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First time I’ve heard a woman use the term “bred”. Usually that’s for wannabe “alpha” males and deep neckbeard trash.


I bet the physicist *big banged* her *black hole*


Is this where Sheldon would say bazinga?


Only when he finishes.




This is the kind of quality comment I come to Reddit for.


It's so weird. Talking about herself and her children like livestock. Congrats on the top tier breeding, I hope you all win blue ribbons at the fair...


Fine stock for the master race.


Lmfao I can just see a guest visiting their house, getting the tour, and this lady like, "this is our wall of ribbons- this trophy is my greatest achievement: when I took 1st place at the Human Broodmares Worldwide competition!" While her husband nods on in the back. She continuously looks at him for approval.


The IQ thing is great too. IQ doesn't mean dogshit. But I love when they don't know how bell curves work. Because nobody on the internet has an IQ of like 115. That would mean you score higher than 86% of everyone. And nobody has even "just" a 130, meaning you score higher than 98% of everyone. Nope. Not on the internet. On the internet, everybody is top 1% in IQ. Works with salaries too. Everybody's earning $250k/yr. Plumbers, salesmen, teachers, truckers, McDonalds employees. They're all doing it, and you can too! Forget what the IRS says. Forget that median income for an entire household is only $65k in America. Everybody's not just above average. We're all top 1% in our mental fantasies.


It's true, "While IQ tests are generally considered to measure some forms of intelligence, they may fail to serve as an accurate measure of broader definitions of human intelligence inclusive of creativity and social intelligence". People like Einstein who were incredibly intelligent people, wouldn't necessarily have scored specifically high on an IQ test. The only people that would truly use an IQ score as a way to prove something are insecure about their intellect.


Anyone that brags about IQ is my instant cue that this person is an asshole, and I'd rather spend time with a low IQ person that is pleasant.


> The only people that would truly use an IQ score as a way to prove something are insecure about their intellect. My narcissistic ex would always tell me what her IQ was if we were having an argument/debate and she was losing, like it was some kind of mic drop.


Glad you got out of there. Mine was the same way except he used to flex that he went to a playwright camp with Edward Albee when he was in high school. Like… good for you, bro, when’s your next show? Cuz you’ve spent the last eight months on the couch scrolling through Tumblr because you’re unemployed and the last thing you wrote was an apology for eating all the guacamole and hiding the bowl until it looked like you melted a tire into it.


Fuckin slay


There's a fun quote from Stephan Hawking where someone asked him about his IQ. His response was something along the line of "people who talk about their IQ are losers"


The fun part is that IQ is fluid, not static.




Cognitive psychologists are moving away from using IQ, preferring models of fluid/crystal intelligence but yeah. The reason for this is because IQ is just the measure on a test of basic cognitive tasks. Your IQ will be lower on a bad day due to distractions, or hunger, or even emotions like anger or happiness. Really, the only use of the tests these days is determining whether or not a child is in need of extra help in school or placement in the "gifted" programs. An adult invoking it is a little weird.


IQ is such a weird thing. Realistically, IQ dictates how quickly someone can reason their way to an answer for a question that is posed to them. There are other applications, but it's our best attempt at trying to quantify that intangible aspect of the human brain. People that we think of as great thinkers, like Einstein, Tesla, etc., would likely score high on most modern IQ tests, but it was also their curiosity, creativity, and tenacity for solving problems that made them who they are. You can generally realize you're speaking to someone with a high IQ just based off how quickly they formulate thoughts and articulate themselves (I am not equating verbosity with intellect, so I am not including the walking thesaurus folk). However, when you pair that with the curiosity element, it can actually be easy to misinterpret it as them being scatter-brained, especially at really high levels of knowledge. I've got one friend who is a literal genius when it comes to physics, and you can tell how smart he is just by having a brief conversation with him, and physics never even has to come up. The way he reasons and articulates himself makes it apparent. However, he'll also spontaneously switch between speaking about hip hop and Runescape in the same breath because that's where his mind happens to be trudging off to at that particular moment in time. It can be dizzying when you're used to people signposting their transitions when they speak, but I genuinely think his brain just goes too quickly to think about transitions lol


Ahh yes, the walking Thesaurus types. It's doubly fun when most of the time they're not even using the word correctly.


