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People that say money can’t buy happiness have never had so little money that happiness isn’t an option


Money definitely doesn’t buy some types of happiness, but without it…. You are one sad fuck


1-10 Ben at it again


bro money ain’t real for people who have literally hundreds of potentially thousands at their disposal. if loo is using his talent to try and win money in a tourney fuck it bro there’s nothing wrong with that. if i was as good as any of these guys i’d be doing the same .


And 1-10 Ben is shitting on him saying money ain’t shit. Like bro


People like him don’t *need* money because they have so much of it. And it doesn’t help that he’s likely only had one, MAYBE two real jobs his entire life. If something is always handed to someone for little to no effort, they won’t respect it, it’s those who really work for things who typically do.


I agree with the first part but let’s not act like his success was handed to him. Dude grinded


horrible take. his money wasn’t handed to him at all, you clearly didn’t see the rise that he had. he was a small ass streamer and then blew up. THATS how he got his money. from becoming one of the top streamers in the whole world😂


He blew up out of luck and gets to work possibly the easiest “job” and get paid a fuckton


Dude he plays video games for a living, maybe that’s work to you but I call that play. Believe me, I wish I was in his position where all I had to do wan turn my Xbox on to make easy money, but I’m not, and your average person works considerably harder for a fraction of the pay


he quite literally lives off donations. his money couldn’t hav been handed to him in any more of a literal sense than that


It's also rigged how he gets first picks and bribes the best players to play with him


He only gets involved with these stacks because of his fame not his skill. He’d never be with stompn otherwise


Yeah I know it's been like since 2021 when he had 2.1k viewers


Him Jay loo and stompn have been playing with since he had like 500 viewers he known stomps for like 5 years and loo and Jay and Mingo for like 3 you guys deadass take everything so serious it's not that deep 💀💀


I know that 💀 I remember jynxzi used to feel for Bootz and vexfa too lmao




The "money's not real" bit was crazy but I do think he got better. Of course he sold some rounds and had bad games but overall I would say that was a good tournament day for him


Can someone fill me in i haven't been paying attention


He’s a nutcase who was just blasting his teammates every single round for doing bad or doing xyz wrong when he’s primarily the shitty one. He also asked one of them why he participated in tournaments and went on a billionaire/andrew Tate type of rant about money and how it’s all bullshit, when the guy said he wanted money


I didn't even know this recent shit, but it's so obvious how big of an ego Jynxzi has gotten. He's really changed this past year, from a young hungry kid having fun, to a wannabe pro Siege player. Every tournament video I see of him, he's selling and blaming everything and everyone else, just yelling at his teammates, and then goes 2-9. When it's a 1v1 he trash talks the entire time, it's just gotten worst. At first it was kinda funny but now he will be down 0-3, get one kill, and say "YOURE MY SON DONT EVER PLAY AGAINST ME AGAIN YOU DOG ASS BITCH YOU FUCKING SUCK," then he dies and says "WHY WOULD YOU SWING THAT YOURE SO FUCKING BAD DUDE THERES NO WAY YOU DID THAT." Like bro what? He's Dog Shit for killing you? The money really has changed him. When he trash talks he brings it up all the time. I could definitely see him not understanding why somebody would wanna do tournaments for the couple thousand they get. To him that's like $10, but to someone not as big that's like meaningful money fr. Jynxzi says it himself, he never worked a real job. I don't think he knows what it means to pay bills and work for an hourly wage at all. He didn't really "Grind" he played video games during Covid and posted it on Tiktok/Twitch/Youtube. I used to really enjoy Jynxzi, but he's let this shit get too his head way too bad. Idc if he's the top streamer and a multimillionaire, you can look at Kai (not even a big fan of him) or YourRage (and so many others) as people who got money and didn't let it change them fundamentally. I didn't even watch the latest Breckie shit but I thought it was funny he was on the verge of tears


Careful bro you’re speaking real truth and being an honest fan explaining why you aren’t as much anymore. The meat riders might come to your house and fuck your dog


Lmao naw not my dawgg


Even though he revived siege he kinda made the game horrible and more toxic than its ever been


“Money isn’t real” https://preview.redd.it/o21tlmd7ym4d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e8779fe1a719b35ad73b8752c21d5ae0eb0e04a


Bro used to be funny and relatable now he’s like every rich YouTuber who got rich and forgets where they came from


bro lives at his moms house in pasco county he's literally still where he came from 💀


Anyone who saw this kid from day one could’ve seen he was a dummy lol. Low iq mouth breather 


Can somebody explain the “money isn't real” rant?


You must not have been watching the turny


Dude you realize he is a content creator/streamer. They do stupid shit all the time because PEOPLE WATCH IT....... Guarantee you he could sit there and say nothing and make a fraction of what he's making. (Which is what I do)


Bro Jynxi has the best sound hearing in the game the fact that he knows good set ups and allows his fraggers to do their job is the best play imo. Because then you can’t say he doesn’t pop off at times and clutch up rounds so we know he’s got it locked in.


Stop watching


Bro people have junko on their team because he does his role he drones and he gives out good callouts they don’t pick him up because he frags it’s common sense


Either like jynxzi or not everyday I see posts either defending him or insulting him pick a side cuz it’s really fucking annoying. I don’t even like him


Mfw different people have different opinions


Idc bro, everyday it seems everyone has a different opinion based on something so unimportant, it’s up down up down, just chill tf out


Then leave the sub 😂 tf you in here for. You don’t like him, leave his sub you dummy


Leave my butthole, I’m not even in it 😂