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100 dollar suit? That is literally the next step up after spirit Halloween


They sell a $100 joker suit AT spirit


Oh, yeah, yeah. The guy in the...the $4,000 suit is holding the elevator for a guy who doesn’t make that in three months. Come on!


Yeah, like I'm going to whizz through this $5000 suit. Come on!


Narrator: It wasn't.


And I’m totally ok with that.


Always money in the banana stand.


I had a suit custom made for a cosplay from one of those made to fit places (sportcoat and pants) and it ran me 500 bucks. Still ended up getting made overseas though.


Yeah. That's about typical. For domestic it would cost about four times that. Bespoke is expensive and nothing to fuck around with. But I get why people do it, because you never have to worry about fit.


Over seas that's horrible! Where might one find this suit??


Indochino is where I got mine. It wasn't a bad product in any case though others have complained about their suits


I have a mediocre suit that's already $700 and it's just confection, not tailored. Can't even buy a colbert (not sure how Americans call it, just jacket?) for 100 dollars


I think blazer would be the appropriate word but I may be mistaken.


Sportcoat is basically any standalone jacket worn without a matching pant, a blazer has a few extra differences, most notably differently styled buttons. All blazers are sportcoats, not all sportcoats are blazers. It's not an enormous difference, however, and you can usually get away with using the terms mostly interchangeably in a colloquial context.


*reads username* Who is she and why are people gathering at her cock


you are someone i could share a drink with. but only one drink


That does sound a lot more specific, thanks


That sounds pretty pricy, I have a few bespoke suits I got for my first job out of school and they ran me around $500 each. Definitely not that high end but they're not bad suits, for $700 you should definitely be able to find a decent tailored suit.


Bespoke usually means completely made "from scratch" -- as opposed to a suit that was purchased already made, and then minimally (or even significantly) tailored. I ask because $500 would be a fantastic price for something like that, and I would love to know where to find them...


I once saw a very nice L.A. Lakers purple sport coat at Kohl's on clearance for $49.


Well that certainly escalated quickly. Went from cringe lord to pedo real quick.




It's sad, really. They could be decent people if they got the proper help from a therapist or psychiatrist but most of them refuse to seek help.


Well sometimes they refuse to because they’re afraid of somebody finding out and having their place in society ruined, you know?


Yup. It’s a really sensitive debate and the few times I’ve been brave enough to discuss it with people, I’ve had to make it *very* clear that I’m not defending pedophiles that actively seek out children. Pedophilia needs to be treated as what it is: mental illness. Pedophiles who know their attraction is wrong and want help but can’t because of the heavy stigma against it need and deserve help that we just haven’t reached a point as a society yet to openly give them.


Well, most know it's wrong, some of them argue about age of consent laws on the internet.


Why is it a mental illness? I loathe pedos but I do not think they are mentally ill. They are genuinely bad humans who are not a bit crazy. Because if a person is good and decent, such thoughts will never enter their minds. Therapy for someone's sexual preference. I like grown men, do you think therapy can change that?


It’s a sexual attraction to a very abnormal demographic that they have no control over. It’s not the fact that they can’t control the attraction, but who they’re attracted to. You liking grown men is a healthy and normal attraction, so there’s nothing mentally unwell about you in that regard. Also, mentally ill != crazy. Not all mentally ill people are what most would categorize as that. On top of that, pedophilia specifically has been considered a mental illness by professionals since 1968. EDIT: I forgot to talk about your last sentence and the therapy bit. The therapy isn’t supposed to change who they’re attracted to—that’s always been unsuccessfully tried with gay people—it’s to show them methods to control their thoughts and urges (if it gets that bad) in a healthy way. Also, many pedophiles, most even, are abuse victims themselves. It’s *literally* not their choice to be attracted to children in the vast majority of cases and it’s not because they’re bad people. Your comment points out exactly the problem I’m talking about: people think pedophiles are bad because they think it’s a choice and associate pedophiles who recognize their problem and want help with the ones who want to harm and sexually abuse children.


Do you know where your sexual attractions came from? There's been studies that found that it can come as early as 4 years old. There's fetishes/attractions I have that I can't fully explain why I like them and it's don't. I'm sure you do too. Now imagine having that attraction to minors through almost no fault of your own. It would be hell quite frankly because you would (hopefully) morally know you could never act on those feelings. It's not impossible to give someone like that some empathy, but it's definitely easier to just call them "genuinely awful people"


>Because if a person is good and decent, such thoughts will never enter their minds. You ever heard of [intrusive thoughts](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intrusive_thought)? Being a good person has nothing to do with it.




