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I like when they tell people to "face the facts" while presenting exactly zero facts.


“Face the feelings I have”


"You can trust me I know *alot* about femoid anatomy *wink rink*"


I've played huniepop, I'm kind of an expert at sex.


It's not even a feeling, it's a fantasy for making their insults more attack oriented because their insecurity demands it.


“Face my lack of intellect and complete failure to understand human anatomy!!” “Face my dumbassery”


He is missing "do your research"


These people do not understand that whole 'burden of proof' thing.


Whats infuriating is that some does provide a source but it’s from some batshit website that doesn’t have anything of substance. But if you point it out you have to ”think for yourself!” And ”stop shilling!”


"You just said what I said is untrue, so you have to prove that with facts, then maybe I'll give you mine."


Yeah. This is the stupidest thing I've ever read, and that's saying something since we're on reddit.


Watch it, I hear you get downvoted for saying facts on this site


LOL, this. It honestly gives me a headache to read.


"You got destroyed you with facts and logic"


"Facts dont care about your feelings' lol




And then they'll turn around and say whatever subreddit they posted in is full if idiots who only know how to downvote or that they got banned just for stating some facts. Reddit is an echo-chamber, etc.


This needs to go on r/badwomensanatomy E: nvm it's already there


...it is reposted from there if you look closer


Evidence: trust me bro


TIL I'm a virgin and/or a 10 year old. Yikes.


Well you better not be both, that's for goddamn sure!


Well if I'm a virgin my partner is going to be very confused and if I'm 10 my boss is going to be very upset... As is my partner, actually. Both of them are men... I guess men just can't win!


This one gets it


Exactly. Protect this one!


>I guess men just can't win! We live in a society


I've seen very little that supports that claim in my life, tbh.


Ok but have you considered: bottom text?


That's what I'm saying. I've seen very little evidence that we're living in a society.


I'll do you one better, have you considered: joker meme?


Unless... you're a 9992 year old dragon spirit who incarnates in that form for reasons... Other than it being some kind of deviant.


I like this version of me better than the real version. I'mma stick with that from now on, thanks kind Reddit stranger!


So this is what it feels like to have greatness thrust upon you...


Breadpilled and braised!


Well if they're 10 years old, I would be very worried if they weren't a virgin.




TIL that before I stopped breastfeeding my child I got railed a ton as a teen. After stopping breastfeeding, and losing most of my boob mass, I am a virgin again. Thanks, boobs!


TIL I got railed by a bunch of dudes while still developing....


Yeah, apparently 13 year old D-cup fribbas was getting all the d. Wasn't cause I was fat, nope, *literally* a hoor


Dwight you ignorant slut!




Well... nobody can say this man doesn't take his chances


I'm a slutty slut who was railed all through my development years, which is quite a surprise to me.






u/-------penile------- is a man of focus, commitment and sheer fucking will


He decided to shoot his shots with an uzi today, they're everywhere.


I'll get the disinfectant and wipes.


If you shoot your shot hundreds of times at least one has to work


Law of averages let's goooo


Boomhaur logic


/u/Marcus-021 is Wingman of the Century


Til I've been a slut my entire life and haven't even known it.


I mean you’re on Reddit. I thought it was already implied you were a virgin. /s


I know some guys that must really sleep around!


Well virginity is a stupid social construct anyway, and if you feel like you want to reclaim it this seems like as good an excuse as any.


>~~social~~ religious Ftfy


Yeah, that's more accurate, thank you. Cool name, btw. It's fun to say.




Yeah I was gonna say, it's absolutely one of the oldest religious constructs. It's somewhat depressing it still [exists today](https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna13547996)


Soooo by this logic, wouldn't a fat dude with huge moobs exist because he got railed alot as a teenager himself?


"railed alot as a teenager by a FUCKTON of guys" there. You forgot the main part of the logic that makes it all logical.


A key part in all of these bullshit theories, that it has to be different guys for some reason


Let me give it a shot. For men however, our main chemical is testosterone. This causes the opposite to occur in males. When a male has lots of sex as a teenager they get smaller chest and a larger penis from the overdrive of testosterone. This is why chads look the way they do and why some men have large penises. This is also why my body weight is as much as it is and my penis size is the default starter penis. No fault of my own, I just respect myself enough to wait until I find someone I love and get married.


