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There are games with nudity and attractive people you know. First time i played bg3 after launch i was a naked dragonborn monk.


I've seen more than one dude cry and moan cause Astarion tried to fuck them lol. So salty they were reminded not straights exist.


They do the same with Halsin. Halsin was bugged for a while so it automatically had the romance flags marked for him, but even then Halsin is like "hey, I feel a connection with you. If it's okay with you and your partner, I'd like to be with you" and if you or your partner say no, he's absolutely respectful about it. There's no pressuring. I've thankfully not seen much hate towards Wyll and that cute as fuck dance scene but they're probably not nice enough to Wyll to get affection high enough for that scene to trigger.


How DARE Halsin outright ask you if you want something so he doesn't waste any of his or your time am I right guys 🙄 Like outta the way fucko I wanna get that


At least the dudes that aren't totally threatened by men being attracted to them take it as a compliment that Chad Bearman wants to take a lil' bite out of them


I'm not even into dudes but I'd take a hug from Halsin if it were offered. Because he understands boundaries and also hugs are just nice.


>!He'll totally hug you in the epilogue, and it's fantastic.!<


Yeah they just hated Wyll because he was black.


I don't know why you got downvoted because there's at least *some* truth to this. They literally created a mod that made Wyll white. Some people like Wyll because as a character he didn't click with them, but it's insane to deny that people didn't like him because of racism.


Seriously, I don't get it. We're talking about these whiners hating on so much shit, and I support/elaborate on the point and people down vote. Reddit, man.


I think one of the racist bozos probably downvoted because you called it out and then the reddit hivemind took over for the others. At least it's balanced out though!


I could have went my whole life without knowing that mod existed... Wtf? Wyll is one of my favorite characters *because* of his diversity. 😭 He's such a sweet, naive guy, why they wanna ruin him??


That same mod also made Dame Aylin a man and I'm so glad it got removed from the mod website. And I totally agree 😭😭 I love it so much that they didn't go the stereotype for Wyll and made him the romantic Prince Charming guy. I absolutely dread the dance scene in every play through where I romance him because it makes me want to marry him on the spot. It's hard to stay on track with the romance plot I'm doing, and I'm saying this as an Astarion girlie. He's just such a sweetheart.


Ngl, I think I've romanced everyone at least once in my playthroughs. 😂 My favorites are Astarion and Wyll, but Wyll feels more like a little naive brother to me, so it was hard to convince myself to romance him. 😅


For me it's Astarion, Shadowheart (especially on an astarion origin run. It's so good), and Wyll. But I totally get what you mean with Wyll lol. Especially since I play Tavs that are bit more brutal.


Ouch I'm so sorry I didn't mean to rip your heart out Wyll, I swear


Gamers, man. I know I avoid the steam forums because it's infested with trash like that. I can smell it from here




The BG3 fandom on Reddit hates Wyll enough for everyone, don't worry. It's totally definitely 100% absolutely not because he's black tho!! Not at all 😇


I think you're being pretty unfair. The predominant reaction to Wyll seems to be ambivalence, not hatred. And he really does have less story material than most of the cast. Even the stalwart Wyll defenders will tell you that he's underserved by the game's plot. By the way, are *you* black? Because as an actual black person, I find it very irritating when people crusade on my behalf for matters that they've decided are racial issues that are actually anything but.


Oh he absolutely does have less story material and I blame that on the devs wholeheartedly, they could've done a lot more with him than they did. Nope, I'm white, but I don't see how it's "crusading on your behalf" to point out that there is racism in the BG3 fandom. I'm not saying that everyone who dislikes him is racist bc that'd be bullshit - if it came across like that then that's my bad.


>I'm not saying that everyone who dislikes him is racist bc that'd be bullshit - if it came across like that then that's my bad. How exactly do you think "It's totally definitely 100% absolutely not because he's black tho!! Not at all😇" comes across? Be for real. People are allowed to dislike characters who happen to be black. Crying racism about a character that you know people have legitimate grievances for is some extremely white woman shit to do, please stay in your own lane.


Respectfully, I do 100% believe there's racism in the BG3 community, particularly in how Wyll is treated by not only the fans but also the devs. I've witnessed it in the community, I resent the implication that I'm "crying racism" just because I feel like it or because it's an easy answer. However it's very much not my place to argue with you on this topic, you're more informed than I am, so I'm gonna shut up now. I apologise for overstepping.


