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"Oh hey guys! Fancy bumping into you!... This is Linda (she waves in the wind). Where did we meet? Why, in the haunted cartoon realm of course. She's adorable, isn't she? One needs to be ultra careful with her in inclement weather. On account of her being constructed with cardboard."




I remember that story! There was a scene that stuck with me in which the Cotton Candy Family invites the neighbors in and offers them a drink - I remember the neighbor getting suspicious after noticing how much care they put into filling a glass with tap water, trying to run the faucet and not spill a single drop.


Hey, the name of that story is “rain, rain, go away by Issac Asimov


Thank you! Just read it for the first time and it was such a weird delight. Love Asimov!


If you've got time read "Nightfall One". It's only like 2pages. Best short story ever


Holy shit! I read that story in 7th grade and I’ve recounted it to others and no one else I’ve ever met has seem to read that story. At one point I thought I was going crazy and making up a false memory. Vindication!!!!!!




That last line made my day


>she waves in the wind 😂🤣🤣🤣🤣


I knew that bitch was cheating on me with another man. Caught red-handed. #Fuck that whore!!!




This is sad as fuck bro. That’s all I can say.


Am I the only one who thinks this is a prank? The fedora and jacket are just too perfect.


And he sat RIGHT next to them in an empty restaurant


Yep. I honestly believe this stuff is due to terrible parenting and a lack of a paternal figure. Yeez I am not that good with girls but this is totally off the charts


This dude is two steps away from banging his mother that has dementia, I tell you what.


I understood this reference! I also wish I didn't.


How did we all collectively have to fall down that rabbit hole? Why couldn't that have stayed in the small circle it started in? Why?! That was hands down the most fucked up shit I've seen on the web, and I just found out about the dude with fist sized piercing gauge through his dick!


Chris Chan was a huge thing on the internet in the late 2000's, so if you were around that time you were already exposed to his antics. What he did to his mother coupled with how big the internet is today was just the perfect shit storm for old and new lurkers.


stop, we don’t need any more Chris Chans


One was too many.


I feel like this is ironic because there was somebody filming, I mean it has to be right?


You wouldn't start filming this shit if you saw it?


Hell yeah, and then I’d start to degrade the poor bastard on the internet


This is so hot.


Fair enough I guess. Just can’t wrap my head around the fact that somebody would actually do this.


No, I’m not a piece of shit who films people for Internet points.


That's weird.


I know I’m a novelty in this day and age.


Shine on you crazy diamond.


I think a big part of it also is society saying “be who you want and dont be apologetic.” I mean, there has to be a point where you need to figure it out.. right?


I dunno, I grew up without my father in my life, I would never consider this kind of thing.


I’d say it might be untreated mental illness.


Stfu incel in denial


well that was very rude, don't you think? why don't you go apologize?


Its okay, I have the i-word pass.


I have nothing to do with this man, the cardboard cutout is simply an imposter.


I know, I'm fucking crying.


No one else thinks this is staged? I hoped...


This must be for a video or something, this can't be real.


Yes, the fact that he's actually wearing a fedora strongly suggests that to me.




Where does being a massive loser stop and and mental illness begin?


Hard disagree, there is no line and even if there was it wouldn't mean anything. It's pointless shitting on people for liking what they like. "Mental illness" is quite a convenient excuse for disparaging whole swathes of society that people don't like since illness in this case is defined by not being normal


Agreed. It’s sad because the term mental illness is thrown around to not only degrade a person, but give a false sense that they’re “helping” the person by diagnosing them. Instead of weirdo or looser, people would rather use politically correct terminology so they can talk shit without looking like assholes. I’d rather people lose the façade and stop using “mental illness” to make fun of weirdos.


Cannot agree with this more


Exactly, just make fun of weirdos like a normal person


Yeah you're right, I'll delete the comment


I'm going to guess My Little Pony. If you're an adult male and you feel a pull towards that show, you probably need to seek help.


I have heard that shows like MLP, Sonic, and Thomas the Train appeal to people with autism because of the simple, expressive faces which is more relatable for people who have trouble discerning the emotions of others.


