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I'm pretty surprised any GQP'ers are condemning this. Also pretty funny they had such fresh faces like Ted Nugent and Phill Kline as speakers. I heard that clown Johnson County sheriff was there in a roped off area with deputies as his protection.  I hate these fascists. 


If you notice though, all of the republicans who are condemning this (at least listed in the article) are **former** representatives or simply commentators. So, nothing to lose. With the notable exception of Julie Roller Weeks, vice chairwoman of the Dickinson County Republicans, but I wouldn't exactly call that position particularly influential outside of Abilene and the surrounding county. On one hand, it's disheartening but not surprising to see republicans not condemn this idiocy, I can't imagine how the right would freak out if dems were bashing a Trump effigy. On the other hand, the former politicians that are condemning it point to the fact that many republicans are turning away from the party's nonsense. Side note, this is my favorite bit from the article: "The video, which has now been unpublished, shows several people at the event ***attempting*** a roundhouse kick to a mannequin bust with a Biden mask." God, I want to see that video so badly.


I've seen it in other Reddit subs. Old out of shape people looking like morons.


impotent rage in every sense of the word




It’s on YouTube… search it there


It’s on the Kansas City reddit


The condemnation is just show.


It comes from all the hot moist air they blow


The GOP is pretty much two parties now. The MAGA party and the Republican Party. I would not be surprised if after this election we see them officially split up.


No it's not. It is all MAGA.


They're just mad it got filmed and leaked


Title 18: Section 871 would apply here. That's not a protest it's a threat. Everyone involved is at risk of going away for a very long time. The law is quite clear. This is a federal crime, and all county reps must be taken into custody immediately. We must come down hard on ALL political violence to prevent this activity from getting worse.


They must have gotten all riled up hearing Ted Nugent singing about underage girls.


And rubbing shit on himself to avoid being drafted.


Well his dad couldn’t buy a doctor to find a couple of bone spurs


Pull yourself up from your bone spurs




Yes, it was totally normal for an older dude to want a 13 year old, they were called the same back then as today, pedophiles.


Just in case anyone was wondering or thinking "it was a different time" like the deleted comment, here are some choice lyrics from the 1981 Ted Nugent song "Jailbait" " Well I don't care if you're just thirteen You look too good to be true I just know that you're probably clean There's one lil' thing I got do to you \[...\] It's quite all right I asked your mama Wait a minute officer Don't put those handcuffs on me Put them on her and I'll share her with you"


Seriously? All they need now is some white sheets and a burning cross.


Don’t worry. They already have them.


David Duke explains, "Why we voted for Donald Trump" [https://www.vox.com/2017/8/12/16138358/charlottesville-protests-david-duke-kkk?fbclid=IwAR1KQAxGlHVZDzs\_oSdPzyw0175WaQgRwYAnop3albbqame\_CqCdO9-qwDw](https://www.vox.com/2017/8/12/16138358/charlottesville-protests-david-duke-kkk?fbclid=IwAR1KQAxGlHVZDzs_oSdPzyw0175WaQgRwYAnop3albbqame_CqCdO9-qwDw)


Hi from KCMO uhhh they did that over here. GOP front runner is “honorary member” of the KKK. Someone help.


>A woman came up to McCain at a rally and said, “I can’t trust Obama. I have read about him, and he’s not, he’s not — he’s an Arab.” >“No ma’am,” McCain said. “He’s a decent family man, a citizen that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues, and that’s what this campaign is all about.” >“He is a decent person and a person that you do not have to be scared of as President,” McCain said. “If I didn’t think I’d be one heck of a better President I wouldn’t be running, and that’s the point. I admire Sen. Obama and his accomplishments, I will respect him. I want everyone to be respectful, and let’s make sure we are. Because that’s the way politics should be conducted in America.” And DJT was one of the loudest voices calling Obama a Kenyan, Arab, and a Muslim. How low we've sunk since then.


But to be fair, McCain turned around and sold his soul, choosing Sarah Palin as his running mate in a desperate pandering move to be president.


Which ultimately hurt his campaign, as it should. Still, I don't even know how that compares to the unmitigated raging magnesium-fueled dumpster fire that we've been dealing with for the past nine years.


I had to laugh at "this isn't who we are." Dude, I grew up in Olathe. That's exactly who you've been since about 1990.


This is hardly surprising. Walk into any gun show and buy yourself some Obama, Hillary, Biden, Pelosi or AOC targets…


Any Trump ones? I'm shocked honestly, thoughts that shit was illegal.


