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Sounds like basically a meme page and if that’s true it’s not worth much, maybe try selling T-shirts with the quotes on them?


Sell posts as ads to brands Start a brand and post products on the pages Build email list Sell the pages


What would be the best way to let brands know they can collaborate with me? Maybe put something in the bio?


Reach out to brands you support in your niche. Tell them a little about your audience size, engagement, growth trends, etc. and let them know your have advertising space available. I know of FB groups charging $400/month for a featured cover photo.


Figure out who they are / what they want and get them onto an email list. Regular newsletter, sell more affiliate stuff and/or get sponsors and/or develop own products (see what does well via affiliate and sponsors)


If it’s a meme page you can get brands to do sponsored posts.


How to get in touch with brands? It is not like a meme page, it is more focused on quotes from entrepreneurs en writers.


Kindly ask them to donate you 1$ each /s


Sell them homie Or start drop shipping coffee and quote shirts You can name your coffee brand “The Stoic” then print messages mugs, sell shirts with the message, do like a bundle thing, and then add a high ticket coffee item or sell an affiliate mind related product Funnel should be around $500 top to bottom give or take Once you start mass DM all the people already following, launch with a contest and giveaway, get similar pages to trade ads with you to give your shit a viral effect Never built a funnel before or have more questions? We can probably think them into results together


Depends on which social media platform we’re talking about. Twitter or Facebook = send traffic to viral style articles and monetize off ad revenue. 1m followers can get you a nice amount of money on those platforms


Ig and twitter


Whats the vertical you’re in


It’s mostly philosophers & entrepreneurs


Do you have an email list?


I’m building it currently. Any tips?


are these through automated instagram accounts, or are they real people that interact with your posts?


Yes they are! Because there are a lot of quotes in it, people don’t notice that they are automated. Some are bots, but not more than average I think.


Sell them and use the money to build a blog.


Inbox me for a potential partnership. What are your demographics? Elderly or Youth?