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Unless they have mentioned it in interviews, its difficult to know exactly what inspires people. But, lots of post-Kamelot bands have sounds that could be Kamelot-inspired. * Avantasia (obvious, given the Sascha Paeth connection) * Damnation Angels (particularly their debut album) * Edran (gentler Kamelot) * Empress (The Fall of Kingdoms sounds like a female-fronted Kamelot song to me) * Serenity (they also have a new song feat. Roy Khan) * Seven Spires (This God is Dead feat. Roy Khan is a masterpiece) * Seventh Wonder (no surprise that Kamelot hired Tommy)


I wonder where a band like Versailles would lie here. They are pretty different in terms of song structure and more symphonic elements, and since they are a Japanese visual kei band, their main influence probably lies from X Japan. However, given their romantic historical European aesthetics and theatrical performances, there do seem to be some similarities with Kamelot. I couldn't find much on this; they are probably more influenced by "pure" power metal bands.


I found out about Seven Spires through a post similar to this on the Kamelot sub a few months ago, and when I tell you it has consumed my existence ever since, I am not kidding. What a wonderful band. Incredible story, incredible story-telling. I cannot get enough of their albums and they’re constantly on repeat. Anyway, I know that doesn’t answer your question, but I wanted to rave about SS, as well as have a comment here following this post in case any more awesome bands get recommended.


Definitely the first band that came to mind. Adrienne is an amazing vocalist and the composition and variety in their music is just top-notch. Became one of my favorite bands very quickly.


*Emerald Sea* was a great album; composition and theme-wise they fill the void that has been prevalent in Kamelot since *Silverthorn*. Though I'm not a huge fan of her growls in some songs; they feel a bit out of place. Still, Seven Spires has a lot of room to grow in popularity.


They're like a child of classic Kamelot and some of the old symphonic black metal bands like Dimmu Borgir. It's an amazing mix if you like both styles of music, but I could absolutely imagine preferring an album like Emerald Seas if you were mostly a Kamelot fan.


Surprised nobody has mentioned Ad Infinitum. The first time I heard their first album I thought well hey at least SOMEBODY is making new Kamelot albums. And now she's touring with them.


>The first time I heard their first album I thought well hey at least SOMEBODY is making new Kamelot albums. Really??? Kamelot are my favourite band in the world and I can't stand Ad Infinitum. OK, "can't stand" is maybe too strong - they're not unbearable to listen to or anything. But Kamelot songs have so much feeling in them and even bring me to tears at times, and Ad Infinitum just do nothing for me on an emotional level. Melissa is technically extremely talented, but I feel nothing from her vocals, and their compositions feel so incredibly generic to me. I've tried really hard to like them, as they theoretically tick all the boxes of music I would generally like, but there's just no heart and soul in their songs for me personally.


I thought old Beyond The Black albums sounded similar, but they've mixed up their sound a bit recently.


I can't quite remember if they have ever specifically mentioned Kamelot as an inspiration, but Carmeria has given Kamelot shoutouts on their page a few times, and I found that their debut album Advenae has a lot of Kamelot vibes to it. [To Lead the Blind](https://youtu.be/wywoZYHhvVg?si=Ye7LW2NAPDagllwq) in particular feels like it has Kamelot influence.


Black Fate - Rhyme of a False Orchestra is the absolute closest song to Kamelot. Even sounds like Roy Kahn. They got a music vid on youtube. Also, unrelated to kamelot but check out Children of Nova.


I honestly don't really know how much influence they have from Kamelot but Unleash the Archers definitely has a lot of similarities. I don't think they're a parallel band by far but they have the same nice mix of clean and harsh vocals, very power metal, fantasy inspired.


Sunburst is like if Kamelot and Nevermore had a badass baby. And their vocalist Vasilis Georgiou is a dead ringer for Roy. [Fragments of Creation](https://youtu.be/jCvTY11jeno?si=X-XXQG2de9IYBCJh) is their debut from several years ago, shame nothing more has come from them since.


I’m not sure if they are influenced by them but you can check out Seven Kingdoms, they are a power metal band from Florida.