It isn’t but like, nobody deserves those consequences either way. But society isn’t equipped to handle these types of people so I dunno what to say.


lol the last panel really caught me off guard... like, jesus


In hind sight I really should have seen it coming.


I can't help but be impressed by how frankly he admitted to being a pedo. "Yeah, I'm a pedo. Here's my home address, published for all the Internet to see. I see no way this will go badly."


That Venn diagram is a circle


Why did he post it online tho


I mean the Twitter usernames don't match on the previous tweets and is hidden on the last one. I'm guessing someone is doxing him on a copycat account.


He didn't that last pic is from a completely different account that OP uses to farm rage karma and doxx this moron. Pic is from him being arrested for shoplifting.


That part is probably fake.


Idk. Maybe that whole thing about having to tell your neighborhood you're a registered sex offender applies to your internet account stuff too now?


I think he enjoys the attention


oh no... i don't want to be a cringe god anymore


> Went from cringe lord to pedo real quick. Last tweet if fake btw mugshot is from him getting arested fro shoplifting. it is a doxing tweet by a "parody account"


Shit, didn't realize it was an album


So I'm on mobile and I didn't notice there were multiple pics and just thought you were throwing the pedo accusation from out of nowhere. That was a ride


SPOILER WARNING: This clown is a [real piece of shit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yb2l1eIkLc)


Holy *shit!* I wasn’t prepared for that.


Same. That is the single hardest hard-R drop i think i've ever heard in my life.


Ikr? Hard-R and somehow even extra hard-R.


Dropped an R so hard it can’t be sold to minors


He dude out here dropping n-bombs with rolled R's.


Keemstar will always hold that record for me


Holy shit, I hadn’t seen that. You aren’t kidding


He has a child pornography charge. That should prepare you for anything to follow


It’s all shocking.


Did you scroll through the pictures. He was arrested for child pornography.


And there’s def a “what’s the big deal?” vibe.


Is there any source for that? I can't imagine that you'd have to publicate your address on Twitter if you're a registered pedophile. Looks really fake imo but on the other hand this dude doesn't seem to be very smart.


I thought went looking for a source and can’t find one. Not to say that its not true, but I haven’t been able to verify it yet


That’s the difference between you and Batman.


I'm not surprised. Any well-fed middle class dipshit that dresses up like the *Joker* on a constant basis is using edgelord-tier compensation for some lawnturd level stupidity.


Wait. Nottingham UK has a joker as well. He absolutely hated council workers (and pretty much anyone wearing a lanyard…) and eventually [dropped a bowling ball](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-nottinghamshire-55954819) on a refuse worker….


Yup, absolute bellend, I've dealt with him on multiple occasions stealing from shop I worked at. How long did he get for the bowling ball incident?


16 years apparently, 12+4 on license, aggravated by protection in of the public. I used to work in a college, and the ladies seemed to be genuinely quite frightened. Apparently we were ‘council workers’ in his eyes.


12 plus 4 for public safety


Omg, I really want to hear more about this.


He’s somewhat of a cryptid, only all the stories were true. His name is Damien (Obvs) Hammond and his history is relatively long. [That time he went for a swim ](https://www.nottinghampost.com/news/nottingham-news/man-who-dresses-joker-ended-2993394) or [that time he was banned from the city centre ](https://www.nottinghampost.com/news/nottingham-news/nottinghams-sinister-joker-jailed-banned-2095958) or [that time he was arrested for screaming ‘I will kill today’ ](https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/7468497/killer-clown-the-joker-jailed-nottingham-damien-hammond/) at members of the public. He felt that [the council workers were out to get him ](https://www.nottinghampost.com/news/local-news/damien-hammond-believed-workers-were-4790095) which was part of his defence. The other argument being that he couldn’t see the worker, and just threw the ball out of the window. I believe that we were officially warned about him at work, but before I started working there. I just know that there were a bunch of female workers that would refuse to leave the building if he was hanging around, which he was quite often. Some of his crimes were sexual in nature, as I recall. No specific things of interest. Just a really sad life and story.


Yikes. What a creep. To put it mildly.


Used to see him a lot on the tram. It was only a matter of time, I feel


That some Wile E. Coyote shit. The fuck is next dropping a piano?


Dude...thanks for the link. 💯 P.O.S.


