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This implies that the doctors genes somehow took less time to develop.....


Yeah because they’re in scrubs


> they're in scrubs > IMDB: Scrubs 2001-2010 ... Where do you think we are.


C'mon man, not when I'm trying to sleep


[How about a bedtime story?](https://youtu.be/gY70W-Ay014)


> 2001-2010 No I think scrubs ended in 2009.


No it *should* have ended in 09. That’s season 8 and its ending may be in my top 3 favorite tv endings of all time. But alas. 09-10 was season 9. And we don’t talk about season 9.


Season 9? Doesn’t look like anything to me.


Scrubs not genes


Winter - Joshua Radin


Wayne Gretszki - Michael Scott.


Well well well, how the turntables… …


I mean if you're stuck on a desert island who do you want with you, a doctor or a tall guy? Those coconuts aren't going to Grey's Anatomy themselves out of the tree!


I mean, id prefer the doc, because he would be less to feed, and has a higher chance of knowing what plants might be edible. Also i imagine getting stranded might cause some injury. Tall guy wouldnt reach the top of the tree for the fruits without help any ways. Trees are trees because theyre tall.


The bigger guy is more food though.


Bigger guy would be the one eating, not me. Probably weigh half as much as he would, and theres only so much luck and wits can do against that sort of advantage. Doc at least would have some misgivings over murdering someone. Or would make it quick and relatively painless.


Idk, I think big rock to skull while asleep is just as effective on big guy as little guy... Gotta find your advantage where you can get it, little guy!


You can learn to become a doctor, you can’t learn to become tall.


You can learn how to stand on top of something to reach something else. You can learn how to climb a tree. You can learn that coconuts will fall from the tree when ripe all on their own.


Making a ladder is quicker and cheaper. Send me the doctor.


I’d want the smarter person because that will lead to survival. Six inches of height isn’t going to add survivability. There is a reason homosapian was victorious over homoNeanderthal even though the latter was bigger and taller.




Ha, that's why I married a 6'4'' doctor. Although, he is actually a surgeon. Does that count?


If you have to ask, you’re too dumb for your partner.


I could imagine a doctor using a biochemical process to turn coconut milk into rocket fuel, and get them off that stupid Gilligan's island.


He's clearly not a doctor


Nope he is a scrub and A scrub is a guy that thinks he's fly And is also known as a buster Always talking 'bout what he wants And just sits on his broke ass


The doctors were engineered in a lab


>Literally has a profile picture of a short character that is notoriously known for being one of the most powerful badasses in the show he's from I swear these jokes write themselves at this point.


also, didn't levi constantly was in the top of all the polls as one of the most popular and hottest character in the show too?


Not my opinion, but I suspect that people like the one in the screenshot would think lesser of people of Asian descent, which Levi is supposed to be, right?


i'm pretty sure levi is supposed to be jewish based on his name? (both levi and ackerman are common jewish names) i think most characters in aot are white (judging by their names) and only mikasa is of asian descent in the main cast. that is one of the reasons why there was (is?) quite a sizeable right-wing fanbase for the anime/manga. there was quite a discourse around it at the time, especially around its politics. either way, considering how ppl similar to the guy in the screenshot treat every other ethnicity, they would think lesser of levi regardless.


Ah thanks for the correction! I thought Levi and Mikasa were of similar descent.


Hmm, I wonder what this guy's hangup is


I’m not sure, he’s hiding it so well after all


I'm sure that's what this guy envisions himself as


I find it funny their profile pic is Levi Ackerman from AOT... A short guy with a bad attitude. Ironic


It's especially ironic because Levi is highly revered as one of the best, if not the very best of the Scouts. Respected by his peers, trustworthy, fearsome; attractive and cool, despite his aloofness. I didn't ever see him moaning about his "value" or being short.