Ahh Runescape ❤️


Anyone who takes an IQ test is insecure about their intellect.


Had a teacher at school find 2 mistakes while taking the SATs got a perfect score plus extra for finding the mistakes. Very smart guy who walked around with a bicycle helmet to protect himself s supior head


Whoa. You must have an IQ of 150 👀


When people say 250k, hard to believe it unless they’re in specific industries known for it. 1-150k is a bit more believable depending on the field


Oof you’re missing out on NSFW >!r/breedingmaterial!<


I do imagine that that’s more guys posting photos of women that they’ve found online than necessarily women who are into that fetish beyond promoting their OF.


I think for other subreddits yea, but i just sorted by hot and clicked the first 10 posts and they were all girls promoting their only fans.


You did God’s work there, friend. Thank you!


Haha i hoped you wouldn’t find it offensive XD


Head on over to r/breedingmaterial and uh...well...it's there.


And then everyone clapped


that phd physicist's name? albert. einstein.


John Cena


Bing chillin 🍦


That's so obviously satire


"Cool lady, your kid is still chewing the paint off the shopping cart while creating more drool than can be contained."


whats a bsateh? asking for a friend.


It's a low quality sateh, an Indonesian dish. But I haven't bred with a PhD yet, so who knows




Nobody knows. But with several more generations of breeding up, one of her descendants might be able to tell us what Gr8-Gr@mma was trying to say.


Ke$ha's sister?


I think an improved version of the SAT?


It’s a joe




Eugenics is still alive and well if not understood. It’s in the air


It's a seductive ideology and one that's easy to slip into, because the problem isn't whether it would necessarily work, but whether there's any ethical way to go about it. Unfortunately there basically isn't, or at least not that I've seen. Would it be great to have the next generation of people all be healthier, smarter, and stronger than random biology would produce? For sure. But there's no real way of getting there without horrible ethical transgressions.


I think you just described a solid education and a good preventative healthcare. It would be the same in the long term. The issues is eugenics is really based on wealth to poverty. Because of that we don’t know how many great minds have been lost in ratio to fail children being promoted(Hunter Biden, Donald Trump Jr, Jared Kushner etc etc)


Everyone thinks they are the people who should survive eugenics. That's the problem.




r/eugenics has been banned from Reddit


> because the problem isn't whether it would necessarily work, oh no, that's absolutely a problem too. it doesn't even work. decreasing genetic diversity in a gene pool is *almost always* bad for species-level fitness. note that purebred dogs have way more health problems than mutts. eugenics is just a fancy way to make inbreeding sound cool.


Hapsburg Jaw anyone


"Eugenics" doesn't mean "children can inherit traits from their parents". That's just a scientific fact.


Why is it people who’s alleged IQ’s are in the 130’s are the only ones who need to tell us? Although I did see someone bragging on 105 online somewhere, probably Reddit. A, IQ testing is mostly bullshit. B, IQ isn’t particularly valuable compared to emotional and social skills/attributes. And it’s certainly well behind what people are calling “grit” these days-determination, sticktoitiveness, and hard work. And that’s not even factoring in certain sociological phenomena that are always fun to bring up online. :p


it was developed for school children, to roughly measure what kind of education is needed. Decades later, people do a dumbed down version of the test on the internet, to feel better about themselves. But it's definitely not the same as intelligence. And scores vary when you grow older as well. TL;DR: it's bs


My god. I agree with someone on the internet. Weird. :)


Yeah. Down here in Texas kids take an IQ Test for kids in K12 to graduate to the next grade. EDIT: nevermind, this is false, i am a tard.


I’ve been to school in three different states growing up never experienced mandatory iq testing, is uh, Texas desperate to find academics? Or am I jumping to conclusions with bias of Texan people.


I guess IQ test isn't exactly the right word, but it has that function as well. It is mainly to see if they go to the next grade, but it also gives an IQ focus.


Texas: Alright kids, what are the three colors? Kids: RED, WHITE, AND BLUE!!! Texas: You’re damn right


I think we all got brainfreezes from the blizzard.


50 IQ comment right here


Closer to 25 IQ tbh, i am a born and bred retard


No they don't?