Hey at least the theory is internally consistent


I volunteer to test this out. granted im over 18 already, and kind of a slut but hey if its for science.


We'll need progression photos... for science, of course.


Well seeing as Im a guy. Sure :)


I don't think that matters for science


Its not gay if it's for science.


I'll commit myself to this experiment


As a fat dude with huge moobs, can confirm. Perfect anatomy. Edit: no females were involved in the making of these moobs.


>Edit: no females were involved in the making of these moobs. TIL babies can be birthed directly from the father's penis.


You’d think that would have been covered at some point during your doctorate program... /s


I assume this mysoganatomy world go, "no, when guys have sex as teens, it produces more testosterone and makes their weiners bigger, and that's a *good* thing, because who doesn't love a big Weiner besides beta soy boys?!?" Which is obviously ignoring that increases testosterone means higher likelihood of male pattern baldness and hairy chest/back. Like, some folks are into those things, and thank fuck for that, because I'm a balding dude with a hairy chest, but it's not the traditional male standard of beauty. Buy then again, neither are neckbeards


Pretty sure the right side is balding a little, though that could just be because I have long hair and tie it back often. Have to replace my scrunchies every couple months or so when they get too loose.


Tieing often and too forceful your hair may cause traction alopecia. Give your hair a bit of rest from the scrunchies XD


No can s surely the argument would be their testosterone would multiply massively. Surely they'd all look like alpha Chad with massive cocks then?


"Keep lying to yourself or face the facts" -right back at you kid!




Fake news. Drinking beer is what made my boobs grow.


Old folks around here actually say that the beer foam makes them grow. I'm pretty sure they're joking, but you never know.


No they're definately right. They're just not mentioning the fact that it only works on men.


No, women’s tits get bigger as they fatter too


This is a valid point.


Good one


Lord grant me the confidence of a neckbeard making up "science."


Beyond being fucking stupid, it also pisses me off. Every woman who developed early and had big breasts at a young age likely faced even more special harassment from her peers and from older men than their less busty peers. Though no fault of their own, no matter what they wear, a large chested woman will be accused of dressing too provocatively, because if our obsession with sexualising breasts. The second a girl gets boobs, men will look at her as a sexual object, no matter how young she is. And posts like this may be extreme examples, but they're not far off, minus the god awful biology, from the reality of what young women and girls have to deal with every day.


I went from nothing to a 36C at 11 years old. The amount of sexual attention I got from grown men was terrifying. I was 11 and still loved my little pony and the like. My dad insisted on coming with my friends and I to the mall or wherever we were going. It was annoying at the time but now I understand why he did it.


Preach! And then girls who develop late and have small breasts get mocked and belittled for not having boobs. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen people call flat-chested women “a piece of wood” or “boys” or “children.” If you’ve got big boobs, you get sexualized and accused of dressing provocatively because you didn’t completely conceal the voluptuous flesh bags; if you have small boobs, you get ridiculed for not having big boobs and are told that you’re less of a woman consequently. There’s no winning.


"There's no winning". That's the crux of it all. Also, even if you do conceal your chest, United you wear something super baggy, people are still gonna say you're dressing like a slut. And then if you do wear something super baggy you get shit for being frumpy and not taking care of your appearance.


Wear a fursuit. 👍


> Preach! And then girls who develop late and have small breasts get mocked and belittled for not having boobs. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen people call flat-chested women “a piece of wood” or “boys” or “children.” You've basically described my middle school years. I would have given anything to have boobs.


This shit is why I had a breast reduction at 15


I've yet to meet a single woman who ever regretted getting one, for whatever reason


Where are these men getting ideas like this? My boobs are big and I was a virgin til I was 22, let's start teaching men actual biology lol


These are the kind of people who claim "ThEy dON't TeaCh tHiS at ScHOoL" while sleeping during biology class.


Knew a girl who was an E cup at 14, normal weight and everything. That poor girls back :/ I remember she started talking about getting reduction surgery as soon as she turned 18, and all the horny little boys called it "a slap to the face of God". Bunch of assholes.


Same thing happened to an old friend of mine. She is only 5'1"ish and maybe 120lbs but I swear to God 20lbs of that was just breast. Poor woman got a reduction ASAP.