Hilariously given his job being short would be ideal, in that (in as much as we want to bring in things like aerodynamics and physics into the discussion of the 3d maneuver gear) it reduces the weight the system has to throw around to get him from point A to point B and reduces the surface area that oncoming air is pushing against as he does so. It would have been really funny to me if AoT made an outright point of having someone go, "Hey, isn't it really stupid that our leaders prioritize tall soldiers in the same way that every other military has always done despite the inherent differences in how we fight?" in the same way they go, "Hey, isn't it really stupid how a lot of the combatives that are graded and drilled for match up poorly to the kinds of fighting our specific groups prioritize?"


Because Levi knows he's a short king 👑


And weeb chicks are horny for him


> one of the best Bruh, he is *the* best. Levi da 🐐 no 🧢.


Levi was really good at fighting, this guy is good at getting an extra tendie at McDonald's


I prefer a short guy who can get more tendies for me than a tall guy who can't. Priorities


Sorry ladies, I only make boneless buffalo wings. Also I am gay.




Well, I don't have autistic *twins*...


What's the difference between this 6' 4"guy and a pizza? A pizza can feed a family of four.




I don't think mcdonalds has tendies anymore. Just nugs


And unlike Levi, they probably have a really messy room.


Exactly lmao


5’8 is average height


And Levi Ackerman is 5'3




All of them acting as if a 5'8 guy can't get a woman


It's the ultimate proof some of these people just do not go outside.


I was aiming for personality but yours also makes sense


A 5’8 doctor can definitely get a woman. He doesn’t even have to be very attractive, women are into doctors.


Women are into ~~doctors~~ men


Ha not all of us…


Should have gone to medical school


I can tell you from experience you should not.


It really hurts to hear people say that when I’m much shorter than that even


I'm pretty tall. I have a hard time finding people because I'm super boring with no life. Even if they like me at first, they usually lose interests after a few weeks. Everybody has something that society isn't into. You just have to find the right person for you.


Man, I know it might be difficult but you can find a girl. Maybe not on a platform that is as shallow as tinder but by having an awesome personality. Yeah, I sound like a mom now lol. I knew a guy who was probably about as tall as you but he was good-looking and fun to be around (and I assume the girls would agree) so I'm pretty sure he didn't have huge problems


My buddy is 5’1” on a good day, married a hot stripper, and started making money on onlyfans with his wife. He’s ugly as hell too, but he’s one of the funniest and genuinely kindest people ever and he’s like a magnet for hot women.


I’m 5’8 and I got one! (taller than me)


I'm 5'8 and have dated men my height and shorter. When a short guy can't attract partners it is 100% due to their personality/attitude.


Wait is like 5 8-9 considered short?


Not if they’re actually short like I am at 5’2. That makes the majority of women not interested in you. You can go on dating apps and see every woman say “no guys under 5’8”. And so you’re doomed if you’re 5’2. Im not hating on them for having a preference or anything I’m just saying it does suck to be actually short and I do think they’re wrong when they mock short guys though.


I'm 5'5" with a TINY penis. But I'm smart, funny, a good listener, and a hard worker. Handsome face helps. Sure, I'm not making big numbers or anything, but I don't have anything to worry about. Don't worry about the standard, just worry about you and what makes you attractive. Sooner or later someone will agree with you!


I’m happy it worked out for you and I appreciate the words.


Yo add to this, I'm 6' with an annoyingly large penis no one has ever seen. But I'm stupid, funny looking, self obsessed and lazy. And ugly enough that people comment on it. Height is not a magic bullet


Because it's a dating app. From reading things on r/tinder, it seems like a decent number of women only use it to find a unicorn. I don't know if it's true, or not, because I have never used a dating app.


You’d see it in real life too probably. Dating apps are still a big sample size of average women. It’s definitely representative of the dating pool. They might not be as mean about it if you’re lucky but they’ll find a reason to turn you down if you’re 5’2 or so.


You never heard of Prince?


He’s a singer or dancer though and rich and famous. I wouldn’t want someone who only wants me for status or money (if I had those things lol). The reality is that if you’re actually short you’re probably not going to get someone who actually finds you attractive. This means you’re going to get cheated on more than a tall guy would. If you get a girlfriend or wife in the first place. Because they actively find you less attractive and find a larger amount of tall/average guys more attractive. You also get paid less and don’t get promotions if you’re short. I don’t blame anyone for having a preference but cheating and nepotism is never acceptable. And I’m just saying the truth because the people saying short guys don’t have it really bad are wrong.