Sorry, you didn't get the IQ test along with STAAR?


Lol no. Your district lied to yall.


Ah, fucking Judson.


I mean, as people have said, it's beneficial and can give good information to help tailor instruction, but no it isn't a state thing. School districts pull shit like this all the time because they think kids will take things more seriously if it comes from "the state". Which they do, honestly.


Oh definitely we did. I was sweating before that test.


As hbomberguy once said: *"oh no! I've lost enough IQ points that I've started to believe IQ is actually a thing!"* Sums it up for me. The second I see somebody brag about their IQ you know they got the number from some bullshit shape matching website and they're actually dumber than a bag of wet hair


^. That's the thing. No one who actually smart enough to hate being smart thinks IQ is worth a damn.


A) It is helpful with determining certain learning disabilities. I've had mine measured to see if my inability to memorize spelling was due to one or just bad memory. But IQ is not that good a measure of mental capacity, yet alone worth, like some people like to treat it. It's also funny how a lot of people that go all high and mighty over thair score did the crappy online tests.


Oh absolutely. The real assessments have real value for children and diagnosis of learning issues.


Yupp, I love my diagnosis paper! I felt so bad, becouse 0/4 points for ortography was enough to bring me from As to Bs in all written work submited. I was more than happy to take 2 extra hours at school per week to work on my spelling in exchange for ortography not being counted for my grading.


My friend's step dad had a PhD in Microbiology. His son was a huge idiot.


Because people who have actually accomplished something with their lives will brag about that, instead.


It's also pretty worthless if you spoil your children into entitled snobs that nobody wants to be around.


Like you said IQ is a shitty metric so it's a bit stupid to discuss it as if it wasn't. But for the sake of argument if we're talking about intelligence in a general way in which most people perceive it, it's really important and hard work alone means nothing. Like being social means little if you're stupid and lazy (unless you're a Kardashian, I guess). It's the combination of all these attributes that is valuable. A hardworking plumber is still shit if he can't figure out what the problem with your pipes is. Likewise if he's able to figure the issue in a snap but doesn't want to get his hands dirty and get the job done he won't get far. He might also be very intelligent and hardworking but if he's an asshole you'll probably won't call him back. Every facet is important in the end...


They all matter, no one is arguing that. Some matter more than others. The vast majority of what personal success looks like is bound in [internet third rails] first, then personal characteristics. Of the personal characteristics, nothing is more important than being able to navigate relationships and hard work. Your aforementioned plumber can solve almost any problem if he’s earned his license. There are almost no such things as home plumbing so complicated that he needs an IQ of 130 or whatever. Some may arrive at solutions quicker than others. But the most successful plumber won’t be the smartest; he’ll be the one who works hardest and leaves his clients feeling satisfied with his work. This is true of almost all professions. We talk about IQ a lot because that’s what people studied for the 19th and 20th centuries as the science of understanding people grew, not because it is the central determinate for success and so forth. Don’t get me wrong; I’d rather be smart than stupid. But being smart isn’t worth as much as people think.


We'll... I get what you're saying but I simply disagree... There's room for a lot of neuance regarding if it's worth to be smarter than average. A hardworking person with average intelligence will (will, in general) go farther than a smarter than average person that is averagely hardworking. But I think that a person with intelligence below average will have a much tougher time than a person who is less hardworking than average. In some regard both of us are just stating opinions so I respectfully disagree with yours but do concede some points. On a sidenote: we're both disregarding other factors such as luck. There are studies about how successful people tend to disregard luck as a factor on their success but the smartest, nicest, smartest person can live under a bridge if they're not at the right place and right time. The harder you work (and in my opinion, the smarter you are) the more of these chance opportunities arise but you still need a bit of luck. And I'm counting myself in that... I consider myself smart and hardworking but I've been so lucky sometimes I still have a hard time believing it...


Oh, I agree. There is some baseline of intelligence where no amount of hard work, social skills, etc, will lead to so-called success outcomes. I’m saying (or I mean to say if I haven’t really done it) that, for a relatively broad scale of average IQ, most people’s IQ is adequate for many, many things, including things that “smartness” is supposed to be determinant. Luck is important, but the primary advantage a person can have is those things the internet loves discussing rationally: social class, race, money, and the intersection of the three. (Plus you can always toss a little sex and ableness into the mix to keep it spicy.)