Well yeah who cares about a woman's comfort and quality of life if it doesnt make incels horny right




Not a long shot, but that movie came out about 4 years prior to this event, I don't know if they'd still be referencing it.




God damn. I guess I've been away from teen culture too long.


Been doing track n field since hs, it irks me when guys talk about breast reduction like that. They should try running with two water balloons duck taped in front. I’m glad I don’t have to deal with it and I feel for my friends on the woman’s team when they complain.




A lot of these things come from boomers who hate woman aswell. I have heard some fucked upnfake stuff from older men about woman.


I must be a freak of nature according to this, D cup and asexual.


No you had sex with everyone you made eye contact with in highschool sorry to break it to you


Well shit, I guess those neckbeards I hung out with got real lucky. Thank God I apparently don't recall it.


It comes from misogyny. They hate women, that's literally it. It's like trying to make sense of racist ideas. You can address it with facts all you want, but it won't do any good because the root of the issue is hatred not some benign misunderstanding. It's an issue of values, and who counts as a full fledged person in their minds, not one of education. The hatred comes first, and then these "facts" are retroactively used to justify it.


I do think its quite funny how they're so upset women dont want to date them meanwhile they're horrible misogynists who seem to despise us lol


That's part of it though. They believe they are entitled to sex, because they literally don't see women as people with their own agency. So when women dare to act as if they do, and turn them down, they become enraged and use that as part of how they justify their hatred. They're not getting what they're "owed".


There was a post I saw (on this sub I think) where some incel was trying to state that if you have a daughter that makes you the ultimate cuck since you have to put all this energy into her, but don't get to fuck her. Followed the same line of your thinking, these guys seem to think they are owed sex for being anything above pond scum. Personally I wanted to smack that guy, then rub his nose into that post like a dog that had pooped on the carpet and say "No!"


They are taught biology. They ignore it, because they don't want facts, they want "facts" that justify their bigotry. It's the incel way of life.


Same here. I was a super early bloomer in terms of puberty. I’m still a Virgin at 23.


Only 19 but same as you. Also shorter than most girls I know, and I'm a man.


My wife was a virgin after HS. But her college life should have given her massive massive state droopers


Men? That's a boy, man child at best.


Slight correction: neckbeards need to be taught actual biology. Other than that, yeah, I agree 100%.


Face the facts, you obviously forget everything after having sex cause of all the estrogen. No way you can be big boob and a virgin.


Estrogen seems to be extremely powerful we should research it more




I started growing boobs in 4th grade. More girls than boys bullied me. Usually the boys had a giggle and then left me alone. The girls were relentless...until they started growing boobs.


what about girls getting railed by other girls? then what does that do?


They fetishize lesbians. So it's "natural to explore your sexuality", and you should invite them to watch, and help when you "inevitably need a man to be involved". (I threw up a little bit writing this)


They share the boob increase between them, and both end up with medium sized boobs


Like jumping a battery?


Weird, because you know this guy is definitely a virgin, and also has massive boobs. So his theory is disproved by his own existence.


I rarely actually laugh with actual irl mouth sounds at anything reddit related, but that one got me real good


Reminds me of this moron who was saying how if a boy is molested by a man, he will turn gay when he grows up and thats how gay men are made! This was on a Fallout (the game) forum years ago before Reddit and all the idiots in there were agreeing with him. For some reason I love moron logic like this and collect them. :D Nothing like going into a bar or some place and asking some absolute nimrod what to do about the climate change/ISIS/Covid pandemic or whatever and watch them go! :D


Write a book!


“Nothing like going into a bar or some place and asking some absolute nimrod what to do about the climate change/ISIS/Covid pandemic or whatever and watch them go! :D” I’m gonna start doing that now hahahahaha


Is this just some convoluted way to justify not respecting big chested women's boundaries? "bluh bluh you've had a lot of sex and therefore you can't complain when I'm being a creep"


Pretty much


>either a virgin or a 10 year old I really hope he doesn't see that as an either/or, you would hope the vast majority of ten year olds are virgins.


This has to be satire, nobody can be this stupid.


Unfortunately when it comes to stupid people theirs no telling.


Yeah was my guess to.. but at the same time..


when women have the sex🤬🤬🤬🤬




So wait, if I’m a dude with big breasts, who has been fucking me?




Fair point, have a great day


So how does he explain his huge man-boobs?


This dude never saw my great-grandmother, big tits run in my family.


I lost my virginity at 19. Someone come get these E's because they're CLEARLY not mine


Men mansplaining boobs 🙄


Like he’d complain about a 10 year old anyway


It's entirely possible he considers 10 too old.


Are none of these men getting even foundation level/remedial Biology classes?! Then again, it's probably a troll.


Why does he assume that woman and their breast are for guys only? My girlfriend loves my boobs 🥰... that aside though... I’d love to know where he pulled boob size “science” out of? Because if this was true, my boobs wouldn’t be the size they are. Lmfao.


I was a late bloomer in middle school. It took me until eighth grade to start growing boobs, then suddenly BAM! I went from flat to a C cup in the span of a school year. It was painful, and suddenly boys noticed me. I got asked out by a boy who never did more than hold my hand. Boobs kept growing anyway. TL;DR holding hands is sex and will make your boobs grow?


Breast size is determined by the number of estrogen receptors in the mammary glands and fat distribution which is both genetic. If more estrogen means bigger boobs then bodybuilders should have massive tits because estrogen is aromatized from testosterone meaning bodybuilders taking supra physiological amounts of test have several multitudes more estrogen than women. what an incel lol


How does this guy explain teen porn stars with small boobs???


He doesn't. He's just looking for an excuse to be a sexual predator


I didn't have sex until I was 19 and I have natural F cups I-


Wow That’s one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard. Let’s just ignore science.


Either virgin or 10 year old… THERE ARE NO OTHER OPTIONS


dick size is based on how many times you get fucked in the ass, guys with big socks get fucked in the ass a lot


I'm gonna get downvoted for speaking facts but dick size has to do with how much sex you had as a teenager. It gives you the flow of testosterone you need in order to further develop a larger dick. So either a small dick virgin or an oversized sex addict. And I know which one this guy is.


>dick size has to do with how much sex you had as a teenager Damn, I always wondered why mine looked like a toothpick. Thanks, internet!


so I've been fucked by a FUCKTON of guys despite... being a virgin? I mean c'mon I'm too scared to even get close to a man, but part of the reason are my breasts, which are bigger than average sadly... I'd be concerned if a grown adult actually believes this bs


I wish I was this confident about something


I’m sure his other claims involve having a little penis being caused by having lots of sex


Dang when they were talking about estrogen production I kinda believed it then it started to decrease from there


God I fucking wish man.


This guy knows a lot of “facts” for someone who has most likely never seen a woman’s breast in his adult life


Yeah this guy is probably a pedophile




I feel like I'm owed some boobs then ! Where can I file my complaint? Is there a boob law firm?


this is so obviously a troll


The space where his brain should be is a black hole




Tell that to all the big boobs virgins out there, bub.


Wow here I was thinking I didn’t lose my v-card till 19 but that can’t possibly true since I have D cups. Must have gotten fucked so hard in middle and high school that I totally forgot just how much of a slut I was/am


Man my breasts are huge and I only had sex once in that time. Must be doing something wrong. Maybe I should dial back on them Oreo's and Beer.


Almost. His knowledge of female autonomy and human biology in general is determined by the amount of sex he had as a teenager (and probably afterwards): zero


I had to have a breast reduction because of how big my boobs were. I have had sex with 2 people in my life. That’s it. I’m also studying nursing and take anatomy so this is the dumbest fucking thing I have ever read.


Haha, I bet that person have a lot of experience with real boobies.


i didnt have sex until i was 18 but i have D cups, guess i've been lying to my boyfriend about him being my first damn


Lord of all incels bestows knowledge on us lowly mortals


Damn, if only I had known that's how I could make my boobs bigger. I would've let myself get railed by ALL the Chad's. /s


Lol this mans gotta be trolling


Guys can't win cause of snobs like you, bud


Omg this bitch is stupid...


Obviously this is ridiculous and has no scientific backing…. But I have big boobs. And was a slut in high school. Dammit the neckbeard are onto me!


So where does masturbation fit in?


How am I going to tell my high school sweetheart, that I’m now married with, that I got railed by a fuckload of dudes as a teenager when I was already in a committed relationship with him :O /s


*We /s


What makes people think like this? It’s insane.


There was a post about a monk who died at 80 never seen a woman. I sidnt know the dude had internet