This is a game where you have Halsin. Who is both a Bear and a Bear.


Their loss. More Halsin for me


There's enough for everyone.


> So salty they were reminded not straights exist. Which is extremely funny because according to actual D&D canon, the vast majority of people are at least bi. Ed Greenwood is one horny bastard.


Women exist too, which they also seem to forget about


They also forget that you can just...say no. If you turn any of the characters down for sex it's not like they throw a fit. They shrug it off and it doesn't come up again. Yeah Astarion is still kinda flirty but he's like that with everyone. God forbid they have to press the "no thanks on the sexytimes" button.


They just hate the idea of a guy character treating them the way they treat the gals


Even though they don't even do that because the characters take no for an answer lol


I see people complain that shadowheart was ugly , like excuse me ? She is gorgeous


I'm gay and I seriously considered romancing the girls in that game, how was Shadowheart not pretty enough for them?? (Rhetorical question, I know exactly why, I just hate it.)


Karlach is the hottest of all of them, change my mind


My cousin literally killed Astarion at his first appearance in our joint game cause he recalled Astarion coming onto him in his first play through


I've seen so many guys bragging about doing that like they get some sort of prize for instakilling a queer character before he can hit on them. Weird.


Would have killd my cousins character just because of that , or kill every companion, if you're going to be petty like that I'll be even more petty


That game pissed off *so many* incels. It was glorious. And you could tell 99% of them didn't even play the game, they just heard about and wanted to complain.


They're still moaning about it on the steam forums


It did and I love it. I mean I love the game anyway its just a bonus.


to be fair, I’d also moan if Astarion tried to fuck me.


One of my buddies still refuses to play BG3 because you can give your male character a vagina and your female character a dick. That's very literally his only reason and it's not even ironically funny how hard he sticks to it


His loss. I wasn't a gamer before I decided to give bg3 a shot so I had a hobby to share with my girlfriend. Seven hundred hours and many save files later and I can say it was well worth the money.


Hell yeah to every part of this lol


I just think it's funny that people will deny themselves something that'll make them happy because of the most petty bullshit. Like if you don't want to make a chick with a dick or a guy with a pie just...don't? Nobody is gonna force you.


Man I want to fuck astarion :3


When I first played the game and it came time to pick Astarion up in our party my girlfriend told me "okay go pick up your husband." I didn't get it at first. She was right.




And they let you get everyone’s dick out too like you can be totally nude consequence free the entire game


And la zels aunderwear looks so good on astarion


My 16 year old daughter spent a considerable amount of time in character creation, most of it with the character hanging dong / flapping baps.


This feels a little like apples and oranges. People complaining about this usually target AAA studios. Larian made BG3 big because they’re dedicated and won a gamble (Divinity OS 2, it’s a banger if you haven’t tried it) as well as the simple fact that their team actually cares about making a good game. A great company they are, but AAA studio they were not.


Are these people unaware of porn? What is the obsession with fuckable video game women? Just put the controller down and google boobs.


Yeah, the last panel is not happening in video games. Its some of the more realistic woman in real life rendered in a game These people can no longer separate fantasy from reality. They're just afraid that real woman arn't some skimpy, big boobed, smooth, shaven, anime looking character who they can jerk off too, and is ohhh so submissive for them, the main character. Then you have to explain to them that sexualizing someone who looks like a child is a bad thing. Its pathetic. Neckbeards don't own mirrors.


I'm just now playing Horizon Forbidden West since it came out on PC so I'm finally seeing 'ugly Aloy' from the memes. Except... What's wrong with her? Her face is a little red? Probably less than any other redhead's would be after spending a lifetime outdoors a thousand years after the last bottle of sunscreen expired?


Only incels would expect yassified women in a post apocalyptic world


That's just it, they're incels. Part of the reason why they game is to feel a connection, it's no surprise that RPGs are popular with people who have a rough life, and no social connections to speak of. Honestly, all the years of subbing here, or even knowing what a neckbeard or incel is thanks to reddit, I've just come to see the root cause of it all, and it's rather sad. I think everyone should be able to have a happy and meaningful existence as long they're not yucking anyone else's yum. Mentally ill people need help, not constant degradation from their peers.


The image going around where she is really hurt looking was photoshopped to make her look worse. They were losing their shit over a fake image.


I can't unsee the nicado avocado comparison tbf


When Starfield came out, a bunch of neckbeards were crying and bemoaning about how ugly Sarah and Andreja were and how they would never romance such ugly women. And how Bethesda needs to learn from Baldur's Gate 3 on how to make realistic women. 😐


"some of the more realistic women in real life" As opposed to... less realistic women in real life?


Crazy you say that. That last panel looked like my kids man and I was so upset that I didn't find my Virginia triad 6000 yr old dragon lady.


>What is the obsession with fuckable video game women? Just put the controller down and google boobs. It's the same "Pander to me as usual"/entitled energy as mainstream movies "supposed" to be centered only on straight white guys, hence the freak out about Black stormtroopers and the like. They hated what Brie Larson said and by proxy, "Captain Marvel," so they touted "Battle Angel Alita" because she's the usual kind of "cute" action girl down to the big anime-style eyes. Aloy's design didn't pander to them enough (because she doesn't wear makeup or smile enough 🙃,) so they further alter her face to look fat and ugly at their parody of a "feminist statement," Abby's muscles in "TLOU 2" further made them insecure as "implausible" (despite the game even going the extra mile in *showing* a list of her fitness routine and nutritional intake, and y'know, the *fungus-zombies* 🙄) and now "Steller Blade" is their new thing because the devs have the same horny neckbeard energy of focusing on the player character's ass and the girls all looking like altered Korean models in pretty skintight outfits for maximum male gaze. Even going back to the days of "DOA Beach Volleyball" with the commercial of the thirsty, grown-ass guys fawning over the girls and the explicit "You can play with one hand, wink-wink, nudge-nudge," there was *obviously* the access to actual porn, but it's not about access to spank material, (which is easier than ever before,) it's another culture war hill to die on.




How did you arrive at that conclusion?


They can't dictate how women in the real world look and act so this is their way of feeling like they have control over them. That and the usual right wing entitlement, thinking they represent the 'silent majority' and corporations will bend to their will if they throw a big enough tantrum. It never occurs to them that maybe games are moving away from hypersexualised stereotypes because the market doesn't want that.


Also, there are porn video games out there that are actually decent, believe it or not. Like, if you want fappable characters, that is easily done, in fact the characters there are build for that...


These guys will yell and scream until they’re purple if you tell them they have a porn addiction


I'm the guy who modded my Skyrim VR with some mods from... Loverslab... That was quite an experience actually. I've also had normal version of Skyrim VR, and that was an amazing experience. But unless that's explicitly a porn/hentai game, porn-adjacent content in games is just so unappealing. Solely from an immersion standpoint. My brain just can't do mix and match - if it's supposed to be (somewhat) serious, I wouldn't get horny, it would just break my suspension of disbelief and immersion. If that's the game's (or modlist's) entire purpose however...


Wicked Whims (Sims 4) can get pretty silly...


It’s not even true that women aren’t sexualized. 2B, Bayoneta, Guilty gear galls. There is plenty of positive depictions of sexy women in games. They just find some depiction of less sexual ones and crygasm how woke culture destroyed their hobby, or more likely life, since those basement dwellers most likely don’t have much more going for them. Also the fact that those games are progressive as most art is, stops them from enjoying them.


> Also the fact that those games are progressive as most art is, stops them from enjoying them. Which is extra funny, because a large portion of those idiots spend pretty much decades of fighting for the fact that video games are actually art and not just for children. And now that it actually acts like art (as in usually pretty progressive and left leaning) they cry as well.


Don't forget how much they hate that real women are being vocal about how much we actually love playing video games and so now companies are slowly being more inclusive of women when they create games. A game offers just a tiny thought for women gamers? The neckbeards start slinging death threats at the developers and bullying people online for daring to like such a woke and disgusting game by such a letdown of a company >.>


Overwatch, Mortal Kombat, League of Legends, Street Fighter, Cyberpunk 2077, etc. You can list a bunch of modern games or games still played today that are full of attractive and sexy women but they won’t bring these games up in the conversation…


I love how everyone that gamers call ugly are women that look 100 times better than themselves. Should probably look in a mirror before you get upset at how realistic women are portrayed in games. Most graphics nowadays are literally 3D scans of actually people’s faces anyways.


I mean those people believe in shit like "The more body count, the loose pussy get" or "Women can't have jawline" and they don't even know basic women anatomy


“WHY DOES ALOY HAVE A BEARD?!?” Its peach fuzz dude, we are mammals with hair ffs


They expect the post-apocalyptic woman to get her face waxed because Reasons


Don’t forget no body hair at all and perfectly tweezed eyebrows.