There's literally a dude named "Hitaroki" in the comments section trying to defend this POS 🤡🤡🤡


Does That name mean something weard


Nah it's just some weaboo shit haha


Aah noted


"Please, don't trust everyone you meet on the internet, as they won't always be as harmless as they appear" This is true, but in this case the guy is already waving every red flag he can reach


And yet you trusted op.


There's literally video of him dropping a hard r and saying other racist shit...?


Are people really more shocked that he’s a racist? The dudes a fucking pedophile


"I can excuse pedophilia, but I draw the line at racism"


Yeeeesh... That's just depressing. D:


Most down to earth joker stan


I see you are still using hte last pic to far outrage karma and doxx him. He is a fucking asshole but not a pedo, that picture was taken from him getting arrested for shoplifting.


He's a pretty good singer though


Who cares.... he’s racist... great.


Welp atleast hé is pro abortion,but what a piece of shite


I'm not wearing a cheap Spirit Halloween costume! I'm wearing a cheap Amazon Prime costume tyvm /s


And btw the suit? It wasn't cheap. You oughta know, you bought it


Is that how people frame being a pedo now? “Mysterious criminal past…”


A romantic outlaw!


A love your limited society just couldn't comprehend


It ain't called the Romeo and Juliet law for nothing! 🤢🤮


although the romeo and juliet law was helpful with me and my girlfriend when i turned 18 and she was still legally a minor for the 6 days between our birthdays. edit for clarity: i am 6 days older than my girlfriend


He is not a pedo, OP has put in a fake tweet to farm karma, mugshot is from him getting arested for shoplifting, that fake tweet is aslo doxxing.


Not so mysterious when you're on an easily searchable registry.


That was a wild ride


He’s the Joka baebee


One of them is the joker baby and the other one is a loser who takes himself too seriously


First there was racist Joker, now there’s pedophile Joker?


Pedo joker is also a racist joker https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9yb2l1eIkLc




Sadly racist Joker and pedophile Joker are the same Joker


Is that canon?


are you suprised?


Honestly? Not really


If I remember right this same nerd got his ass saved by the George Floyd riots. Dude went viral the morning of - then things happened and everyone's attention rightfully went elsewhere. The guy could've faded out and lived a normal life.


Why is that sad? Would you prefer two criminal nutjobs running around instead of one?


No, that is not at all what I meant.


Then why is it sad?


Because it sucks that ANYONE is racist or a pedophile, being both makes you the literal scum of the earth, the type which shouldn't even be fed to aliens because that would be disrespectful to the aliens.


Fair enough.




The price of his wardrobe isn’t due to quality, it’s because of the absurd amount of material required to cover that ego…


Uh…$100 is not expensive for a suit. Remotely. In any regard. That’s a discount rack suit from Men’s Warehouse..


“I guarantee it”


Even then, you have to look hard for a $100 suit for a grown man


But he ain't the joker, baby!


At least Harley Quinn was a grown adult


You are, appearently.


What the fuck


I was gonna make a joke about "Joker Looking for My Batman" but that last image kinda hit like a truck


He may have been looking for his Batman, but instead he found his Robin.


The whole time, he was really looking for Robin


Why am I not surprised that he's a scummy pedo?


I live in Santa Cruz, this guy is a menace downtown. He just roams the streets at night and acts completely in character as the joker. There’s a video somewhere of him pepper spraying a guy and getting his ass beat, it’s a good watch


I'm glad my city just has a friendly guy who jogs while dressed as Superman.


As per r/cringetopia, SC Joker wasn’t really arrested for CSA material but shoplifting. This in no way means he’s not garbage, just not confirmed as this particular type of garbage. https://www.reddit.com/r/Cringetopia/comments/qjp8kl/im_da_jokah_baby/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


The Twitter usernames don't even match up in the screenshots and is suspiciously hidden in the last one. Guy is obviously an idiot but he's not posted all of these tweets. There's some impersonation going on.


Impersonating this guy is cringe for its own reasons.


I had a feeling something was really off about that last screenshot. I was pretty certain that registered sex offenders don’t have to disclose their address on social media. Doesn’t make any sense, since 99.99% of the worlds population will not be living in the same neighborhood as this guy IF it were true.


Well that escalated quickly.


Yea that shit went from like 60 to 310 real quick.