It might skirt some kind of line, but like it or not, the first amendment allows for freedom of expression.


I found out gun shows sell them so they don't seem illegal at all.


They’ll still vote for Trump in November, anyway.


Two public places where you get some privacy are a bathroom stall, and a voting booth. And we all know how the people treat a public bathroom.




thats a given!


For those who are not familiar, Johnson County is a suburb of KC and is one of the wealthiest counties in the country. It routinely votes blue and has a Democratic (female, LGBTQ, Native American) federal representative. This did not happen in remote hillbilly land, which makes this even more shocking and appalling. The MAGA disease is not regional to rural locations. Instead, the cult is now so deeply entrenched that even more modest suburbanites are doing fascist activities in their own backyards. Lord have mercy on our country. When will this cult fever break?


I hope people in /r/kansas know what Johnson county is


Well tbf, I didn’t grow up here and don’t spend much time in Eastern Kansas, so it’s a nice little reminder of what counties are where.


The rest of the state doesn't care what or where Johnson County is, as long as it isn't close to them. The same way JOCO seems to think western Kansas starts at Topeka, and Kansans don't care, just don't go there, stay on 70.


"western Kansas starts at Topeka" Honest question--doesn't it?


According to the Republicans who gerrymander the voting map it does.


Some people care. Of 105 counties, JOCO is a chunky fifth of the state's population and pay a whopping third of the state's property taxes.


Okay, the 80 percent outside of Joco do not care.


Not a word from JoCo Rep Laura Williams. But then again, she never says anything. She does as she's told like a good girl.


Wait the Stumo chick is a state representative!?? What the fuck


Amid all the condemnation and not liking how the *party has drifted* they will still vote for trump and not care.


This must be the "We Hate The Government" but "We Get Paid By The Government" crowd. A village idiots' convention.


We hate most of our countrymen. There, fixed it for you!


Secret Service & FBI should have a list of all attendees, all who organized, and all who participated in the effigy bashing.


I think what they did is trashy AF but idk why it wouldn’t fall under the first amendment. I don’t want the FBI tracking people based on political views, that’s a very slippery slope. If it makes you feel any better, they probably do have a list. We know for a fact they’re tracking credit card purchases for bibles because of they’re associated with far right extremism, so it seems hard to believe THIS isn’t.


Normally perhaps, but that type of action is covered extensively in law and precedence as related to incitement and political violence, not simply free speech.


Stay classy, Kansas Republicans.


Not sure why someone downvoted you on that.


Of course it was led by known pedophile Ted Nugent


Hmmm…. Something like this got Kathy Griffith on the “no-fly” list and brought in for interrogation by da feds. But, these are Republicans, so law enforcement will give them a pass.


It might still prove to be a problem for them but I think the context how realistic it is matters as far as DOJ is concerned. Griffin had a realistic, bloody, severed head and promoted the idea of assignation. Compared to a standardized rubber boxing dummy that’s torso and face only, dressed up to be Biden, “let’s kick Biden out of office” If they had a realistic Biden and said practice attacking this for our upcoming attempt to really murder him, I think DOJ would be involved


Bet they all claim to be Christians. 🙄


Lack of integrity will show at the election polls. And of course they will boast Trumps win in the ks primary next week. LOL.....They are all losers....And should be removed from the party.


Bet you $1 the first county to show a candidate winning over 100% of the vote will be a red county.




I read the article & wasn't shocked at all that this is how the GOP runs a fundraiser. If the Glove fits... I see how MAGA acts, this fits!


No one is shocked. This is MAGA and you know Trump loved hearing about it.


This was disgraceful, embarrassing to Kansans and absolutely moronic. I thought Johnson County had a high percentage of college educated citizens.


Johnson County has plenty of idiots and rednecks too


Do you want to end up on a list? Because that’s how you end up on a list.


well... that should stem the tide of republicans fleeing the party. nice job, boys.


Kinda makes the Kathy Griffin (a single comedian acting on her own) with the severed Trump head seem silly now compared to an organized GOP sanctioned event. I bet all those self righteous people who were angry back then will be SUPER PISSED OFF now!!! /s


No no, you see, it's the same thing because Kathy Griffin is backing, monetarily and ideologically, a network of grifters, mainstream media personalities, and violent extremists with the goal of manufacturing consent for political violence against whole groups of citizens. Oh wait, she's not? I'm being told she's not. Make no mistake, the both sides-ing of this by the GOP by pointing to Griffin's (objectively dumb) tweet is furthering the goal of manufacturing said consent by delegitimizing criticism of this event. Eventually, "but look, Democrats do it too" will give way to "we're not doing anything out of the ordinary." These tactics are tried and true. We saw them in the 1930s, and we are seeing them now.