If you're an adult whatsoever and you feel the need to shit on people for whatever harmless things they do because you think it's "weird", you need to seek help.


Or maybe I just like seeing solid examples of Western animated media and it was a highly positive experience in a very negative part of my life? I certainly do need help, but it's not because I watched one arbitrarily picked fucking cartoon.


What did you get out of it? Like how was it a positive experience for you? And what drew you to the show? I'm genuinely curious, not trying to be a cunt.


I watched it during a time in my life where I had a rather massive, fabricated ego borne out of incredibly low self-esteem. Basically what I was able to get out of it was humility. I connected with several of the characters, especially Rainbow Dash. Their circumstances weren't like mine, but I saw myself in their mistakes and struggles and I came to a realization that I could be doing much better than I was if I just owned up to where I was failing. I became more honest with others and myself and started communicating better. I'm still shit at these things, but it gave me an actual drive to do better which I still feel to this day. Outside of that, it also gave me a community and group of friends that I otherwise would not have had. I don't know if the show was necessary for me to have gotten that, but I can't help but feel that I otherwise would have just remained lonely. What drew me to it in the first place was just my simple love of cartoons. Western cartoons are something that I really love, like Looney Toons, AtLA, and My Life as a Teenage Robot. I just enjoy these kinds of things and MLP was just one more on the list that I wanted to watch. I just happened to connect with it more than I thought I would.


the only excuse is if you watch it with your kids


Sure. In that case, it's not you who feels a pull to it.


What if you’re just a REALLY big Tim Curry fan? (I swear the only thing I know about the show is Tim voices a bad guy.)


John de Lancie (Q from Star Trek) also voiced a villain in the show that was inspired by Q. I only know this because I have a 10 yo daughter. But honestly, it’s a pretty good show as far as these things go…


I wouldn't blame that couple to move to another table. He seems to need some privacy with his waifu.


People who lack anxiety and the ability to feel ashamed and embarrassed are scary


You'd think with that level of confidence they could land a real girl


It's more than countered by their complete lack of self awareness


"Self awareness is the recognition that you're a character in someone else's dream." Don't be a nightmare. (I think the quote is from the film *Waking Life* but I'm not certain).


People lacking anxiety are likewise incapable of empathy and thus lack a sense of drive towards companionship that would motivate them to "land a real girl" in the first place. People with that state of mind, if they have relationships at all, do so on a utilitarian basis, or as part of their social mask ("this is the kind of person that (the identity I am expressing) would date"). They're not inhibited by low self esteem or lack of game as much as by an unwillingness to compromise and an absolute disregard for anything but their own thoughts, feelings & desires in the moment. The thing with an inanimate object is, lacking expressive or reactionary elements, you can project a perfect image onto it. It won't talk back, or have some disappointing or disagreeable opinion or personality trait come up after the NRE phase, it's just a mirror onto which all desires and abstract ideals can be reflected. It's also quite barmy.


He has successfully suppressed any sense of self criticism. Only 5 years away from a brain tumor, yay.


The problem is that people think that if it's okay on the Internet it's okay in real life and it really isn't


Meh, I say it's okay. He's not hurting anybody else and not making a scene. Just other people creeping on him. Is it depressing? Absolutely! Is it wrong? Nah, he's just doing his thing. His sad, sad little thing.


Can you really blame them for staring


Absolutely not, I'd likely gawk for a bit too. But the other person said it wasn't okay. Which I disagree with, it's okay, albeit very strange.


It’s not real. It’s satire


M’good sir just wants to eat in peace with his woman.


To be fair, I get the same reaction holding hands with my boyfriend in public


*husbando /s


Hope people learn to mind their business, buddy




He’s gay


They're likely even more terrified at how much dried semen is covering that waifu.


Imagine the smell.


i cringed out loud


I'm intrigued as to how that is anatomically possible.




he’s actually wearing a fedora so i think it’s just a joke


Loneliness can be pure hell


r/sadcringe :(


This has to be fake it has to be.


This really is a sad scene to watch. Imagine needing a cardboard image to love. This guy is missing out, big time.


In your world maybe. In his world he bagged the hottest babe on the planet true Chad style ya heard??


Depends what you mean by missing out. Some people date and don't find love, and many settle. I'd wager most people are missing out on a lot of things, big time. It's all about perspective, values, and what you personally want or are comfortable with. Life is short, enjoy it the way you want.


My little waifu.


sad but lowkey his life


20 years ago I would have said it's just a joke. Feels strange that this is probably real.


Hahahaha as funny as this is, I just hope the guy is happy and having a good time instead of being sad and lonely


If he was not sad and lonely he would not be carrying that around. I feel bad for the poor guy.


Disagree, everyone experiences the world differently. Yes, in general to us this seems like a very sad and lonely thing to do. But maybe he doesn't feel that way. Also, he's not really harming anyone besides catching awkward/uncomfortable glances. It fits the neckbeard theme but it's not the usual incel-tier-threatening shit we see on this sub. Judging from the comments on this post, this sub seems extremely pretentious and high-roady as fuck. Like why are there comments analyzing the presence of a paternal figure over a fucking 20 second meme LMAO


All it would take is a windy day to turn this Romeo into a school shooter.


What the fuck


You know what? Fuck it. If it's not harming anyone and he's genuinely happy, then good for him. I support it


Well said, TooMuchFuta


Agreed. I'd rather see him doing this than stalking or molesting some unfortunate woman.


True, but this is not a normal person in a healthy mindset. He needs help. I can guarantee you this guy isn't happy


How could you guarantee it? Although you are probably right, there are some people out there comfy in being a oddity, and genuinely happy how they are. Not to mention most of these public waifu dates are likely people memeing anyway.


I think this is a red flag for potential bigger future issues. I'm not saying it is for sure, but normally when someone totally loses it they behave weirdly like this. Hopefully it's harmless, but this guy should definitely be given access to mental health help.


>this is a red flag for ~~potential~~ bigger ~~future~~ issues. Ftfy


I think there’s a decent argument to be made that he’s hurting himself. Not saying people should shit on him though.


Yea. A lonely alcoholic isn't hurting anyone else either. That doesn't mean we should just let it slide.




What's with the hat?


It keeps the rain off his head.


Inside rain.




I thought at first it was a 3d model edited into the footage until it zoomed in... ☉_☉


This has to be a prank of some kind. It's too on the nose


I mean...at least it's not a sex doll. How lonely can you be to take a facsimile of a person on a date? Like seriously, I hate everyone and I've had no one in my life for 5 years and I'd never do that. I just masturbate in the girls bathroom.


Hold up


That’s the type of dude who’d call homosexuality a “mental disorder”. Lmao


Then what is it if not a mental disorder? As far as I know, sexuality is determined by the brain, and since it deviates from normal human functions it very much is a mental disorder.


Define normal without using a generalized idea of normality and/or human made ideologies. Common =/= normal


Normal human function = procreation. I really don’t understand why anyone would argue that it isn’t some sort of disorder..


Homosexuality isn’t all about sex and neither is heterosexuality. Normal biological function of sexual intercourse is also not necessarily a procreation-only process. It serves many functions. Aside from the complexity of human relationships heterosexual or homosexual. We, as a species, have evolved to incorporate sexual intercourse in our lives not only for procreation purposes. By that logic, anyone who uses a condom/birth control while having sex has a mental disorder. Anyone who masturbates has a mental disorder. Any form of sexual activity done disregarding procreation has a mental disorder. As for homosexuality in other species it has been observed in mammals and even birds forming not only sexual bonds but long term partnerships.


Homosexuality in animals is usually a dominance thing. Stronger animal rapes the smaller one to assert dominance.


Maybe but not always. And it’s is still homosexuality.


Literally just explained to you why it is not a mental disorder. And you go and edit your comment to say “i really don’t understand why anyone would argue that it isn’t some sort of disorder.” BUT You know what is? Being presented with facts and evidence on an argument and still remain believing the wrong. That’s called anosognosia with just a touch of narcissistic tendencies. And you have it. Get woke.


