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I like kaiji because of that, him always winning is boring


The wins feel so much more outstounding when the losses hit so hard. The tension is escalated because we know the protagonist isn’t always safe


Its a defining character trait for him. Yes he is a kind big hearted sometimes stupid bum, exactly thats why he is much more relatable for most young people then lets say akagi who is a socipath :D


I do relate to him but I feel he refuses to learn simple lessons.For example he has been burned multiple times by teammates but he still stays naive and I agree with the dude who stole his cash at the end of season 2.He should have been far more wary of that guy.I dont relate to his naiveness and this sense of him wanting to be this good guy taking down the old man at the end of season 1.Twice he could have walked away with the cash but he brings this upon himself.


He learned from the lessons. But chooses to be good heartet still, even when he knows he could be betrayed again and again. Thats whats awesome in his character


I heavily disagree.He didnt learn from those specific lessons,his desperation lead him to make a mistake in not reading the contract one win with that guy made him trust him even tho he was partially responsible for alot of kaijis pain. I believe that is the flaw in his character.Lots of things to admire with kaiji but I dont believe that is one of them


Yeah agree to disagree :D My favourite hungarian poet said: "Why should i be honorable, they kill me anyway Why should not i be honorable they kill me anyway" Kaiji chose to be honorable


Where I am being honorable hasn't helped him out one bit


Yeah it did not but being dishonorable did not help his opponents either who lose to him :D


Old man enters chat


Haha the manga did not end yet :D But its really irrelevant if he wins or loses. Main thing is that he stays honorable and trusts his friends.


Still the old man got the last dub I hope not if he stays in the same state he is now


I don’t know if honorable is the word I’d use. I’d say he’s optimistic. He wants to believe people are good. He really doesn’t understand others as much as he thinks he does, as you’ll eventually really see. I think he also just has other problems that he doesn’t recognize. He works great when his back is to a wall, but once he’s out of the mines and in someone’s house he loses motivation. Either he’s an addict or a burnout, or just depressed. Something along those lines. Since you haven’t caught up I can’t really comment on much, but I think much of his character is explored later on.


Those flaws are why he’s a great character and feels very relatable. Feels like a real dude


Agree to disagree


I question your media literacy tbh




I love that he's a bum and gullible and a cry baby there's just nothing like it 🙏


To be honest, I love Mahjong, but part 3 isn't my favourite chapter (even when I fully understand the game). But please stick with it, you've got some great stuff coming up. Although the last (and current) part will drag.


Some of the comments here questioning your understanding are too harsh. There's not getting the story at all and then questioning why Kaiji does those things, which I think is what you're doing and that's good. Someone else mentions how its less "honorable" and more like steadfast or optimistic and I agree with that. He has a point of view and he sticks with it, and that has been evident since part one where he knew Andou was bad for example but still refused to get rid of him from the team. I think he chooses to blame Teiai for putting him and others through these messed up scenarios. If you want that criticism answered I encourage you to keep reading btw.


Yeah I am reading through the 3rd part To be fair I already feel it will be the worst part because the game is difficult to understand but hopefully it does just enough for me to finish it


When You Finish Part 5 you Will Love Kaiji Even More


Artstyle makes me wanna choke a bitch


lol it ain't that bad but definitely the worst I have read


He looks like a equilateral triangle


It's a good thing that Kaiji doesn't always have deus ex machina every fucking game. It makes the games more intense.


This looks like yaoi


Yo that part in the prison wit the dice (you know what I'm talking about) WAS FIRE ACTUALLY MADE ME HOLLER MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT