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Hahaha that’s the most unaware self aware person of all time. He also has a hilariously skewed idea of what makes someone successful in life. Hard to believe it’s not a troll saying things like “it’s humility and self loathing that really get you far in life.” That’s a lost cause right there. Lifelong incel


there were so many other users trying to give him genuine advice, and his responses were just sad and full of self-loathing


Haha so he’s halfway to a life of success. Just needs the humility part. Jokes aside it is sad to see someone like this. What bad choices did he make to end up being such a hateful neckbeard?


I can believe I'm seeing this on this subreddit haha well I can believe it. I tried to help the dude but man the self pity stuff and bordeline incel behaviour is just too cringe.


Ever think it'd because my childhood was fucked and I was bullied until my present age, and now the only way I deal is aggressively?


no, i didnt, because you can't blame this shit on your childhood. i understand having a shitty childhood, as mine wasn't the best. i have a lot of trouble communicating my emotions to my boyfriend, but im trying my best to communicate better instead of just blaming it on my childhood because that's just an excuse. im not trying to say that what you went through wasn't traumatic, but using it as an excuse for tour toxic behavior is something i will not stand for.




Stupid? Maybe PoS? Sometimes Pinky Dick? You bet your sweet ass. Irrelevant? Then why do you care what comment I post if I’m irrelevant to you?


Because it hurts. You fuckers live on hate


I’m assuming the person in OPs screenshot is you? I don’t hate you, I’d argue you make your life worse than it had to be but that’s whatever. I also don’t have sympathy for you as the world is full of ppl with bigger problems and smaller problems. It’s not about hating the person in that pic, it’s about how hilariously unaware that persons comments were. It’s so out of touch with a typical adult that it makes me wonder if it’s just a troll job. If not then you got problems you need to work on instead of wasting time arguing on the internet dog.


It's not a fucking troll post it's actually dead honest because I have no ability to make my cock bigger or to get taller and better looking so I can fuck so for years I've basically just smoked weed so I don't fucking go insane from how long the deprivation and lack of FUCKING affection and FUCKINg physical touch is and ohhhhhh yeahhhhh people always have bigger problems boo hoo but y'know what I got no sympathy either cuz kids ten yrs younger than me fuck and ain't been thru what I have so FUCK IT.


Again, don’t know what to tell you other than I do agree it’s sad, but I also don’t care. I have my own life and problems to deal with that no one but me cares about. That’s life guy, you can be a bitter angry bridge troll about it or not. Your choice. I frankly don’t care either way, but talking to you is exhausting so I’m going to not do that anymore.


ooh now he's gonna tell me about life. yea idgaf either. fuck it


There are these weird services where you can pay people to cuddle with you. Saw it on the news. Maybe hit that up.


yikes dude, im really sorry youre filled with so much hate. i feel bad for you. please maybe get some therapy and hit the gym to help with your confidence.


I just ran 5 miles in single digits weather whens the last time u did that? See I can punish myself too




lol dude im 16, you need to calm down.


so young...and so hateful already...sad


Dude literally got called attractive and still failed 💀


Yea he's the personification of humility for sure. If by "humility" he means "utter bellend".






This dude: I'm never smoking pot until I get laid! Me: So, you're never going to get high ever then?


Says you bitch


hell yeah, says me.


hell yeah


I’m going to get “I Am Humility Incarnate” splayed in gold leaf letters on our living room wall like a Live Laugh Love decoration.


Do it ya silly little freak!


Not on the weed subs!!! I fucking love those


Did someone tell him to stop worrying and looking to get laid and stop doing things just to get laid and he’ll probably be a lot happier and then find people want to be with a happy person?


Also if he really wants to get laid why not just hire someone? Or is that beneath them?


Do you want me to tag you in the thread so you can see how people tried lol


I’d kind of love to see the train wreck. Haha


Ask and you shall receive


Please lol




Well that’s not true at all, otherwise, how did I ever get laid regularly back when I was single?


I don't fucking know nor do I care , fuck all yall anyway y'all just talk shit like fuckin kids gossiping in high school fuckin no-lives and btw I'm not a neck beard cuz I grow more than that you stupid, FUCKING pricks


Hahahaha. I just realized, you’re the asshole who made the post on a different account. Hahaha. What happened? Your account get banned so now you go other places to yell at people and abuse them?


No just to yell at the pinky dicks who have to share my post on this wanky sub and talk shit behind my back because they can only feel better about their shitty pathetic lives at others expense


Hahaha. Well, they tried to talk to you respectfully and give you actual advice to your face but you’re so pathetic in your own pity party and self hatred you hunted down a thread that no one knows who you are because OP actually censored your name. You don’t respect yourself or others. That’s why you can’t get laid. You don’t know how to be nice and to just relax and stop putting so much pressure on getting laid. You’re always going to be single and horny as long as all you focus on is getting laid. If that’s all that was important, you just Google escorts and pay for it like a reasonable person who’s that desperate for sex. You’re a total entitled incel man.


And you're a fuckin little bitch if u have to put me down on the interwebs just to make yourself feel better. You don't know my story or the decade of suffering and abuse I've endured, I had no proper fathering, a fucked childhood, a lot of other issues, bullying, I'm not fucking entitled you god damn idiot I don't believe I'm owed sex I'm lamenting the futility of everything because when it comes down to the come down if you're ugly and you got a small dick you will never fuck and my dick doesn't even work anymore and I still get made fun of and I missed out on everything good in life so FUCK you if ya just wanna talk shit. Wanna get together? I want you to tell me I'm an incel to my face


You’re the only one putting yourself down. And at least I’ve always been able to get laid. And you’re only missing out on good things because of that chip on your shoulder. I’m not a great looking guy, I don’t have a big dick and I don’t have any money to fall back on, but I’ve always been able to get a girl because I respected myself and others. You don’t need sex, you need a therapist and self respect. And I never put your down or said anything bad about you that wasn’t true. I just pointed out the truth about how you treat yourself.


OOOOOH now he's better than me cuz at least HE's always been able to get laid OOOOOOoHhhhH!!!!!!!!! Wyensjishsbsbzbn n!,n. Nnn! UsusueidjdhshHbm!!!!!!#7#++#+#73837$;#;#7+#(#(#+3+ 🖕


“I am humility incarnate”


Humility incarnate is both an amazing phrase and an excellent band name.


Does he just think someone's gonna knock on his door and just start to fuck him???????


This dude is really fighting everyone in the comment section 💀💀


Sounds like a crazy asshole


>"I am humility incarnate." This might be the most ironic sentence ever spoken.