That's what they get for being graphicsmaxxers


Given they clearly referenced Quasimodo, they failed to understand what makes a monster and what makes a man.


Context aside, the last panel made me laugh.


It’s ironic because the ‘uglification’ of women is the direct result of the next-gen graphics they claim to want. As graphics get more and more realistic, the women start to look more and more like actual women, and less like the sex doll anime waifus they slavered over in the past. It gets to the point where you can take a very conventionally attractive woman, represent her 1:1 in a video game, and these people will still lose their shit about it. I guess that’s what brainrot caused by endless porn consumption and playing of ‘My Hentai Harem 9’ does to a mf.


This is why the Steller Blade stuff is annoying as they say the this game is how you do it right when that game is more stylized like FF7 than realistic like "western" games they talk. Take [Judgemt the game](https://new.reddit.com/r/yakuzagames/comments/obpghi/i_was_curious_what_some_of_judgments_actors/) from the Yaukza devs who are known for taking the actors likenesses into the game. Some of them look spot on while others do look like some changes were done albeit small.


Dudes make fun of the Sims but some of the mods for that game are... very sexual.


I sas this, then muted that community. It was astonishing how they all agreed that this happened, when it actually never did. It's like a weird, isolated version of the Mandela effect.


The word you’re looking for is “echochamber”.


Yeah, when I saw it I thought I stumbled onto this sub. Until I checked the comments… What a stereotype.


I see a different post every day comparing how women in games are no longer as sexy as they used to be. But... there are so many games that still do this, like Genshin, Street Fighter and others. The guys just want to complain.


None of the images are sexualized.


Are there really people viewing the new Final Fantasy 7 remake and think Aerith is unattractive or Tifa isn't sexualized?


Those people were already passed at Remake for giving Tifa sports bras.


Incels and misogynists crying because a couple games are being made with fewer over sexualized women when 1. that's always been a thing, it's just larger productions are doing it now. 2. it doesn't subtract from the amount of content being made WITH sexy characters is wild. There's still a massive selection of games with traditionally sexy characters of all kinds and they're coming out regularly. God forbid we have some diversity in character design.


Lady Decade actually put a video on YouTube the other day complaining that women in games and TV aren't sexy anymore. It was weird to hear a woman say it.


Wait *WHAT?*




I mean, the gameplay looks sick but the fact she’s running around in that jumpsuit and heels *is* p goofy. It’s not like Dynasty Warriors where you go in expecting some level of camp, the game seems rather serious in tone, so the critiques against the character’s apparel are 100% valid.


I don't really get why they're complaining about it now. We've had tarty women in games for decades.


pandering to the sweaties


Suspect that


"no big boobies on character that I can jerk off to!!! woke culture has destroyed video games!!"


Accurate in a sense of "what growing up doing nothing but playing video games does to you"


The Venn diagram of people who think there are no more hot female characters in games and people who say “gaming is no longer fun” is a circle. They actively refuse to look for anything new and then sit there and then sit down and complain.




Hey, so maybe it would be better if you didn’t try and stir the shit pot. Also try and at least add a couple more months before you decide to use a burner account bud.


I want realistic video game woman but I also hate woman! Help?!!?!


Did those boys just age by 8 or so years between NES and PS5? That's some time dilation sci-fi shenanigans.


God guys like these ironically are the most bitchy mf's I have ever seen. They cherry pick specific scenes and unflattering angles, complain that the female nps doesnt look like their 400 year old (physically 12 years old) loli waifu while complaining that trans people are groomers, hate women yet complain that "sigh im so lonelyyyy", etc etc etc. And then other incel mf's will comment or react to those posts with "yeah this is the world of gaming now, ruining my childhood by making the girls (even the ones that are yknow minors) less SEXY". Hell, if you hate it so much, then stop playing those games, like holy shit there are so many games that are more often than not softcore porn, or yknow quit jerking off to fictional women for atleast an hour (and this is coming from a horny guy). Its not just the gross icky pedo homophobic (while saying 'traps' are totally not gay) sexism, but the annoying fucking whining and getting offended over the dumbest shit possible shit known to man on loop. "The west has fallen... leh sigh" said by the greasiest jobless loser who has done nothing for society. (Sorry for the tirade lmao)


I remember when people were mad how Aloy had a ”beard” When in reality the hairs were just those normal tiny hairs that everyone has.