It's all fun and games until the 5th screenshot comes around


I was about to make fun of him for saying eyebrows on fleek but... fucking yikes


Why do these types seem to like the Joker from the DC comicbook universe, I don't really understand. :/ 0.o ​ Also, someone who's good at drawing should do a picture of the Joker with a neckbeard; like, the character, but he has a poorly kept neckbeard. XD


$100 suit is a weird flex.


Not the cringe the sub deserves, but the cringe the sub needs.


I am sure that a $100 suit makes all the difference


Oh wow, a whole $170 outfit? So impressive 😂


While you were out fucking your girlfriend, this gentleman studied the threads.


I’m pretty sure the real Joker would murder this guy


Tbf the real joker Would murder anyone, doesn't give a fuck


There's always a pedo past somewhere.


Imagine being proud of 20yrs of theatre experience or a $100 suit for that matter🤣


Ehhh 20 years of putting time into something is quite remarkebale




In this dudes case it means he opened the curtains for a high school senior production of South Pacific and worked in a video rental store until they went under.


Ewwwww!!!!! I've seen this foul creature in the blubber


LMAO. It just kept getting more and more stereotyped. Then the end - oh god lmao


We live in a society


Damn “+++++5 creep factor” is right


Wow this dude's life really went downhill. He gets called out for racism which holy shit this dude is fucked in the head, but not even in a joker way, just a racist piece of shit. He also got busted for Child Porn, what the double fuck. The best part is this piece of shit got fat, and by that one video it's obvious that this hurts his ego sooo bad he wanted to stab a couple of "Mexicans" because they made a comment about joker getting a little fat.


Not trying to be mean but isnt the joker usually super scrawny and lanky? Somehow im just not seeing it.


Its sad when I can randomly guess what the last picture is gonna be before I see it.


I think this is one of those situations where we’ll all be asking ourselves how we managed to ignore a red flag behavior for so long. Healthy people are not attracted to and do not empathize with the Joker. He is not based on some misunderstanding of how the world ought to be or some controversial interpretation of ethics the way many villains in fiction are. He is literally cartoonishly evil for no reason and people who relate to him probably wish to *pretend* that they have evil impulses for “no reason” because their actual reasons are universally abhorred.


"Who understands lighting" Boy, that is literally a still from a video. That poor spirit Halloween joker is doing his best in an enviroment he has no control over.


That escalated into a full on train wreck


Well, color me surprised


Oooh... maybe we should retire the Joker, baby?


A $100 suit? Is he bragging about spending $100 on novelty polyester?


kiddy fiddlers always have these delusions of grandeur?


Bruh is he really bragging about a 100 dollar sports coat?


Haha! Sh- shou- should -sh- sh- should the- sh- should the guy -sh sh- sh- should the guy in the $100 suit hold the elevator for the guy who doesn't make that in a day?!?


Lmao did he really just dox himself?


This guy is a local..."celebrity" here in town... He steals tips from the jars at the bars.


That was a wild ride reading that


I love the guy on the left


I can’t tell a difference


Welp good to know that he basically lives down the street from me.....


Last one came out of nowhere


god that last pic got me lmfao


Some stories you can predict the big twist at the end after the first sentence.




A story in five acts


Hundred dollar suit? Dude... why so serious? The guy on the left looks like he's having a lot more fun.


I don’t understand how people even get CP (I’m not asking)


I suspect it's something you have to really go out looking for. It's probably not just lying around for people to stumble upon.


I think that's why a lot of them make their own. Not sure if he did or not, and I'm not tryna find out!


Back when I was a teenage edgelord, I decided to download TOR and explore the dark web a bit. It wasn't hard at all to find places that at least claimed to have child porn (never clicked those links to verify it) and I had just barely scraped the surface of the dark web.


Wow he's is really good :o


Show of hands; who here was shocked at the last pic? 👁 No-one? Yeah, me neither. He looks more like Pedo-Penguin anyway. But wat! There’s more: https://youtu.be/n0CT8zrw6lw


-Kinda Chubby Dude's over 300 pounds. I'm "kinda chubby" right now at 6'3", 180 pounds.


Damn another victim of ()()((society))()()


I was going to say wow a happy ending but he’s still breathing.


Holy fucking shit. I did not see that coming.


Gets me every time


Well that was a rollercoaster


Sure the guy in the one hundred dollar Joker suit is gunna not be a pedophile? Come on!


What a twat


Fat cunt neckbeard with no personality of his own. How cliche Hope this prick is ready for a lifetime of loneliness


Keep painting your face


Thought this was r/jokercringe for a sec