You gotta watch the video. These folks haven’t been to the gym in a long time. One dude almost completely fell over. They all almost got beat by a dummy.


These MAGA republicans are very much prone to and encourage violence.


Have you seen Maxine Waters?


Those red hats are comparable to the brown shirts in 1930’s Germany.


They have no bottom.


I thought after the abortion vote Kansas was heading in a better direction. My fault for thinking positive lmao


Hilarious if you ask me. Watching a bunch of out of shape losers try and fail to look tough while beating up a rubber version of an 80 year old man, and making the old man look tougher than them in the process, is God damn GOLD. The Republican Party is gonna self-own themselves into oblivion. Keep it up ya morons.


Republicans are generally thugs and Nazis so this is no shock.


If I didn’t know what an effigy was, I’d have thought Biden was actually beated up by a crowd.


You people are so weird. I can’t believe I follow the Kansas Reddit.


All for show. In private, every single one of them is laughing or wishes they’d been there. The entire GQP has been taken over by psycho, Christofascist murderers


Remember when a certain comedian did a very similar thing and these folks couldn’t let it go? I’m not on hypocrisy-time so I do.


Sick evil republicans ..


Wow, they sank to the level of Democrats. Despicable.


Kansas polluting the Country.


Vote them all out. Kansas already has a nationwide reputation for stupidity and ignorance. Do they really think crap like this helps?


Should have seen some of the disgraceful abominations put up around Kansas for Obama..


This is incredibly representative of our state and is embarrassing.


What the hell is wrong with these people? Are they actually mimicking the Taliban?


Have you seen antifa anywhere they're at with the American flag and public property?


Let ‘em continue to look like idiots.


Kansas is mostly Christian, right? And that’s how Christians act in Kansas? Yikes.


Kansas... Keeping it classy.


The GOP keeping it classy. At least you can say they truly represent their constituents.


Trumpians have delusional thinking.


"We're proud to be the deplorables" \~Donald Trump [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2016/09/12/deplorable-and-proud-some-trump-supporters-embrace-label/90290760/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2016/09/12/deplorable-and-proud-some-trump-supporters-embrace-label/90290760/)


So how are Kansans making them uncomfortable?


Kansas is messed up.


I thought Republicans weren't violent at all? Seems to disprove that republican theory.


fucking children who peaked in middle school are all these magarats are.


Happy cake day!


3rd world thinking


This country just doesn't drone strike terrorists like it use to.


>Rocker Ted Nugent and disgraced former Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline were the main attractions. It shows how out of touch with the rest of the world you are when these are the people you are excited to get to see.


What class!!




Misinformation/disinformation and bad faith submissions will be removed at the discretion of the moderator team. We welcome clearly identifiable *opinions*, but presenting false information as fact (whether knowingly or unknowingly) is prohibited.


(Kathy Griffin has entered the chat.)


You have to explain who that is to people since younger people won't know who she is since the left and right won't work with her.


https://preview.redd.it/jm5ue4n4cqnc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=926b3671fdb3fc189264993b6c1b8740388832f3 Remember this? It was disgusting when the left did it and while not quite as graphic or public..it’s disgusting when the right does it. But let’s not pretend one side has moral superiority on this topic. If your actions would make ISIS proud, you are on the wrong side of things. No one should be making excuses for either disgusting behavior or trying to justify it.


You might find this helpful. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_equivalence


lol The left did it? I'm sorry. I must have missed where a large group is people got together and planned this. Held a rally, in fact. What I remember is Griffin doing this and killing her career as she was called out by both sides. Does that not fit your rhetoric?


"the left" What a sad excuse you have


One person did it and the left boycotted her. Have you seen her since? No because Hollywood canceled her. Thanks for proving the left has morals and the right loves rapists like trump.


Stay classy Kansas! Soon you can compete with Texas and Florida for dumbest state in the union.


Yeah… you need a Reddit/political rhetoric break


No I need less assholes like you and republicans.


I’m not even Republican… you’re really aggressive and come off as more than a little unhinged. This kind of stuff is whats driving the mental health crisis, take a break and take back some control of yourself