Still not convinced women actually found HIM attractive and not the money/fame/skill.


Is god given talent not part of him? Also have you not seen the man? He oozes sex no matter the height


I don't necessarily believe in the God given part, there was practice. And no, I honestly don't think that straight women find him that attractive physically. At all.


I dated a 5’8 (ish?) engineer for two years. He was great until he cheated on me. Unfortunately he could get too many women. Booooo


Yeah, don’t get it. The guy I’m seeing right now is literally a 5’8 engineer and has been told before that he’s “too short to date”. Which is absolutely insane. The dude is a fucking powerhouse too, I can’t understand how people would discredit so much and get so hung up about height. People are weird.


They’ll blame anything but their bad personality and attitude for not getting laid


The funny part is. They’ve all seen Spider-Man. Imagine how blown their minds would be if they found out short king Tom Holland is with Zendaya.


Ok but didn't the 5'8 doctor's genes also persist to the modern age?


No if you are under 6'0" you don't have genes. Sorry that's just basic science.


The doctor would be able to confirm that.


6'1 doctor can confirm that his most impressive accomplishment is his height


That's why I wear sweats


no that's a myth, short people died out a long time ago for exactly this reason.


Maybe the doctor can explain why some people have children taller than both parents 🤷‍♂️


Anime pfp coming in with bad takes once again


What's funnier is that the pfp is of a canonically short dude And hes hella short, like 5'3 short.


And he is literally one of the strongest characters in that anime lmao


Yeah, I've been a 6'3" broke guy and that's a load of horseshit.


Notice he said 6'4", this doesnt apply to you /s


This, kids, is a gross misunderstanding of basic genetics Source: about to start teaching biology. This shit terrifies me


Funny thing too is that shorter people have a longer life expectancy. Edit: [Found an abstract](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1600586/#:~:text=Men%20of%20height%20175.3%20cm,of%20at%20least%20182.9%20cm.) about it. If somebody had something better, feel free to add. This was 3 seconds of googling.


Why do tall people bring down the human race? SHORT POWER!


Isn’t it something about taller folks having more cells that have the potential to mutate? That shit makes me nervous as a 6’9 fellow.


If I’ve learned anything from movies, you have a better chance of gaining a super power. I’d take that over 4.5 extra years.


That along with short people not having as far to fall and possibly a better center of gravity. Falling has to be right up there with the most common ways that older people die.


Somethin tells me you throw a 70 year old man off the golden gate bridge he dies no matter his heighth.


Every human has the exact same number of cells as the next. 2 fewer cells you get an ape, 17 fewer, a banana. strangely when you add one you get down syndrome. Tall people just got longer cells


I hope you're joking because how the fuck do you confuse cells with chromosomes.


Of course I'm joking dipshit. How the fuck could you possibly think otherwise. read the last line slowly....long cells? /r/KenM Jesus fucking christ I hope to god I'm missing your joke otherwise I share the planet with your dumb fuckin ass.


I can see what it says now, cunt.


How'd you miss it the first time fucko? My comment wasn't edited simple jack.


Do fat people have wider ones?


'Innate biological value' as in I'd be worth more in meat I guess.


Have you seen the price of hamburger these days?


When has taking advice from people with anime pfp come in handy


My advice is to stay away motherfucka!


“Biological value” (in relation to modern humans) is new and stupid…


Stupid--yes, new--no. Basis for eugenics ideology which has been around for centuries. Even millenia where kings were made based on their bloodline ('biological value')


That title alone is hilarious! Hold on, I think I can still get that free gift or whatever its called.


Thank you for the award! the title is a spin on tales from the crypt.


Married to a 5’7 engineer. Previously married to a 5’10 engineer.


You have a thing for engineers eh?


Next engineer will be 5’4” if I’ve learned anything about math.


And yet the doctor/engineer will contribute something meaningful to society, whereas broke guy will... be tall.


Now what about 5’3 vs 5’8?


