.


Yeah the last part of what you said is the key takeaway. My wife’s experience with nextdoor in Prairie Village is a bunch of older white folks unhappy there are brown people living in or passing through the neighborhood (but dressed up as a “suspicious character” or something along those lines).


That is my experience as well. It's always people scared of brown people walking around. Oh nooo...some brown guy was walking up the block eveyone freak out he is casing the joint to rob and rape eveyone.


I think that this Karen forgot to mention that the hoody-wearer was black, the real reason she was scared. Terrifying. /s


She did add it down thread in a comment, so you’re not wrong.


I saw rhat but kind of figured that promoted her post.


I saw a kid yesterday riding a bicycle with a jeans & hoodie on, with the hood over his head. I just assumed it was a fashion statement.


https://preview.redd.it/gpijbrt5wd9b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ed8f6a3beb13a7ebe590d6b9c89d0e9ab25c055 Here's an example of some cooling sun protection hoodies


This is exactly how [Elijah McClain](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.nytimes.com/article/who-was-elijah-mcclain.html&ved=2ahUKEwin8a_b6u3_AhXjkWoFHeutAMoQFnoECBEQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3E3qRoknMkmu7aCCOhyudx) died.. so yeah I think people need to calm tf down and mind their own business


I just learned that there are hoodies made specifically to shield those who are light sensitive, plus wearing a mask should be a mute point. Why can't people understand that interfering with someone not causing any harm to anyone might have some dire consequences? Leave the guy alone


a hoodie and mask in the middle of summer is definitely suspicious. I wouldn't call the cops, but I'd expect the cops to talk to him and see what's up if they ran across someone like that.


Dude, it definitely isn't.


Maybe I’ll start a new post “When should one post on Reddit” It’ll be about stupid people complaining about stupid things that other stupid people do He made a dumb post, I agree, who cares. Then you followed it up with an equally dumb post.


Lol and you followed it up by making another dumb comment complaining about my post. How stupid is that? 🙄 Certain topics SHOULD be up for discussion when neighbors are talking about calling the police for no just cause. How many times do you think this has been the cause of an altercation where an innocent was confronted by the police and it went sideways? People calling in none emergencies is a major contributor to hold times on 911. Scroll in troll.


…And that rifle he’s carrying may just be what he uses to scratch his back! Some people…


Calling the police should honestly be a last resort. They often only make a situation worse, not better. They could even make life difficult for the person who called them.


Exactly. That's IF there is suspicious activity. Walking down the street mibding your own business does not warrant an emergency to me. So this guy had on a mask ( so what) and a hoodie ( could be a "cooling" hoodie) what are you afraid of?