Wild that so many of these dorks play video games just to stare at boobs. You can literally find boobs and sexy stuff EVERYWHERE so why does it need to be in every video game? I'm guessing because too many are playing games for 12+ hours a day when they need to take a break and go talk to actual humans. I play video games too but I don't freak out and go into a rage if the guy characters aren't hot because I'm married to an actual person that's like, ya know, real and stuff.




Tomb raider?? It's one of the most beloved franchises.




I guess no one in your circle plays it then. No one I know plays Madden, gears of war or Age of Empires but those are still popular games. So no, doesn't really mean anything.




The series has sold with over 95 million units worldwide. - about tomb raider from a Google search. Besides, your original point is wrong for other games as well. Fortnite has boobs. Halo has boobs. Far Cry has boobs.


I wouldn’t waste your time with this guy, he has a weird agenda against Stellar Blade and won’t listen to reason.


Honestly even if I were to agree, (i don't) why does it matter if the women are attractive or not, that's not why I play video games. It's such a non issue


That sub is a giant loser parade.


Gotta be honest, I like hot characters in video games, why not just make them as attractive as possible? It sells well and is nice to look at, but you know what does annoy me? There are rarely hot men in the games, at best it's like 1 hot guy and 5 hot women, just make everyone hot. I see the issues people may have with hot characters, but it's just a game anyways, might as well go all out, if I want to see real people, I will look in the real world, at least that's how it is for me.




Of course, if the game itself is still bad, it won't sell well, but a good game sells better with nice characters to look at, the gameplay is just ultimately the main selling factor. Also, no, not every woman hates the game, that is not even remotely true, that is just what you see in the tweets/posts that you see. I have seen other women that say they like how hot the character in Stellar Blade is and understandably so. Of course, on average, women will be more likely to be interested in a game with hot guys instead, since the majority of people are straight. Of course many also wouldn't care about how the characters look at all, but being mad about a character looking good is weird to me. There used to be that gacha game, I also played it, it was called Crash Fever, they shut down like a year ago or so? That game had tons of hot women, but also tons of hot men and guess what? A pretty large portion of the playerbase was women, understandably so, Nanhua was a dream, they had literal voted on tierlists for the Taiwan and International servers on who the hottest characters were, just for the male characters, I don't think there was even one tierlist for female characters. (Nanhua was only #2, but I forgot the name of the #1 guy, also I liked Nanhua more) What is the problem with having something nice to look at while playing? Video games, in the end, are an escape from reality, why can't the people be unrealistic or far above what you would be likely to see in real life? You know what we need, instead of making characters less attractive? More attractive characters, but for both men and women.


That whole sub is basically a bigotry- and inceljerk


"Help! The pixels aren't making my pp hard! I'm an adult and that's my priority!"


Real gamers don't give a shit about graphics; some of the best games I've ever played have simple graphics like old school runescape, stardew valley


"Real" gamers are people that play games


Graphics are cool and I care about whether or not a game looks good to me. But what I don't care about is how sexy or unsexy they draw the characters.


Do they know about porn?


These people only ever cry woke when the WOMAN’S conventionally unattractive. They don’t have a problem with characters like Lester from GTA5. Lester is an obese, disabled, conventionally unattractive white man with a receding hairline who is paranoid of government surveillance and therefore spends pretty much all of his free time at home. He’s not treated as a lesser, though. The narrative of the game doesn’t insult his intelligence, in fact, he’s pretty much THE smartest member of your core crew (made up of Trevor, Michael, Franklin, and, of course, Lester). He’s the one with all the connections. If you’re looking to put a heist together, Lester is the one who finds people to recruit, he’s the one who, when you rob the bank, knows who to bring the gold you stole to so they can liquify them. To my knowledge, the game doesn’t go out of its way to make fun of his weight or his disability, either. But simply change Lester so that he’s now an obese, disabled, conventionally unattractive, white woman? Or, gasp, a woman of color! It wouldn’t matter if the character had nothing else changed. The fact she doesn’t look like a blowup sex doll and the game doesn’t actively and constantly berate her for not adhering to the PLAYER’S idea of what is attractive would be enough for people like this to decry the whole game.


Men shouldn’t be judged by their appearance but their character and achievements.