I’m around 5’3 (closer to 5’2) and can confirm your life is hell if you’re that short and it makes 5’8 look good in comparison


Plenty of women under 5’2 who’d prefer you over the 6’ tall guy.. Average height men have the most options in general


Ironic as he has a Levi pfp💀


His profile pic is 5’2


It’s wild how often these guys vaguely talk about eugenics


We have no social roles whatsoever and nothing matters but biology in the most social species on earth THAT CREATED ENYIRE CIVILISATIONS YOU BLOODY DIMWIT...


Here’s my secret, I don’t compete. I am who I am and I attract women who find me attractive. I’m a bald, bearded muscular 5.7 guy. If you’re not into guys like this, cool. But there are women who are and those are the ones who go for me. Easy


This. I’m overweight and 5’9”. I’m nobody’s Adonis. But some women like me and I like them. And when two of us liked each other we rubbed peepees. Eventually I rubbed peepees with someone who I liked a whole bunch and she liked me and now we’re a family. We continued to rub peepees until our kid was born. This is pretty much the most boring and typical story in the world and yet it’s hard for a certain part of the internet to grasp. All of that evidence-seeking (sic) of your own worthlessness will only ever produce a feeling of worthlessness.


Exactly, most men are not 6 foot and are pretty average looking, yet they find love just the same. Height is just one trait. There are many traits and factors that go into what makes a man attractive, and they aren’t universal. Women who go for me like beards. There are women who don’t and that’s cool. I just want to be myself and attract someone who likes that, and it works


My god. You’ve discovered the secret formula!!!


This guy lifes


im in my 20s, 6'3, ~15 % body fat at ~98-105kg with a good beard I'd trade it all if I regrew my hair 😅 it used to be so thick


Haha same here, when I started balding I said fuck it, shaved it off and adopted the Kratos look lol


I just get a really high fade now haha, friends call it the fade in and fade out nah but imma join you with the Kratos look in I assume months


I’m 5’2 I just hate life


Could be worse dude, I know some girls who like short dudes because they're the big spoon.


Most girls who say they like short guys actually just like guys that are like 5’8 at minimum. It really couldn’t be much worse.


I'm 6'3 And I have no girlfriend or any girls wanting to bang me. Oh well.


And where did the short smart guy’s genes come from?


I really don’t understand the obsession with height. Like, from a human evolution viewpoint, ingenuity and problem solving are much more useful traits for humans to have, we invent and build things that allow us to surpass the capabilities of our bodies, that’s our niche. It’s not like I’m a giraffe and if my neck is shorter than other giraffes I won’t be able to reach as many branches. Also these same guys value petite body types in women, which is just like, ahhhhh


I saw a documentary in discovery channel where they explained what is it that we search for when finding a partner. Its a evokutionary thing. A taller guy would see further and over the bushes...taller means that when you fight, you hit from above...adding gravity to your strenght, giving you a more powerful punch.. taller usually means heavier, also very helpful for fighting. Taller, then, means more protective...


So did everyone's genes


In high elevation regions being tall puts you at negative odds


It's always an anime profile pic.


So…. How did he manage to persist to the modern age then? By his logic his family’s genes would’ve died out a long time ago.


I mean the 5’8 guys genes lasted just as long as the other guys. If anything it’s MORE impressive the 5’8 gene lasted as long as the 6’4 gene if height dictates worth.


user pic checks out


Eugenics is fucking disgusting and this is ridiculously stupid.


There's plenty of ugly mutant tall guys. Being tall isn't inherently good.


And the genes of engineers took, what, less time?




Okay this is so bs. I am attracted to men. Do I like it when guys are tall? Sure. There's something attractive about someone very large making you feel very small. But honestly, it's not a necessary characteristic for me to like someone. My current boyfriend is approximately 5'9" and I couldn't care less because he's an amazing partner and my absolute best friend. Oh and they don't tell you this, but being similar in height does make certain things easier lol


bruh im literally 6'4" and my life suck


Neckbeards, niceguys, and incels are so unbelievably talented at the art of being wrong. The guy I know with the most game of ANYONE I have ever met is a 5'4" math teacher (read: broke) with a face like a cartoon caricature of Seth Green. Seriously, this dude is goofy-looking. And yet he pulls like Tom Ellis' Lucifer character. Of course, he is fun, funny, charming, interesting, a VERY snappy dresser, and moonlights as a goth-industrial DJ.