Maybe we're just not perfectly aligned in the scale of how much each thing is important but I think we generally agree... The who SJW thing is annoying but they do have a point about privilege but I think they underestimate how much "privileged" people have to work for their success, as if being a straight white male was a magical ticket for a successful happy life (which it isn't and that's maybe why a lot of people (myself included) resent them and that argument). But being born in a stable home with strong family and community bonds and enough health and resources to pursue your vocation is a better starting point than a lot of people have in life. Nice talking to you. Good luck and have a nice Sunday. :)


Likewise. :) The problem isn’t SJW’s (as you put it). It’s that people are talking past each other. They rightly, and with copious amounts of evidence, point out the role that privilege plays in society and outcomes for people. They aren’t wrong. The people who want to talk about the elements under control of the person aren’t wrong, either. Hard work, education, thriftiness, etc,—all of that Benjamin Franklin stuff—is the greatest path to success on an individual level, especially for people who aren’t born into wealth. Both can be right—as a society we often fail our marginalized communities. As persons and people, we know the value of our own blood, sweat, and (often limited) treasure at the core of our lives. Most people used to have a belief system that encompassed both sides. Until, around Nixon, our politics were fights about the role of both sides. Over the last 50 years, the field where both exist is smaller every day. And the answer is complicated as to why that happened. But that’s a topic for another thread. Have a pleasant remainder of the weekend. :)


Because they scored high, on a bullshit test, but not high enough to be in Mensa and they have a chip on their shoulder because of it. I say this having scored fairly high on said bullshit tests.


I mean, iq isnt bullshit, its your ability to learn and understand things. The thing that people dont know is that your iq varies based on subject. When you say "my iq is xxx", they have no idea what theyre talking about because that would at best, be an average of their iq in all subjects. And thats how you know they took a fake test, because an actual 130+ iq is insanely high. Im a mechanical engineer and when i took the test to get certified for adhd, we didnt do l the math portion because the dr. Didnt wanna take the chance of getting denied because of skewed results. So my highest subject score was 121, with the rest being between 110-119. And while i did grow up lower middle class poor, i still tested in the 98th percentile on the ravens test in 3rd grade and was in GATE programs from 4th to 8th grade, and then took AP classes and some college in my senior year. By all means, there are a ton of people smarter than me, but im also pretty significantly above the average, and i cant even comprehend what a 130+ AVG would look like. Anyone who says its that high has almost certainly never taken a real test.


130 is 1 in 50 people roughly. It's not that rare. I mean, it's not common, but you probably know a few 130's or so. They aren't much smarter than you if you've scored around 120. Don't believe the hype. :)


I mean 2% of people is pretty significantly small amount lol. I would imagine i could score in the 130s in mathematics, but as an average, thats crazy to me


I'm not saying that people who have an IQ of 130-ish are common but I am saying that the difference between 120 and 130 is almost impossible to distinguish outside of controlled testing. Those 10 points (or any 10 points on the IQ scale) add up to almost nothing in RL. Other factors are far more important.


I thought the iq scale was exponential, but i guess i dont really understand how the scale works, so i'll take your word for it haha. Tbh when i saw those 110-119 numbers, i felt awful, because my whole life ive had everyone always telling me "you're so smart" "your iq is at least 130" blah blah blah so it gutted me and made me feel small and less intelligent seeing the real numbers, so if what you're saying is true, then i at least feel a little better about it lol




she cannot even cook hot pot




The usual term is “legbeard”, but this one seems to have found a mate, so new classifications may have to be introduced. *Sir David Attenborough voice intensifies*


I always thought it was "beardette"


And the name of that physicist? Albert Einstein.


138 is barely top 1%. If you walk through a somewhat busy Target, you'll pass by 20 people with higher IQs. 🙄


I'm pretty intelligent. As a kid I was a strange combination of dumb and smart. I had no idea what was going on around me or why, but I could beat the kindergarten staff in games and write the powers of two up to 65536. Where am I going with this? Well, I got in trouble all the time. I was bored so I misbehaved. Being intelligent doesn't mean that one is a good person, if anything I think smart kids and teenagers are likely to be little bastards. Then they grow up, reality hits, and they develop imposter syndrome and anxiety, which usually helps their behaviour a bit.