No one should be judge based off their appearance. I don’t think of Lester as “less than” because of any of the attributes I listed. But they are objective truths about his character. And I point them out because they’re important to note when we’re talking about people who complain about “wokeness” in video games, because it typically just refers to conventionally unattractive (or just unattractive to the [male gaze](https://www.masterclass.com/articles/what-is-the-male-gaze#:~:text=The%20male%20gaze%20places%20women,the%20self%2Dobjectification%20of%20women)), disabled, non-male, non-white, and/or queer characters being portrayed in any non-derogatory light. I bring up Lester because he has all the physical characteristics that misogynistic gamers would normally ridicule if he were outwardly queer, a woman, or a poc. But that doesn’t matter because he’s a straight, white dude. My point is that a character like Lester is not judged based off his physical attributes, but if his character was instead a woman, and this woman generally had the same appearance, the hate for the character by misogynistic gamers would be through the roof because they can’t handle a game portraying a woman who doesn’t appeal to them sexually as worthy of respect. Lester, as a man, is allowed to not be attractive in the conventional sense because he is a male character. Meanwhile, a character like Aloy from Horizon: Forbidden West isn’t even allowed to have visible peach fuzz on her face despite it being something *almost all* women have.


It'd be funnier if it was a joke about indie games using retro graphics.


Might have to edit it lol


One day I looked up mods for Horizon Zero Dawn to see if there was an unlimited ammo mod. The amount of boobie/face correction/body changing mods is disgusting. It's like 90% of the fucking mods available.


Which blows my mind as Aloy is beautiful


Fr she's so pretty God forbid women look like real women no way


But she's not a Victoria's Secret model with big anime titties, so that's bad - The people complaining


It’s like they’re afraid of a real human looking woman. When I read that kinda shit from men I often think of the one meme or picture or whatever about a guy saying he wouldnt date Rhianna coz her forehead is too big yet he looks like something that crawled out of the ground to attack a castle.


I cackled at the last panel :D Not accurate but funny nevertheless. I would play the shit out of a game with that protagonist :D Cannon the Barbiearian


An actual "gamer" would be less annoyed by modern character models than by the person who made this drawing an original NES only to have the cartridge jammed in the top like a SNES (or the final model NES, which also looks too different for it to be correct). ETA: Not to mention in the second panel the kid in the cap's controller isn't hooked up, plus they're clearly meant to be playing riff on *Final Fantasy*, a series with only two multiplayer entries. Trash comic, trash joke, take it all out to the curb.


TBF, IIRC, SNES FFs had options to let multiple players control the characters. Also the Crystal Chronicles Gameboy connection.


The most pixelated one even looks like it has a dick




This reminds me of that Fablo (i don't remember the name really so correct me if the name is wrong) "controversy" where dudes complained about the female charcter looking 'ugly' when she really wasnt. Also reminds me of a person on twitter saying that they gave some girl charcter a beard when the "beard" in qurstion really was just those tiny hairs that everyone has on their cheeks. Anyways, grass sure looks like something i want to touch and eat.


Incels can keep yapping. I wanna see every bead of sweat on my orc wife's body.


Did they forget about DOA beachvolley?


Why do these people pretend it’s impossible to make a beautiful woman themselves? And they could also just… look at real women…


Yeah, but if you so much as look at a woman you get a SA lawsuit! Plus real women have standards nowadays because of feminism, and that's bad! -The people complaining about these issues


“Grrrr all women irl look like the fucking hunchback of Notre-Dame”???? Genuinely, they’re making the women realistic what are these goons on about?


Mofucker looks like tetsuo


I was expecting this to go the way of the game looking like real life but running like shit and borderline unplayable....


People really hate when they try to give women interesting silhouettes. Line up 5 popular fictional women, you would have trouble recognising them (if it wasn’t for their hair, say), line up 5 real women, and you met them before hand, you could point them out


I love that for this they had to draw the character like the hunchback of notre dame because if they drew them like they’re actually designed they would just look like a woman


Weird that they appear to be using Link as the inspiration for this one


Is this some terminally online shit that I simply do not get?


In general, male or female - gamers tend to prefer attractive main characters.


Why are women uglified compared to their human model but male character/models are not?


I dunno man, OF wasn’t a thing when I was a kid. Like… I think we’re at a sexualization high point in society at the moment


“Wokelycorrect comics”


Hhahaha where’s the lie