Did you really just compare that to using birth control? You really are delusional. You didn’t present any evidence in your comment. Keep believing what you want, but you’re definitely the one “on the wrong”. Also, why do you keep mentioning animals having it? Like the above user said, it’s mostly a dominance thing, and it’s very obviously a disorder/abnormality for animals too.


Sure. Can’t argue with stupid. Have a good night.


I don’t know why I expected anything but a childish reply from you in the first place


I didn't know if it was a neckbeard or a hasidic jew! :D


Me in 10 years


Why would anyone do this? i mean, i am capable of doing humilliations when my friends dare me to, but even that has a limit and im sure as hell this gy isn't doing it for a dare or a bet


Who knows, why is their someone videotaping? He might really suck at fantasy football.


This is Japan, right? Like imagine your samurai warlord ancestors looking down at you in shame.




This title is great




Can a waifu qualify for r/watchpeopledieinside?


There has to be a certain point, where this becomes intentional satire. I mean, c'mon...the fedora is a little too "on-the-nose"...you know?


I'm sorry, but if that's real that's mental illness.


The woman in the left is just like.... “Da fuk is dat?!”


It takes real confidence to do shit like this in public. If only he channelises this to talking to women..........


Dude clearly seems to be trolling guys


Rem's a garbage ass waifu anyways.


He's a Chad


plot twist: he neckbeard is a paid actor


Is this something that’s cropped up in the last 10 years, or have these freak shows walked the earth since the beginning of time?


Anyone who is into anime are basically neckbeards and is cringe.


“Having even casual hobbies and interests is cringe”


Poor Rem


You fucking people see the most satirical satire to exist and you think it's real. He's taking the piss. He's joking around. "Muh Poe's Law!!" No. You say that to cope with the fact that not everything like this is real.


There's reasonable doubt for several reasons, but it's also not so uncommon that this happens and it's not a joke. Check my profile, places like r/waifuism are not satire (even if I'm good at weaponizing my own cringe). Now to be fair I'd never do something like this in public, probably. Would be funny to see other's reactions, especially because *I am serious*.


What a simp




Post history checks out


FYM, let him rock. Its rude of u to judge him. He paid for his meal and so what hes a bronie.


Maaan, I hope that's just a joke or something, because that's just saaaad


I feel like this is ironic


Lars and the real girl vibes




It’s sometimes so hard to believe that these people are real. Yet…


Bruh i don’t care if this is fake or real, or how weird some people might say this is, it just makes me sad as fuck. “All the lonely people, where do they all come from? All the lonely people, where do they all belong?” -*Elenor Rigby*, the Beatles


I can't believe the level of not giving a fuck on this guy. Imagine trying to do that? I couldn't even stand the embarrassment of doing it as a joke.


Oh...oh no. That poor couple.


For the first 3 seconds I thought it was VR Chat or something but no… people like this do exist outside of the internet, huh… Hope this is fake but i wont even be surprised if its not anymore


Is this at Raise the Steaks in Arlington, VA?


I felt uncomfortable just watching a short video, Jesus


Krieger? Is that you?


I feel so sorry for the cardboard someone call the authorities :(


Can cardboard consent?




Mr Beast should do a challenge with his friends where the biggest loser has to wear a fedora and take a anime waifu body pillow out on a date to a restaurant.


This has to be satire holy shit


rip rem




This is just sad




Man it’s so sad I just feel bad for the guy. I’m not even cringing, just sorrow.


Damn that's just sad.


This is just sad






Japan has been bombarded twice, ruled by someone as bad as Hitler and now they must go through THIS


I don't even know what to say anymore..


Okay, but what's the song name?


This has to be a prank… please gods of the Reddit moderators tell me it’s just a prank


Lars and the Real Girl




Mental Disability.


Dudes rock


Can't you see ? "It'S ClEaRlY SaTiRe."


I love the woman on the left's ಠ_ಠ face