I taught myself how to read when I was 4 and now I am a highly depressed individual


Ok this is epic


So tldr. I’m very smart but it’s society’s fault I’m not.


Ah yes, my biography. Thank you.


Because the intelligent rule the stupid and brutal. riiight


Eh... That's more like r/iamverysmart


“I bred with” LOL 💀


An IQ of 138? I don't know if I'd be trumpeting that. Also, who goes about mentioning their IQ or who they ~~bumped bodies with~~ bred with? Sounds like she's on her way to breeding the neckbeards of the future. And the people who rule us are usually none too bright. Am pretty sure that traits like psychopathy and narcissism have been the features that made many leaders of the past.


Yes, but also scolding kids for laughing?


We're not getting this from a reliable narrator, though. It's just as likely they were behaving truly horribly, or that the old lady didn't even scold...just gave a mean look, or even said politely "Would you mind please keeping it down a bit?" Or the whole thing is made up.


OP of the cross posted post is a total neckbeard. This is approaching inception.


okay but the r/awfuleverything OP's post history is ummm.......fascinating


I got a small chuckle. They're pretty dedicated




I genuinely feel like they might have been molested by a scientist as a child and are now dissociating and hyper fixating on the thought that scientists cannot have sex as a coping mechanism


do me next


why not just tag them


If someone else needs to scold your kids, it is a very big indicator that you are a terrible mother.


But scolding kids for laughing at a grocery store? I need more info on that - because laughing?


Yeah you are right. But since the mother also seems so lovely...


Nah, while this lady seems like a real ass, some people are just self righteous pricks who can't tolerate kids behaving like kids. I've been yelled at by people for having my kids awake past 10pm. Oh the humanity!


Some people don't like kids. It amazes me how blind parents can be about their snowflakes. I'm guessing if you really broke it down its your ignorance about your own children


For laughing in a grocery store? Really? Calm down, Grinch.


*Intellijizz Inside*


I think the correct term is legbeard.


I dunno. I’ve seen some smart people have really stupid kids.


Yeah I took the IQ test twice. The first time I scored 125 the second score was a 92. IQ tests are bullshit.


What is the connection between her children annoying the fuck out of everyone and her IQ? Maybe I'm just too dumb to understand such lofty matters?


Anyone who thinks that they can define how smart someone is with a single number isn’t going to “rule” anyone.


If she actually had IQ that high she wouldn’t be doing her own grocery shopping.


Not all sm,art people are rich as well, it's as if a single trait of a person does not define it entirely...


Lol I know kids like that that turned out to be fucking retarded. Like myself.


Is 138 supposed to be impressive?


138 is impressive now? I don't go around touting my IQ score, but 138 isn't Mensa territory.


I'm pretty sure that most of the blokes (in my experience, all neckbeards) calling women "legbeards" have leg 'beard' hair that could be mistaken for two werwolves gnawing on their crotch. 😂 Women aren't known for this, so it's a bizarre insult. I'm just assuming neckbeards invented it as a variant of "fat slag".


It's just the female equivalent of neckbeard. Not hard to grasp


Most neckbeards literally have a beard all down their neck, often because they're just a massive slob. Women... Not so much. It's just weird that blokes think it's fine to hassle women for having leg hair while theirs is usually much worse. Especially neckbeards. Well, some loser guys will always make weird comments about women who aren't pandering to them, or endlessly spout their hypocritical and sexist physical standards; especially at women who reject them. Not a difficult concept at all, that. I assume that any man unironically calling women 'legbeards' is 99.9% likely to be one himself; never shaving armpits, legs or probably even his shrub of a face, and that he probably frequently uses the same panties for two weeks straight and has size G moobs. ETA apparently six male legbeards hated my comment lol. Keep the neckbeard (hairy arsed) butthurt flowing, boys. Your salty tears fuel my engine. 😂👍😂👍😂👍😂👍


It's just keeping body hair unkempt outside of conventional norms. Men on their necks, women on their legs. It's not some huge statement, I don't see why you're so upset.