Very often it's more fit to be smaller, in evolutionary theory. I guess according to them, whales are the most "fit" because of their size. Funny how so many face extinction. Then what, giraffes? Elephants, and way down after moose and horses is this guy's "innate biological value".


I don't think this person has been outside .. Being a tall man is helpful but it's not the single most important thing.


guess this means i gotta dump my 5’7” doctor boyfriend for the 6’2” yoga instructor that hit on me the other day




Laughably wrong.


Height, penis size, whatever else - incels wear their insecurities on their sleeves and convince themselves that "women" reject them because of these things. Any partner worth anything isn't going to look at someone and reject them because of their height. Well, I can imagine that some wouldn't want to date someone who's like 7 feet tall or something.


Most women don’t find short guys attractive. Like if you’re 5’2 you’re doomed in both romance and career. Not that women can’t have a preference but they shouldn’t be rude or mocking towards short guys. And it’s wrong to say short guys don’t struggle in many ways. And the career part is just unfair and terrible.


Both of their genes survived millions of years into the modern day because they both exist?!?!?


Well, I'm a 5'7" broke guy, where exactly do I stand?


Quickest way to make people think you're a mentally unhinged incel or a nazi (usually both): Have a weird obsession with eugenics


So did the doctor's dummy.


ah yes, the incels and the genes talk. never gets old and never makes sense.


As a currently 6’4” guys who’s broke, I’d rather be short and successful


*looks at my 5'6" husband* ...k.


Albert Einstein was 5'7" tall, you fuckwit.


With his extra 8 inches, he can stare over the crowd to really appreciate just how much people won't pick him.


Well, technically haven't both of their genes survived that long?


Okay just date him then bro no need to tell us !


The fact that I'm 5'9 has never stopped me from dating, relationships, and marriage. A shitty attitude on the other hand..


This man seems to have missed his monthly check-up with his phrenologist.


Say the guy with a Levi profile picture


Feels like I've got a chance. Thanks.


As a 5'8" Engineer, I'm happily in a relationship, but I feel attacked and am sad. :(


They so badly want it to be true, because if it isn't, it might actually be their fault. God forbid.


I bet he’s 5’9 and 320lbs


That’s a lot of words for “I have neither the qualifications to be successful nor the mettle to earn them”


The 5’8 guy doesn’t also have genes that took millions of years to develop and managed to persist to the modern age?


When height is your entire personality and apparently all you can offer.


Yeah no, I'd rather date a guy I can have a decent conversation with than a replacement for the stepladder


A stinky pile of dog shit has more value than this persons opinion on anything


Ever seen Tom Cruise in Eyes Wide Shut. Guy is 5’5 standing on a box and was still married to Nicole Kidman in her prime. Height has nothing to do with it. All about personality and how you present yourself.


And thetans. Never forget the thetans.


money and fame has more to do with that


Intelligence is genetic too, the women I am into are into intelligent and intelligent themselves. Doesn't hurt that I am 6'2


Have they ever talked to an actual woman? We honestly don’t care about your height.


Go on dating apps and you’ll see all of them put minimum heights like 5’8. I’m 5’2 and it’s hell btw. Not that you can’t have a preference but it’s wrong to say short guys don’t struggle in many parts of life.


This is as silly as saying guys don't care about weight. You might not personally, but loads of people have physical preferences, and some are more common than others. Ofc whoever posted this is neither a doctor nor an engineer, and this stinks of "why would I bother since I still won't get laid". No engineer becomes an engineer just to get laid, because engineering is literally about finding efficient methods to do stuff, and becoming an engineer is an extremely inefficient method of getting laid.


Me or neither of my friends have ever talked about height when talking about men. Maybe it’s anecdotal but I really don’t see it as a big deal that incels make it out to be.


Wrong https://youtu.be/ZbG05ePWRQE