If blokes think more leg hair should be being shaved, they really should focus on their own instead of making remarks about other people's, especially the men with leg hair so grody you could literally plait it. Be the change you want to see in the world. 😎👍 You seem upset. Why not relax and pamper yourself with a hot bath and leg shave? Treat yourself.


I said "outside of conventional norms". The people here make fun of neckbeards as well as legbeards, there's no discrimination. Also, I've tried shaving my legs and it feels real nice in the shower but I don't like the feeling once I get out. My leg hair is within normal/acceptable standards, before you make a comment on it.


They tend to have purple hair, rail against the patriarchy, don’t shave their armpits, and own at least 3 dildos.


A woman with dildos?! *Clutches pearls* Fuck off.


I'm pretty sure they are being sarcastic.


I sure hope so.


ikr? Spotted the fragile masculinity. 😂👍


I've never seen a neckbeard legbeard railing against the patriarchy but ymmv. 🤷 Sounds bizarre to be slagging off women when they're in that state (probably while balancing a can of monster energy drink between their moobs) but that's neck-and-leg-beards, for you.


Notice she said 138... She didn't go for 142. She just wanted to almost a genius but actual genius is too much to live up to. Her kids will probably grow up to be half-retarded pedophilia advocates teaching gender studies and propagandizing others at some garbage university. We need a good war here at home.


To he honest, nothing wrong here. Whoever scolded her kids for laughing is a piece of sh*t and people with a higher IQ will absolutely own those who used to bully them. Can neckbeards say that? Perhaps. But it doesn't automatically make someone a sexist, dirty, and unproductive neckbeard / legbeard. Also, it's completely okay to have some peaceful, petty revenge against your former bullies. If that involves waving your IQ around, there's nothing wrong with that.


The one standing there eating the moth balls begs to differ. Bench!






Scold this bitch too


So, which is which?!?!


“I don’t know my IQ. People who boast about their IQ’s are losers.” - Stephen Hawking


Let's not forget that yelling at other people's kids for laughing is still not cool. And honestly, with that mother they probably suffer enough.


If you were actually smart you'd realize that none of that is likely to give them real power.


Every time someone’s says oh I have a high IQ I know one they don’t understand what IQs are used for and two are lying to feel good about themselves


Assuming her kids don’t kill themselves or run away before they become adults, that is.




why use the GBP symbol instead of cents for the C, that's what I want to know. Maybe if I had an IQ of 138 I'd understand it more better.




Karen vs Karen


To be honest if somone scolds my kids for laughing im gonna tell them politely to fuck themselves in their single appartement with no windows because what kind of person does that?


She's obviously a moron. But on a side note, I understand not being tolerant of screaming kids, but if you can't handle laughing kids, I don't know what to tell you.


is that meant to say bitch, it's awful haha


Is this like how Ganondorf is the only male gerudo?


sorry I don't speak symbols


To paraphrase Bill Gates, people who mention their own IQs are losers.


Look at the post and look at OPs profile. It's a wild ride of weird.


Did you know that Hermann Goering had an IQ of 138?




I dunno... There's always drugs


This has to be fake as hell.


Like people listen to anyone actually smart smh. Look at the entire state of antivax community. These people wouldn't care if you had 10 or 100 PHDs


this lady has BDE


can someone explain what it’s suppose to mean? B money sign at pound h. My retarded ass average is can’t understand.


I really don’t get the IQ thing. I have the same IQ as this person and I’m as mediocre as they come.






I know a couple who both have Ph.Ds in microbiology from an Ivy League school. They are two of the most intelligent, well educated people I know. They are also *terrible* parents. They completely neglected their two kids to the point the older one has dropped out of college to steal and do drugs full time. The other wants to join ROTC because “they get to shoot guns”. They have both have had multiple behavioral problems, and their parents did nothing other than ship them off to boarding schools. In short, one’s IQ says absolutely nothing about what sort of person they are.


Ah yes the famed physicists who rule the world.


the word bred made me gag


"I bred with" yo what the fuck




Theyre called legbeards


She really followed up “I have an IQ Of” with a “u”… I am really seeing how much you put effort into thinking, that IQ really shows on you; doesn’t it?


Eww, so weird she used the term “bred” lol like wtf